632 research outputs found

    Human health risk characterization of lead pollution in contaminated farmlands of Abare village, Zamfara State, Nigeria

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    This study was initiated to assess the level of lead (Pb) contamination in farmlands, crop plants and water sources and the health risk in one of the Pb-contaminated villages of Zamfara State. Soil samples were collected from two depths at intervals of 10, 50, 150, 300, 500 and 1000 m from the last house along each of the four cardinal directions (North, South, East and West). Crop plant samples were also collected at each sampling distance while profile pits were dug at 150 m in each direction. Water samples were collected from all available sources in the villages. Contents of total Pb was determined in all samples following aqua regia digestion for soil and plant samples, water samples were digested with HNO3. Health risk assessment was based on lifetime exposure through ingestion and inhalation of soil and dust based on the USEPA risk exposure models. The average concentrations of Pb in farmlands (515 mg kg-1) and profile pits (365 mg kg-1) were lower than its extent in plant materials (1220 mg kg-1). The average chronic daily intake (CDI) for carcinogenic risk in mg kg-1 day-1 was 1.3 x 105 for Pb. Non carcinogenic CDI in mg kg-1 day-1 averaged 1.7 x 108 in adults. For children, it averaged 9.7 x 107 mg kg-1 day-1. However, the concentrations in all the samples are far beyond acceptable levels with high repercussion for environment and human health hazard. Suitable intervention measures are required to reduce these high concentrations in order to minimize risks associated with contamination.Key words: Heavy metals, lead, Zamfara, health risk, soil contamination

    An Assessment of the Levels of Phosphate in Local and Foreign Detergents in Kano Metropolis, Kano, Nigeria

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    Concentration of phosphate in some commercial detergents commonly used in homes, laundry services, schools and offices in Kano Metropolis have been determined. The analyses were carried out on both local and foreign detergents using a spectrophotometric method. The analysis was based on the formation of phosphomolybdate with added molybdate ion followed by its reduction with sodium sulphide in aqueous tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid medium. The system obeys Lambert-Beer’s law at 715 nm in the concentration range 0.30-12.24 mgdm-3 and the data were computed using percentage and t-test. The values obtained for local detergent samples were Bn (0.041%), Om (0.066%), Gn (0.013%), Bb (0.046%), Br (0.046%), Kl (0.035%), Bp (0.053%), Ep (0.010%), Zp (0.025%), Jb(0.014%), and Ar (0.042%) while those of the foreign detergents were Ps (0.005%), Td (0.042 %) ,Lk (0.027%), Ta (0.022%), Dm (0.007%), Bg (0.005%), Bs (0.026%), Kn (0.031%), and Lb (0.006%). The accepted level of phosphate in detergents is 0.5% (MSA, 2010). Thus, the concentration of these detergent samples fall within the set limit. This study has revealed that continuous use of these products could result in an increase in the phosphate levels in laundry discharges into soil, ponds, lakes and rivers. Excessive amount of phosphate has long been implicated in the eutrophication of surface water bodies, as such, to promote lake/river recovery and improve trophic status, it is imperative that phosphate loads in surface waters are reduced.Keywords: Chelated, Eutrophication, Phosphate, Phosphomolybdate, Synthetic detergen

    Biological nitrogen fixation of some groundnuts as affected by genotype and applied phosphorus at Samaru, northern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria

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    Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), brought about by both free living soil microorganisms and their symbiotic associations with higher plants, is the major source of N input into agricultural systems. Groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), in symbiosis with rhizobia, in their root nodules, fix atmospheric nitrogen (N2). A field trial was carried out at Samaru, Nigeria, in 2008 with a view to evaluate BNF potentials of five groundnut genotypes (SAMNUT 10, 11, 21, 22 and 23). Each genotype received four rates of P (0, 20, 40 and 60 P2O5 ha-1) in an RCBD with three replications. N-Difference method was employed in assessing the BNF of the genotypes. Nodulation performance of the genotypes was observed. Results of the study showed that SAMNUT 11 and 22 significantly recorded thehighest nodulation, by number and weight. All the remaining genotypes statistically produced same nodule number. Moreover, the early maturing SAMNUT 21 fixed the highest (82 kg N ha-1) quantity of N2, while SAMNUT 11 (46 kg N ha-1) and 23 (31 kg N ha-1) were statistically similar and fixed the lowest N2. SAMNUT 11 and 22 were, therefore, found to significantly record the highest nodule number and weigh and SAMNUT 21 fixed the highest N2, and hence the highest BNF, indicating their genotypic desirability in terms of N2 addition to the soil environment, especially forsubsequent crops.Keywords: Arachis hypogaea, Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Genotype, Phosphoru


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    Ochna schweinfurthiana (Os, Family: Ochnaceae) is a small evergreen tree used in ethnomedicine to treat different ailments; it is also used in agri-horticulture and as ornaments, dyes among others. It is a rich source of complex dimers of flavonoids and used for treatment of pain, inflammation, and arthritis. Chemical investigations carried out on the different parts of the plant have been confined to phenolic compounds majorly, bioflavonoids, glycosides, steroids and terpenes. The plant, O. schweinfurthiana have shown a wide spectrum of biological and pharmacological properties which include antimicrobial, cytotoxic/antiproliferative, genotoxicity, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiplasmodial.  This review comprehensively summarizes the potential effects of the plant O. schweinfurthiana, chemically and pharmacologically. However, more researches in the aspect of phytochemical and biological studies are needed to exhaustively isolate bioactive compounds and evaluate their effects on other ailments as claimed by the traditional healers.                    Peer Review History: Received 20 Nov 2019;   Revised 19 December; Accepted 28 December, Available online 15 January 2020 Academic Editor: Ahmad Najib, Universitas Muslim Indonesia,  Indonesia, [email protected] UJPR follows the most transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system. The identity of the authors and, reviewers will be known to each other. This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review. As a result of this unique system, all reviewers will get their due recognition and respect, once their names are published in the papers. We expect that, by publishing peer review reports with published papers, will be helpful to many authors for drafting their article according to the specifications. Auhors will remove any error of their article and they will improve their article(s) according to the previous reports displayed with published article(s). The main purpose of it is ‘to improve the quality of a candidate manuscript’. Our reviewers check the ‘strength and weakness of a manuscript honestly’. There will increase in the perfection, and transparency. Received file:                Reviewer's Comments: Average Peer review marks at initial stage: 5.5/10 Average Peer review marks at publication stage: 7.5/10 Reviewer(s) detail: Dr. Mohamed Derbali, Faculty of Pharmacy, Monastir, Tunisia, [email protected] Ahmad Najib, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia, [email protected]  Similar Articles: ANTIHYPERGLYCEMIC AND ANTI-OXIDANT POTENTIAL OF ETHANOL EXTRACT OF VITEX THYRSIFLORA LEAVES ON DIABETIC RAT

    Budgeting Systems in Universities in South-West Nigeria

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    This study examined the types of budgeting systems adopted by universities in South-West Nigeria. Stratified random sampling was used to select seven universities from five states within the hinterland of Nigeria’s South-West geopolitical zone. A questionnaire entitled Budgeting System Questionnaire was used to collect data. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings were that the mostly adopted budgeting system by the sampled universities was incremental type with 46.7%, in comparison with line-item, planning programming and zero-based budgeting systems with 33.33%, 16.67 % and 8.33%, respectively. Also, out of the total sum of N80,115,006,285 as expenditure on six selected priority areas in the three academic years by the sampled universities, salaries and allowances had the highest amount of expenditure (i.e. N60.412,111,285) (75.41%) while research and publications had the lowest amount of N211,528,456.64 (0.26%). Based on the findings, it is recommended that the incremental budgeting system which is majorly adopted by universities in Nigeria should be carefully guided to discourage corruption and financial recklessness as it encourages spending up to the budget towards the end of the year so that the budget is maintained the next year. It is also recommended that the NUC gives an award to any university that allocates at least five percent of its revenue expenditure to research and publications.Keywords: Budgeting Systems, Government Universities, South-West Nigeria

    Application of Hosaka and DJ Kim Whatmann paper protocols for rapid isolation of cowpea DNA

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    The traditional liquid nitrogen DNA extraction method is expensive and tedious. There is, therefore, the need for cheaper and faster methods of DNA extraction for efficient application of marker assisted selection (MAS) for breeding for striga resistance in cowpea to be able to handle large number ofsamples at a time. Two DNA extraction methods; Hosaka (2004) and DJ Kim Whatmann paper (unpublished) were tested on cowpea line IT06K-5-83 under different conditions. The results revealed that both methods with modifications can work with cowpea. However, Hosaka (2004) method seems to be more promising than the other method for DNA extraction in cowpea because it gives better and more consistent DNA band

    Knowledge of birth defects among nursing mothers in a developing country

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    Background: In the absence of established guidelines, where formal screening is unavailable for birth defects, a lot of responsibility is placed on parents in the recognition of these defects.Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the awareness of mothers about birth effects in a developing country and assess what they know about the prevention, detection and treatment of children with birth defects.Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of 714 mothers consecutively selected at two major hospitals in Nigeria between May and December, 2012. Data were collected with interviewer administered questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed using SPSS and statistical significance set at p <0.05Results: The participants were aged 17 to 42 years. Only 183 (25.6%) were aware of birth defects. Factors associated with awareness of birth defects were older age, religious belief, better education, higher socioeconomic class, early age at booking and registering at a tertiary care facility. Education, socioeconomic class as well as month and location of booking were found to be independent predictors of awareness of birth defects.Conclusion: Mothers in Ibadan, Nigeria, a country without a formal newborn screening programme, have a poor level of awareness about birth defects.Keywords: Awareness; Mothers; Birth defects; Developing countr

    Seroprevalence of Varicella Zoster Virus Infection among Primary school Children In Northern Nigeria

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    Background: Varicella Zoster infection occurs exclusively in man and commonly affects children with predilection for school age children. Following infection the course of the disease in immunocompetent children is often mild and self limited but in older age groups infection may be severe with poor outcomes ranging from complicating bacterial morbidities to death. In Kaduna State, Northern Nigeria the seroprevalence ofVaricella - zoster virus (VZV) infection is unknown The current cross - sectional study was conducted to assess the seroprevalence of VZV infection among nursery and primary school pupils in Kaduna State. Mathods: Nursery and primary school pupils between the ages 4 and 15 years were randomly selected from the three geopolitical zones of Kaduna State . Demographic data on each subject  were obtained by administration of a questionnaire and blood samples were collected for serum analysis of Varicella - zoster virus immunoglobulin G (IgG) using the Automat ion ELISA IgG Kit manufactured by Automation INC. USA. Data obtained were summarized using percentages and frequency tables. Results were analyzed using Epi- info version 3.0. Results: Three hundred and fifty three pupils were recruited for the study. The overall prevalence rate for VZV infection was 66.3% with the value in males being 68.5% and in females 63.9%. The prevalence of VZV infection increased with age in both sexes. A high percentage of children (60%) were seropositive at 4-6 years. Conclusion: The study shows a 66.3% prevalence of VZV infection among children in Kaduna State. Thi s high pr eva l enc e r a t e necessitates further studies to establish the burden of the problem in Nigeria and rationalize the institution of preventive measures against the infection, particularly immunocompromi sed young children

    Evaluation of Histologic Changes of Facet Joint Cartilage and Nerve at the Sheep Postradiofrequency 60 and 120 Seconds After Exposure for Immediate, Three and Six Weeks

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    Introduction. Facet joint, also known as zygapophyseal joint, is considered as an important structure to play role as one of source of pain in the back that had been recognized since fifth decade ago. Radio frequency is one of treatment modality based on minimal invasive technique for back pain due to pathology of facet joint. Unfortunately, radiofrequency does not give permanent result, so it must be repeated in certain time. The radiofrequency works by producing heat thus it denervates nerve at facet joint. This heat can also destroy surrounding tissues, such as cartilage of facet joint that will further lead to source of back pain. The purpose of this research to evaluate and compare histology changes of facet joint nerve and cartilage of sheep that performed radiofrequency for different time and exposure. Material and methods. This is an experimental study that uses six sheeps as animal trial test. Radiofrequency was applied for 60 and 120 seconds for immediate, three and six weeks. Towards euthanasia, these sheep were given good care and observed for the effect of radiofrequency. After six weeks, these sheep were performed euthanasia then was evaluated histologically using neuropathology score for the nerve and modified-mankins score for the cartilage. Results. This experimental study showed that neuropathology score differed significantly between groups but for modified-mankin score, no difference was found. Besides, there is no negative effect of radiofrequency to six sheeps such as infection and paralysis of extremity. Conclusions. Radiofrequency does not give rise in infection, paralysis of extremity and death either for exposure 60 and 120 seconds clinically. Radiofrequency does not influence facet joint cartilage, only nerve histologically

    تحليل قصة آدم عليو السلام في القرآن الكريم (دراسة في علم المعاني)

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    Al-Qur’an merupakan firman Allah yang diturunkan kepada nabi Muhammad saw melalui perantara malaikat Jibril. Apabila kita ingin memahami al-qur’an maka kita harus memahami berbagai macam ilmu, salah satunya ilmu Balaghoh yang terkandung didalamnya ilmu ma’ani. Ilmu ma’ani adalah ilmu untuk mengetahui kejelasan ucapan Arab sesuai dengan situasi kondisinya dan merupakan ilmu pengetahuan tentang lafadz- lafadz arabi yang dengan perantaraannya dapat menyesuaikan kalam dengan muqtadolhal, yang didalamnya terdapat kalam khobar kalam insya’ yang merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu ma’ani.Penulis tertarik untuk membahas masalah kalam khobar dan kalam insya’ karna mengingat masih banyak yang belum memahami apa itu kalam khobar dan kalam insya’.Penulis menemukan kata إنّ hurup taukid yang memiliki faedah untuk menguatkan kisah nabi adam didalam al-qur’an. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ayat-ayat tentang kalam khobar dan kalam insya’yang terdapat dalam surah al-baqarah dan al-a’raaf, menganalisis macam-macam kalam khobar dan kalam insya’di dalamnya dan tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan kalam khobar dan kalam insya’.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif atau metode pustaka yaitu metode pengumpulan data dengan metode dokumentasi melalui buku, kamus, internet, dan literatur lainnya yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk membentuk suatu landasan teori. Adapun analisis data yang digunakan adalah analis data secara deskriptif yaitu teknik analisis Yang dipakai untuk menganalisis data dengan menggambarkan data-data yang sudah dikumpulkan tanpa ada maksud membuat generalisasi dari hasil penelitian. Penulis menemukan Ayat –ayat yang mengandung Kalam khobar dan kalam insya’ dalam Al-qur’an yaitu pada surah Al- baqarah dan Al- a’araaf yaitu dua puluh lima ayat. Kalam khobar ada 12 ayat dan kalam insya’ ada 15 ayat , huruf taukidnya ada 11, Nida’ 6, Amar 8, Nahyi 8, Istifham 1 dan khobar ibtidai ada 2 . Penulis berharap hasil dari penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan , menggali serta memperluas lebih dalam pengetahuan tentang analisis kisah nabi adam di dalam al-qur’an