13 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Strategi Genius Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pokok Bahasan Ikatan Kimia di Kelas X Mia SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru

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    Research on the use of Genius Learning strategy to know the increase of student achievement on the topic of the chemical bonds in class X MIA SMAN 4 Pekanbaru. This type of research is pre-experiment research design with one group pretest and posttest design. Time of data retrieval from the date October 28th – November 20 th 2016. The sample was selected from the five existing classes, obtained class X Science 4. Data analysis technique used is paired t-test. Based on analysis of the data obtained tcount> ttable is 46.22>1.69, it is mean that the use of Genius Learning strategy can improved students achievement on the topic of the chemical bonds in class X MIA SMAN 4 Pekanbaru

    Index Jentik Dan Pupa Nyamuk Aedes Spp Di Wilayah Kombos Timur Kota Manado

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    : Larvae and pupae of Aedes spp outgrowth of the egg stage to become a mosquito that may contribute to the spread of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) with two vectors that transmit dengue, the Aedes aegypty and Aedes albopictus. Data from Manado City Health Department in 2013 recorded 29 cases of dengue fever in the region Kombos. In 2014, the number of cases found that 29 cases with one death rate from 517 across the 2015 dengue cases and found 13 cases of dengue. Data from Kombos Health Center states in 2015 reported the number of dengue patients range from three people. The purpose of this research is to know the index larvae and pupae and know the type of larvae and pupae Aedes spp that located in the area of East Kombos. This study used a descriptive research with time from September to December 2016. The primary data in the form of case data in Puskesmas Kombos East. The research took place in East Kombos and used parasitology laboratory medical faculty of the University of Sam Ratulangi. The population is the entire of larvae and pupae which is in the eastern Kombos and samples were taken from 100 homes of the entire homes at that location. Based on the index research larvae and pupae in the east Kombos obtained House Index (HI) 46%, Container Index (CI) 28.6%, Breteau Index (BI) 62% pupae Index (PI) with 13% so region of east Kombos including the high degree of density and the potential occurrence of dengue. The most type larvae and pupae were found namely Aedes aegypty

    The Use of Human Dermal Papillae Conditioned Medium (HDPCM) on Aplasia Cutis Congenita in Lower Extremity due to Intrauterine Varicella Infection

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    Aplasia cutis congenital (ACC) in lower legs is a rare disease with the absence of the skin, which commonly localized, widespread or scarred at birth. The exact pathophysiology remains unclear, and varicella infection may have essential roles in the aetiologies. Wound healing can be accelerated by using Human Dermal PapillaeConditioned Medium (HDPCM) which has multi-lineage potential differentiation and releases many growth factors. This paper reports the possibility of using human dermal papillae conditioned media to speed up the wound healing process. A 4 days old baby boy presented with ulcers on his both knees since birth and had no history of birth trauma. The mother had varicella infection during the

    Indirect Teacher Feedback to Reduce Students' Grammatical Errors in Writing Recount Text

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    Teacher feedback stipulation is a necessity for students especially in the process of writing. It's become a reflection of their teaching process. The present study, therefore, is aimed at finding out the effectiveness of indirect teacher feedback in reducing students' grammatical errors in writing recount text, and describing lexico-grammatical aspects of students' writing that indicate significant progress in error reduction toward indirect teacher feedback as the treatment. The present study implemented a mixed-method with the type of pre-experimental design for the quantitative design and content analysis for the qualitative design. The sample of the present study involved 17 students as the experimental group. Students' document tests were used to obtain the data. Based on the statistical result, after indirect teacher feedback was implemented on students' writing recount text especially personal recount text, the t-observed value was higher than t-table value; thereby, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypotheses (H1) was accepted. Thus, the use of indirect teacher feedback is effective in reducing students' grammatical errors in writing personal recount text. In addition, from the analysis content of students' document tests, verb tense indicated significant progress in error reduction. Based on the findings, it is recommended for English teachers to apply indirect teacher feedback to reduce students' grammatical errors, especially in teaching writing so that the students' writing can be improved

    Efficiency of pivot splints as jaw exercise apparatus in combination with stabilization splints in anterior disc displacement without reduction: a retrospective study

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    Objective: To evaluate efficiency of pivot splints in jaw exercises, in combination with stabilization splints, in cases of anterior disc displacement without reduction of temporomandibular joint. Subjects and methods: Twenty-three patients who referred to the prosthodontics clinic in 1995-1997 were included in the study, where anterior disc displacement without reduction of temporomandibular joint was diagnosed using magnetic resonance imaging and clinical examination. Pivot splints were used for jaw exercises for five minutes long; five times/day and stabilization splints were used at all other times. The patients were followed for 24 weeks. Lateral and protrusive excursions along with maximum mouth opening and were evaluated at each control. Bilateral palpation of temporal, masseter, sternocleidomastoid muscles and TMJ was assessed for pain perception before and after treatment. Data were statistically analyzed using Paired sample t-test and Independent Samples t-test (p < .05). Results: Mean mandibular range of motion measurements increased from 28.74 mm prior to 49.17 mm on maximum opening; right/left lateral excursion from 7.61 mm to 12.04 mm and 4.09 mm to 7.3 mm on protrusion after treatment. All changes observed before and after treatment were found to be statistically significant. (p < .001) Pain symptoms were eliminated at the end of 24 weeks of treatment in all patients. Conclusion: Using pivot splints as an exercise regimen along with a stabilization splint may be a viable treatment option for patients with anterior disc displacement without reduction; as normal mandibular range of motion was established and pain was eliminated