134 research outputs found

    Telaah Yuridis Perlindungan Konsumen Dalam Kegiatan Investasi Aset Kripto Di Indonesia

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    Abstract The development of financial technology continues to produce various innovations, especially in digital asset investment products, one of which is investment using crypto assets. Specifically, this research tries to examine issues related to consumer protection according to Law No.8/1999 in relation to investment activities using crypto assets. The research method uses normative juridical research methods based on juridical aspects such as norms, regulations, and legal theories related to crypto asset investment obtained from scientific papers, books, online media and others related to the object of study under study, namely consumer protection against investment activities using crypto assets. This research tries to explore the urgency behind the need for amendments as well as urging the government to make new, more comprehensive regulations regarding consumer protection in crypto asset investment, given the growth of investors which continues to increase from year to year. Problems also arise because the current Law No.8/1999 existed long before the digital transaction model emerged as it is now so that aspects of legal novelty are needed to ensure legal certainty for the community as a whole in every economic transaction activity, both conventional and digital. Keywords:; consumer protection; crypto assets; investment Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi finansial terus menghasilkan berbagai inovasi khususnya pada produk investasi aset digital yaitu investasi menggunakan aset kripto. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji permasalahan berkaitan dengan perlindungan konsumen menurut UU No.8/1999 dalam hubungannya dengan kegiatan investasi menggunakan aset kripto. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yang berlandaskan pada aspek yuridis seperti norma-norma, peraturan-peraturan, dan teori hukum yang berhubungan dengan investasi aset kripto yang diperoleh dari karya ilmiah, buku, media online dan lain sebagainya berkaitan dengan objek kajian yang diteliti yakni perlindungan konsumen terhadap kegiatan investasi menggunakan aset kripto. Penelitian ini mencoba mengupas urgensi apa saja yang melatarbelakangi perlunya dilakukan amandemen sekaligus mendesak agar pemerintah membuat peraturan baru yang lebih komperhensif mengenai perlindungan konsumen pada investasi aset kripto, mengingat pertumbuhan investor yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Problematika pun muncul karena UU No.8/1999 yang berlaku saat ini telah ada jauh sebelum model transaksi digital muncul seperti sekarang sehingga diperlukan aspek kebaharuan hukum demi menjamin kepastian hukum bagi masyarakat secara menyeluruh dalam setiap kegiatan transaksi ekonomi baik yang bersifat konvensional maupun digital. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa UU No.8/1999 dirasa belum dapat menjadi payung hukum bagi perlindungan konsumen pengguna aset kripto di Indonesia. Sedangkan Peraturan BAPPEBTI No.5/2019 hanya mengatur mengenai transaksi yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha yang berbadan hukum, sedangkan transaksi yang dilakukan oleh antarpribadi atau pihak ketiga belum terlindungi. Kata kunci: aset kripto; investasi; perlindungan konsume


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    Purpose of study: Research aims at the study of legal norms that are formed and used to regulate the institutional aspects and business activities of the Islamic Micro Finance (LKMS) as well as the counter-hegemonic movement that lies behind them. Methodology: This research employs qualitative approach, which based on secondary data in the form of written documents, collected through library studies and primary data from informants, collected through in-depth interviews and observations in four LKMS in Surakarta LKMS Al-Huda UNS, LKMS Al-Abidin, LKMS AmanahUmmahUMS, LKMS Al-Muayyad. Results: The Legal norms established and used to regulate the institutional and business aspects of the four Sharia Microfinance Institutions in Surakarta show that there are certain aspects in common, and differences on the other. The norms used in regulating the institutional and business aspects of Sharia Microfinance Institutions in Surakarta show a mixture of norms in Islamic law and the MUIs Fatwa, the Norms (in positive law) governing banks, financing institutions, partnerships, and cooperatives, with elements of the more prominent Islamic law. Applications: The existence of the equations of the norms used in the background by the existence of counter-hegemonic movement built by The Small Business Incubation Center (PINBUK), which has passed through the corporate phase but has not exceeded the hegemonic phase. While the differences of norms used, due to the different degrees of cultural penetration of each Sharia Microfinance Institutions against the hegemonic movement driven by PINBUK

    Menggagas Pendirian Bank Digital di Indonesia: Sebuah Telaah Yuridis

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    In the industrial era 4.0 as it is today, the ease and speed of getting things are highly sought after, including the ease and speed of getting financial services. The convenience of banking services is an advantage for consumers in choosing the services provided at the bank. This is what banks do to form services from conventional banks to open digital services. However, from a juridical aspect, in Indonesia there is no specific regulation governing digital banks. As a country that adheres to the civil law system, it has become a real consequence that all applicable laws must be codified and regulated in accordance with applicable laws. Problems arise when digital banks operate but there is no legal basis that specifically regulates dealing with it. Through normative juridical methods, research results showed that there are no specific rules governing digital banks in the form of laws in Indonesia, so a special rule is needed regarding digital banks because there are significant differences from conventional banks.In the industrial era 4.0 as it is today, the ease and speed of getting things are highly sought after, including the ease and speed of getting financial services. The convenience of banking services is an advantage for consumers in choosing the services provided at the bank. This is what banks do to form services from conventional banks to open digital services. However, from a juridical aspect, in Indonesia there is no specific regulation governing digital banks. As a country that adheres to the civil law system, it has become a real consequence that all applicable laws must be codified and regulated in accordance with applicable laws. Problems arise when digital banks operate but there is no legal basis that specifically regulates dealing with it. Through normative juridical methods, research results showed that there are no specific rules governing digital banks in the form of laws in Indonesia, so a special rule is needed regarding digital banks because there are significant differences from conventional banks

    Penerapan Kebijakan Countercyclical terhadap Fintech Syariah Peer to Peer Lending: Studi Kasus PT. Alami Fintek Sharia dan PT. Investree Radhika Jaya

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    Abstract Sharia fintech in Indonesia which is increasingly attracting the attention of many people, especially with the establishment of the IndonesianSharia Fintech Association (AFSI) which is a forum and shelter for sharia fintech in Indonesia and the legalization of sharia fintech as an economic transaction which has also been registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK). One of them is PT. Alami Fintek Sharia (PT. AFS) and PT. Investree Radhika Jaya (PT. IRJ), which are Peer to Peer Lending (P2PL) that provide credit to the community in themidst of this Covid-9 Pandemic, meaning that both fintechs must implement POJK Number 30/POJK.05/2021 of 2021 concerningRestructuring. This study uses a normative-empirical method where this research will link the results of interview data on the implementation of fintech to POJK regulations Number 30/POJK.05/2021. From the results of this study, fintech PT. IRJ and PT.AFS did not implement a restructuring policy, however, the implementation of restructuring can certainly be carried out if with the agreement of investors, besides thatfintech also provides relief in the form of eliminating fines and so far there has been no delay of more than 90 days, if there is a delay then continue to be billed against the Debtor with a personal guarantee and a company guarantee provided by the debtor. Keywords: Covid-19; financial technology; financial law Abstrak Fintech Syariah di Indonesia yang kian hari menarik perhatian banyak masyarakat terlebih dengan dibentuknya Asosiasi Fintech Syariah Indonesia (AFSI) yang mana menjadi wadah bagi fintech syariah di Indonesia serta telah dilegalkannya fintech syariah sebagai suatutransaksi ekonomi yang juga telah didaftarkan kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahuipelaksanaan POJK No.30/POJK.05/2021 Tahun 2021 tentang kebijakan countercyclical pada PT.Alami Fintek Sharia (PT. AFS) dan PT. Investree Radhika Jaya (PT. IRJ) yang merupakan fintech Peer to Peer Lending (P2PL) yang memberikan kredit terhadap masyarakat di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis empiris di mana penelitian ini akan menggunakan hasil datawawancara pada PT. AFS dan PT. IRJ, pelaksanaan fintech terhadap peraturan POJK No.30/POJK.05/2021. Dari hasil penelitian ini, fintechPT. AFS dan PT. IRJ tidak melaksanakan kebijakan restrukturisasi karena perannya sebagai penyedia platform bukan sebagai investor secara langsung, sebagai intermediary, unit kedua fintech tersebut tetap harus melaksanakan kebijakan restrukturisasi dengan catatan apabila mendapatkan persetujuan dari investornya, selain itu fintech juga memberikan keringanan berupa penghilangan denda dan selama ini tidak ada keterlambatan lebih dari 90 hari, jika terjadi keterlambatan maka tetap dilakukan penagihan terhadap debitur dengan personalguarantee dan company guarantee yang diberikan oleh debitur. Kata kunci: Covid-19; financial technology; hukum keuanga


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    The enforcement of online prostitution laws against sexual service providers or prostitutes on the MiChat application which have not been strictly regulated in the laws and regulations in Indonesia and also criminal sanctions have not been able to create a deterrent effect for the perpetrators. This study aims to find out how law enforcement is carried out against online prostitution performed by PSK through the MiChat application. The research method used is normative legal research using statutory approaches, conceptual approaches, and case approaches. The research results show that online prostitution through the MiChat application is happening in various ways and its modus operandi, law enforcement against online prostitution through the MiChat application influenced by several factors including legal factors that have not explicitly regulated sex workers, law enforcement factors that have their respective roles in enforcing prostitution laws online less qualified in the field of information technology, inadequate facilities and infrastructure, and social and cultural factors that are still indifferent and do not care about this criminal act of prostitution.Keywords: Law Enforcement, Online Prostitution, PSK, MiChat Applicatio


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    Purpose of Study: The research aims to determine: 1) the policy implementation of legal protection of traditional markets in Surakarta, and 2) The causes of conflict between traditional markets and modern markets in Surakarta.Methodology: The research used the sociological juridical approach with traditional markets in Surakarta as the study population. The sampling technique was purposive sampling by classifying the market class with sub-populations based on the homogeneous typology.Results: The results of this research were: (1) the implementation of legal protection of traditional markets in Surakarta included the preventive, repressive, and functional legal protection, (2) the causes of conflict between the modern and traditional markets in Surakarta examined from juridical normative and sociology. The conflict can be solved by preventive and repressive legal protection.Implications/Applications: The efforts to prevent conflict in the traditional markets are in the form of regulatory and implementation. Therefore, the enforcement and legal protection model of traditional markets in Surakarta can be implemented properly


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    Purpose of Study: The research aimed to describe the Participatory Regional Regulation based local wisdom and to formulate the model of the participatory regional regulation in the future based on the concept of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The regional regulations created by the local governments should involve the local community by raising the local wisdom of the respective region by considering the potential of conflict with the laws and regulations so that they will have the impunity power of being obeyed by the community since they provide impacts for the community tranquility and welfare. The differences among the regional regulation of each region are the manifestation of Bhineka Tunggal Ika, 2) The participatory regional regulation based on local wisdom is prepared for the future by accommodating the strength of society autonomy and organizations of interest by placing them in a more adequate position in the context of promoting the growth of civil society such as by providing the public with access to public information, access to participation and access to justice so that the role of society can be manifested in various forms, including the process of decision-making, management, and control. Methodology: The research method was qualitative with the empirical juridical approach. The research gives a contribution to the regional Government to ensure regional autonomy as mandated by the Constitution of 1945 can run properly. Results: The results of the discussion included: 1) the community upheaval that occurs due to the enforcement of local regulation is assumed as the decline of national democracy. Implications/Applications: The regional regulations are derived from the thought rooted in participatory approaches as the implication of the efforts to enact a democratic development model based on democracy; hence, they must be done by reforming the regulations that situate law within the community and humanity as the main focus


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    The recent rise in ITE crimes in the banking sector has given rise to new problems, both legally and economically. These crimes often involve resource users, infrastructure, and customer identities. As a result, in terms of implementing criminal law, especially banking and financial services companies must bear responsibility for their customers' losses. The importance of bank accountability towards its customers who are victims of ITE crimes from a criminal law perspective is the objective discussed in this research. This legal research refers to positive legal norms in accordance with the hierarchy of existing laws and regulations, legal principles, legal doctrine, as well as other literature relating to Bank responsibility for crimes in criminal law. The results of the analysis from this research show the importance of protecting bank customers by banks and that there have been efforts made by the Indonesian banking industry to empower and protect consumers with the banking criminal regulations in Law no. 10 of 1998 which is mentioned in detail therein

    Responsibility For Product Defects In Marketplace Shopee: Study Of Electronic Transactions

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    Advances in internet technology have given development to buying and selling online. This causes the consumer's position to become weaker in front of the seller because the product to be purchased cannot be checked directly, so if defects are hidden, this can harm consumers. Due to the large number of cases of product defects that occur, this paper will discuss liability for product defects both from the perspective of the electronic transaction information law and according to marketplace policies. According to the ITE Law liability can be in the form of imprisonment and according to the marketplace policy, it will get accumulated penalty points. This study uses normative research methods whereas the data collection technique uses library research. The purpose of this research is so that people who are victims of product defects know what steps to take in seeking accountability according to applicable laws and policies

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Debitur dalam Perjanjian Kredit Tanpa Jaminan

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    The existence of unsecured loan facility is an alternative from bank other than loan by using collateral. The advantage of this unsecured loan is that someone can apply for credit without pledging his goods. The absence of collateral in the provision of loan is sometimes cause problem for the parties, especially debtors. This study aims to determine the legal protection of debtors in the provision of unsecured loan. This research was conducted at the Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Surakarta Branch. The method used in this research is empirical juridical method with qualitative approach. The results show that legal protection against unsecured debtors is not fully protected, because if the debtor breaks the promise then based on Article 1131 Civil Code which is used as debt repayment by the bank is the entire property of the debtor. It violates Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law because it was not previously agreed upon