36 research outputs found

    Reference on Thermophysical Properties: Density and Viscosity of Several Gases by Using Macro Excel (RSSDFIUSK Vs. 1)

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    A source code for calculating reference on thermophysical properties: density and viscosity for several gases (nitrogen, helium, hydrogen, argon and air) has been developed under Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming in MS Excel (as a macros). Selected density and viscosity equations have been chosen as a basic equation in the VBA programming as a user-defined function. This macro is very useful for engineers and researchers due to enhance their experimental and/or theoretical studies

    A Review on Viscometer Devices for Gas Phase

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    -Viscosity, one of the transport properties, is a basic property required for developing any device in which fluid flows. In the present paper, major gas viscometers devices are reviewed. The review is covering to the pressures and the temperatures ranges, methods and accuracy of the instruments, and the coefficient of viscosity-range of the sample. This study is expected become useful information for any researcher who wants to develop a gas viscometer apparatus in a near future. By identifying the coefficient of viscosity-range and the easurement-range of temperatures and pressures, then we can choose the effective and efficient method to be developed


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    Alat ukur viskositas sebuah gas pada suhu dan tekanan tinggitelah di rancang menggunakan metode pipa kapiler. Pipa kapilari ini memiliki diameter 0.1 mm dan panjang sebesar 500 mm yang berbahan gelas Quartz. Telah dilakukan pengukuran pada empat suhu isoterm, yakni 298, 333, 400 dan 500 K pada tekanan dari 5 sampai 100 MPa untuk gas nitrogen. Hasil pengukuran telah dibandingkan dengan database REFPROP dan memiliki perbedaan sebesar 2% yang mana besarannya konsisten dengan ketidakpastian alat ukur tersebut


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    Alat ukur viskositas sebuah gas pada suhu dan tekanan tinggitelah di rancang menggunakan metode pipa kapiler. Pipa kapilari ini memiliki diameter 0.1 mm dan panjang sebesar 500 mm yang berbahan gelas Quartz. Telah dilakukan pengukuran pada empat suhu isoterm, yakni 298, 333, 400 dan 500 K pada tekanan dari 5 sampai 100 MPa untuk gas nitrogen. Hasil pengukuran telah dibandingkan dengan database REFPROP dan memiliki perbedaan sebesar 2% yang mana besarannya konsisten dengan ketidakpastian alat ukur tersebut

    Wind Speed Analysis Using Weibull Distribution in the Region Blang Bintang Aceh Besar

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    Telah dilakukanan penelitian terhadap kecepatan angin di kawasan Blang Bintang kabupaten Aceh Besar untuk melihat bagaimana potensi pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu (PLTB) di daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menganalisa kecepatan angin berdasarkan data dari pengukuran anemometer menggunakan distribusi Weibull untuk tahun 2012 sampai 2015. Berdasarkan distribusi Weibull didapatkan bahwa parameter bentuk (k) yang diperoleh di kawasan Blang Bintang bernilai kecil yang bernilai sekitar 1.4 dan parameter skala (c) yang cenderung stabil bernilai sekitar 4. Dari nilai k dan c diperoleh bahwa kecepatan angin pada tahun 2012 yaitu sebesar 1 m/s dengan probabilitas 15%, tahun 2013 dan 2014 bernilai sebesar 0.5 m/s dengan probabilitas sebanyak 21% dan 19%, sedangkan untuk tahun 2015 sebesar 1 m/s sebanyak 17%. Study of the wind speeds in the region Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar district has been done to asses the potential of wind power instalation. The wind speed data was obtained from anemometer which has been instaling in that area. The datas were analyze by the Weibull distribution within the range for the years of 2012 to 2015. The results show that the shape parameter (k) is small, the value is around 1.4 and the scale parameter (c) tends to be stable, within the value of 4. Based on the value of k and c give that the wind speed in 2012 is equal to 1 ms-1 with a probability of 15%, in 2013 and 2014give the same value at 0.5 ms-1 with a probability of 21% and 19%, respectively while for 2015 is 1 ms-1 as much as 17%

    Measurement of Internal Friction for Tungsten by the Curve Vibrating Method with Variation of Voltage and Temperature

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    Application of a curved vibrating wire method (CVM) to measure gas viscosity has been widely used. A ļ¬ne Tungsten wire with 50 mm of diameter is bent into a semi-circular shape and arranged symmetrically in a magnetic ļ¬eld of about 0.2 T. The frequency domain is used for calculating the viscosity as a response for forced oscillation of the wire. Internal friction is one of the parameter in the CVM which is has to be measured beforeahead. Internal friction coefļ¬cien for the wire material which is the inverse of the quality factor has to be measured in a vacuum condition. The term involving internal friction actually represents the effective resistance of motion due to all non-viscous damping phenomena including internal friction and magnetic damping. The testing of internal friction measurement shows that at different induced voltage and elevated temperature at a vacuum condition, it gives the value of internal friction for Tungsten is around 1 to 4 10-4

    Identification of Adhesive Material Substance in Ancient Fortress Located at Aceh Besar Using XRF

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kandungan material perekat yang digunakan pada tiga benteng purba di kawasan Aceh Besar, yaitu Benteng Indrapatra (BIP), Benteng Inong Balee (BIB), dan Benteng Kuta Lubok (BKL). Analisa dilakukan menggunakan X-Ray Flourescence (XRF) dengan metode Fusion Beads. Hasil uji XRF menunjukkan bahwa ketiga benteng tersebut memiliki kandungan senyawa oksida yang sama, dengan persentase CaO sebanyak 46,16-51,37%, SiO2 sebanyak 2,56-6,68%, MgO sebanyak 1,01-2,16%, Al2O3sebanyak 0,73-1,18%, dan Fe2O3 sebanyak 0,53-0,70%. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut merupakan komposisi penyusun dari batu kapur jenis Kalsit. Hasil tersebut dibandingkan dengan material perekat yang digunakan saat ini (Semen) didapatkan memiliki komposisi yang berbeda. Semen mengandung komposisi oksida SiO2 dan SO3yang lebih besar daripada material perekat pada benteng purba yaitu sebesar 18% dan 3% untuk sampel sebanyak 1 gr. Preliminary study about adhesive material content in ancient fortress at Aceh Besar has been done. The fortress are Indrapatra, Inong Balee and Kuta Lubok. The sample is analyzed using X-Ray Flourescence (XRF) with Fusion Beads method. The result of XRF shows that all of the fortress have the same oxide compound which is CaO, with percentage of (46,16-51,37)%, SiO2 around (2,56-6,68)%, MgO around (1,01-2,16)%, Al2O3 around (0,73-1,18)%, and Fe2O3 around (0,53-0,70)%. The compounds are constituent of limestone of calcite. The results have been compared with the modern adhesive material (cement). It was found that cement has a different oxide composition with the adhesive material used in ancient fortress. Cement contains SiO2 and SO3 more than ancient adhesive material, the values are 18% and 3%, respectively, in one gram sample

    Study of Deposit Cesium-137 (137Cs) Activity as a Result of Fission Product From the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant at Japan After Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011

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    Study of deposit Cesium-137 (137Cs) activity as a result of the fission product of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant after earthquake and tsunami in 2011 has been done. The purpose of the present research is to study the deposit 137Cs activity on the land and the Sea of Japan and then to estimate a model of 137Cs distribution on the earth's surface of Japan. The stability of nuclei decay equation is used to obtain a deposit 137Cs activity depending on time, theoretically. The Pasquill-Gifford equation is used to estimate a distribution of 137Cs activity on the earth surface from the original source. The results suggested that Hatachinaka city, the largest measurement point, for about 60 years forward, 137Cs activity levels reach about 54 Bq. In the Sea of Japan at the point of sensor C47, which it has the largest value, the accumulation of deposit 137Cs activity gives about 0.69 Bq at the time of the next 60 years. For the distribution of 137Cs activity, the concentration values at a distance of 200 m from the original source obtained maximum for all case

    MgTiO3 Thin Films Synthesis by Sol Gel Method

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    Telah dilakukan sintesa lapisan tipis MgTiO3 dengan menggunakan metode Sol Gel. Lapisan tipis MgTiO3 dibuat dengan mencampurkan TiO dan MgSO4 sebagai prekursor. Larutan ini kemudian diaduk selama 1 jam agar campuran menjadi homogen dengan menggunakan magnetic stirrer. Lapisan tipis MgTiO3 dipanaskan dengan variasi suhu mulai dari 300, 400, 500 dan 60oC selama 1 jam. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian XRD menunjukkan bahwa pada suhu 300 - 500oC nilai ukuran butir kristal semakin besar, sementara pada suhu 600oC ukuran butir kristal mengecil. Struktur kristal yang terbentuk dari lapisan tipis MgTiO3 adalah rutil. Hasil SEM menunjukkan lapisan MgTiO3 terdeposisi dengan baik yang ditunjukkan dengan tidak munculnya retakan pada permukaan lapisan serta terdapat adanya pori yang terbentuk dan ketebalan lapisan tipis MgTiO3 berkisar antara 1,67 ā€“ 1,79 Āµm. Hasil pengujian UV-Vis menunjukkan suhu pemanasan mempengaruhi turunnya nilai band gap. Semakin tinggi suhu pemanasan semakin kecil band gap yang dihasilkan, yaitu pada suhu 300oC bernilai 3,22 eV dan pada suhu 600oC bernilai 3,02 eV.MgTiO3 thin films synthesis has been done using Sol Gel method. The MgTiO3 thin films is made by mixing TiO and MgSO4 as precursors. This solution is then stirred for 1 h to have homogeneous mixture by using a magnetic stirrer. The MgTiO3 thin films is heated with temperature variations range of 300, 400, 500 and 600Ā°C for 1 h. Based on XRD test showed that at 300 - 500 oC value of crystalline grain size was increased, while at 600oC the size of crystal grains decreased. The crystalline structure formed from a thin films of MgTiO3 is rutile. The SEM results show a well-deposited MgTiO3 films which is indicated by the absence of cracks on the surface of the coating and there is a pore formed and the thickness of the MgTiO3 thin films range of 1.67 to 1.79 Ī¼m. UV-Vis test show that the heating temperature affects the decrease in band gap value. The higher the heating temperature give the smallerof band gap, ie at a temperature of 300oC worth 3.22 eV and at a temperature of 600oC worth 3.02 eV, respectively.Keywords: MgTiO3 thin films, Sol Gel, XRD, SEM, UV-Vis.DAFTAR PUSTAKAAngela, R., dan Pratapa, S. 2012. Sintesis MgTiO3 dengan Variasi Temperatur Kalsinasi Menggunakan Metode Pencampuran Larutan. Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS Vol. 1, ISSN: 2301-928XBasitoh D., Is Fatimah., and Tatang S. J. Penggunaan Ekstrak Pigmen Kulit Buah Manggis (Garnicia mangostana) Sebagai Zat Peka Cahaya TiO2-Montmorillonit Dalam Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). FMIPA. Universitas Islam Indonesia. Yogyakarta.Badawy M.I., Souaya E.M.R., Gad-Alah T.A., Abdel-Wahde M.S., Ulbricht M. 2013. Fabrication of Ag/TiO2 Photocatalytic for the treatment of simulated hospital wastewater under sunlight. Enviromental Progress and Sustainable Energy.33 (3), 886-894.Chao W-S., Ting C-C., 2010. Experimental Study On Reversal Structure Of Photoelectrode In Dsscs. Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress Exposition IMECE2010 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada IMECE2010-38497Dadi, R., 2014. Pembuatan Sel Surya TiO2 Nanokristal Berbahan Dasar Anthocyanin Sebagai Material Dye, Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah XXVIII HFI Jateng DIY, Yogyakarta, ISSN : 0853-0823.Gratzel, M. (2003). ā€œReview: Dye Sensitized Solar Cellsā€, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews, Vol. 4, hal. 145ā€“ 153.Green, Martin A.1982. Solar Cell Operating Principles Technology And System Applicationā€prenticell Hall, IncEvylewood Cliffs N,J. Hardeli, Suwardani, Riky, Fernando, T., Maulidis, dan Ridwan, S. 2013. Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) Berbasis Nanopori TiO2 Menggunakan antosianin dari Berbagai Sumber Alami. Prosiding Semirata FMIPA Universitas Lampung.Helga, D. F., Samsidar, Faizar, F., Heriyanti, Sampe Napitupulu, dan Sarina, P, 2015. Disain Prototipe Sel Surya DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cell) Lapisan Grafit/TiO2 Berbasis Dye Alami, Prodi Fisika dan Prodi Kimia, FST, Universitas Jambi.Heriyanti, S., 2006, Kajian Sensitisasi Lapis Tipis TiO2 oleh Zat Warna Alami untuk Sel Surya Berbasis Sensitiser Zat Warna, Skripsi, FMIPA UGM, Jogjakarta. Ludin, N.A., dkk. 2014. Review on The Development of Nature Dye Photosensitizer for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell. Renewable and Suinable Energy, 386-396.Linsebigler, A.L., Lu, G. Dan Yates, J.T., 1995, Photocatalysis on TiO2 Surface:Principles, Mechanism and Selected Results, Chem. Rev., 95, 735-758.Maya, S., Widya, K., Drs. Gontjang, P, M.Si.,2012. Studi Awal Fabrikasi Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) Dengan Menggunakan Ekstraksi Daun Bayam Amaranthus Hybridus l.) Sebagai Dye Sensitizer Dengan Variasi Jarak Sumber Cahaya Pada DSSC, Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA Institut Teknologi Sepuluh NopemberMulyadi, T. 2015. Pengertian, Ciri, dan Sifat magnesium. http://budisma.net/2015/02/pengertian-ciridan-sifat-magnesium.html (Tanggal akses, 26 Februari 2015)Nam, T. V., Trang, N. T., and Cong, B. T. 2012. Mg-Doped TiO2 for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell: An Elektronic Structure Study. Proc. Natl. Conf. Theor. Phys. 37, pp. 233-234.Oā€™Regan dan Gratzel, 1991, A Low Cost, High Eficiency Solar Cell Based On Dye Sensitized Coloidal TiO2 film, Nature, 737740.Ratnasari, D., Hermanihadi, S., Indriyanto, W., Fathony, A., Devi WH. F., Agung R, P. dan Amin Rais, Y. 2009. Tugas Kimia Fisika X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Surakarta: FT UNS.Slamet, Syakur R dan Danumulyo W. 2003. Pengolahan Limbah Logam Berat Chromium (VI) Dengan Fotokatalis TiO2. Makara, Teknologi, 7 (1): 27-32.Smestad and Gratzel M. 1998. Demonstrating Electron Tranfer and Nanotechnology; A Natural Dye-Sensitized Nanocristallin Energy Converter. J, Chem.Educ. 75,752756.Suhartatik, N., Karyantina, M., Mustofa, A., Cahyanto, M. N., Raharjo, S., Rahayu, E. S. 2013. Stabilitas Ekstrak Antosianin Beras Ketan Hitam (Oryza sativa glutinosa) selama Proses Pemanasan dan Penyimpanan. Jurnal Agritech Vol. 33, No. 4, Yogyakarta.Septina, W., Fajarisandi, D., Aditia, M. Pembuatan prototip solar cell dengan bahan organik-inorganik (dye sensitized solar cell). Laporan Akhir Penelitian Bidang Energi, Penghargaan PT. Rekayasa Industri (2007)Vlanck, V, Lawrence. 2004. Elemen-elemen Ilmu dan Rekayasa Material Edisi Ke-6. Jakarta: Erlangga. Wulandari, H., 2008. Performa Sel Surya Tersensitasi Zat Pewarna (DSSC) Berbasis ZnO Dengan Variasi Tingkat Pengisian dan Besar Kristalit TiO2, Skripsi, Jurusan Teknik Metalurgi dan Material, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia.Xu, Shi, Fan, Dong, Shi, dan Hu. 1999. 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    Study on Amount of Radiation Intensity of Sr-90 and Am-241 for Some Commercial Cigarette Filters Using Geiger-Muller Detector

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    Pengukuran intensitas radiasi pada beberapa filter rokok komersial menggunakan detektor Geiger-Muller dengan sumber radiasi Sr-90 dan Am-241 telah dilakukan. Pengukuran ini dilakukan untuk menghitung besarnya koefisien atenuasi dari filter rokok tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini, jarak dari filter rokok dengan sumber radiasi divariasikan yakni sebesar 6 cm, 7 cm dan 8 cm. Terdapat dua jenis perlakuan sampel yakni sampel filter yang mendapatkan gaya tekan sebesar 5 ton selama 10 menit dan non-tekan (kondisi normal). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin jauh sumber radiasi terhadap detektor, maka semakin kecil intensitas radiasi yang diperoleh. Daya tembus radiasi dengan sumber Sr-90 lebih besar dibandingkan dengan radiasi Am-241. Oleh karena itu, unsur radioaktif Sr-90 memiliki intensitas yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan unsur radioaktif Am-241. Study on amount of radiation intensity for some commercial cigarette filters using detector Geiger-Muller with radiation source of Sr-90 and Am-241 has been done. The purpose of the measurement is to measure a mass attenuation of the filter. In this research, the distance of the cigarette filters with the source of radiation was varied i.e 6 cm, 7 cm and 8 cm. The sample cigarette filters was treated, i.e press and non-press (normal condition). The cigarette filters are pressed with a force of 5 tons for 10 minutes using hydraulic press. It was founded that the radiation intensity will decrease with the distance. The amount of radiation intensity of Sr-90 is more higher than Am-241