186 research outputs found

    Homogenization techniques for population dynamics in strongly heterogeneous landscapes

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    An important problem in spatial ecology is to understand how population-scale patterns emerge from individual-level birth, death, and movement processes. These processes, which depend on local landscape characteristics, vary spatially and may exhibit sharp transitions through behavioural responses to habitat edges, leading to discontinuous population densities. Such systems can be modelled using reaction–diffusion equations with interface conditions that capture local behaviour at patch boundaries. In this work we develop a novel homogenization technique to approximate the large-scale dynamics of the system. We illustrate our approach, which also generalizes to multiple species, with an example of logistic growth within a periodic environment. We find that population persistence and the large-scale population carrying capacity is influenced by patch residence times that depend on patch preference, as well as movement rates in adjacent patches. The forms of the homogenized coefficients yield key theoretical insights into how large-scale dynamics arise from the small-scale features

    Reconciling Mass Functions with the Star-Forming Main Sequence Via Mergers

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    We combine star formation along the `main sequence', quiescence, and clustering and merging to produce an empirical model for the evolution of individual galaxies. Main sequence star formation alone would significantly steepen the stellar mass function towards low redshift, in sharp conflict with observation. However, a combination of star formation and merging produces a consistent result for correct choice of the merger rate function. As a result, we are motivated to propose a model in which hierarchical merging is disconnected from environmentally-independent star formation. This model can be tested via correlation functions and would produce new constraints on clustering and merging.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Experimental Attempts to Reduce Predation by Harbor Seals on Out-Migrating Juvenile Salmonids

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    The development of technology for production of zeolites from fly-ash from Troitskaya power plant

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    The study examines the technology of processing fly ash from Troitskaya power plant for the production of zeolite. The paper presents the results of laboratory studies evaluating the suitability of fly ash from Troitskaya power plant for the production of zeolites and the development of the zeolite production process. Fly ash contains a small amount of heavy metals that can complicate processing, but contains a large amount of silicon oxide. The technology consists of high-temperature alkaline activation of fly ash and hydrochemical synthesis. The resulting powder has a specific surface area of 89.7 m2/g, determined by the BET method, and an average pore diameter of 0.345 μm. The static exchange capacity was 220 mg/g

    Modeling the Evolution of Insect Phenology with Particular Reference to Mountain Pine Beetle

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    Climate change is likely to disrupt the timing of developmental events (phenology) in insect populations in which development time is largely determined by temperature. Shifting phenology puts insects at risk of being exposed to seasonal weather extremes during sensitive life stages and losing synchrony with biotic resources. Additionally, warming may result in loss of developmental synchronization within a population, making it difficult to find mates or mount mass attacks against well-defended resources at low population densities. It is unknown whether genetic evolution of development time can occur rapidly enough to moderate these effects. The work presented here is largely motivated by the need to understand how mountain pine beetle (MPB) populations will respond to climate change. MPB is an important forest pest from both an economic and ecological perspective, because MPB outbreaks often result in massive timber loss. Recent MPB range expansion and increased outbreak frequency have been linked to warming temperatures. We present a novel approach to modeling the evolution of phenology by allowing the parameters of a phenology model to evolve in response to selection on emergence time and density. We also develop a temperature-dependent phenology model for MPB that accounts for multiple types of developmental variation: variation that persists throughout a life stage, random variation, and variation due to the MPB oviposition mechanism. This model is parameterized using MPB development time data from constant temperature laboratory experiments. We use Laplace\u27s method to approximate steady distributions of the evolution model under stable temperatures. Here the mean phenotype allows for parents and offspring to be oviposited at exactly the same time of year in consecutive generations. These results are verified numerically for both MPB and a two-stage model insect. The evolution model is also applied to investigate the evolution of phenology for MPB and the two-stage model insect under warming temperatures. The model predicts that local populations can only adapt to climate change if development time can adapt so that individuals can complete exactly one generation per year and if the rate of temperature change is moderate

    Using the mineral component of building refuse in heavy metals sorption from their mixture

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    The sorption properties of the sand-breakstone mixture based on the mineral component of building refuse of the 0-10 mm fraction with respect to Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+ ions were studied using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The mechanisms of accumulation of heavy metal ions on the surface of the mixture particles are described. It was found that after washing the contaminated material distilled water, the residual concentration of metals in the filtrate does not exceed the established sanitary and hygienic standards. The practical value of the work lies in the possibility of applying the results in reclamation of technogenic formations or production of materials for the technical stage of reclamation using technogenic soils

    Thermodynamic Estimation of the Effect of Halcogenizer and Ligand on the Chemical Deposition of PbSe Films

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    The work was financially supported by program 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 02.A03.21.0006.

    Composition Designing of Cooked Sausage "Udachnaya" Based on Optimization Principles

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    This article deals with the process of composition designing of the cooked sausage "Udachnaya" by adding non-meat ingredients to reduce material costs for production, obtain a product with given chemical composition and technological properties, as well as to minimize the occurrence of defects characteristic of cooked sausage products, in particular broth-fat runoffs. As part of the research, complete preparations of the new generation “Biophos 90” and “Bioton gel 651” were used, which did not reduce the nutritional and biological value of meat products and also produced sausage products with high organoleptic and technological properties that are safe for consumer health and the environment. Synthesis of lessons learned in the development of the rational formulation of cooked sausage products shows that the use of mathematical modeling makes it possible to implement a targeted combination of ingredients and deliver the specified chemical composition and variable processing properties with an insignificant change in prime cost. The study was conducted using the technical base and laboratory areas of the Department of Commodity Research, Standardization and Quality Control (Faculty of Animal Science, Commodity Research, and Standardization), as well as the common use center of scientific equipment of FSBEI HE “Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin”. The analytical data presented in this publication may be of interest to students of industry-specific colleges, as well as specialists in the meat industry, and can be implemented in real enterprises. Keywords: Construction, composition, cooked sausage, nutrient additive