25 research outputs found

    Fonologi Bahasa Bedayuh

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    The aimed this study was to determine the effect of rabbit urine liquid organic fertilizer on N uptake, growth, and yield of pakcoy plants and to determine the dose of rabbit urine liquid organic fertilizer on pakcoy plants. This research used a randomized block design which repeated four times. Treatment factor: administration of rabbit urine concentration consisting of 6 treatments: U0 = 0 ml/Plant (Control or no treatment), U1 = 25 ml/Plant, U2 = 30 ml/Plant, U3 = 35 ml/Plant, U4 = 40 ml/ Plant, U5 = 45 ml/ Plant. Two phases of observation parameters were observed in this study, namely the vegetative phase which includes the height of the pakcoy plants in cm units, the number of pakcoy leaves (strands), and the area of the leaves using the length x width times the constant method. The generative phase was observed fresh weight of the plants and the total N uptake at harvest. There are significant differences in the parameters of plant height, number of leaves, and leaf area. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the fresh weight of the plants. There were differences in the percentage of nitrogen uptake in each treatment, the highest uptake was in treatment U5, namely using rabbit urine 45 ml/plant, and the lowest in treatment U4, namely using rabbit urine 40 ml/plant

    Otomatisasi Pembaharuian Ip Pada Domain Iticmalang.no-ip.org Untuk Akases Gateway Di Pt.Indonesian Tobacco

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    The need for access to data across the network has now become one of the primary needs PT. Indonesian Tobacco.Purposes of data access can be realized if the company has a public IP functioned to access internal applications, vpn and cctv. The problem occurs because the public IP obtained from the internet provider is dynamic (always changing) so the impact on the configuration of the client-side gateway.the method that implemented is to change the public IP address to a fixed domain, the domain used is a domain that is free with no-ip.org with address iticmalang.no-ip.org. Configuration is configured in the router includes a domain update script and scheduler, if the public IP changes and scheduler are met then the router will request to change the IP domain domain with a public IP configured on the route

    Odor clustering using a gas sensor array system of chicken meat based on temperature variations and storage time

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    Shelf life and temperature are two things that affect the freshness of meat. Generally, people identify the freshness of meat by looking at the texture, color, and even aroma of meat. These methods have less effective approaches to identify the freshness of meat. The limitations of the human sense of smell have led to the development of gas sensor array system technology. Research has been done on odor cluster analysis using gas sensor array with variations in shelf life and temperature in classifying the smell of chicken meat. The study used a sample of 20 g of chicken meat in a 150 ml bottle which was sensed using a gas sensor array system at a certain storage period and temperature. The shelf life used is a shelf life of 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, 18 h, and 24 h as well as variations in temperature 4 °C, 30 °C, 35 °C, 40 °C, 45 °C, 50 °C. The analysis is carried out using machine learning in the form of principal component analysis and deep neural network. In this study using the principal component analysis and deep neural network method, it can be seen that the gas sensor array is able to classify well. Meanwhile, the results of deep neural network model can be classified as fresh and unfresh chicken meat with a testing accuracy of 98.70%. The result showed that gas sensor array could classify chicken meat with high accuracy and the proposed method provides a significant improvement

    An in-vivo study of photobiomodulation using 403 nm and 649 nm diode lasers for molar tooth extraction wound healing in wistar rats

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    Purpose This study aims to examine the effects of red 649 nm 4 J/cm2 and blue 403 nm 8 J/cm2 diode laser treatment for post-extraction wounded healing in rats through histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. Methods Samples of 54 Wistar rats were divided into six groups: C- control group without treatment; C + wounded group without treatment; TB wound group with Povidone-iodine treatment; TD wounded group with doxycycline treatment; TLB wounded group with 403 nm diode laser treatment; and TLR wounded group with 649 nm diode laser treatment. Mandibular samples were observed for the number of lymphocytes and fibroblasts cells, new blood vessels formation, Interleukin 1β, and Collagen 1α expression level. Results Based on the histopathological test results, red laser diode treatment significantly increased the number of lymphocyte, fibroblast cells and the formation of new blood vessels. Meanwhile, immunohistochemical tests showed an increase in the expression of the Colagen-1α protein which plays a role in the formation of collagen for new tissues formation after damage, as well as a decrease in Interleukin-1β expression level. Blue laser is also able to show a positive effect on wound healing even though its penetration level into the tissue is lower compared to red laser. Conclusion The red diode laser 649 nm has been shown to accelerate the process of proliferation in wound healing post molar extraction based on histopathological and immunohistochemical test results

    Pendayagunaan Teknologi Inovasi Non Invasif Berbasis Fotonik Untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Fisioterapi di Puskesmas Wonosari Klaten Jawa Tengah

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    Health services' quality has a significant impact on public health's level of quality. By raising the standard of healthcare, health quality will also rise. Lack of knowledge about the use of medical devices, especially therapeutic equipment like dental-laser therapy, a non-invasive photonic-based therapy tool that works to reduce infecting bacteria (blue laser) and repair tissue in the human body (red laser), is a problem that health workers and traditional health workers frequently experience in most health service units. The second issue is deciding on an effective and safe dose for therapeutic patients while comprehending light treatment fundamentals (laser contact with tissue). Health professionals from the Wonosari 1 Health Center in the Wonosari District of the Klaten Regency in Central Java and partner Nakestrad also experience this issue as community service partners. The Dento Bilaser session participants were health professionals and nakestrad at the Wonosari Health Center 1. The workshop was conducted offline as a series of community service activities. The lecture approach is employed to disseminate information in the form of fundamental ideas and aspects of therapy that affect its efficacy, such as the proper use of laser therapy equipment and laser dose calculation. Health professionals participating in the conversation can ask questions about using suitable technology and receive replies from speakers. The use of appropriate technology is demonstrated explicitly during training. Analysis of the problem, the use of tools, the computation of laser energy doses, and proper therapy management can all be the starting points for training. The Dento Bilaser instrument is demonstrated in workshops and tutorials to help people understand how to utilize it. In addition, therapy trials on actual patients were conducted to teach medical professionals how to use the Dento Bilaser technology and to give health professionals a better knowledge of it.Kualitas kesehatan dimasyarakat sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Dengan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan diharapkan kualitas kesehatan dapat ikut meningkat. Permasalahan yang sering dialami oleh tenaga kesehatan (nakes) dan tenaga kesehatan tradisonal (nakestrad) di sebagian besar unit pelayanan kesehatan adalah kurangnya pengetahuan tentang penggunaan alat -alat  kesehatan terutama dibidang alat terapi, alat terapi dento bilaser sebagai alat terapi berbasis fotonik noninvasive yang berfungsi untuk mereduksi bakteri penginfeksi (laser biru) dan  perbaikan jaringan tissue pada tubuh manusia (laser merah). Adapun masalah kedua yaitu pemahaman tentang konsep dasar terapi Cahaya (Interaksi laser terhadap jaringan) dan faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas terapi, serta bagaimana menentukan dosis yang efektif dan aman bagi pasien terapi.  Permasalahan tersebut juga dialami oleh mitra pengabdian masyarakat yaitu nakes dan nakestrad  mitra yang berasal dari Puskesmas Wonosari 1 Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Klaten Jawa tengah. Workshop dento bilaser sebagai rangkaian kegiatan pengmas telah dilaksanakan secara luring dengan peserta kegiatan yaitu nakes dan nakestrad di Puskesmas Wonosari 1. Metode ceramah digunakan untuk menyampaikan materi berupa konsep dasar, faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas terapi antara lain : cara penggunaan alat laser terapi , serta penghitungan dosis laser. Diskusi digunakan untuk tanya jawab antara peserta nakes dan nakestrad dengan pemateri yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna. Pelatihan digunakan untuk menunjukan secara langsung pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna. Pelatihan dapat dimulai dari analisis masalah, penggunaan alat serta penghitungan dosis energi laser dan penatalaksanaan terapi yang benar. Workshop dan tutorial digunakan untuk mendemonstrasikan alat sebagai upaya pemahaman pemanfaatan alat Dento Bilaser. Selain itu juga dilaksanaan uji coba terapi pada pasien, untuk memberikan pemahaman dan ketrampilan pada nakes dan nakestrad  dalam penggunaan peralatan Dento Bilase

    Population Status of a Cryptic Top Predator: An Island-Wide Assessment of Tigers in Sumatran Rainforests

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    Large carnivores living in tropical rainforests are under immense pressure from the rapid conversion of their habitat. In response, millions of dollars are spent on conserving these species. However, the cost-effectiveness of such investments is poorly understood and this is largely because the requisite population estimates are difficult to achieve at appropriate spatial scales for these secretive species. Here, we apply a robust detection/non-detection sampling technique to produce the first reliable population metric (occupancy) for a critically endangered large carnivore; the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae). From 2007–2009, seven landscapes were surveyed through 13,511 km of transects in 394 grid cells (17×17 km). Tiger sign was detected in 206 cells, producing a naive estimate of 0.52. However, after controlling for an unequal detection probability (where p = 0.13±0.017; ±S.E.), the estimated tiger occupancy was 0.72±0.048. Whilst the Sumatra-wide survey results gives cause for optimism, a significant negative correlation between occupancy and recent deforestation was found. For example, the Northern Riau landscape had an average deforestation rate of 9.8%/yr and by far the lowest occupancy (0.33±0.055). Our results highlight the key tiger areas in need of protection and have led to one area (Leuser-Ulu Masen) being upgraded as a ‘global priority’ for wild tiger conservation. However, Sumatra has one of the highest global deforestation rates and the two largest tiger landscapes identified in this study will become highly fragmented if their respective proposed roads networks are approved. Thus, it is vital that the Indonesian government tackles these threats, e.g. through improved land-use planning, if it is to succeed in meeting its ambitious National Tiger Recovery Plan targets of doubling the number of Sumatran tigers by 2022

    Efek Teknologi Lucutan Plasma pada Organoleptik Daging Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ozon dalam menghambat kerusakan pada ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan pemaparan ozon pada ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dengan teknik pemaparan ozon melalui air dengan variasi waktu alir, yaitu 0 detik, 540 detik, 360 detik, dan 180 detik. Sampel ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) diperoleh dari tempat budidaya ikan nila di Tanggulangin, Kota Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 12 jam sekali selama 48 jam atau 2 hari berupa pengujian organoleptik pada ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa teknik paparan ozon melalui air dengan waktu alir 3 menit dalam waktu penyimpanannya selama 12 jam dengan konsentrasi ozon 0,0203 mg/L memberikan hasil yang terbaik dalam menghambat kerusakan mutu kualitas ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) yang ditandai dengan Perubahan pada mata, insang, lendir permukaan badan, daging, bau, dan tekstur ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) serta spesifikasi pada ikan yang paling efektif dalam menghambat kerusakan adalah pada penampakan lendir permukaan badan dan bau pada ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus)

    Fonologi bahasa Bedayuh

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    In 2008, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), an international aviation authority under the United Nations (UN), amended the aviation safety document. The substance of the amendment was to introduce Flight Operation Quality Assurance (FOQA) as a tool that is a development of the Safety Management System (SMS). The main purpose of FOQA is to collect and process technical data on a flight, measure risks, and estimate possibilities that could jeopardize the safety of a flight. In Indonesia, FOQA has begun to be applied to several flight operators, and one of them is PT XXX. The level of flight safety can be calculated using FOQA. There are a number of events that can be grouped as contributing events of an event and compared to the number of flights in a certain period. The implementation of FOQA can be said to be effective with a significant decrease in the ratio to total flight value from 2019 to 2022 by 45,56%