84 research outputs found

    Assessment of Profile of Antigenicity and Immunogeniticity of Eimeria maxima and Eimeria tenella through Propagative Level and Histopathological Changes in Site Infection for Exploration of Optimal Low Doses of Bivalent Chicken Coccidiosis Live Vaccine

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    Live vaccines group was the first to be studied, due to the fact that live parasites reduce further reinfection. The development of vaccine to control coccidiosis caused by E. maxima and E. tenella in chickens is intensifying because of the increasing threat of drug resistance to anticoccidial agents. It is important, therefore, to develop a reliable standard method for the assessment of vaccine afficacy particularly antigenicity and immunogenicity become crucial. Evaluation of profile of antigenicity and immunogenicity of E. maxima and E. tenella to some low doses can be reflected through propagative level and histopathological changes. The complete random design of research was used in this study. Sixty of two weeks old broilers were divided into four groups and each group composed 15 replications. The group 1 and group 2 were chicken group inoculated orally 5 x 102 and 1 x 103 virulent E. maxima oocysts, respectively. The group 3 and group 4 were chicken group inoculated with 2.5 x 102 and 5 x 102 virulent E. tenella oocysts, respectively. Then all chickens of group 1 and group 2 were challenged with E. maxima oocyst at doses of 5 x 103, while chicken group 3 and group 4 were challenged with E. tenella oocyst at doses of 2.5 x 103. Observation of research that represented antigenicity and immunogenicity was clinical sign, propagative level, histopathological changes. On primary inoculation, chicken group 1 and 3 which low doses of E. maxima and E. tenella respectively inoculated was some clinical signs such as appetite, weakness, and diarrhea were not seen on all chicken, low parasite propagative level and few histopathological changes on development site, whereas on group 2 and 4 which higher doses of E. maxima and E. tenella respectively inoculated was appeared clinical signs such as appetite, weakness, and diarrhea, moderate parasite propagative level and histopathological changes on development site. Then on challenge test, group 1 and 2 which challenged E. maxima and group 3 and 4 which challenged E. tenella showed there were no clinical signs such as appetite, weakness, and diarrhea on all chicken groups. For the propagative level and histopathological changes, there were no significantly differences in all chicken groups. We concluded that the low doses of virulent E. maxima and E. tenella had low propagative level and few histopathological changes effect that represents a promising strategy to prevent chickens coccidiosis particularly both species. Keywords: antigenicity, E.tenella, E. maxima, histopthological changes, immunogenicity, propagative leve

    Evaluation of The Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of Eimeria tenella by Reproductive Index and Histopathological Changes of Cecal Coccidiosis Virulent Live Vaccine in Broiler Chickens

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    Background: The development of vaccine to control coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella (E. tenella) in chickens is intensifying because of the increasing threat of drug resistance to anticoccidial agents. It is important, therefore, to develop a reliable standard method for the assessment of vaccine afficacy particularly antigenicity and immunogenicity become crucial. Evaluation of E. tenella antigenicity and immunogenicity to some low doses can be reflected by reproductive index and histopathological changes. Materials and Methods: The complete random design of research was used in this study. Sixty of two weeks old broilers were divided into four groups and each group composed 15 replications. The group 1 was chicken group without virulent E. tenella oocyst inoculation. The group 2, 3 and group 4 were chicken group inoculated with virulent E. tenella oocyst at doses of 1.0 x 102, 2.0 x 102, 3.0 x 102, respectively. Then all chicken groups were challenged with E. tenella oocyst at doses of 1.0 x 103. Observation of research that represented antigenicity and immunogenicity was clinical sign, reproductive index, histopathological changes. Results: On virulent E. tenella inoculation step, some clinical signs such as appetite, weakness, and diarrhea were very slight on all chicken groups. While on challenge test step, there were no clinical signs of all chicken groups except the group 1. For the reproductive index of virulent E. tenella inoculation step, there were no significantly differences in all chicken groups except the group 1. As reproductive index, the same result pattern was seen for histopathological changes. Conclusion: The low number virulent E. tenella had low reproductive index and few histopathological changes effect that represents a promising strategy to prevent cecal coccidiosis in chickens. Key words: antigenicity, E.tenella, histopthological changes, immunogenicity, reproductive inde

    The Morphological Endogenous Development of Eimeria necatrix at Primary and Secondary Infected Chickens and its Histopathological Effect

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    The endogenous development of E. necatrix was observed at primary and secondary infected chicken to know protective immunity development on host. The present study used 25 broiler chickens at 3 weeks old were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 was 10 chickens administered aquades, after 14 days then challenged 5 x 103 E. necatrix oocysts, 4 days post challenged 5 chickens were sacrificed to observe morphological endogenous development of parasites by histopathological changes examination, while oocysts production was calculated on 5 other chickens from day 6 to 12 post challenged. Group 2 was 15 chickens inoculated 5 x 102 E. necatrix oocysts, 4 days pi 5 chickens were sacrificed to observe morphological endogenous development of parasites by histopathological changes examination for primary infection. The results show that group 1, in si, parasites were development and proliferation well, whereas group 2, in si was seen few development and proliferation of parasites. In conclusion, the endogenous development disabilities of parasites occur as a result of protective immunity generated resulting from the first antigen exposure so that proliferation and multiplication of parasites became decrease


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    Pengendalian penyakit infeksius pada manusia I hewan sebagian besar bertumpu pada penggunaan antibiotik dan bahan kimia lain. WHO saat ini merekomendasikan pembatasan penggunaan antimikroba dalam pakan untuk produksi, pengembangan temak dan penggunaan dalarn mengendalikan penyakit. Beberapa negara telah menerapkan pembatasan tersebut. Akibat dari pembatasan ini bagi industri perunggasan di Indonesia adalah penurunan produktifitas akibat peningkatan kasus infeksi. Pembatasan ini perlu diantisipasi tanpa mengganti dengan antibiotik lain untuk tujuan pencegahan dan pengobatan infeksi mikroorganisme. Untuk mengatasi kondisi tersebut penggunaan vaksin dalam pengendalian penyakit infeksius memberikan harapan dalam menghindari ketergantungan terhadap pemakaian antibiotik dan bahan kimia lain disamping itu penggunaan vaksin lebih alami, aman, efektif dan efisien dalam meningkatkan resistensi dan rnenghambat perkembangan agen infeksi. Salah satu bahan vaksin yang masih dan sedang dieksplorasi serta mempunyai prospek baik adalah vaksin hidup dari stadium ookista (Live Vaccine: LV) yang dapat dikembangkan, diproduksi massal serta dapat diaplikasikan. Pengembangan LV menggunakan low-virulence precocious lines Eimeria dapat dijadikan altematif untuk lebih efisien, efektif da)am proteksi dan biaya dibandingkan vaksin koksidiosis ayani jenis lain seperti killed atau sub unit vaksin. Pengembangan dan penggunaan LV untuk koksidiosis ayam selama ini belum berhasil dengan baik dikarenakan pengembangan vaksin tersebut biasanya terbatas pada salah satu atau beberapa isolat (spesies) Eimeria saja (Livacox dan CoxAbic, masing-masing hanya berisi isolat E. tenella dan E. maxima, Williams, 2002; Wallach, 1991). Kenyataan menunjukkan ban yak kasus koksidiosis yang terjadi di beberapa farm ayam adalah infeksi campuran beberapa spesies Eimeria, sementara di farm yang lain oleh spesies Eimeria yang lain, pOOahal ada delapan spesies Eimeria penyebab koksidiosis ayam (Soulsby, 1986). O!eh karena itu program pencegahan atau proteksi terhadap koksidiosis ayam selama ini tidak sesuai harapan artinya program vaksinasi kurang berhasil dikarenakan agen atau isolat untuk proteksi terbatas pada satu atau beberapa spesies saja. Disamping itu, respon kekebalan yang terjadi skibat infeksi Eimeria bersifat spesies spesifik artinya vaksinasi dengan satu atau beberapa spesies Eimeria saja hanya dapat melindungi induk semang dari satu atau beberapa isolat tersebut. Kondisi tersebut sangat tidak menguntungkan dari segi proteksi yang dihasiJkan maupun secara ekonomi apabila program vaksinasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan satu atau beberapa isolat saja dengan konsekuensi vaksinasi dilakukan beberapa kali

    Clinical Laboratory Study of Dairy Cattle Infected by Blood Parasites

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    Epidemiological study for monitoring of blood parasites was conducted in Indonesia. The present study was to detect the blood parasitic diseases and health status of dairy cattles in Bogor. Hematological analysis and blood smear examinations were done for the dairy cattle. Fifty blood samples of dairy cattles were eamined out of which Anaplasma (7); Babesia (7) infection of plasma and Babesia (18) and neative samples (18) were recorded. The results indicated 50% of blood samples were positive for blood parasites Keywords : blood parasite, epidemiological study, hematolog

    The Potency of Formalin in Atenuation of Pathogeniticy in Eimeria Tenella at the Caecum of Broiler Chicken

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    Background: Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that disrupts digestive tract, especially in caecum. It causes a lot of harm to chicken farms. Formalin, can be a new invention as an alternative for Eimeria tanella protozoa attenuation in vaccines. Aim: To determine formalin effect and optimum concentration for formalin attenuation of pathogenicity to cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens. Method: This study was an experimental study using completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments. Treatment variation is formaldehyde with a concentration of 0%, 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.6%, 1.2% Results: Results of the study showed that formalin with different concentrations resulted in a significant decrease. Decreasing microscopic cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens in each treatment 0%, 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 1.2% were 10.32; 9.86; 7.00; 5,14; 4.98 respectively. The largest decrease in lesion score was at 1.2%. Conclusion: Formalin with 1.2% concentration could reduce cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens Keywords: Formalin, E. tenella, Caecum of boiler chicken, Attenuatio

    Potency of attenuated Eimeria tenella in protective immunity induction on homologous and heterologous challenges

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    The aim of this study was to know the protective immunity of broilers immunized with attenuated Eimeria tenella (E. tenella) on homologous and heterologous challenges. The protective immunity was represented by oocyst production and histopathological changes of cecum. The previous experiment already produced attenuated E. tenella through serial passages of precocious lines in naive chicken. Four groups of chickens were separately divided into two non-immunized control groups and two immunized with attenuated E. tenella groups, and each group was challenged with homologous and heterologous strains. The results showed significant difference in oocysts production (p<0.01) and histopathological changes between control and immunized groups. Keywords: attenuated E. tenella; protective immunity; homologous; heterologou


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    Background: The development of vaccine to control coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella (E. tenella) in chickens is intensifying because of the increasing threat of drug resistance to anticoccidial agents. It is important, therefore, to develop a reliable standard method for the assessment of vaccine afficacy particularly antigenicity and immunogenicity become crucial. Evaluation of E. tenella antigenicity and immunogenicity to some low doses can be reflected by reproductive index and histopathological changes. Materials and Methods: The complete random design of research was used in this study. Sixty of two weeks old broilers were divided into four groups and each group composed 15 replications. The group 1 was chicken group without virulent E. tenella oocyst inoculation. The group 2, 3 and group 4 were chicken group inoculated with virulent E. tenella oocyst at doses of 1.0 x 102, 2.0 x 102, 3.0 x 102, respectively. Then all chicken groups were challenged with E. tenella oocyst at doses of 1.0 x 103. Observation of research that represented antigenicity and immunogenicity was clinical sign, reproductive index, histopathological changes. Results: On virulent E. tenella inoculation step, some clinical signs such as appetite, weakness, and diarrhea were very slight on all chicken groups. While on challenge test step, there were no clinical signs of all chicken groups except the group 1. For the reproductive index of virulent E. tenella inoculation step, there were no significantly differences in all chicken groups except the group 1. As reproductive index, the same result pattern was seen for histopathological changes. Conclusion: The low number virulent E. tenella had low reproductive index and few histopathological changes effect that represents a promising strategy to prevent cecal coccidiosis in chickens

    Assessment of Profile of Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of Eimeria maxima and Eimeria tenella through Propagative Level and Histopathological Changes in Site Infection for Exploration of Optimal Low Doses of Bivalent Chicken Coccidiosis Live Vaccine

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    Live vaccines group was the first to be studied, due to the fact that live parasites reduce further reinfection. The development of vaccine to control coccidiosis caused by E. maxima and E. tenella in chickens is intensifying because of the increasing threat of drug resistance to anticoccidial agents. It is important, therefore, to develop a reliable standard method for the assessment of vaccine afficacy particularly antigenicity and immunogenicity become crucial. Evaluation of profile of antigenicity and immunogenicity of E. maxima and E. tenella to some low doses can be reflected through propagative level and histopathological changes. The complete random design of research was used in this study. Sixty of two weeks old broilers were divided into four groups and each group composed 15 replications. The group 1 and group 2 were chicken group inoculated orally 5 x 102 and 1 x 103 virulent E. maxima oocysts, respectively. The group 3 and group 4 were chicken group inoculated with 2.5 x 102 and 5 x 102 virulent E. tenella oocysts, respectively. Then all chickens of group 1 and group 2 were challenged with E. maxima oocyst at doses of 5 x 103, while chicken group 3 and group 4 were challenged with E. tenella oocyst at doses of 2.5 x 103. Observation of research that represented antigenicity and immunogenicity was clinical sign, propagative level, histopathological changes. On primary inoculation, chicken group 1 and 3 which low doses of E. maxima and E. tenella respectively inoculated was some clinical signs such as appetite, weakness, and diarrhea were not seen on all chicken, low parasite propagative level and few histopathological changes on development site, whereas on group 2 and 4 which higher doses of E. maxima and E. tenella respectively inoculated was appeared clinical signs such as appetite, weakness, and diarrhea, moderate parasite propagative level and histopathological changes on development site. Then on challenge test, group 1 and 2 which challenged E. maxima and group 3 and 4 which challenged E. tenella showed there were no clinical signs such as appetite, weakness, and diarrhea on all chicken groups. For the propagative level and histopathological changes, there were no significantly differences in all chicken groups. We concluded that the low doses of virulent E. maxima and E. tenella had low propagative level and few histopathological changes effect that represents a promising strategy to prevent chickens coccidiosis particularly both species. Keywords: antigenicity, E.tenella, E. maxima, histopthological changes, immunogenicity, propagative leve

    Histopathology of Esophagus and Crop of Pigeon (Columbia livia) Infected by Trichomonas gallinae

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    Background: Trichomonas gallinae is a protozoa that causes trichomoniasis which is common found in pigeons and it attacks the digestive tract of pigeons. Proper examination can be done to differentiatefrom healthy pigeons. Purpose: to observe the changes in histopathological images of the esophagus and the crop of pigeons (Columba livia) that infected with Trichomonas gallinae. Method: Observations were carried out on 20 pigeons with symptoms of presenceTrichomonas gallinae. Swab examination in the esophagus with the Natif Test and Giemsa Staining. Esophagus and cropwas collected through necropsy in the upper digestive tract. Then histopathological examination was performed with Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) staining. Data was analyzed descriptively. Result: Histopathological features of pigeons (Columba livia) infected with Trichomonas gallinae were different from healthy pigeons. Pigeons infected with protozoa Trichomonas gallinae showed changes of the esophagus in the form of erosion and cell necrosis in stratified non-keranitized epithelium (mucosa) and infiltration of inflammatory cells in the mucosa layer and sub esophageal mucosa. In addition, changes in the crop were cell necrosis in the mucosa layer, infiltration of inflammatory cells in the submucosal layer, and congestion in the sub mucosal cavity. Conclusion: There werehistopathological changes in the esophagus and crop of pigeonsthat infected with Trichomonas gallinae. Keywords: Histopathology, Esophagus, Crop, Trichomonas gallinae, pigeo
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