2,266 research outputs found

    Penghasilan modul pembelajaran lukisan kejuruteraan berbantukan komputer (CAD 3D)

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    Modul pembelajaran dihasilkan untuk memudahkan pelajar menguasai mata pelajaran. Modul pembelajaran, dibentuk berdasarkan kepada kurikulum yang telah diwujudkan untuk memenuhi pasaran pekeijaan. Lukisan Kejuruteraan Berbantukan Komputer adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang diwujudkan oleh kurikulum. Di dalam mata pelajaran Lukisan Kejuruteraan Berbantukan Komputer, kemahiran menggunakan komputer adalah perkara utama. Isi mata pelajaran berkehendakkan pelajar mengaplikasikan arahan berkomputer untuk menghasilkan lukisan kejuruteraan yang lengkap. Oleh yang demikian, modul pembelajaran yang dihasilkan ini adalah untuk membantu pelajar menguasai arahan-arahan di dalam Lukisan Kejuruteraan Berbantukan Komputer. Dinilai oleh sekumpulan responden pelajar dan berdasarkan kepada maklumbalas yang diberi, menunjukkan modul pembelajaran yang dihasilkan boleh digunapakai. Statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk mengumpul dan menganalisis data hasil kajian. Secara keseluruhannya, modul pembelajaran ini beijaya menarik minat pelajar untuk mengikuti isi pelajaran. Namun begitu pembaikan modul ini perlu untuk menjadikannya lebih berkesan dan menarik

    Bioinformatics tools @ NBBNet: online infrastructure for the management and analysis of biological data

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    The use of informatics tools for the management and analysis of sequences for nucleic acids and proteins has resulted better throughout capability of wet lab research work to infer biological data to functional biological information. The field of computational biological information management and analysis is generally known as bioinformatics. We discuss some tools and processes which have been developed or integrated into a data management and information presentation pipeline by the Malaysian National Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Network. Central to this is the Bioinformatics Tools @ NBBnet online infrastructure system. This infrastructure system utilizes grid computing technology. In addition, the deployment of niche databases and database shells for research applying specific datasets such as a particular protein function, protein family or genomes have been discussed

    Imaging of solid flow in a gravity flow rig using infra-red tomography

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    Information on flow regimes is vital in the analysis and measurement of industrial process flow. Almost all currently available method of measuring the flow of two-component mixtures in industrial pipelines endeavors to average a property of the flow over the pipe cross-section. They do not give information on the nature of the flow regime and they are unsuitable for accurate measurement where the component distribution is spatially or time varying. The overall aim of this project is to investigate the use of an optical tomography method based on infra-red sensors for real-time monitoring of solid particles conveyed by a rotary valve in a pneumatic pipeline. The infra-red tomography system can be divided into two distinct portions of hardware and software development process. The hardware development process covers the infra-red sensor selection, fixtures and signals conditioning circuits, and control circuits. The software development involves data acquisition system, sensor modeling, image algorithms, and programming for a tomographic display to provide solids flow information in pipeline such as concentration and velocity profiles. Collimating the radiated beam from a light source and passing it via a flow regime ensures that the intensity of radiation detected on the opposite side is linked to the distribution and the absorption coefficients of the different phases in the path of the beam. The information is obtained from the combination of two orthogonal and two diagonal light projection system and 30 cycles of real-time measurements. Those information on the flow captured using upstream and downstream infra-red sensors are digitized by the DAS system before it was passed into a computer for analysis such as image reconstructions and cross-correlation process that provide velocity profiles represented by 16 × 16 pixels mapped onto the pipe cross-section. This project successfully developed and tested an infra-red tomography system to display two-dimensional images of concentration and velocity

    In Search of Competencies of an Exceptional QS in Public Entity: Building a Theoretical Foundation.

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    It is the government role in providing infra-structure and basic amenities for the public. In Malaysia the Work Ministry is formed to oversee this role. Ensuring effectiveness and efficiency, the Public Service Department must identify competencies require for every position created in the Work Ministry and one such position is the position of Quantity surveyor. Research thus far shows that individual employees performance is not just built around technical expertise possess but also important is the behaviour. Since organization successes stand on its employees performance thus it is utmost important for organization to identify not only the right technical but also behavioural competencies for each and every individual position created. This paper discusses the need to explore competencies of exceptional Quantity surveyors and in the process suggests the means to identify those competencies. It is also argued that undertaking this heavy task cannot be accomplished without the participation of experienced public Quantity surveyors. The importance of competencies model for Quantity surveyors is also discussed in relation to human capital development which includes promotion, training, and recruitment of young Quantity surveyors to serve the public service.Competencies, Exceptional Quantity surveyor, Quantity Surveying Profession, Public Sector, Delphi Study

    Risk Based Inspection on Gas Processing Plant

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    This report describes a study of risk based inspection conducted on Gas Processing Plant focusing only on relief valves. The main purpose of this study is to fmd out whether risk based inspection is actually beneficial for conducting an inspection especially in terms of cost savings and risk management. The risk based inspection is a method of delivering and identifying highly risk equipment by calculating each risk level by means of optimizing the data collection. Risk is defmed as a combination of probability of failure and the consequences of failure of equipment. The major findings of this study are the determination of risk ranking of each equipment represented by risk matrix and the cost comparisons of inspection between applying RBI and not applying RBI. The result shows that RM 410000 can be saved if RBI methods were employed. These saving were achieved by systematically planning on how, where and when to inspect the relief valve


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    Renewable Energy (RE) got advantages over the conventional fuel energy generation. The only obstacle emerge is the supportability to the load demand and intermittency of power. This problem makes the natural resources are wasted for many years. Many approached had been applied from previous study. However, it required a high cost to develop the system. Home or commercial sector cannot afford to invest in implementing this technology. In conjunction of increasing the efficiency of power extraction, the centralized system are yet to be developed. The innovation of low cost system are still available to challenge. In this study, an approached proposed is to use the board from the National Instrument myRIO-1900 Reconfigurable I/O (RIO) and LabView software for commercially approach. By implementing this board and software, the integrated system of many sources from renewable energy are expected to develop


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    Various challenges have threatened the existence and sustainability of the lubuk larangan. Therefore, joint efforts and actions are needed to strengthen and ensure the sustainability of the lubuk larangan. Before the joint action can be realized, a study is needed that describes the current conditions of the management of the lubuk larangan. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the management of the lubuk larangan in the Kampar river. This study was carried out on October 2019 until January 2020. The location of the study was in Riau Province, namely in Kampar Regency and in West Sumatra Province, namely in Pasaman and Lima Puluh Kota Regency. Data collected includes primary data and secondary data. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis. The history of the formation of a lubuk larangan in general stems from the existence of a need in society to address interests. Most of the lubuk larangan bases located in West Sumatra are familiar with the zoning system, namely the distribution of prohibition bases into several zones according to their functions, including the core zone, buffer zone and utilization zone. Equipment used to catch fish is very simple such as fishing rods, nets, traps, shooting, and so forth. Lubuk larangan crops can then be sold back to the local community or migrants. Lubuk larangan maintenance activities that have been carried out include activities initiated by the relevant institution or initiated by the community itself. Lubuk larangan is supervised by a group formed through village / nagari deliberations, namely the community watch group (POKMASWAS) lubuk larangan

    The development of a preservation framework for primary research data and records for research in digital formats / Alwi Mohd Yunus

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    This study is an attempt to gain greater understanding of the preservation of primary data and records of social science research in digital formats. The work draws from the perceptions and ideas of those involved in the management and preservation of these records namely the researchers, research administrators, records managers and IT officers at the public research institutions and related organizations. Essentially mix-method in nature, this study sampled 411 respondents from eleven research institutions and related organizations for quantitative data and twelve informants for qualitative data from individual interviews and focus group discussions to permit purposive sampling. Qualitative data was also elicited from documents analysis. Phase one of the studyinvolved the examination and analysis of international best practice models and developed a generic model based on the InterPARES Chain of Preservation (CoP) and the United Kingdom Data Archives (UKDA) models. Phase two of the study involved investigation of the existing practices on the preservation of these data and records in the selected Malaysian public research institutions and related organizations. Phase three involved critical analysis of data gathered in phase two against the generic model developed in phase one of the study in order to develop a framework for the Malaysian case. The framework was validated through a focus group discussion

    The effects of dictionary and lexicon to morphological analysis

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    Dictionary or lexicon is one of the key components for morphological analyzers, except to purely rule-based tools. However, only few studies had been performed to evaluate the effects of using dictionary or lexicon for Malay morphological analysis. In this paper, we report the result of such evaluation on our morphological analyzer called MALIM, based on auto-expansion simulation. We found that lexicon improves the performance of the analyzer in term of correctness, and also the quality of the output

    Tradisi Basiacuong dalam Masyarakat Adat Limo Koto Kampar

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    Fungsi Basiacuong yang merupakan tradisi lisan dalam masyarakat Limo Koto Kampar antara lain mendorong masyarakat untuk terampil berbicara, mempertinggi sopan santun, memberikan pelajaran atau masehat kepada masyarakat, sebagai sarana untuk bersilaturrahmi, mendorong masyarakat untuk selalu bekerja sama dan saling tolong menolong dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Momen basiacuong dalam masyarakat Limo Koto Kampar pada dasarnya dilaksanakan dalam berbagai upacara dan kegiatan baik acara adat ataupun tidak. Dalam upacara adat seperti dalam penobatan pemengku adat dan pemberian gelar dan acara bakampuong. Di luar upacara adat seperti perkawinan, keduri, pemberian nama anak, khitanan, pergaulan hidup dan lain sebagainya. Prosesi Basiacung dilaksanakan sesuai dengan upacara yang ada dan berpedoman kepada ketentuan adat yangmengatur tata cara basiacuong sertamempergunakan ungkapan katakata siacuong. Penuturan kata siacuong dalam acara adat adalah para ninik mamak dari setiap persukuan yang ada. Akan tetapi acara di luar adat seperti kenduri boleh dituturkan oleh mereka yang terampil dalam basiacuong yang sudah dipersiapkan pada masing-masing persukuan yang ada. Pada waktu belakangan ini pewarisan kepada generasimuda dirasakan sudah sangat kurang, walaupun di beberapa tempatmasih terlihat anak muda mempelajari materi siacuong