15 research outputs found

    Konsistensi Pengaturan Jaminan Sosial Terhadap Konsep Negara Kesejahteraan Indonesia

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    The preamble of 1945 Constitution have declared Indonesia as a welfare state. Post-amendment of the 1945 Constitution, the rights of Indonesian citizen to welfare is regulated in Article 28 H sections (1), (2), (3), and Article 34 sections (2) and (3), which then is subsequented by Law number 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System, followed by Law number 24 of 2011 on Social Security Agency (BPJS). However, both regulations instead created new problems: the government is monopolizing the business of security insurance, and the existence of double burden to the citizens in paying taxes as an obligation and paying insurance premium as contribution fee to get social security. This study will further elaborate: First, the concept of the welfare state of Indonesia; and Second, the consistency of social security regulations towards the effort to manifestation of Indonesia as a welfare state.IntisariPembukaan UUD NRI Tahun 1945 telah mendeklarasikan Indonesia sebagai negara kesejahteraan (welfare state). Pasca amandemen UUD NRI Tahun 1945 hak warga negara dalam kesejahteraan diatur dalam Pasal 28 H ayat (1), (2), (3) dan Pasal 34 ayat (2) dan (3), yang kemudian diejawantahkan dalam UU No. 40 Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional yang ditindaklanjuti dengan UU No. 24 Tahun 2011 tentang Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS). Namun kedua pengaturan tersebut justru menimbulkan permasalahan baru: pemerintah membuat monopoli dalam bisnis asuransi jaminan, dan ada beban ganda bagi warga negara dalam membayar pajak sebagai kewajiban membayar premi asuransi sebagai kontribusi untuk mendapatkan pertanggungan dari jaminan sosial. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji: Pertama, bagaimana konsepsi negara kesejahteraan Indonesia; dan Kedua, bagaimana konsistensi pengaturan jaminan sosial terhadap upaya mewujudkan konsepsi negara kesejahteraan Indonesia

    Growth and survival of lactic acid bacteria isolated from byproduct of virgin coconut oil as probiotic candidate for poultry.

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    The main objective of this research is to investigate the potential of LABs isolated from processing byproduct of the VCO in in vitro conditions for use as probiotics in poultry. Forty eight LABs were isolated and four of them have been selected for further study i.e. Lh1, Lh2, Lh3 and Lh4. A series of tests carried out by studying the ability of bacteria to survive at 37 and 42°C, tolerance of LAB at pH 2, 0, 5, 7 and 7, 0 and tolerance to gastric juice as well as sensitivity to several antibiotics commonly was given to poultry. The survival of LABs was evaluated after 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 and 300 min of incubation. The sensitivity test to antibiotics was performed by Muller Hinton's agar. All the bacteria showed tolerance and ability to grow at pH 5 and 7, but only Lh4 enabled to tolerate at pH 2. All of LAB can grow at gastric juice stimulated. Lh4 was not sensitive to all antibiotics (clear zones: 0.33 mm) but the other LABs were sensitive (clear zones: 5-12 mm). The conclusion of this research is the ability of LABs to grow in in vitro conditions varies. The Lh4 has demonstrated its ability to grow and the best survival with the OD (λ = 580) is 1.99 after 300 min of incubation at pH 2 and has shown the most resistant to all antibiotics tested with a wide clear zone 0.33 mm, hence potentially be used for probiotic in poultry

    Pengaruh Penambahan Lisin dalam Ransum terhadap Berat Hidup, Karkas dan Potongan Karkas Ayam Kampung

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    Standard of nutrient requirements especially amino acid requirements in kampung chicken’s diet was not known yet. Therefore, until now formulation of kampung chicken’s diet still refferenced to nutrient requirements of laying hen. Usualy formulation of kampung chicken was based on protein and metabolizable energy requirement only, without considering about it’s balances of amino acids. Amino acids that usualy deficiency in diet were lysine and methionine. Because, study about amino acid requirement of kampung chicken was limited, so this research was conducted to study effect the suplementation of lysine in kampung chicken diet on body weight, carcass, and carcass quarter of kampung chicken (thigh and breast quarter yield). The experiment was designed by using randomized completely design with 5 treatments of supplementation of lysine (A = 0 % as a control, B = 0.15%, C = 0.30%, D = 0.45%, and E = 0.60%) in diet which crude protein content 14.5% and 2900 kkal/kg ME with 4 replications. Parameters were: body weight, carcass weight, percentage of carcass, thigh weight, breast weight, percentage of thigh, and percentage of breast of kampung chickens. The results showed that suplementation of lysine in diet highly significant (P0.05) on persentage of carcas and percentage of thigh. Levels supplementation of lysine bigger than 0.15% in diet (C = 0.30%, D = 0.45%, and E = 0.60%) gave the same effect as at level 0.15%. It concluded, the level of lysine supplementation in kampung chicken diet recomended was 0.15%. Therefor it was known that requirement lysine for kampung chicken on growth periode was 0.77%

    Evaluation of Metabolizable Energy and Crude Protein Balance on Productivity and Income on Male Kamang Ducks

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    Male Kamang ducks are one of the local ducks in West Sumatran germplasm originating from Tilatang Kamang and Kamang Magek Districts, Agam Regency, West Sumatera. The balance of metabolizable energy and crude protein (EM/P) in preparing the ration for Kamang ducks must be considered because it is closely related to the efficiency and growth of the ducks. Preparing the feed formulation for Kamang ducks with the right energy and protein balance will support their productivity. The research used male Kamang ducks in the grower phase, which is 3 to 7 weeks of age. Feed Treatment was metabolizable energy of 2800 kcal/kg with 17%, 18%, and 19% crude protein levels. The design used was completely randomized, with 3 treatments and 6 replications. The research showed no significant effect of treatments on feed consumption, body weight gain, or conversion ratio of male Kamang ducks in the grower phase; however, from the treatments, the highest income based on the IOFC value was ration B. In male Kamang ducks, good performance in balance of ME/P are 147.37 to 164.71 with the highest Income Over Feed and Cost (IOFC) value and lower fat abdominal at ME/P 155.55

    Pengaturan Pajak Daerah di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA dan Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    The enactment of Act Nr. 28 of 2009 on Local Taxes and Local Levies would allegedly pose some juridical impact on local tax collection at the provincial and district/cities throughout Indonesia. The juridical impact would at least occur to local regulations governing local taxes, Regional Government Revenue and Expenditure (APBD), and the oversight of local regulation by the provincial and district/ city governments. This research is a normative-empirical research, which aims to analyse changes of local taxes law in Act Nr. 28 of 2009. This study offers an insight of the impact of this Act on local tax collection in the special province of Yogyakarta. Pemberlakuan UU No. 28 Tahun 2009 tentang Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah disinyalir akan menimbulkan beberapa dampak yuridis terhadap pemungutan pajak daerah di tingkat provinsi dan kabupaten/kota di seluruh Indonesia. Dampak yuridis tersebut setidaknya terjadi terhadap produk hukum daerah yang mengatur tentang pajak daerah, Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD), dan pengawasan produk hukum daerah oleh pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif-empiris, yang bertujuan menganalisis Perubahan pengaturan tentang pajak daerah dalam UU No. 28 Tahun 2009, sehingga melalui penelitian ini terlihat dampak yuridis penegakan UU ini pada pengumpulan pajak lokal di Provinsi DIY

    A meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of garlic supplementation on performance and blood lipids profile of broiler chickens

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    The present meta-analysis examined the effects of garlic supplementation on the average daily gain (ADG) and blood lipids profile of broiler chickens by aggregating 40 peer-reviewed articles published between 1991 and 2021. The studies assessing garlic intervention effects on broiler diets were selected from Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, PubMed Central, and DOAJ databases based on eligibility criteria developed referring to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Hedges’ g effect size of dietary garlic treatment was calculated to estimate the standardized means difference (SMD) at 95% Confident Interval (95% CI) using random-effects models (REM) based on DerSimonian and Laird method. A subgroup meta�analysis was performed to clarify potentially significant effect sizes of covariates (study country, garlic form, rearing period, and strains of birds). A linear mixed-effect model was used to assess the inclusion levels effect along with the above-mentioned covariates. Results suggested that dietary garlic increased ADG (SMD = 3.239, 95% CI = 2.360 to 4.120, P < 0.001), and decreased feed intake (FI) (SMD = -2.230, 95% CI = -3.141 to -1.320, P < 0.001) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) (SMD = SMD = -0.059, 95% CI = -0.080 to -0.040, P < 0.001). The increasing effects on ADG were consistent among the type of garlic (garlic powder, extracted, and fermented), rearing periods (starter, grower, and finisher), most broiler strains, and in most countries where the study was carried out), with few exceptions such as studies from Pakistan, Poland, and Indonesia but the sample sizes were small. Highest increasing effect was observed during grower period (SMD = 3.828; P < 0.001). Subgroup meta�analysis also showed that decreasing effects on FI and FCR were found in grower and finisher periods (P < 0.01) but were not observed in the starter period (P > 0.05). Additionally, the relationship between levels and performance depended on the rearing periods as shown by the significant interaction effects between levels and rearing period (P < 0.001). In particular, increasing garlic levels linearly increased ADG and decreased FI and FCR in the finisher period (P < 0.05) but no relationship was observed for starter and grower periods. This study also provided strong evidence that garlic improved blood lipids profile in broiler chickens as shown by decreasing the concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL while increasing HDL at the same time, regardless of dietary levels (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the present meta-analysis demonstrated that growth�promoting, hypolipidemic and hypocholesterolemic effects of garlic supplementation on broiler chickens were confirmed in most experimental conditions and rearing periods although the minimum effect was observed in the starter period in terms of ADG. It should be noted that high levels of garlic supplementation are typically un�favorable because it would decrease feed intake. Further study to evaluate low doses of specific bioactive compounds inclusion from garlic on broiler performance and health is warranted to minimize the deleterious effect on feed intake. Keywords: Antioxidant Broiler chickens Growth promoters Meta-analysis Phytobiotic

    (Review) Potensi, Faktor Pembatas dan Pengolahan Rumput Laut Coklat (Phaeophyceae) sebagai Pakan Ayam Petelur

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    Tulisan ini dibuat untuk mengetahui potensi, faktor pembatas, dan pengolahan rumput laut coklat (Phaeophyceae) sebagai pakan ayam petelur. Rumput laut coklat (Phaeophyceae) adalah rumput laut yang mengandung pigmen klorofil a, karotin, xanthofil dan fukosantin, pigmen yang dominan adalah fukosantin yang menutupi warna lainnya dan menyebabkan rumput laut ini kelihatan berwarna coklat. Rumput laut coklat memiliki potensi sebagai bahan pakan ayam petelur karena ketersediaan yang melimpah, tidak bersaing dengan kebutuhan manusia, mengandung zat-zat nutrisi, tidak bersifat toksik, kaya asam lemak omega 3, mengandung pigmen fukosantin, alginat dan fukoidan. Faktor pembatas penggunaan rumput laut ini, yaitu 1) Kandungan nutrisi dan kualitas: alginat tinggi, protein rendah, dan energi rendah; 2) Kandungan anti nutrisi: kadar garam tinggi dan phlorotannin; 3) Penanganan dan pengolahan: membutuhkan berbagai pengolahan khusus sebelum digunakan sebagai pakan ternak. Faktor-faktor pembatas tersebut dapat diatasi dengan perlakuan fisik (pencucian, pengeringan, autoklaf, perebusan dan freezing), fermentasi dan penambahan enzim dalam pakan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan ketersediaan zat nutrisi dan mendetoksifikasi senyawa antinutrisi. Rumput laut coklat (Phaeophyceae) memiliki potensi sebagai bahan pakan penyusun ransum ayam petelur