26 research outputs found

    Think Talk Write Strategy on Economics Subject

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    Abstract This research was conducted in order to determine how the application of learning technic Think Talk Write (TTW) on activity and learning outcomes of student in economic subjects x IIS 3 in SMA Laboratorium UM. This research uses qualitative approach by class action research, which was done in 2 cycles. Every cycle consists of 3 meetings through 4 steps, that is planning, doing, observing, and reflecting. The subject of this research is students of X IIS 3 that consists of 32 students. Based on the results of the study, it showed that the enforceability of the implementation of the Think Talk Write (TTW) technic has increased from the first cycle that was 83% to 93% in the second cycle. The student's activity increased from the first cycle of 67,79% to 81,27% in the second cycle. Cognitive aspects of learning outcomes of a student in the first cycle of 25% with an average value of 60 increased by 100% with an average value of 86. From this analysis, it is concluded from the results that the feasibility study technic Think Talk Write (TTW) on The students activity and learning outcomes of students increased in the second cycle compared to the first cycle that is very appropriate implementation of learning applied to economic subject for the X grade students of Social Studies 3 in SMA Laboratorium UM.Keyword: Think Talk Write, Activity, Learning OutcomeDOI: 10.17977/um013v1i12017p02


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    Low student engagement can be indicated by students who are passive during learning, are not interested in learning and lack of focus on learning. This can be addressed by the use of OSRS(Socrative and Clickers) to increase student engagement. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence and differences in student engagement between classes that use Socrative and classes that use Clickers. The "Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Multiple Group Design" design was used in this study, with data collection using questionnaires and data analysis using the ANCOVA test. The results of this study inform that the Socrative and Clickers platforms have a positive influence on student engagement. Although, student engagement between the Socrative class and the Clickers class did not differ significantly, student engagement in the Socrative class was 6.4% higher than the Clickers class which was 6.1%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of Socrative and Clickers can encourage student interaction and participation which leads to increased student engagement and has the potential to improve student learning assessment. Suggestions for future research are to be able to use larger samples and longer treatment times. AbstrakKeterlibatan siswa yang rendah dapat terindikasi dari siswa yang pasif saat pembelajaran, tidak tertarik dengan pembelajaran serta kurangnya focus pada pembelajaran. Hal tersebut dapat diatasi dengan penggunaan OSRS(Socrative dan Clickers) untuk dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh  serta perbedaan  keterlibatan siswa antara kelas yang menggunakan Socrative dan kelas yang menggunakan Clickers. Rancangan “Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Multiple Group Design” digunakan dalam penelitian ini, dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan analisis data menggunakan uji ANCOVA. Hasil dari penelitian ini menginformasikan bahwa platform Socrative dan Clickers memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap keterlibatan siswa. Meskipun, keterlibatan siswa antara kelas Socrative dan kelas Clickers tidak berbeda secara signifikan, namun keterlibatan siswa di kelas Socrative sebesar 6,4% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas Clickers yang sebesar 6,1%.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan Socrative dan Clickers dapat mendorong interaksi dan partisipasi siswa yang mengarah pada peningkatan keterlibatan siswa serta memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan penilaian pembelajaran siswa. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya yaitu dapat menggunakan sampel yang lebih besar dan waktu perlakuan yang lebih panjang.

    Providing Assessment Model to Diminish Free Rider and Enhance Students’ Cooperative Skills

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    This study aims to propose a concept innovation model: EDDPEA (Envision, Design, Develop, Presentation, Enhance, Assessment) as an attempt to diminish the free-rider issue and raise university students’ collaborative skills. The study involved a research development approach using the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) model to develop an innovative learning model for university students. This approach was adopted to develop a product that is effectively involved in learning. In this research, we employed questionnaires in measuring the validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The findings of this study indicate that the EDDPEA follows six stages, including envision, design, develop, present, enhance, and assessment. Each stage can involve students’ attention to a particular given topic. Additionally, this innovative learning model can be used for entrepreneurship subjects as attempting to diminish the free-rider issue in a workgroup and it can be elaborated with other relevant subjects. This paper will provide a prior understanding on how to diminish free-rider issue in work group learning

    Implementation of Learning Model Cooperative Learning Teams Games Tournament Collaborates With Lottery Card

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    Economic studies in class XI IPS 1 on MAN 3 Malang apply conventional learning methods and discussion groups. These methods are already focused on student learning activities, but only a few students are able to demonstrate their academic ability. The existence of these problems resulted in students who are still unable to achieve minimal competence. Therefore, needed learning models that can improve student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research was conducted to describe the learning results of students of Class XI IPS 1 MAN 3 Malang cognitive domain in economic subjects with applied learning model Cooperative Learning Teams Games Tournament collaborated with Lottery Card. The results is: 1) On cycle 1 an increase in percentage of completed learning 3.85% when pretest become 76% when the post-test; 2) At cycle 2 an increase in percentage of completed learning 7.69% when pretest be 100% on the post-test. The first conclusion of this research is that the application of the Cooperative learning model of the Learning Teams Games Tournament collaborated with Lottery Card on economic subjects can be applied well in class XI IPS 1 MAN 3 Malang, both the application of Cooperative learning model of the Learning Teams Games Tournament collaborated with Lottery Card can improve the students learning outcomes on economic subjects of Class XI IPS 1 MAN 3 Malang.Keyword: Cooperative Learning, Teams Games Tournament, Lottery Card, The Result of the Study.DOI: 10.17977/um013v1i22017p09

    TBL vs. PBL: Which is More Effective Model in Economics Learning?

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    Economics subject discusses many economic problems in students’ circumstances, and it requires critical thinking ability. However, the ability of students to think critically linked to economics is still an insufficient category. Therefore, it needs to implement the learning model that affects the development of students’ critical thinking. This research aims to compare the effectiveness of team-based learning (TBL) and problem-based learning (PBL) models in economics learning as an attempt to enhance students’ critical thinking skills. This study adopted a quasi-experimental method using two experimental classes treated differently. The pre-test and post-test data obtained were used to estimate the research hypotheses through the ANCOVA test. The results of this study indicate differences in the improvement of critical thinking skills in TBL and PBL class students, with a significance level of 0.007 (<0.05). Students in the TBL class experienced increased critical thinking skills 10% superior to students in the PBL class. Therefore, TBL can be an alternative for teachers of economics or other relevant subjects to apply in teaching-learning activities by paying attention to the content rather than the material to be delivered. Further research regarding the TBL model with other 4Cs skills besides critical thinking is needed. &nbsp

    The Impact of HR Practices on Job Performance and Turnover Intention with Psychological Well-Being as a Mediator in Professional Workers at a Subcontractor Telecommunication Company in Indonesia

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    Turnover is a big issue for an organization, leading to the loss of talent and financial costs based on the organization’s investment in human capital and decreased productivity. In this research, we examined the impact of three HR practices on employee well-being, job performance and turnover intentions in professional workers at PT ABC. Employee well-being in this study involved two perspectives: psychological well-being and physical well-being. This study also examined the impact of employee well-being on retention. The study was conducted in a subcontractor company in the telecommunication industry in Indonesia. This study included 283 professional workers who were considered critical people in ensuring quality service. HR practices had a negative effect on turnover intention and a positive effect on job performance. HR practices did not influence either psychological well-being or physical well-being. Keywords: HR Practise, turnover intention, employee well-being, professional worker

    Is it Important for Elementary School Students to Learn the Basics of Finance?

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    Financial education is very important at all levels of education, even at the level of basic education. The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of elementary school students mastering the basic knowledge of finance. This study was conducted from May to October 2019 at SDN 1 Gandusari, Blitar Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia, and used a qualitative case study research method. This study used primary data in the form of interviews, focus group discussions (FGD) and documentation. The findings revealed the financial profile of SDN 1 Gandusari students as well as the financial behavior of students in daily life. Based on the results, it is important for policymakers, academics and practitioners in the field of basic education to include their own curriculum for financial education for elementary school students. Keywords: elementary school student, learn, basics of financ

    Enhancing Society Welfare Through Smart City Improvement by the Government in Kediri

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    The era of the fourth industrial revolution has caused many changes in every aspect of human life. The rapid development of technology has brought many advances affecting the socio-economic aspects of the lives of people in urban areas. The impact is different in people who are adapted compared with people who cannot adjust. Therefore, the government must interfere to accommodate these different conditions to reduce socio-economic inequalities for the future. The government also plays a role in efforts to improve welfare through the Smart City program, which involves all components of society. This program involves planning, developing and implementing technology in an urban area, which creates complex and synchronized systems of interactions. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategic role of Smart City in improving people’s welfare. Kediri is one of the regions in Indonesia that has implemented a Smart City program and is continuously improving its implementation. Descriptive qualitative methods were used with a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through observations and literacy studies, to obtain a reflection of the implementation of Smart City in Kediri. The results described the implementation of the Smart City program, and showed that the quality of government services relating to the welfare of the community has improved, in terms of the economy, education, health and public facilities. The level of community participation in supporting regional activities has also increased due to the support of information and communication technology. Keywords: Regional Economy, Smart City Program, Society Welfare, IC

    How Will an Economic Downturn Impact the SME Industrial Cluster in Malang?

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    Malang is one of the cities that supports the creation of a competitive creative economy. There are a number of industrial clusters spread throughout the Malang area, one of which is the Sanitair cluster. Industry security in Malang was very high before the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decline in the economy and in activity in the creative economy sector in Malang, including in the Sanitair industry cluster. The economic shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic gradually subsided as the stability of the domestic financial market and economic sectors stretched. However, the supply and demand sides of the industry were both hit, so recovery efforts still need more time. The spread of the virus also has not shown signs of ending along with the increasing trend of cases and confirmed deaths. The demand for various social and economic activities is getting stronger, marked by loosening of physical distancing in many areas. On the other hand, the existing public health infrastructure is still inadequate. So, there is a high risk to moving back the various wheels of social and economic activity in the Sanitair industry cluster in Malang. COVID-19 affected the supply chain of the SME industry, including the absorption of products, the availability of raw materials, suppliers and the distribution process of the Sanitair industry. Keywords: Economic downturn, Industrial cluster, supply chai


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    Abstrak: Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pegetahuan dasar tentang keuangan melalui “Lacebank” atau laboratorium cerdas perbankan. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan sebagai upaya mengembangkan laboratorium cerdas perbankan. Adapaun tahapan yang di gunakan dalam kegiatan ada 4 tahap yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pembinanaan, tahap implementasi. Tahap pertama Dalam tim mengurus perijinan terkait program Laboratorium Cerdas Perbankan yang akan diadakan di SDN 1 Gandusari. Tahap ke dua Laboratorium Cerdas Perbankan Guide Program adalah tim pelaksana Pengabdian Masyarakat dibantu oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan. Selanjutnya dibentuk Komunitas Duta Keuangan yang berasal dari siswa SDN 1 Gandusari, untuk keberlanjutan program serta mampu berkembang ke sekolah-sekolah lain. Tahap implementasi terdiri dari tiga kegiatan yaitu kegiatan pembukaan, inti program dan pentupan program.Abstract: The purpose of this community service activity is to provide basic knowledge about finance through "Lacebank" or a smart banking laboratory. The method used in this activity is training and mentoring in an effort to develop a smart banking laboratory. As for the stages used in the activity there are 4 stages: the preparation phase, the development stage, the implementation phase. The first stage in the team took care of licensing related to the Intelligent Banking Laboratory program to be held at SDN 1 Gandusari. The second stage of the Smart Banking Guide Program Laboratory is the implementation team of Community Service assisted by students of the Department of Development Economics. Subsequently, the Community of Financial Ambassadors formed from SDN 1 Gandusari students were formed, to sustain the program and be able to develop to other schools. The implementation phase consists of three activities, namely the opening activities, the core program and program closure