13 research outputs found


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    IMPROVING THE ACTIVITY AND LEARNING OUTCOMES OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ON LESSONS OF HUMAN RESPIRATION SYSTEMS THROUGH STUDENT TEAMS ACHIEVEMENT DIVISION MODELSThis study aims to improve learning outcomes, see the improvement of learning outcomes, measure the increase in student learning outcomes in the subject matter of Human Respiration System Science through the application of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) model. This research is a Classroom Action Research by providing action on research subjects in two learning cycles in class VIII.H SMPN 5 Bogor Academic Year 2019/2020. The results of this study indicate that using the Student Teams Achievement Divisions model can be a fun learning variation for students so that it is proven to improve student learning outcomes. Before using the Student Teams Achievement Divisions model in the division it became an average and completeness of learning 62.10 and 34.38% the increase occurred after using the Student Teams Achievement Divisions model in the division to 79.34 and 68.75% in cycle I, and it occurred increased again to 87.26 and 100% in cycle II. The results showed that using the Student Teams Achievement Divisions model in the division which was adapted to learning materials that could create a pleasant atmosphere so that there was an increase in student learning outcomes. Therefore, researchers suggest that the Student Teams Achievement Divisions model be socialized to be used as an alternative in science learning in schools within the Bogor City Education Office

    Pengaruh Filtrat Cendawan Aspergillus SP. Dan Fusarium SP. Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria)

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    Fungi are one of the main causes of damage to seeds. Fungi can be a pathogen or saprophyte such as Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium sp. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of filtrate fungus Aspergillus sp and Fusarium sp on seed viability and seedling growth performance of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria). The experiment design used was the Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with treatment: control, filtrate of Aspergillus sp and Fusarium sp filtrate. Each treatment was repeated 4 times. Variables measured include germination, percent of live seed, height, diameters, biomass, root shoot ratio, and the index quality seeds. The results showed that the fungus Aspergillus sp filtrate and Fusarium sp significantly affect seed germination, life percent, height, diameter, NPA, IMB, and biomass of seedlings Sengon. The filtrate of fungus Aspergillus sp and Fusarium sp may cause the decrease in seed viability and seedling vigor of Sengon


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    Abstrak : Penggunaan Media Konkret Meningkatkan Aktivitas Siswa Matematika Kelas I SDN 03 Sungai Pinyuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran Matematika dengan penggunaan media konkret pada siswa kelas I SDN 03 Sungai Pinyuh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitiannya adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. 1). aktivitas fisik sebesar 34,61% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 60.57% terdapat selisih peningkatan sebesar 25,96% dikategorikan baik sekali. pada siklus I, 2) aktivitas mental sebsar 35,57% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 58,65% terdapat selisih peningkatan sebesar 23,08% dikategorikan baik. Pada siklus I, 3) aktivitas emosional pada siklus I sebesar 32,41% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 45,60% terdapat selisih peningkatan sebesar 13,19 dikategorikan baik sekali, 4) hasil belajar pada siklus I sebesar 56,92 meningkat pada siklus II yaitu sebesar  76,15. Peningkatan hasil belajar dengan menggunakan media konkret dari data awal sampai siklus 2 terdapat selesih peningkatan sebesar 19,23 dikategorikan baik sekali.  Hal ini berarti pembelajaran Matematika dengan menggunakan media  konkret dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa kelas I SDN 03 Sungai Pinyuh.   Kata Kunci : Ativitas Belajar, Hasil Belajar, Media Konkret.   Abstract : the Concrete Media Usage To level it Activity of Student Class Mathematics I SDN 03 Pinyuh's River. this Research have go to to to level it activity study student in Mathematics studying with the concrete media usage to student I SDN class 03 Pinyuh's River. the research Method that to be used is descriptive method with form its research is class action research. 1). physical activity as big as 34,61% to level to cycle II as big as 60.57% got the as big as leveling difference 25,96% to be categorized very good. to cycle I, 2) activity of mental sebsar 35,57% to level to cycle II as big as 58,65% got the as big as leveling difference 23,08% to be categorized good. To cycle I, 3) emotional activity to cycle I as big as 32,41% to level to cycle II as big as 45,60% got the as big as leveling difference 13,19 to be categorized very good, 4) studying result to cycle I as big as 56,92 to level to cycle II that is as big as   76,15. result Leveling study with to use it concrete media from data early until cycle 2 got selesih as big as leveling 19,23 to be categorized very good .  this Matter mean Mathematics studying with to use it media   concrete can to level it activity and result study student of class I SDN 03 Pinyuh's River. Key Word : A tivitas Study, studying Result, Concrete Media.

    Semipurifikasi dan Karakterisasi Kolagenase dari Organ dalam Ikan Bandeng (Channos Channos, Forskal)

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    Aktivitas enzim-enzim proteolisis seperti kolagenase, dapat memecah proteinmenjadi molekul yang lebih sederhana (autolisis) mengakibatkan terjadinya pelemasandaging ikan pada fase post mortem. Penelitian perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui sifat-sifatenzim tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memurnikan dan mengkarakterisasienzim kolagense dari organ dalam bandeng. Enzim kolagenase telah dapat dimurnikan dariorgan dalam bandeng (Chanos chanos, Forskal), dengan ekstraksi dan pengendapanmenggunakan ammonium sulfat. Tingkat kelipatan pemurnian yang dihasilkan 2,347 danyield adalah 35,42. Karakterisasi kolagenase menunjukkan suhu optimum 50 oC dan pHoptimum 8-9. Enzim kolagenase dapat dihambat dengan kuat oleh serine proteinaseinhibitor (PMSF)dan meningkat aktivitasnya dengan penambahan Ca2+ dan Na+, enzimkolagenase ini stabil pada 10-50 oC and pH 8-9

    Purifikasi Kolagenase dari Usus Bandeng (Channos channos, Forskal)

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    Collagenase was purified from intestines of milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal) by extraction,ammonium precipitation, ion exchange chromatography on DEAE Sephadex A-50 and gelfiltration on a Sephadex G-100 column. The purification and yields were 114.731 fold and1.26% when compared to those in the starting-crude extract. The molecular mass of milkfishserine collagenase was estimated to be 14.63 kDa and 27.46 kDa

    Biomaterial from Oil Palm Waste: Properties, Characterization and Applications

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    Oil palm are among the best known and most extensively cultivated plant families, especially Indonesia and Malaysia. Many common products and foods are derived from oil palm, its making them one of the most economically important plants. On the other hand, declining supply of raw materials from natural resources has motivated researchers to find alternatives to produce new materials from sustainable resources like oil palm. Oil palm waste is possibly an ideal source for cellulose-based natural fibers and particles. Generally, oil palm waste such as oil palm empty fruit bunches, oil palm trunk, oil palm shell and oil palm ash are good source of biomaterials. Lack of sufficient documentation of existing scientific information about the utilization of oil palm waste raw materials for biomaterial production is the driving force behind the this chapter. Incorporation of various types of biomaterial derived from oil palm waste resources as reinforcement in polymer matrices lead to the development of biocomposites products and this can be used in wide range of potential applications. Properties and characterization of biomaterial from oil palm waste will not only help to promote further study on nanomaterials derived from non-wood materials but also emphasize the importance of commercially exploit oil palm waste for sustainable products

    Pemanfaatan Kulit Biji Hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) sebagai Pupuk Silika Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan, Serapan P dan Si, serta Hasil Hanjeli pada Inceptisol Jatinangor

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    ABSTRACTUtilization of hanjeli seed skin as organic silica fertilizer in influencing the growth, P and Si absorption, and yield of hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi L.)This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of hanjeli seed shell as organic silica fertilizer on plant uptake and hanjeli pulut (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) yield on Inceptisol. The experiment was conducted in Experimental Station of Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency, West Java Province. The research was carried out in the altitude of 822 meters above sea level (asl) from May 2017 to October 2017. The method used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of ten treatments with three replications, i.e. control, NPK standard, NPK + ¼ silica emulsion, NPK + ½ silica emulsion, NPK + ¾ silica emulsion, NPK + 1 emulsion of ash silica, NPK + ¼ nano colloidal silica, NPK + ½ nano colloidal silica, NPK + ¾ nano colloidal silica, and NPK + 1 nano colloidal silica. The results showed that the application of silica fertilizer influenced the absorption and the yield of hanjeli plant. The treatment of NPK + 1 colloidal nano silica gave the highest hanjeli yield of 210.63 g/plant.Keywords: Hanjeli seed skin, Organic silica fertilizer, Plant absorption, YieldABSTRAKPercobaan ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kulit biji hanjeli sebagai pupuk silika organik terhadap pertumbuhan, serapan tanaman, dan hasil hanjeli pulut (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) pada Inceptisol. Percobaan dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Lokasi penelitian berada pada ketinggian 822 meter di atas permukaan laut (dpl) pada bulan Mei 2017 sampai dengan Oktober 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari sepuluh perlakuan dengan tiga kali ulangan yaitu kontrol, NPK standar, NPK + ¼ emulsi abu silika, NPK + ½ emulsi abu silika, NPK + ¾ emulsi abu silika, NPK + 1 emulsi abu silika, NPK + ¼ nano koloid silika, NPK + ½ nano koloid silika, NPK + ¾ nano koloid silika, serta NPK + 1 nano koloid silika. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pemberian pupuk silika organik terhadap serapan P, Si tanaman dan hasil hanjeli. Perlakuan NPK + 1 nano koloid silika memberikan Serapan P, Si tanaman serta hasil hanjeli tertinggi dengan nilai masing-masing sebesar 0,61 g/tanaman, 7,56 g/tanaman, dan 210,63 g/tanaman.Kata Kunci: Kulit biji hanjeli, Pupuk Silika Organik, Serapan dan Hasil Hanjel

    The Effect of Media and Mancozeb on the Percentage of Seedling Survival and Seedling Growth of Red Jabon (Anthocepalus macrophyllus)

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    The obstacles in a nursery are seedling death and un optimal growth of seedling. This study aims to determine the effect of immersion of seedling in mancozeb and media given Trichoderma sp. on the percentage of seedling survival and  seedling growth of red jabon (Anthocepalus macrophyllus). The design of experiment used was completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors ie root immersion with and without mancozeb, and seedling media of soil, soil: husk: compost, soil: husk: compost + Trichoderma sp. The results showed that seedling treatment with mancozeb and  media did not give significant differences in seedling survival, percentage of shoot-root ratio and the quality index. The seedling treatments without mancozeb and media of soil: husk: compost (1:1:1) plus Trichoderma sp. produced optimal diameter and biomass while for optimal height was achieved by treatment of mancozeb and media of soil: husk: compost (1:1:1) plus Trichoderma sp


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengendalikan hama dan penyakit benih pulai yang terbawa dari lapangan. Identifikasi cendawan dilakukan dengan menginkubasi benih selama 7 hari, sedangkan untuk pengendalian terhadap hama dan penyakit benih diberi insektisida nabati dan kimia. Dari hasil identifikasi jenis cendawan pada benih pulai yaitu Aspergillus sp, Curvularia sp., Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp. dan Rhizopus sp. Persentase infeksi cendawan tertinggi pada benih pulai asal Nagrak (Aspergillus sp. sebesar 92%, Curvularia sp. 29% dan Fusarium sp. 21%), sedangkan persentase infeksi cendawan terendah pada benih pulai asal Jambi (Aspergillus sp. 2% dan Fusarium sp. 1%). Perlakuan terbaik yang dapat mengendalikan hama pada benih pulai adalah perlakuan yang diberi ekstrak daun suren dalam wadah plastik tertutup dan disimpan di ruang suhu kamar 270C selama 2 bulan. Pengendalian penyakit, terbaik pada benih adalah memberi bubuk kunyit ke dalam wadah plastik tertutup dan disimpan di lemari es 160C. Perlakuan tersebut menghasilkan daya kecambah masing-masing 70%