92 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh isu masih banyaknya siswa yang mendapatkan nilai yang belum mencapai KKM pada mata pelajaran ekonomi yang terlihat dari rata-rata Penilaian Akhir Semester genap tahun 2018/2019 pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri se-Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efek moderasi school climate pada pengaruh self-confidence terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri se-Kota Cimahi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei eksplanatori dengan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 283 siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri se-Kota Cimahi, yang dihitung dengan rumus slovin. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis ARM. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan (1) Gambaran umum hasil belajar berada pada kategori dibawah KKM; self-confidence berada pada kategori sedang; dan school climate berada pada kategori cukup kondusif; (2) Self-confidence berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar; (3) School climate memoderasi pengaruh self-confidence terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan implikasi bahwa untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, maka siswa harus percaya pada kemampuan dirinya dan berani menunjukkan potensi diri yang dimilikinya, dan juga sekolah harus membuat suasana belajar yang lebih nyaman agar siswa semangat dalam menjalani kegiatan pembelajaran sehingga hasil belajarnya pun meningkat.---------This research is motivated by the issue that there are still many students who have the value of Final Exam Semester (UAS) under KKM on the economic subjects of the academic year 2018/2019 in Cimahi City. This study aims to determine how the effects of school climate moderation on the effect of self-confidence on learning outcomes of students of class XI IPS in SMA Negeri as Cimahi City. The research method used was an explanatory survey with a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The sample in this study amounted to 283 students of class XI IPS of SMA Negeri in the City of Cimahi, which was calculated by the Slovin formula. Data analysis techniques using ARM analysis. Research findings show (1) General description of learning outcomes are in the category under KKM; self-confidence is in the medium category; and school climate is in the medium category; (2) Self-confidence has a positive effect on learning outcomes; (3) School climate is quite conducive in moderating the influence of self-confidence on learning outcomes. The findings in this study have the implication that to improve student learning outcomes, students must believe in their abilities and dare to show their own potential, and also schools must create a more comfortable learning atmosphere so that students are enthusiastic in undergoing learning activities so that their learning outcomes increase


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    ABSTRAK HUBUNGAN ANTARA KOMPOSISI TUBUH, KEBIASAAN MEROKOK DAN AKTIVITAS FISIK DENGAN PANJANG TELOMER LAKI-LAKI ETNIK MINANGKABAU Yuniar Lestari Keberhasilan pembangunan suatu bangsa, khususnya pembangunan kesehatan dapat dilihat dari beberapa indikator kesehatan, diantaranya adalah usia harapan hidup. Usia harapan hidup negara berkembang masih rendah dibanding negara maju. Telomer sebagai bagian dari sel telah menjadi biomarker untuk penuaan dan kelangsungan hidup, yang dihitung berdasarkan panjang telomer dari sel tersebut. Interaksi berbagai faktor internal ataupun eksternal akan mempengaruhi panjang telomer. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji hubungan komposisi tubuh, kebiasaan merokok dan aktivitas fisik dengan panjang telomer laki-laki etnik Minangkabau di Kota Padang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional terhadap 130 laki-laki pegawai negeri sipil etnik Minangkabau yang bekerja di lingkungan kantor kecamatan Kota Padang yang berusia 40 – 50 tahun sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Data karakteristik responden didapatkan melalui wawancara dengan kuisioner, pengukuran komposisi tubuh yang terdiri dari Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dan persentase lemak tubuh dengan alat Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, kebiasaan merokok dengan Indeks Brinkman dan aktivitas fisik menggunakan instrumen International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Panjang telomer diukur dari darah vena dengan qPCR menggunakan metode O’Challagan & Fennech. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji korelasi dengan tingkat kemaknaan p<0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan responden memiliki rerata persen lemak tubuh 22,06±6,16; IMT 25,01±4,15; Indeks Brinkman 270,58±343,18, skor aktivitas fisik 740,40±891,28 dan panjang telomer 580,37 ±323,58 bp. Responden yang mengalami kelebihan lemak tubuh 53,8%, IMT lebih dari normal 66,2%, kebiasaan merokok 58,5%, dan aktivitas fisik ringan 60%. Nilai koefisien korelasi dari uji korelasi antara panjang telomer dengan persen lemak tubuh: -0,088 (p=0,318), IMT: -0,093 (p=0,291), kebiasaan merokok (indeks Brinkman): -0,194 (p=0,097); dan aktivitas fisik: 0,088 (p=0,322). Korelasi antara lama merokok dengan panjang telomer mendapatkan p=0,020 (p<0,05); r=(-0,270); r2=0,073 dan panjang telomer berkurang sebesar 9,439 bp pada setiap penambahan satu tahun lama merokok. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara komposisi tubuh, kebiasaan merokok dan aktivitas fisik dengan panjang telomer serta terdapat korelasi negatif yang bermakna antara lama merokok dengan panjang telomer pada laki-laki etnik Minangkabau. Kata kunci : panjang telomer, gaya hidup, laki-laki Minangkabau ABSTRACT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BODY COMPOSITION, SMOKING HABIT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY WITH TELOMERE LENGTH IN MINANGKABAU MALE Yuniar lestari Successfulness in nation development, particularly in health, can be perceived from several indicators, including life expectancy. Life expectancy of developing countries compared to developed countries is still low. As part of the cell, telomere has been used as biomarker for aging and survival, which is calculated based on its length. The interaction of various internal and external factors will affect telomere length. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship of body composition, smoking habit and physical activity with telomere length of Minangkabau male in Padang City. This cross sectional study included 130 Minangkabau males who work as civil servant in district office in Padang city, aged 40 – 50 years old and met the inclusion and exclusion criterion. Subject characteristics were collected from interview by questionnaire, body composition including body mass index (BMI) and body fat mass percentage (BFP) were measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, smoking habits were measured by Brinkman Index and physical activities were measured by International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) tools, and telomere length (TL) was measured from whole blood by qPCR using O'Challagan & Fennech methode. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis by using correlation test with significant level p<0,05. The results show that the subjects have average body fat mass percentage 22.06±6.16, BMI 25.01±4.15, Brinkman Index 270.58±343.18, Physical Activity 740.40±891.28 and TL 580.37±323,58 bp. Subjects have excess body fat 53.8%, BMI above normal 66.2%, smoking habits 58.5%, and light physical activities 60%. Correlation coefficient value of correlation tests of telomere length with body fat mass percentage: -0,088 (p=0,318), BMI: -0,093 (p=0,291), smoking habits (Brinkman Index): -0,194 (p=0,097) and physical activity: 0,088 (p=0,322). Duration of smoking was inversely associated with TL (r=-0.270, r2=0.073, p=0.020 (p<0.05) and every additional one-year smoking will be reduced telomere length by 9,439 bp. It can be concluded that duration of smoking contribute to shortening of TL, even though the overall result of body composition, smoking habit and physical activity show no significant relationship with TL. Key words : telomere length, life style, minangkabau mal


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya kinerja karyawan yang memiliki kinerja rendah pada PT KMK Plastics Indonesia dari tahun 2019 hingga tahun 2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Work Life Balance (X1), Workload (X2) dan Komitmen Organisasi (M) menjadi solusi terhadap masalah Kinerja Karyawan (Y). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei eksplanatori dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah karyawan PT KMK Plastics Indonesia, dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 135 responden karyawan yang diperoleh dari pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan Teknik nonprobability sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan SEM-PLS dibantu dengan program SMART PLS 4. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Work Life Balance berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasi. Workload berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasi. Work Life Balance berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Workload berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Komitmen Organisasi berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Komitmen Organisasi memediasi pengaruh Work Life Balance terhadap kinerja karyawan. Komitmen Organisasi tidak memediasi pengaruh Workload terhadap kinerja karyawan. This research is motivated by the low performance of employees who have low performance at PT KMK Plastics Indonesia from 2019 to 2022. This research aims to determine the extent to which Work Life Balance (X1), Workload (X2) and Organizational Commitment (M) are solutions to Employee Performance problems (Y). The research method used was an explanatory survey using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The population in the study were employees of PT KMK Plastics Indonesia, and the sample in this study was 135 employee respondents obtained from sampling using nonprobability sampling techniques. The data analysis technique uses SEM-PLS assisted by the SMART PLS 4 program. The research results show that Work Life Balance has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Workload has a negative and significant effect on organizational commitment. Work Life Balance has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Workload has a negative and significant effect on employee performance. Organizational Commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Organizational Commitment mediates the influence of Work Life Balance on employee performance. Organizational Commitment does not mediate the influence of Workload on employee performance

    Role of TERT Gene in Relationship between Body Fat Percentage with the Modifiable Risk Factors of Cardiometabolic Disease in Minangkabau Premenopausal

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    Background: Cardiometabolic disease risk is increasing in the premenopausal phase of women life. This study aims to relationship body fat percentage with the modifiable risk factors of cardiometabolic disease in Minangkabau premenopausal people. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 111 Minangkabau premenopausal people, aged 40 – 55 years old at Padang City in West Sumatera, Indonesia. Body fat percentage analyzed by Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA). Fasting blood glucose and lipid profile was examined from venous blood. Data were analyzed by using a Rank-Spearman correlation test with significant levels p&lt;0.05. Results:Average body fat percentage of subjects 36.23 ± 6.9, fasting blood glucose 101.52 ± 12.3 mg/dL; total cholesterol 193.99±41.5 mg/dL; triglyceride 113.76±37.9 mg/dL mg/dL; LDL-cholesterol 120.59±45.7 mg/dL and HDL-cholesterol 53.52±15.6 mg/dL. Body fat percentage has a significant correlation with triglyceride (r=0.368; p=0.001), and HDL-cholesterol levels (r=-0.307; p=0.006 ) just in subject with polymorphism, but does not have a significant correlation with another biomarker. Conclusion: Body fat percentage correlates with triglyceride and HDL cholesterol in Minangkabau premenopausal women who have polymorphism of TERT Gene. BACKGROUND: Cardiometabolic disease risk is increasing in the premenopausal phase of women life. The telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene is a gene that plays a role in protecting telomeres from progressive shortening. Telomere shortening is associated with the incidence of cardiometabolic disease. AIM: This study aims to elucidate the relationship body fat percentage with the modifiable risk factors of cardiometabolic disease in Minangkabau premenopausal people. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 111 Minangkabau premenopausal people aged 40–55 years old at Padang City in West Sumatera, Indonesia. Body fat percentage analyzed by bioelectrical impedance analyzer. Fasting blood glucose and lipid profile were examined from venous blood. Polymorphism of the TERT rs2736098 gene was analyzed by a polymerase chain reaction. Data were analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation test with significant levels p &lt; 0.05. RESULTS: Average body fat percentage of subjects was 36.23 ± 6.9, fasting blood glucose was 101.52 ± 12.3 mg/dL; total cholesterol was 193.99 ± 41.5 mg/dL; triglyceride was 113.76 ± 37.9 mg/dL; LDL-cholesterol was 120.59 ± 45.7 mg/dL and HDL-cholesterol was 53.52±15.6 mg/dL. Body fat percentage has a significant correlation with triglyceride (r = 0.368; p = 0.001) and HDL-cholesterol levels (r = −0.307; p = 0.006) just in subject with polymorphism but does not have a significant correlation with another biomarker. CONCLUSION: Body fat percentage correlates with triglyceride and HDL cholesterol in Minangkabau premenopausal women who have polymorphism of TERT gene

    Correlation between saturated fatty acid intake and superoxide dismutase activities with telomere length in Minangkabau ethnic men

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    Background: Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are the leading cause of death globally today. In West Sumatra there has been an increase in NCD which exceeds the national average percentage. Telomere shortening is associated with occurrence of NCD. Shortening of telomeres is influenced by diet. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Saturated Fatty Acid (SAFA) intake and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) activity with the telomere length of Minangkabau ethnic men.Methods: This study was a cross sectional study. The sample of this study were 69 civil servants of Minangkabau male at district office in the Padang City, aged 40-50 years and according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data on SAFA intake was obtained using Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ), SOD activity was measured using the Calorimetric method and telomere length was measured using Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) by O’Challaghan and Fennech method. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation test with significance level p <0.05.Results: The results showed an average SAFA intake 10.47+3.46% calories, SOD activity 5.93+0.81units/ml and telomere length 468.94+199.25bp. Correlation test between telomere length with SAFA intake showed (p=0.338), and the correlation test between SOD activity and telomere length showed (p=0.01).Conclusions: From this study it was concluded that there was no correlation between SAFA intake and telomere length and there was a significant positive correlation between SOD activity and the telomere length of Minangkabau ethnic men

    Meta-analisis Literasi Digital pada Pembelajaran

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    Digital literacy has a significant role in the learning process. Several articles reveal that the use of digital literacy can improve the quality and results of learning. The search for the extent to which digital literacy influences learning can be analyzed by meta-analysis. This study aims to analyze digital literacy articles on learning that are published in national journals indexed sinta 1-6. The research design used is meta-analysis. The research sample is 16 digital literacy articles on learning which are published nationally and meet the sample selection criteria. The research data was obtained from an analysis of digital literacy articles in learning. The data were analyzed by looking at the effect size of each article based on the results of the t-test analysis. The results of the study show that the average effect size is 0.373 in the large effect category which states that digital literacy has a large influence on learning. The region with the most use of digital literacy in learning is the island of Java. Digital literacy has been widely tested on learning outcome variables and has a positive influence. So it can be concluded that digital literacy affects the learning process


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    Vaksinasi COVID-19 pada ibu hamil menjadi salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi penyakit berat dan risiko infeksi terhadap COVID-19. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik ibu hamil dalam vaksinasi COVID-19 di Kota Padang. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian yaitu ibu hamil trimester II dan trimester III dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 206 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian  penelitian kuesioner. Hasil Penelitian: Rata- rata umur ibu hamil yang vaksinasi COVID-19 adalah 30,26 tahun, sedangkan rata-rata umur ibu hamil yang tidak vaksinasi COVID-19 adalah 30,37 tahun, ibu hamil yang melakukan vaksinasi memiliki pendidikan SMA (51,3%), sedangkan ibu hamil yang tidak ikutserta vakisinasi memiliki pendidikan SMA (45,5%), ibu hamil yang ikutserta vaksinasi COVID-19 merupakan ibu rumah tangga (84,6%), sedangkan ibu hamil yang tidak ikutserta vaksinasi COVID-19 memiliki pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga (80,2%), ibu hamil yang ikutserta vaksinasi COVID-19 merupakan multigravida (51,3%), sedangkan  ibu hamil yang tidak ikutserta vaksinasi COVID-19 merupakan multigravida (67,1%). Kesimpulan : Rata-rata umur ibu yang ikutserta vaksinasi dan tidak ikut vaksinasi COVID-19 hampir sama, sebagian besar ibu hamil yang ikutserta vaksinasi dan yang tidak ikut vaksinasi COVID-19 memiliki pendidikan SMA, pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga, dan multigravida

    The risk of smoking with stroke in Asia : meta-analysis

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    This study uses a systematic method of review and meta-analysis to look at the risk of smoking with stroke in Asia. Further analysis based on the stroke subtype (ischemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke was also carried out. Literature search was carried out in the PubMed, EBSCO and Google Scholar databases. Q tests were performed to determine the heterogeneity of included studies. Funnel plot, Egger regression test and trim and fill methods were used to identified publication bias and with the transformation of the model between the fixed effect model and the random effect model for sensitivity analysis A total of 12 articles were included consisting of 9 studies with case control design studies and 3 studies with cohort designs. The meta-analysis results showed that people who smoke have risks pooled OR 2.04 times (95% CI 1.57-2.65) for having a stroke Analysis of the type of stroke, smokers had 2.3 times the risk of having an ischemic stroke or 2.77 times for having a haemorrhagic stroke. Eggers test showed no influence of publication bias on the meta-analysis of smoking with stroke to. From this meta-analysis, it can be concluded that smoking increasing risk for stroke. This study found the risk of smokers to have a haemorrhagic stroke is higher than ischemic stroke

    Measuring Performance of Padang Panjang Public Hospital in Achieving Its Targets Using the Balanced Scorecard Method

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    The Balanced Scorecard is widely used in various institutions, including hospitals because it can measure performance in a comprehensive, coherent, balanced, and measurable manner. Performance measurement at Padang Panjang Public Hospital so far focused on the financial aspect. This study aims to measure the performance of Padang Panjang Public Hospital in achieving its target with the Balanced Scorecard method. There are 14 indicators of performance that are measured in this study, namely economic ratio, efficiency ratio, and effectiveness ratio that describe performance from a financial perspective; customer satisfaction, complaint handling, customer retention, and market share that describe performance from a customer perspective; BOR (Bed Occupancy Rate), ALOS (Average Length of Stay), Bed Turn Over (BTO), and Turn Over Interval (TOI) which describe performance on the internal business process perspective and employee turnover, employee training, and employee productivity which describe performance from a learning and growth perspective. This is a mixed-method study, whereby the quantitative phase is followed by the qualitative phase. Quantitative data was taken and processed from hospital documents in 2018 and 2019. Each performance indicator is assessed by comparing it with its target. Interviews were conducted to get an explanation of the results obtained. Five of the fourteen performance indicator measurements have not reached the target, namely efficiency ratio, effectiveness ratio, BOR, employee training, and employee productivity. To improve performance, the hospital can focus on employee performance which will affect other performance indicators by providing education, training as well as employee job satisfaction
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