1,863 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Ilustrasi Karakter Punakawan Pada Kemasan Teh Celup

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    Kemasan teh celup selama ini berfungsi sebagai pelindung produk dan alat komunikasi ke calon konsumen, dan pada perancangan ini kemasan teh celup diusahakan bisa memberi makna yang jauh lebih luas dari sekadar pelindung. Dengan mengusung karakter punakawan, kemasan teh celup dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak hanya memenuhi fungsi estetika, namun juga fungsi entertain sekaligus mengenalkan budaya lokal. Karakter punakawan dipilih karena merupakan simbol rakyat jelata yang sudah melegenda di kalanganmasyarakat Indonesia khususnya di Jawa. Tujuan pengkaryaan adalah menjadikan karaker Punakawan untuk menjadi elemen desain kemasan teh. Metode perancangan desain dilakukan dari mencari data referensi tentang karakter Punakawan dan perancangan kemasan makanan khususnya kemasan teh. Desain kemasan teh celup ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya khasanah dunia desain khususnya pada desain kemasan, kemudian dapat direalisasikan secara nyata pada produk teh kemasan di Indonesia

    Pengaruh Earnings, Operating Cash Flow Dan Asset Growth Terhadap Stock Return Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Pada Indeks Lq 45 Untuk Periode 2009-2011

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    The objective of this research is to test the impact of earnings, operating cash flow and asset growth to firm's stock return which listed in LQ 45 index in Indonesian for 2009-2011. The result of this research is earnings, operating cash flow and asset growth have not significant effect to stock return both when those variabels is tested separately or silmutaneously. This result show that earnings, operating cash flow and asset growth are not only the one to be the basis of consideration for investor to make investment to get the stock return. Therefore, for making investment, investor should consider other factors which effect the firm's stock return as macro economics and politics. Furthermore, from this result, be expected an improvement of quality financial statement which addopted IFRS

    Shoreline Change Dynamics using Digital Shoreline Analysis System in Cemara Besar Island

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    This paper will describe a study to find out the shoreline changes that occurred on Cemara Besar Island along with the accretion and abrasion. Data taken from the images were obtained through google earth as a result of radiometry and geometry correction from Landsat satellites in the last of 5 years. Wind data were obtained from ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts) interm every season for 5 years. Analysis of shoreline changes was carried out using the DSAS (Digital Shoreline Analysis SYSTEM) method and analyzed by wind and sea wave factors involved in each season. The results of the analysis obtained LRR (Linear Regration Rate) and EPR (End Point Rate) values for 5 years, the extent of changes in island land mass, the value of Hs and Ts from the results of wave forecasting using wind data. To simplify the analysis, Cemara Besar Island is divided into 9 segments based on variations in LRR values. The results show that in general Cemara Besar Island have very high accretion rate in segments A, B and E with an average of 3.61 m/year or 5 years and very high abrasion occurred in segment F with an average of -1.01 m. Abrasion occurs with the greatest speed of change in segment A with an average of 4.64 m/year and the largest accretion rate in segment F with an average of -1.21791 m/year. Analysis of oceanographic factors through Wave forecasting data shows that in the west and transition I season, the significant waves height occur with Hs 1.21 m, greater than the eastern season and transition II season with Hs 0.91 m. Dominant wind direction from north (377.50 in west season and transition I, and from east direction (67,25 degre) in east season and transition I season.  Wind-wave propagate according to wind direction and it will be deformed when entering shallow coastal waters. Then affects sediment transport which produces accretion and abrasion on the Cemara Besar Island


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    Indonesia is an archipelagic country with numbers of natural resources including bays. As a closed estuary, bay has a strategic role as one of the ecological resources and environmental services. Saleh Bay is an outstanding bay of West Nusa Tenggara province which is situated between Sumbawa regency and Dompu regency. The study aimed to explain the criteria for the determination of a bay based on UNCLOS and bathymetry system by using Geographic Information System (GIS). The results of the identification indicated that the Ocean Map issued by Dishidros had not entirely referred to the criteria of UNCLOS in determining an area as a bay, in which an indentation is regarded as a bay if its total area is larger than the area of t he semi-circle whose diameter is a line drawn across the mouth of that indentation. Subsequently, spatial analysis found out that the depth of the waters in Saleh Bay can be classified into eleven classes, which are: (1) 0 – 10 meter with area of 294.27 km2, (2) 10 - 20 meter with area of 205.45 km2, (3) 20 - 30 meter with area of 259.45 km2, (4) 30 - 40 meter with area of 146.25 km2, (5) 40 - 50 meter with area of 137,83 km2, (6) 50 - 60 meter with area of 148.19 km2, (7) 75 - 100 meter with area of 57.08 km2, (8) 100 - 150 meter with area of 73.78 km2, (9) 150 - 200 meter with area of 109.46 km2, (10) 200 - 300 meter with area of 533.42 km2 , and(11) >300 meter with area of 134.89 km2

    Studi Kelayakan Rencana Investasi Peternakan Ayam Potong Di PT. Cempaka Farm

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    PT. Cempaka Farm adalah perusahaan yang cukup lama bergerak. di bidang ternak ayam petelur. Beberapa tahun terakhir ini perusahaan mengalami penurunan penjualan telur ayam, tetapi perusahaan dapat tetap bertahan dengan cara menjual produk sampingan berupa ayam afkir, kotoran ayam dan pakan. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan ingin memperoleh pendapatan yang lebih baik dengan menggandakan perluasan usaha,maka dari itu perusahaan merencanakan untuk mendirikan usaha peternakan ayam potong Broiler karena melihat bahwa usaha ini memberikan keuntungan yang cukup besar. Produk utama yang dihasilkan adalah daging ayam

    Pengaruh Earnings, Operating Cash Flow Dan Asset Growth Terhadap Stock Return Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Pada Indeks Lq 45 Untuk Periode 2009-2011

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    The objective of this research is to test the impact of earnings, operatingcash flow and asset growth to firm's stock return which listed in LQ 45index in Indonesian for 2009-2011. The result of this research is earnings,operating cash flow and asset growth have not significant effect to stockreturn both when those variabels is tested separately or silmutaneously.This result show that earnings, operating cash flow and asset growth arenot only the one to be the basis of consideration for investor to makeinvestment to get the stock return. Therefore, for making investment, investorshould consider other factors which effect the firm's stock return as macroeconomics and politics. Furthermore, from this result, be expected animprovement of quality financial statement which addopted IFRS
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