128 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Pupuk Organik Kotoran Sapi Terhadap Kualitas Kompos dari Sampah Daun Kering di TPST Undip

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    ABSTRAK Sebagian besar sampah organik di Universitas Diponegoro didominasi oleh sampah daun kering. Sampah daun kering merupakan salah satu bahan yang dapat untuk dijadikan kompos. Penambahan bahan organik lain diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kandungan unsur hara kompos. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dan menentukan variasi optimum penambahan pupuk organik kotoran sapi terhadap kualitas kompos dari sampah daun kering di TPST Undip. Pengomposan dilakukan secara aerobic dengan waktu pengomposan selama 28 hari. Pengomposan dilakukan dengan activator EM4. Variabel penelitian dengan menambahkan pupuk organik kotoran sapi (sampah daun : pupuk organik kotoran sapi) dengan variasi kontrol (1 : 0), P1 (4 : 1), P2 (7:3), P3 (3 : 2). Berdasakan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan pupuk organik kotoran sapi memberikan pengaruh pada hasil kualitas pengomposan, bahwa kualitas kompos yang dihasilkan lebih baik, dengan kompos yang paling optimum pada variasi P2 dengan rasio C/N 10,10%, C-organik 26,73%, N-total 2,64%, P-total 0,60%, K-total 0,44%. Kata kunci : Sampah organik, kompos, pengomposan, kotoran sapi ABSTRACT (The Effect of Cow Manure Organic Fertilizer Addition To The Quality Compost From Dried Leaf Litter at TPST Undip). Most of the organic waste at Diponegoro University is dominated by dry leaf litter. The dry leaf litter is one of the materials that can be composted. The addition of another organic materials need to increase the nutrient content in the compost. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect and determining the optimum variation of addition organic fertilizer of cow manure to the quality of compost from dry leaf litter at TPST Undip. The composting is an aerobic process with composting time during 28 days. The composting was conducted by using EM4 activator. Variables of this study were the organic fertilizer of cow manure addition ( leaf litter : organic fertilizer of cow manure ) with variation of control ( 1:0), P1 (4:1), P2 (7:3), P3 (3:2). Based on the result of this study showed that the addition of organic fertilizer cow manure had an effect on the quality of composting, that the quality of the compost produced is better result, with the most optimal compost was P2 variation, with result C/N ratio 10.10%, C organic 26.73%, N-total 2. 64%, P-total 0.60%, K-total 0.44% . Keywords: Organic waste, compost, composting, cow manur

    Efektivitas Metode Kooperatif Group Investigation Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Proses Pembelajaran

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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to know the effectiveness of Group Investigation method to improve the quality of students' motivation in Budgeting subject, and (2) to know the effectiveness of Group Investigation method to improve the quality of students' learning in Budgeting subject. This study was Class-Action Research which was designed into two main cycles, the 1st cycle and the 2nd cycle. Each cycle consisted of some stages; they were planning - implementation - evaluation and reflection. The research was conducted at accounting class, Economics Faculty, UNNES started on June until November 2008. The collected data were: (1) students 'activities during learning, (2) faculty and student interaction, (3) the level of student motivation, (4) student achievement and (5) students' response to the learning process. Observation of the learning process carried out by two lecturers. The quality of the learning process in the classroom can be illustrated by the lecturer's activities that should be able to motivate students to learn actively and creatively. The result showed that there was improvement in all aspects of learning so that the average score also increased from 76.18 to 84.64. It also showed that all aspects of students' activities in the classroom increased, especially in the aspects of teamwork and discussion because of the number of members in each group in the 2nd cycle was relatively smaller than the number of members in each group in the 1st cycle. The quality of student learning outcomes is the output of the learning process in class. In the 2006 curriculum, student learning outcomes are based on the degree of students' mastery with value standard indicator determined. The result showed that there was an increase in the students' score. The highest score was from 87 to 95 and the lowest score was from 50 to 62, so the average score was 76 and the degree of mastery became 83%. It meant that students could improve their understanding of the materials and concept of risk management through the Discovery Learning approach

    Peran Karakteristik Perusahaan dan Corporate Governance dalam Keputusan Pendanaan Perusahaan Pertambangan

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    The funding decision represents important things that need to be considered by a manager when specify the portion of the company\u27s capital structure that comes from internal funding sources as well as external funding sources. Therefore, this study aims to test empirically the influence the characteristics of the company that are measured by tangibility and profitability as well as the mechanisms of corporate governance that are measured by the board of directors and the independent commissioners in the determination of the company\u27s capital structure. This research is based on the Pecking Order Theory that examines the hierarchy of corporate funding. This research was conducted on the mining company listings in BEI 2012-2015 year period with as many as 138 companies sample. Data analysis in this study using multiple regression analysis that was previously tested with classical assumptions. Hypothesis testing is done through Test t. The results showed that tangibility, profitability, the board of directors and the independent commissioners have no effect on the decision of the company\u27s funding

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Melalui Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kontekstual (Contextual Teaching and Learning) Pada SMA Negeri 11 Semarang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat hasil belajar siswa akan materi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran konvensional, mengetahui tingkat pemahaman siswa akan materi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran CTL, dan mengetahui perbedaan pemahaman siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran ekonomi dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran konvensional dan pembelajaran CTL. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 11 Semarang sebanyak 2 Kelas yaitu kelas XI.1 sebagai kelas percobaan dan kelas XI.2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Tipe penelitian ini adalah tipe penelitian quasi experiment dengan pendekatan randomized conntrol group only. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi : yaitu pengamatan langsung mengenai metode pengajaran yang dipakai selama ini, instrumen pelaksanaan CTL yang akan dilakukan oleh guru kemudian sebagai pengamat mengidentifikasikan bagaimana pelaksanaan ketujuh indikator CTL tersebut serta data hasil test siswa, diperoleh dari hasil post-test siswa untuk kelas keompok percobaan dan kelas kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis data kualitatif menunjukan bahwa baik aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan respon siswa terhadap KBM yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan CTL menunjukan tingkat pencapaian yang baik, demikian juga dengan pelaksanaan tujuh komponen utama dari CTL. Hasil post-test juga menunjukan peningkatan yang signifikan, hasil nilai yang sesuai SKBM (nilai 66) berdasarkan metode konvensional sebesar 45 %, sedangkan berdasar metode CTL sebesar 70 %. Adapun hasil uji beda antara pelaksanaan post-test dikelas percobaan dan kelas tindakan menunjukan terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di sekolah atau lembaga kependidian yang bertujuan memberikan bekal pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang kependidikan. Pelaksanaan PPL di SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta mahasiswa dibimbing untuk dapat belajar menjadi guru yang baik dengan menyiapkan pembelajaran, melaksanakan pembelajaran, mengevaluasi, dan merefleksi hasil pembelajaran. Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan tanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai dengan tanggal 15 September 2016. Sebelum terjun langsung di sekolah, mahasiswa terlebih dahulu melakukan observasi kelas dan observasi sekolah untuk mengetahui kondisi sekolah. Mata pelajaran yang diampu saat pelaksanaan PPL adalah Teknologi Mekanik (Tekmek). Pelaksanaan praktik mengajar sebanyak 8 kali tatap muka untuk mata pelajaran Tekmek. Sebelum melaksanakan praktik mengajar, mahasiswa membuat perlengkapan mengajar, dan mengevaluasi setelah pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Kegiatan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) telah memberikan wawasan dan rasa tanggung jawab sebagai pendidik terhadap pengelolaan proses belajar mengajar di sekolah, memberikan pengalaman pendidikan maupun profesi yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan atau profesionalisme calon pendidik di bidang kependidikan

    The implementation of sharia audit process, implication of sharia regulatory and human resource aspects

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    Purpose - Audit in Islamic Finance Institute (IFI) is important factor to ensure sharia compliance. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the process of sharia audit in the IFI.Method - The population of this research is all of the intern auditor board Sharia Business Unit in Bank Jateng as many as 22 auditors. Sampling technique in this research is census sampling. The method of data collection used is  questionnaire. The data analysis used  are regression square linear and percentage descriptive analysis. There are three variables in this research which are regulation aspect, sharia resource development, and sharia audit.Result - The square linear regression analysis used SPSS for Windows Version 20 obtained the equation. The conclusion of this research is regulation toward the influence to the sharia audit, but sharia resource aspect is not. regulation and sharia resourch development toward the influence to the sharia audit.Implication - The suggestions for the next reseacher is multiply the sample and refference of research and choose Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) as the respondent for get the relevant result.Originality - This research empirically examines the factors that influence the implementation of sharia audits at the Central Java Islamic bank. The type of research used is quantitative, because from a number of references found, the topic of sharia auditing that is widely studied is the level of concept with qualitative research type

    The implementation of sharia audit process, implication of sharia regulatory and human resource aspects

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    Purpose - Audit in Islamic Finance Institute (IFI) is important factor to ensure sharia compliance. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the process of sharia audit in the IFI.Method - The population of this research is all of the intern auditor board Sharia Business Unit in Bank Jateng as many as 22 auditors. Sampling technique in this research is census sampling. The method of data collection used is  questionnaire. The data analysis used  are regression square linear and percentage descriptive analysis. There are three variables in this research which are regulation aspect, sharia resource development, and sharia audit.Result - The square linear regression analysis used SPSS for Windows Version 20 obtained the equation. The conclusion of this research is regulation toward the influence to the sharia audit, but sharia resource aspect is not. regulation and sharia resourch development toward the influence to the sharia audit.Implication - The suggestions for the next reseacher is multiply the sample and refference of research and choose Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) as the respondent for get the relevant result.Originality - This research empirically examines the factors that influence the implementation of sharia audits at the Central Java Islamic bank. The type of research used is quantitative, because from a number of references found, the topic of sharia auditing that is widely studied is the level of concept with qualitative research type

    Relevansi Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Guru SMP Negeri Dalam Efektivitas Pengelolaan Kelas Di Kota Semarang

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut (1) Mengetahui relevansi antara kepemimpinan guru SMP NEGERI dengan efektivitas pengelolaan kelas di kota Semarang, (2) Mengetahui relevansi anatara motivasi guru SMP NEGERI dengan efektivitas pengelolaan kelas di kota Semarang dan (3) Mengetahui relevansi kepemimpinan dan motivasi guru SMP NEGERI dalam efektivitas pengelolaan kelas di kota Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru SMP Negeri di Kota Semarang. Dikarenakan keterbatasan sumber daya penelitian, maka diambil sampel yang representative dan mampu mewakili populasi, yaitu sebanyak 8 SMP Negeri dimana proporsi masing-masing SMP besarannya tidak sama namun tiap sampel SMP ada yang mewakili dan dengan quota sebanyak 50 sebagai responden. Hasil pengujian hipotesis ternyata semua hipotesis menyatakan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara variabel bebas dengan variabel terikat, baik secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama


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    The objectives of this study are: (1) to know the effectiveness of Group Investigation method to improve the quality of students’ motivation in Budgeting subject, and (2) to know the effectiveness of Group Investigation method to improve the quality of  students’ learning in Budgeting subject.  This study was Class-Action Research which was designed into two main cycles, the 1st cycle and the 2nd cycle. Each cycle consisted of some stages; they were planning - implementation - evaluation and reflection. The research was conducted at accounting class, Economics Faculty, UNNES started on June until November 2008. The collected data were: (1) students 'activities during learning, (2) faculty and student interaction, (3) the level of student motivation, (4) student achievement and (5) students' response to the learning process. Observation of the learning process carried out by two lecturers. The quality of the learning process in the classroom can be illustrated by the lecturer’s activities that should be able to motivate students to learn actively and creatively. The result showed that there was improvement in all aspects of learning so that the average score also increased from 76.18 to 84.64. It also showed that all aspects of students’ activities in the classroom increased, especially in the aspects of teamwork and discussion because of the number of members in each group in the 2nd cycle was relatively smaller than the number of members in each group in the 1st cycle. The quality of student learning outcomes is the output of the learning process in class. In the 2006 curriculum, student learning outcomes are based on the degree of students’ mastery with value standard indicator determined. The result showed that there was an increase in the students’ score. The highest score was from 87 to 95 and the lowest score was from 50 to 62, so the average score was 76 and the degree of mastery became 83%. It meant that students could improve their understanding of the materials and concept of risk management through the Discovery Learning approach.</em
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