30 research outputs found


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    Domestic violence can have an impact on reproductive health. This study aims to determine the Influence of information through the Flipbook to the level of knowledge about Domestic Violence in fertile couples in Sleman in 2017 ". This research is quasi-experimental research. The population is a fertile-age couple in Sleman in 2017. The sample is obtained by simple random sampling. The sample size was 70 respondents for the experimental group and 70 for the control group. The independent variables are the giving of information through flipbook about domestic violence (KDRT). The dependent variable is Knowledge of Domestic Violence. In the experimental group were given information through the Flipbook on domestic violence, while the control group was given leaflets. Instruments in the form of questionnaires and data collection format. Analysis with T Test analysis with significant level 5% (p = 0,05). The results of this research is in the experimental group given information with the average flipbook knowledge level of pretest domestic violence 62.8, standard deviation 7.2 post test average 78.5 standard deviation 6.6. In the control group with leaflet, pretest average of 60.8, standard deviation of 8.9; average post test 71.5 standard deviation 10.4. Average knowledge increase 15.6, standard deviation 8.5, in leaflet group 10.7, standard deviation 10.4 with p-value 0.003. There is a significant difference in the average increase in knowledge of domestic violence between flipbook and leaflet groups. The conclusion of this study is significant of giving the flipbook to the level of knowledge about domestic violence. Keywords : Information, Flipbook, Knowledge, Fertile Couple

    Hubungan Asupan Protein, Fe, Vitamin C Serta Ketepatan Konsumsi Zat Tannin Dan Kafein Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Ibu Hamil Trimester III Di Puskesmas Kota Yogyakarta

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    Latar Belakang: Anemia pada kehamilan dapat menyebabkan keguguran, prematuritas, meningkatkan risiko perdarahan postpartum, berat bayi lahir rendah dan peningkatan kematian perinatal. Penyebab utama dari kejadian anemia adalah karena kekurangan nutrisi. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan Protein, Fe, Vitamin C serta pengaruh konsumsi zat tanin dan kafein dengan kadar Hb pada ibu hamil trimester III di Puskesmas Wilayah Kota Yogyakarta tahun 2019. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross�sectional. Wawancara konsumsi pangan dilakukan kepada 56 ibu hamil trimester III pada bulan Maret menggunakan food recall 2x24 jam. Hasil: Asupan protein ibu hamil trimester III di Puskesmas wilayah kota Yogyakarta rata-rata sebesar 64,242 gram%, zat besi (Fe) sebesar 41,062 gr%, Vitamin C sebesar 48,435 gr%. Terdapat hubungan asupan protein (p=0,024), zat besi(p=0,014) dan vitamin C sebesar(p=0,043). Kesimpulan: Semakin tinggi asupan protein, Fe, vit C, serta semakin tepat konsumsi zat tanin dan kafein maka semakin tinggi kadar hemoglobin

    Peer review : Factors that influence parent’s actions in providing advance measles immunization

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    Measles is a dangerous disease that is highly contagious through respiratory droplets. Measles can cause complications such as pneumococcal disease, diarrhea, meningitis. Measles immunization is one of the government's efforts to achieve the measles elimination target by 2020. High and even immunization coverage will form herd immunity and break the chain of measles transmission. Knowing the factors that influence parent's actions in providing immunization measles children in primary school. The research was conducted with a case control design. The number of samples consisted of 104 case groups and 78 control groups of mothers who have primary school children in the area of Banguntapan Community Health Center, Bantul. Data collected with questionnaires, analized with Chi Square and multivariate tests. Variables related to the provision of advanced measles immunization are education level (p value = 0.03), work status (p value = 0.01), level of knowledge (p value = 0.01), family support (p value = 0, 01) and support of health workers (p value = 0.01) Whereas unrelated variables are attitude (p value = 0.17) and the reach of health facilities (p value = 1.00).The variable that most influences the actions of parent’s in giving advanced immunization against measles is family support with OR = 15,458. Related factors are the level of education, work status, level of knowledge, family support and support of health workers. The most influential factor on the actions of parent’s in providing continued immunization against measles is family suppor

    Cek Similarity Artikel Factors that influence parent’s actions in providing advance measles immunization

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    Measles is a dangerous disease that is highly contagious through respiratory droplets. Measles can cause complications such as pneumococcal disease, diarrhea, meningitis. Measles immunization is one of the government's efforts to achieve the measles elimination target by 2020. High and even immunization coverage will form herd immunity and break the chain of measles transmission. Knowing the factors that influence parent's actions in providing immunization measles children in primary school. The research was conducted with a case control design. The number of samples consisted of 104 case groups and 78 control groups of mothers who have primary school children in the area of Banguntapan Community Health Center, Bantul. Data collected with questionnaires, analized with Chi Square and multivariate tests. Variables related to the provision of advanced measles immunization are education level (p value = 0.03), work status (p value = 0.01), level of knowledge (p value = 0.01), family support (p value = 0, 01) and support of health workers (p value = 0.01) Whereas unrelated variables are attitude (p value = 0.17) and the reach of health facilities (p value = 1.00).The variable that most influences the actions of parent’s in giving advanced immunization against measles is family support with OR = 15,458. Related factors are the level of education, work status, level of knowledge, family support and support of health workers. The most influential factor on the actions of parent’s in providing continued immunization against measles is family suppor

    Breast Massage Using Lavender Oil To Increase Breast Milk Production Of Breastfeeding Mothers

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    Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for at least 6 months. One of the leading factors that causes breastfeeding mothers experience problems in offering exclusive breastfeeding is the insufficient production of breast milk. Breast massage by utilizing soothing lavender oil is a method to boost breast milk production and also increase the production of oxytocin Hormones and smoothen the flow reflex.Purpose of this study is to analize effect of breast massage using lavender oil to breast milk production. Methods: This study uses a quasi experimental type with a before and after design with control group. The population of the research is breastfeeding mothers in the working area of ​​Local Health Center of Pleret, involving 36 samples of breastfeeding mothers. Sampling was collected using purposive sampling technique with worksheets monitor the frequency baby's urination, baby's weight, and sleeping duration of the baby. Data analysis used paired test and independent test with computerized program. Results: The increase in breast milk production using lavender oil and coconut oil shows that the p-value is 0.000. The effect of the amount of breast milk production using lavender oil and coconut oil in breast massage shows that the p-value is 0.000. Conclusion: There is found was a significant (p-value 0.000) an effect of lavender oil in breast massage on milk production for breastfeeding mothers

    Pengaruh Metode Group Investigation Dalam Praktik Klinik Kebidanan Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Dan Kerjasama Tim Mahasiswa Prodi DIV Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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    Latar Belakang Pendidikan kebidanan sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang menghasilkan tenaga bidan perlu mempersiapkan tenaga lulusan yang siap kerja dan memiliki ketrampilan yang memadai. Pembelajaran praktik klinik bertujuan agar mahasiswa memperoleh pengalaman belajar dalam hal menerapkan ilmu dan ketrampilan yang dipelajari di kelas dari berbagai disiplin ilmu secara terintegrasi dalam situasi nyata. Social skill lebih mengutamakan kemampuan pribadi seseorang dalam bersosialisasi berkomunikasi, kemampuan beradaptasi, mengelola diri sendiri dan orang lain serta bersikap optimis dalam semua bidang. Pentingnya sociall skill bidan tentang sikap dan perilaku yaitu karena berhubungan dengan klien, sikap, etika dan karakter serta terhadap hubungan intra dan interpersonal yang harus dibangun. Dalam penelitian ini diterapkan metode Investigation Group pada pembelajaran praktik klinik, dimana mahasiswa dilibatkan aktif sejak pemilihan kasus, maupun cara untuk mempelajarinya melalui investigasi, menekankan penggunaan tujuan-tujuan tim dan kesuksesan tim. Pada penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan berkomunikasi dan kerjasama tim sebelum dan sesudah penerapan metode group invetigasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode investigation group terhadap kemampuan komunikasi dan kerjasama tim pada mahasiswa Kebidanan. Desain penelitian pre eksperimen dengan desain one group pre test -post test design. Target populasi adalah mahasiswa kebidanan prodi DIV yang berjumlah 74 mahasiswa yang memenuhi kriteria. Variabel bebas metode investigation group dalam praktik klinik kebidanan variabel terikat adalah kemampuan komunikasi dan kerjasama tim. Analisis data dengan univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian yaitu terdapat perbedaan bermakna kemampuan komunikasi sebelum dan sesudah penerapan metode Group investigation (ρ<0,05). Persen peningkatan rata-rata kemampuan komunikasi yaitu 17,7. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna kemampuan kerjasama tim sebelum dan sesudah penerapan metode Group investigation (ρ<0,05). Persen peningkatan rata-rata kemampuan kerjasama tim yaitu 44,6. Simpulan Metode Group Investigation berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan komunikasi dan kerjasama tim mahasiswa kebidanan. Kata Kunci: investigation group, komunikasi, kerjasama ti

    The Effectiveness Of Video And E-Booklet Media In Health Education On Improving The Knowledge Of Pregnant Women About The Pregnancy Danger Signs At Jetis 1 Public Health Center Of Bantul Regency

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    Background: Danger signs of pregnancy before causing complications can be detected early independently through learning media such as videos and e-booklets. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of video and e-booklet media in improving the knowledge of pregnant women about the danger signs of pregnancy Methods: This study was conducted in December 2020-January 2021 at Jetis 1 Public Health Center, Bantul Regency and used the type of quasi-experimental research and pretest-posttest with control group design. The research subjects were pregnant women in the first, second and third trimesters as many as 24 people for each group. Sampling was collected using purposive sampling technique on respondents with the criteria of being willing to follow the research rules, there is no trouble in seeing/speaking/hearing, being capable to read and write. Respondents who resigned during the study, did not complete the questionnaire until the end and worked as health workers were not taken as research respondents. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis used Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test Results: The results of the analysis show that the two media have an effect on increasing the knowledge of pregnant women with p-value 0,000 for videos and p-value 0,000 for e-booklet Conclusion: Video is more effective than e-booklet in improving the knowledge of pregnant women (p-value 0,031). Thus the video made by researchers can be used to provide health education about the danger signs of pregnanc

    Development of Applications to Prevent Children’s Anemia to Increase Mother’s Knowledge about Anemia in Children

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    Anemia is a health problem that is often found throughout the world and has an impact on the quality of human resources. Nutritional anemia will slowly inhibit the growth and development of intelligence, children will be more susceptible to disease due to decreased immune systems, this will certainly improve the condition of children as successors. Utilizing current technological developments, it is very possible to develop systems that can optimize children's health, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of the application of prevention of anemia in children on mother's knowledge about anemia in children. Quasi-experimental research using pre-post test control group design. Samples were mothers who had children under five in the Puskesmas Banguntapan II, which were divided into two groups (35 intervention groups and 35 control groups). Data analysis with univariate and bivariate. The group was given an application intervention to prevent anemia in children. The control group conducted presented information in accordance with the procedures carried out from the puskesmas with leaflets. Both groups were measured before the intervention and 1 month before the intervention using a questionnaire. The results showed there was a significant increase between the intervention group compared to the control group in the level of mother's knowledge about child anemia (p=0.001). The result is applications increase the effectiveness of mothers’ knowledge about anemia in children, the use of applications is more effective than the use of leaflets in increasing knowledge about anemia