Peer review : Factors that influence parent’s actions in providing advance measles immunization


Measles is a dangerous disease that is highly contagious through respiratory droplets. Measles can cause complications such as pneumococcal disease, diarrhea, meningitis. Measles immunization is one of the government's efforts to achieve the measles elimination target by 2020. High and even immunization coverage will form herd immunity and break the chain of measles transmission. Knowing the factors that influence parent's actions in providing immunization measles children in primary school. The research was conducted with a case control design. The number of samples consisted of 104 case groups and 78 control groups of mothers who have primary school children in the area of Banguntapan Community Health Center, Bantul. Data collected with questionnaires, analized with Chi Square and multivariate tests. Variables related to the provision of advanced measles immunization are education level (p value = 0.03), work status (p value = 0.01), level of knowledge (p value = 0.01), family support (p value = 0, 01) and support of health workers (p value = 0.01) Whereas unrelated variables are attitude (p value = 0.17) and the reach of health facilities (p value = 1.00).The variable that most influences the actions of parent’s in giving advanced immunization against measles is family support with OR = 15,458. Related factors are the level of education, work status, level of knowledge, family support and support of health workers. The most influential factor on the actions of parent’s in providing continued immunization against measles is family suppor

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