15 research outputs found

    Model Pengelolaan Aset Ilmiah Digital Unpad Serta Akselerasi Layanannya

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membuat bisnis proses pengelolaan aset ilmiah digital ideal di UNPAD. Pertanyaan penelitian adalah bagaimana pengelolaan aset ilmiah digital UNPAD. Identifikasi masalah yaitu: 1) Bagaimana analisis pengelolaan aset ilmiah digital di UNPAD?; 2) Bagaimana bentuk rancang bangun model proses bisnis pengelolaan aset ilmiah digital ideal di UNPAD?, dan 3) Bagaimana upaya apa yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan di masa pandemi? Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, studi literature, analisis situasi dan observasi lapangan. Data primer yaitu hasil wawancara dan survey kepada pustakawan pengelola repository di lingkungan UNPAD. Total informan adalah 19 orang. Sedangkan data sekunder adalah hasil analisis lapangan dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian sudah dilakukan analisis serta penyusunan proses bisnis terkait pengelolaan asset ilmiah digital ideal di UNPAD. Kesimpulan bahwa pengelolaan asset ilmiah digital di Unpad serta proses bisnis harus ditindaklanjuti dengan penyusunan panduan dan SOP yang jelas yang bisa dijadikan panduan oleh seluruh civitas dan unit kerja di UNPAD. Saran penelitian ini adalah perlunya menyusun SOP keseluruhan yang melibatkan semua unit kerja, peresmian proses bisnis menjadi baku serta peningkatan konten di portal asset ilmiah Unpad (repository) Kata kunci :  repository, bisnis proses repository, Digital Scientific Assets (DSA), UNPA


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    This study aims to determine the citation analysis of scientific papers of undergraduate theses of students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Padjadjaran during the Even Semester of the Academic Year 2011. This study aims to determine the characteristics (shape, author / sources, language) which are frequently cited in scientific papers, publications of source of information, the frequency of citations of scientific papers and the development of Communication Information Science and Library Studies based on distribution subject of the cited references. The population studied is 227 titles of undergraduate theses from 4 departments (Journalism, Public Relations, Management Communication Library and Information Science). The population consists of 7089 citations. The results showed that the students appear to scientific papers from the Faculty of Communication’s lecturers. Especially those published in book form. The scientific papers of the Faculty of Communication’s lecturers are not yet cited in proper proportion. Besides that, there are students who still cite from private blogs. In general, student’s skill to cite is still below standard. The study recommended the socialization of scientific products of Faculty of Communication’s lecturers. A guide to standardization of bibliography writing is highly recommended


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    Copolymerization  of  cellulose  from  rice  straw  with  acrylic  acid  and  acrylamide produce  biodegradable  superabsorbent  Copolymerization  was  carried out  at  65  C under nitrogen athmosphere.  Initiator and cross linking agent  used were potassium peroxodisulfate  and  N'N-methylene  bis  acrylamide.  Superabsorbent  produced  is anionic,  that  can  bind  ammonium  cation.  The  kinetics  of  swelling  adsorption  was following pseudo second-order equation

    SINTESIS DAN KARAKTERISASI SUPERABSORBEN DARI SELULOSA JERAMI PADI (Superabsorbent Synthesis and Characterization of Rice Straw Cellulose)

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    Copolymerization of cellulose from rice straw with acrylic acid and acrylamide produce biopolymer superabsorbent. Cellulose was purified from fat content by extraction with toluene:ethanol (2:1). Hemicelluloses and lignin were removal by using potassium hydroxide 5% and hydrogen peroxide 2% at alkaline pH. Cellulose yield obtained was 21.56%. FTIR spectra of lignin showed a loss of absorption at 1728 cm-1. Copolymerization was carried out at 65 C under nitrogen athmosphere. Initiator and cross linking agent used were potassium peroxodisulfate and N'N-methylene bis acrylamide. Superbasorben resulted from this experiment showed the water swelling capacity after 24 hour for the water, solution of 100 ppm of ammonium chloride, and urea respectively 387,11 g/g ; 193,47 g/g and 400,17 g/g.Keywords : superabsorbent, rice straw, swelling capacit

    Pelatihan Pengenalan Kopi dari Bean ke Cup di Sekolah Islam Terpadu Insantama Leuwiliang, Bogor

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    Educational activities introducing coffee plants from bean to cup in community service activities had been carried out at the Integrated Islamic School (SIT) Insantama Leuwiliang, Bogor. The method of implementing activities were carried out in two ways, offline for teacher and online for student participants. Material delivery using presentation methods and simulations coffee cup testing. Evaluation of community service activities were carried out by distributing questionnaires. Evaluation of the results of community service activities at SIT Insantama Leuwiliang showed that community service activities were useful and received good responses from teachers and junior high school students. Submission of materials in introduction to coffee plants is important and has been conveyed clearly. The results of the selection materials, needed for further community service activities are materials related to junior high school students in the form of experiments, making tofu and tempe, effective online learning methods, fruit cultivation, plant cultivation in narrow yard (housing), making hand soap, the introduction of Covid 19 and making of meatballs.Educational activities introducing coffee plants from bean to cup in community service activities had been carried out at the Integrated Islamic School (SIT) Insantama Leuwiliang, Bogor. The method of implementing activities were carried out in two ways, offline for teacher and online for student participants. Material delivery using presentation methods and simulations coffee cup testing. Evaluation of community service activities were carried out by distributing questionnaires. Evaluation of the results of community service activities at SIT Insantama Leuwiliang showed that community service activities were useful and received good responses from teachers and junior high school students. Submission of materials in introduction to coffee plants is important and has been conveyed clearly. The results of the selection materials, needed for further community service activities are materials related to junior high school students in the form of experiments, making tofu and tempe, effective online learning methods, fruit cultivation, plant cultivation in narrow yard (housing), making hand soap, the introduction of Covid 19 and making of meatballs

    Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Online di SD Daarut Tasbih Ar-Rafi serta Kendala Pembelajaran di Era Pandemi Covid-19

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    This study aims to determine the constraints and effectiveness of online learning in elementary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of the study were parents of students and students. The object of the research is the mental condition of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Collecting data using interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis used data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing/verification, data analysis used was descriptive qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the study, it showed that online learning in elementary schools experienced many problems. This problem is experienced by students, parents, and teachers. These problems include the lack of knowledge about information technology by students and parents of students, learning becomes boring and learning assessments that should be done directly cannot be done. Learning becomes less effective because of these obstacles

    Antioxidant Capacity and Phytochemical Profile of Punica granatum L.Peel Ex-tracts Using Different Solvent Extraction

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    Pomegranate is known to have valuable nutrients and contains various bioactive compounds found in the fruit's peel. The utilization of these bioactive compounds could be used as herbal medicines and supplements, such as antioxidants. This study aimed to determine the antioxidant capacity, phytochemical profile, and pomegranate peel extract grouping using different extracting solvents. The extraction solvents used were water, 70% ethanol, and ethanol pro analysis (p.a) grade. The antioxidant capacity of the three extracts was measured using DPPH and CUPRAC methods. We also determined the total phenolic and flavonoid levels and the TLC fingerprint analysis and FTIR spectrum of the pomegranate peel extracts. The 70% ethanol extract owned the largest antioxidantcapacity. Itwas significantly different fromthe other two extracts with a value of 358.67 and 2981.59 μmol trolox/g dried sample using the DPPH and CUPRAC methods, respectively. The three pomegranate peel extracts' total phenolic and flavonoid levels ranged from 287.26–1068.81 mg GAE/g dried sample and 0.24-0.75 mg QE/g dried sample. TLC fingerprint analysis of pomegranate peel extract yielded 2, 6, and 6 bands for water extract, 70% ethanol, and p.a ethanol, respectively. The three extracts can be grouped based on FTIR spectrum data using principal component analysis using three principal components with a total variance of 93%. The results obtained showed that using different extracting solvents provides different antioxidant capacities and phytochemical profiles

    POTENSI EKSTRAK DAUN KERSEN SEBAGAI BAHAN SANITASI KERABANG TELUR PADA PROSES PENETASAN TELUR ITIK ALABIO: The Potential Of Cherry Leaf Extract (Mutinga calabura L) As A Sanitary Agent For Eggshell In The Alabio Ducks Hatching Process

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    The objective of this research was to study the potential of cherry leaf extract as natural sanitizer agent for Alabio eggshell in hatching process. A number of 533 of Alabio hatching eggs were used in this study. Hatching eggs produced from College of Vacational Studies IPB University, were collected three times a day. Three hundred thirty-three hatching eggs were divided into five treatment groups. The first group was considered as control, the second was dipping into commercial disinfection, and the third and the fifth gruop were dipping into cherry leaf extract 250 ppm, 500 ppm, and 750 ppm respectively. The results showed cherry leaf extract has secondary metabolite compounds : alkaloids, flavonoids and tannins. All of these secondary metabolite compounds have a role as antibacterial agent. cherry leaf extract 750 ppm shows the same potential as commercial disinfectants in reducing the microbial population in eggshells. The dipping treatment of 750 ppm cherry leaf extract in alabio duck hatching eggs resulted in the lowest embryo mortality rate compared to other treatments (9.3%).   Key words: Alabio duck, cherry leaf extract, hatchery, total plate count of eggshel

    PENGARUH METODE EKSTRAKSI DAN POLARITAS PELARUT TERHADAP KADAR FENOLIK TOTAL DAUN KERSEN (Muntingia calabura L): Effect of Extraction Method and Solvent Polarity on Total Phenolic Content of Cherry Leaves (Muntingia calabura L)

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    ABSTRACTThe method of extraction and the type of solvent used during extraction will influence effectiveness of the extraction and compound extracted. The aim of this research was determined the effect of extraction methode and solvent polarity on total phenolic content of cherry leaves (Muntingia calabura L). Extraction of cherry leaves used maceration and soxhelation methods with ethanol and chloroform as solvents. The total phenolic contain was determined by visible spechtrophotometer at 765 nm. It has been showed that the soxhletation method was a higher yield value than the maceration methods with the highest yield value showed by ethanol extract, it was 13,29% w/w. Otherwise maceration method showed a higher total phenolic contain with the highest total phenolic contain showed by ethanol extract, it was 10,70% GAE


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    ABSTRACTThe present study investigated applicability of Pustaka Access versi 0.1 designed by fakulty members of Padjadjaran University (Unpad). Being the aim of the software application was an effort to make reading interest of the west java people geared to wards betterments. At present, libraries scaterred across the province of west  java are not managed by professional librarians. By way applying the software of pustaka access versi 0.1 developed though database Microsoft access 2007 (or, the most recent version of it) The best part of the software application proves to be some practicality and accuracy in term of benefiting the library collection from which people learn how to live a better life in a broader sense.Libraries of different kinds include Taman Bacaan Masyarakat (TBM), library-like center of resources for all people including those living villages in rural areas. These libraries are to be managed by librarians having been trained through services workshops on electronic system of running a library for all. Keyword: TBM, reading interest, Unpad, software ABSTRAKProvinsi Jawa Barat merupakan provinsi yang memiliki angka buta aksara mencapai angka 10 %.  Indeks Pembangunan Manusia  (IPM) di Jawa Barat terus ditingkatkan. Berbagai program dicanangkan untuk mendongkrak angka IPM tersebut agar menjadi lebih baik. Salah satu indikator yang diperhatikan adalah peningkatan minat baca masyarakat. Sumber inspirasi kegiatan ini adalah bahwa perpustakaan Desa dan TBM (Taman Bacaan Masyarakat) di Jawa Barat belum memiliki solusi praktis mengatasi masalah dalam mengembangkan perpustakaan/TBM yang mereka kelola. Belum ada kesiapan dalam menyelenggarakan layanan perpustakaan/TBM berbasis sistem. perpustakaan/TBM  masih memerlukan tambahan bahan bacaan. Pihak pengelola belum memiliki Tenaga Teknis yang siap mengelola koleksi bahan bacaan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah Survey Kebutuhan Informasi, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan , Konsultasi dan Focus Group Discussion (FDG) serta simulasi Ipteks, yakni diperkenalkan kepada para pengelola taman bacaan masyarakat dan perpustakaan desa adalah Sofware Pustaka Access Versi 0.1. Software ini dimanfaatkan untuk pengolahan koleksi bahan pustaka dengan mengunakan software Pustaka Acces Versi 0.1 yang digagas dan dikembangkan oleh staf pengajar pada Departemen Ilmu Informasi dan perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Unpad. Karya Utama kegiatan ini adalah berupa Software Pustaka Acces Versi 0.1, Modul  Pengolahan Koleksi, Modul Perpustakaan Sekolah dan Modul Pengelolaan Taman Bacaan Masyarakat. Software “Pustaka Access versi 0.1” dikembangkan dengan menggunakan Database Microsoft Access 2007.Oleh karena itu, Software ini hanya bisa digunakan pada komputer yang sudah terinstal Microsoft Office 2007 (atau Microsoft Office versi yang lebih baru). Modul pengolahan koleksi merupakan pedoman yang dapat digunakan dalam mengoperasikan system pengolahan koleksi berbasis elektronik. Modul perpustakaan sekolah, dapat digunakan bagi sekolah dalam menjalankan pengelolaan perpustakaan sekolahnya secara ringkas dan cepat. Modul Pengelolaan Taman Bacaan Masyarakat dapat digunakan oleh Taman Bacaan Masyarakat sebagai panduan pengelolaan dan pengembangan  Taman Bacaan Masyarakat. Dampak dan manfaatnya adalah bahwa pemberian hibah buku yang siap dipakai memudahkan pengelola perpustakaan dan taman bacaan untuk dapat langsung dimanfaatkan oleh pemustakanya. Pelatihan sistem pengelolaan elektronik memudahkan pengelola dalam mengurus koleksinya. Hal ini disampaikan oleh pengelola yang telah mendapat pelatihan, dan antusias pemustakanya untuk bisa segera meminjam buku tersebut. Kesimpulan bahwa kegiatan Hibah buku mahasiswa angkatan 2013-2014 telah tersampaikan ke berbagai jenis perpustakaan dan taman bacaan baik itu perpustakaan sekolah, taman bacaan masyarakat  dan perpustakaan Lapas. Diberikan kepada sekolah yang belum memiliki perpustakaan dan sekolah yang belum memenuhi standar jumlah koleksi. Taman bacaan yang mendapat hibah adalah taman bacaan yang memulai dan mengembangkan dengan motivasi yang kuat dari pengelolanya.  Permasalahan cara pengelolaan terbantukan dengan pelatihan dan pemberian sistem pengelolaan elektronik. Koleksi yang telah terolah mempercepat layanan bagi pemustaka untuk memanfaatkannya.  Kata kunci: Taman Bacaan Masyarakat, Minat Baca, Pemberdayaan perpustakaan, Unpa