9 research outputs found


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    The integration of technology at learning process at SMK N 1 Sedayu quite less. The purpose of this research was to analysis the E-book quality. In this research the researcher analyze the E-book feasibility of E-book. The feasibility aspects were Availability, Customization Display, Portability and Usability. The research was using descriptive quantitative method according to theories of E-book standard quality. The analysis of E-book passed through: (1)Implementation of E-book and (2)Analysis of E-book. This research was held from December 5th up to December 17th 2011. The data were collected in SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu. The respondents were 30 students from grade X of Computer and Network Engineering. Data collection for Usability used questionnaire with a 5 scale answer. The result of interpretation from quantitative value was then converted into qualitative description value. The average score of students interpretation was 3.91 and this E-book was a Good E-book. Keyword: E-book, E-book standard qualit


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    ABSTRACT THE ANALYSIS OF E-BOOK QUALITY By: AstriYuliani NIM. 08520244029 The integration of technology at learning process at SMK N 1 Sedayu quite less. The purpose of this research was to analysis the E-book quality. In this research the researcher analyze the E-book feasibility of E-book. The feasibility aspects were Availability, Customization Display, Portability and Usability. The research was using descriptive quantitative method according to theories of E-book standard quality. The analysis of E-book passed through: (1)Implementation of E-book and (2)Analysis of E-book. This research was held from December 5th up to December 17th 2011. The data were collected in SMK Negeri 1 Sedayu. The respondents were 30 students from grade X of Computer and Network Engineering. Data collection for Usability used questionnaire with a 5 scale answer. The result of interpretation from quantitative value was then converted into qualitative description value. The average score of students interpretation was 3.91 and this E-book was a Good E-book. Keyword: E-book, E-book standard qualit

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Biji Dan Batang Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.) Terhadap Staphylococcus Epidermidis Dan Shigella Sonnei

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    Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan tanaman obat. Salah satu diantaranya adalah pepaya (Carica papaya L.). Penelitian sebelumnya telah membuktikan aktivitas antibakteri biji dan batang pepaya terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri kombinasi ekstrak etanol biji dan batang pepaya terhadap Shigella sonnei dan Staphylococcus epidermidis serta mengetahui golongan senyawa yang bertanggungjawab sebagai antibakteri. Ekstrak etanol biji dan batang pepaya diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode maserasi. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode disc diffusion. Konsentrasi ekstrak biji dan batang pepaya masing-masing 50% b/v dengan 3 perbandingan, yaitu 70:30, 50:50, dan 30:70 dengan volume total 20 Ī¼L. Fase diam yang digunakan pada uji Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) adalah silica gel GF 254 dengan fase gerak pada ekstrak biji dan batang pepaya masing-masing (v/v) adalah etil asetat:metanol:air (100:13:17) dan kloroform:metanol (9:1). Bioautografi kontak digunakan untuk mengetahui golongan senyawa yang bertanggungjawab sebagai antibakteri. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi ekstrak biji dan batang papaya (Carica papaya L.) konsentrasi 50% dengan seri perbandingan 70:30, 50:50, dan 30:70 memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Hasil uji bioautografi menunjukkan bahwa golongan senyawa pada ekstrak etanol biji dan batang pepaya yang diduga memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. epidermidis adalah tanin sedangkan golongan senyawa pada ekstrak biji pepaya yang diduga memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap S. sonnei adalah alkaloid dan tanin


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    The purpose of this research is to know studentā€™s  learning interest, in mathematics learning of high school students in West Bandung Regency. The method used in this research is survey method. The research technique was carried out by distributing questionnaires, which were then analyzed descriptively. The questionnaire consisted of thirthy questions with four alternative answers, which is "strongly agree" (SS), "agree" (S), "Disagree" (TS), and strongly disagree "(STS). The population in this research is all of the high school students in West Bandung Regency, and the sample was thirty students in elevent grade from one of several hight school in West Bandung Regency. The results of this research state that, students who like to mathematics learning are only 33% with low categories, low. The biggest percentage of student interest is 87% with categories, very high. And the same percentage for student attention and involvement is 54% with categories, medium. This shows that, students have interest, attention and involvement, even thought they do not like  mathematics learning


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    Latar Belakang: Akumulasi lemak dalam tubuh yang terjadi secara berlebihan akan menyebabkan overweight dan obesitas. Hal ini akibat ketidakseimbangan asupan energi yang utama yaitu asupan makronutrien yang terdiri dari karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara asupan makronutrien dengan kejadian overweight dan obesitas pada anak usia 6-12 tahun di kota Palangka Raya. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional dengan responden sebanyak 80 siswa yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Pengukuran yang dilakukan yaitu pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan untuk mendapatkan IMT/U dan BB/U. Dilakukan pengisian kuisioner Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ) oleh orang tua siswa untuk mengetahui asupan makronutrien yang dikonsumsi dalam satu bulan terakhir. Metode analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan karbohidrat (p=0,718), lemak (p=0,754), protein (p=0,159) dengan overweight dan obesitas menurut IMT/U. Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan karbohidrat (p=0,805), lemak (p=1,000), protein (p=0,919 dengan overweight dan obesitas menurut BB/U. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan makronutrien dengan kejadian overweight dan obesitas pada anak usia 6-12 tahun di kota Palangka Raya

    Hubungan Perilaku Personal Hygiene terhadap Kejadian Kecacingan dan Stunting Pada Siswa Kelas I-III di SDN Pematang Limau, Kabupaten Gunung Mas

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    One of the factors causing stunting is an infectious disease caused by helminthiasis. Worm infection is the entry of parasites in the form of worms into the human body. This infection can cause a decrease in nutritional status, endurance, intelligence and productivity of sufferers. Riskesdas 2018 data shows that the prevalence of stunting in Gunung Mas exceeds the national stunting rate. Primary school-age children, especially grades I, II and III, are vulnerable to helminthiasis because children of this age are still very actively playing on the ground and pay little attention to personal hygiene. Based on a survey conducted in 10 districts in 2012, it was found that the highest prevalence of helminthiasis came from the Gunung Mas district of Central Kalimantan province (76.67%). Pematang Limau State Elementary School in Pematang Limau Village, Sepang District, Gunung Mas Regency is in a watershed area which is a high-risk area for worm infection transmission. The purpose of this research to find out the relationship between personal hygiene behavior toward worm and stunting incidents in class I-III students at SDN Pematang Limau, Gunung Mas Regency. The method is using the analytic observation method with a cross-sectional approach. In this study, the independent variables are personal hygiene behavior and the dependent variable is the occurrence of intestinal worms and stunting. The results are shown that the incidence of helminthiasis in class I-III students were influenced by factors of poor personal hygiene behavior. The stunting incident found in this study was not related to the respondent's personal hygiene behavior

    Mathematical Representation Ability of Senior High School Students: An Evaluation from Studentsā€™ Mathematical Disposition

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    The purpose of this study is to describe studentsā€™ ability in solving mathematical representation problems evaluated from mathematical disposition. Ā The subjects are three students of 10th grade of public senior high school (PSHS) in Padalarang, West Java, Indonesia. They were selected from 35 students with high, medium, and low mathematical disposition ability. The results of the study showed that almost all of the students able to use visual representation to solve mathematical problems, and create mathematical models and solve problems by involving mathematical expressions. In contrast, most of students could not fulfill two indicators of the mathematical representation ability, i.e. creating the sketch of geometric patterns and making the mathematical model based on the situation and data given


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    The purpose of this study was to study and analyze students' problems in problem-solving skills seen from their mathematical disposition level of the students on 12th grade class ofĀ  SMA IT Fithrah Insani. Method of this study is descriptive- qualitative research. From 35 students, there were three students taken as samples, consisting of a student with high disposition mathematical ability (T), a student with medium disposition mathematical ability (S), and a student with low disposition mathematical ability (R). The result of the study shows that there is a difference in the average score of students in each level of the mathematical disposition towards the conclusion of the studentsā€™ mathematical problem-solving ability test (ANOVA Test-One way). Following up on these differences, researchers identified student achievement and misconceptions on each mathematical problem-solving indicators. The results of the study show that all the student with high and medium disposition mathematical ability could not fulfill the indicators of the ability of mathematical problem solving, such as (1) understand the problem, (2) recheck the answer while all the student with low disposition mathematical ability could not fulfill all indicator of the ability of mathematical problem solving


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    This study aims to examine the effect of the AIR learning model on students' mathematical problem solving abilities in flat-woke material in grade IV of elementary school. This type of research is in the form of Quasi Experimental Design with the Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample of this research is class IV A and class IV B SDN Cisaat Rambay, Kabupaten Sukabumi. Data collection was carried out by a test method consisting of pretest and posttest. Learning in the experimental class uses the AIR learning model while the control class uses direct learning. Learning is carried out three times, both in the experimental class and in the control class with the same material, which is to wake up flat. Both classes have the same initial ability. The calculation results show students in the experimental class have higher average results compared to the control class. The average final grade of the experimental class is 78,33 while the control class is 50.57. The results of the calculation of the T Test show the significance of 0,000. Sig value smaller test significance level (0.05). This means that there are significant differences in results between the experimental class and the control class. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the AIR learning model has an influence on the mathematical problem solving ability of elementary school students in elementary school fourth grade material