277 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk rancangan kegiatan pembelajaran berdasarkan pendekatan pembelajaran konstekstual untuk meningkatkan kedisiplinan belajar siswa kelas III sekolah dasar. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan kegiatan pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Delphi dengan pendekatan kuliatatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran instrumen kepada para pakar mengenai rancangan pembelajaran, lalu dilakukan validasi oleh para pakar. Kegiatan validasi dilakukan sampai para pakar menyepakati rancangan yang telah dibuat, lalu peneliti meringkas hasil akhir kesepakatan para pakar. Kegiatan verifikasi terdiri dari 2 siklus sesuai dengan metode Delphi. Berdasarkan hasil temuan yang telah diverifikasi oleh ahli, langkah-langkah yang terdapat pada pembelajaran adalah kegiatan pendahuluan, inti dan penutup. Kegiatan pendahuluan terdiri dari pengkondisian fisik dan psikis, apersepsi, menyampaikan tujuan, menyampaikan manfaat dan menjelaskan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan oleh siswa. sedangkan dalam kegiatan inti terdapat 7 prinsip pendekatan pembelajaran konstekstual yang harus masuk kedalam pembelajaran didalam kegiatan inti, adapun 7 prinsip tersebut adalah (1)Contruktivisme (2)Inquiry (3)Questioning (4)learning Community, (5)Modeling, (6)Reflection (7)Authentic Assesment. Dari kegiatan inti nanti akan termuat sikap disiplin yang nanti akan dijadikan aturan kelas atau disebut sebagai kontrak belajar dari prinsip Contruktivisme dan Inquiry. Dan untuk kegiatan penutup terdapat kegiatan refleksi untuk memperkuat penemuan sikap disiplin, membuat kesimpulan, evaluasi, umpan balik, tindak lanjut dan yang terakhir yaitu menginformasikan pembelajaran yang akan datang. DESIGN OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES BASED ON A CONTEXTUAL LEARNING APPROACH TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING DISCIPLINE CLASS III BASIC SCHOOL By Ari Yudhanto 1607704 ABSTRACT This study aims to describe the form of learning activity design based on a contextual learning approach to improve learning discipline of grade III elementary school students. The subject of this research is the design of learning activities. The research method used is the Delphi method with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by distributing instruments to experts regarding learning designs, then validating them by experts. Validation activities are carried out until the experts agree on the design that has been made, then the researcher summarizes the final results of the experts' agreement. The verification activity consists of 2 cycles according to the Delphi method. Based on the findings that have been verified by experts, the steps involved in learning are preliminary, core and closing activities. Preliminary activities consist of physical and psychological conditioning, perceptions, conveying objectives, conveying benefits and explaining the learning to be carried out by students. whereas in the core activities there are 7 principles of a contextual learning approach that must be included in learning in core activities, while the 7 principles are (1) Contructivism (2) Inquiry (3) Questioning (4) Community Learning, (5) Modeling, (6) Reflection (7) Authentic Assessment. From the core activities, there will be a disciplinary attitude which will later be used as class rules or referred to as a learning contract based on the principles of Contructivism and Inquiry. And for the closing activity, there are reflection activities to strengthen the findings of disciplinary attitudes, make conclusions, evaluate, feedback, follow up and finally inform future learning


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    XYZ Company is one of logistic services provider company or commonly known with 3PL (Third Party Logistics) Company. One of the customers who use 3PL services is DEF Company. DEF Company is a company which is engaged in distribution and import of goods.Reporting documents activities on the inbound and outbound process, XYZ Company has been delayed. The percentage of delay in April 2014 is 5 percent. The delay caused by unorganized order documents, so it will have an impact on the time delay in delivery of goods to consumers Mapping was conducted to determine the actual condition of the relationship between the activities contained in the inbound and outbound of DEF Company products at XYZ Company warehouse. Improvement is done in order to prevent delays. Improvements in this research using the approach of Business Process Improvement method (BPI) by streamlining analysis. Business process improvements to minimize delay in reporting the document is using addition al information systems called Order Management System (OMS)so that some physicaldocument can be eliminated and replaced using electronic document . Some activity on the inbound and outbound processes can be eliminated, such as checking status of orders manually and printing documents, because these activities have been accommodated in the system information Order Management System. So, OMS can solve delay of reporting documents problem so that the delivery process is not interrupted and become smoother, so the goods can arrived to the consignee on time Business Process Improvement (BPI), Streamlining, System Informatio


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    Kegiatan PPL merupakan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa sebagai wujud pengabdian mahasiswa kepada sekolah, atau lembaga masyarakat sekaligus untuk melatih mahasiswa untuk menerapakan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang telah dimiliki. Sebelum diterjunkan ke lokasi PPL terlebih dahulu melakukan observasi untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan untuk menyusun program kerja. Dengan demikian mahasiswa dapat menyusun dan menentukan program yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan kebutuhan sekolah/lembaga. Adapun program PPL yang dilaksanakan meliputi mempelajari administrasi guru, menyusun perangkat persiapan pembelajaran, mengembangkan media pembelajaran, praktik mengajar terbimbing dan mandiri, mengadakan evaluasi hasil pembelajaran, menganalisis hasil evaluasi, penerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB), upacara, jum’at bersih, senam, pelatihan dan pendampingan lomba baris berbaris, pelatihan dan pendampingan lomba lari, pelatihan dan pendampingan lomba catur, pelatihan dan pendampingan lomba bulutangkis, pelatihan dan pendampingan lomba jelajah binangun, , pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan, pendampingan apel besar hari pramuka, perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS), , pengadaan apotek hidup, pendampingan imunisasi campak. Secara umum, semua program dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar sesuai rencana. Namun demikian, masih banyak kekurangan dan perlu adanya tindak lanjut di masa yang akan datang. Besarnya dukungan dari pihak sekolah terhadap mahasiswa PPL UNY 2014sangat membantu dalam menjalankan program-programnya. Dalam pelaksanaan program kerja tersebut, tentunya ada hambatan, namun dapat segera diatasi dan terselesaikan dengan baik berkat kerjasama yang baik dari semua pihak

    The pragmatics and Semiotics Analysis of Vinyl Record Cover Art They Fell From The Sky's Album DECADE

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    In this study, the researchers focus on the meaning of the DECADE album cover from They Fell From The Sky music band. This was chosen because the artwork used is quite attractive and has This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive method. The analysis was carried out using the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes and the pragmatics theory of John Searle. This study aimed to determine the meaning contained in the cover design of the DECADE album. This research shows that between context signs and visible signs, there is a relationship where the two synergize in the title. The band, namely "They Fell From The Sky," by using a skull image that uses an astronaut costume in an iconic, denotative, and connotative symbolizing "death," a form of death because "falling from the sky" so the message to be conveyed is to publish the Decade album which for ten years or "a decade" like struggling until astronauts in outer space experience death as if falling from the sky. The Astronaut's skull artwork entitled in Indonesian "Binasa" ("Perish" in English) which is the basis of the DECADE album cover design, also strengthens this interpretation. Keywords: Album cover, Semiotics, Pragmatics

    Analisis karakteristik pirolisis limbah plastik low density polyetylene (LDPE) sebagai bahan bakar alternatif

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    Plastic bag waste in Indonesia is very alarming. The many uses of plastic bags and those made from plastic in the food sector, industry, and others will have a bad impact on the environment if it carried out continuously and the utilization of waste plastic bags. This research was conducted by utilizing waste plastic bags Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) to be converted into fuel oil by the pyrolysis process. Starting from the design and manufacture of pyrolysis devices, the process of pyrolysis for extracting fuel oil, and laboratory testing of oil density, oil viscosity, and oil calorific value. Pyrolysis was carried out three times with heating temperatures varying at 200°C, 250°C, and 300°C. This research concludes that pyrolysis oil of LDPE plastic bag waste that can be used for alternative fuels in this research can be ignited through a spark at a heating temperature of 250 ° C with a viscosity of 1.95 cP, a calorific value of 10826.388 cal/gr, and an oil density of 0.7044 gr/mlKeywords: plastic, pyrolysis, fuel oil, alternative energy

    Perbedaan Tingkat Kejadian Karies Pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin Di Kelas 1-4 SDLB Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY

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    Background.Oral health in children with special needs, usually need more treatment than those in normal. This is going to get worse if their parents have lack of knowledge and attention. Commonly in our society children with special needs is still considered as a second class civil. This circumstance could inhibit their growth, development and potency. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to know the difference of caries index level between boys and girls in grades 1-4 SDLB using caries index def - t and DMF - T. Methods.This study has been done to 22 student of 1-4 grades of Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY. Subjects consisted of 12 boys and 10 girls. The method was observational with cross sectional design. When the subjects were examined, the caries index( def-t and DMF-T) has recorded with odontogram sheet. The the severity of caries between boys and girls was compared. Result. The score of def-t in boys 1-4 grades are 4,33 and the girls 3,2. The score ofDMF-T in boys 3 and the girls 3,2. Conclusion. The result of this research was found that the caries index between boys and girls SDLB 1-4 graders at Widya Mulya, Pundong, Bantul, DIY was not different significantl

    Reducing the Threat of Electrical Hazards through the Application of Solar Energy: Realizing Child-Friendly Electricity in Elementary Schools.

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    The advancement of information technology provides ease of learning. However, learning media in schools usually depends on average electrical settings and electronic devices to support information technology (IT). The learning media in Indonesia generally depends on the utilization of PLN's electrical energy. It is undeniable that electricity is a basic need in teaching and learning activities today, even though the existence of electrical installations in the midst of children saves dangers that need to be anticipated. The solution is to provide socialization and education on child-friendly technology. In this case, the school community will be introduced to utilizing and building safe electrical installations for children. In principle, some electrical components available on the market will have their own level of safety, and safe and child-friendly components must be chosen. Furthermore, electrical installations will be built with solar energy sources because the technology has many advantages, including renewable energy, without high-voltage cable networks, and providing efficiency in school operational costs. It is more important that solar electricity can work at low voltages to be safe in children's environments. The result at the activity location installed electricity from Solar Power Plant with a 300 Watt inverter to provide electricity for school computer devices. In addition, 10 outdoor lighting points are installed that are set to turn on and off automatically. The main goal to provide efficient and safe electrical facilities for children has been well realized

    Performance Optimization of Gas Turbine Generator Based on Operating Conditions Using ANN-GA at Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd

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    A Gas Turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a flow combustion gas. The reliability and efficiency of gas turbines are one of the top priorities at Saka Indonesia Pangkah Ltd (SIPL). In order to optimize the operating conditions of a gas turbine, three components are needed. First is the problem formulation which consists of objective functions, problem boundaries or constraints, and determination of optimized variables. The second component is a valid model, which represents the characteristics of a gas turbine installed in SIPL. The third component is the optimization technique that is suitable with the optimization problem that will be solved. In this paper, the objective function is maximizing gas turbine efficiency, some operational limitation as constrains by manipulating air to fuel ratio. The model was developed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) was selected as the stochastic optimization technique to solve the problem. The neural network model created directly using the operational data from an actual parameter gas turbine generator. The data needed for ANN-based modeling is around 8150 data sets that will be used to train and validate the ANN model. Variable data sets were divided in two parts, for training purposes is 87.5% and for validation is 12.5%. Weight management for neural networks was carried out using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm which could give good results with RMSE = 7.3 X 10-3. From the results of the stochastic optimization (GA) simulation, the potential reduction of fuel gas consumption is around 280.8 kg/hr if the air mass flow can be increased from 2.4 kg/s to 2.7 kg/s or efficiency increase up to 10.6%
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