16 research outputs found

    An evolutionary approach for the identification of a cocktail of drugs for the treatment of Chagas disease

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    This research will focus on trying to solve the problem of a lack of effective treatments for Chagas disease once entering in its chronic phase. We will develop a computational comparative genomics approach to identify cocktails of FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) approved drugs that could potentially work for the treatment of Chagas disease. In the following section we will introduce biological concepts as well in order to understand appropriately the aim of our work.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Synthesis, characterization, and photoactivity of InTaO4 and In0.9Ni0.1TaO4 thin films prepared by electron evaporation

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    InTaO4 and In0.9Ni0.1TaO4 thin films have been prepared by electron evaporation of successive layers of the single oxide components and posterior annealing at T 800 °C. The annealed thin films presented the monoclinic crystallographic structure typical of these mixed oxides. The electrical and optical behaviors of the films, assessed by C-V measurements, surface conductivity as a function of temperature, and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, indicate that these oxides are wide band gap semiconductors with a variable dielectric constant depending on the annealing conditions. By reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy some electronic states have been found in the gap at an energy that is compatible with the activation energy deduced from the conductivity versus 1/T plots for these oxides. The photoactivity of these materials has been assessed by looking to the evolution of the wetting contact angle as a function of the irradiation time. All the films became superhydrophilic when irradiated with UV light, while the In0.9Ni0.1TaO4 thin films also presented a small partial decrease in wetting angle when irradiated with visible photons. © 2010 American Vacuum Society

    Drug cocktail selection for the treatment of chagas disease:A multi-objective approach

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    Chagas disease is a parasitic disease, endemic in South America. As of today, there is no effective treatment in its chronic stage. We have recently identified 134 FDA approved drugs with potential antitrypanosomal activity. In this paper, we propose a novel method for selecting combinations of drugs (drug cocktails), to provide a more effective treatment against Chagas disease. We define three measures to evaluate the predicted performance of a cocktail, establishing in this way a mathematical foundation for its analysis.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Laser treatment of nanoparticulated metal thin films for ceramic tile decoration

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    This paper presents a new method for the fabrication of metal-like decorative layers on glazed ceramic tiles. It consists of the laser treatment of copper thin films prepared by electron beam evaporation at glancing angles. A thin film of discontinuous copper nanoparticles was electron beam evaporated in an oblique angle configuration onto ceramic tiles and an ample palette of colors obtained by laser treatment both in air and in vacuum. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM and FESEM) along with UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) analysis were used to characterize the differently colored layers. Based on these analyses, color development has been accounted for by a simple model considering surface melting phenomena and different microstructural and chemical transformations of the outmost surface layers of samples.Financial support from the EU (Grant LIFE11/ENV/ES560), Innovaragon (Grant ITA-DGA/ES 1368), DGA (Group T87), MINECO (Projects MAT2013-40852-R and MAT2013-42900-P), and Junta de Andalucia (Projects TEP 8067 and FQM 6900) is gratefully acknowledged. F.R.-G. acknowledges the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation for Grant SFRH/BPD/108581/2015.Peer reviewe

    Wetting Angles on Illuminated Ta2O5 Thin Films with Controlled Nanostructure

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    Ta2O5 thin films with different nanostructure and surface roughness have been prepared by electron evaporation at different angles between the evaporation source and the substrates. Large variation of refraction indexes (n) from 1.40 to 1.80 were obtained by changing the geometry of evaporation and/or by annealing the evaporated films at increasing temperatures up to 1000 °C to make them crystalline. Very flat and compact thin films (n ) 2.02) were also obtained by assisting the growth by bombardment with O2 + ions of 800 eV kinetic energy. A similar correlation has been found between the wetting contact angle of water and the roughness of the films for the evaporated and evaporated + annealed samples, irrespective of their procedure of preparation and other microstructural characteristics. When the films were illuminated with UV light of h > Eg ) 4.2 eV (Eg, band gap energy of Ta2O5), their surface became superhydrophilic (contact angle < 10°) in a way quite similar to those reported for illuminated TiO2 thin films. The rate of transformation into the superhydrophilic state was smaller for the crystalline than for the amorphous films, suggesting that in Ta2O5 the size of crystal domains at the surface is an important parameter for the control of this kinetics. Changes in the water contact angle on films illuminated with visible light were also found when they were subjected to implantation with N2 + ions of 800 eV kinetic energy. The origin of this photoactivity is discussed in terms of the electronic band gap states associated with the nitrogen-implanted atoms. The possibility of preparing antireflective and self-cleaning coatings of Ta2O5 is discussed

    Photonic sensor systems for the identification of hydrocarbons and crude oils in static and flow conditions

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    Identification of hydrocarbons and crude oils is typically carried out with samples that, taken from natural sources or refineries, must be brought to the laboratory for their analysis with rather sophisticated instruments. Alternatively, “in situ” procedures have been also developed for this purpose. In this work, we propose the use of a series of several sensor systems based on photonic transducers in the form of chips for the identification and classification of crude oils and hydrocarbons through the determination of their refractive index in the visible and absorption in the near infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Two of the photonic transducers rely on modifications of a Bragg microcavity and they monitor the changes in visible light interference phenomena that occur in response to the variation of the refractive index of oils. The third one, in the form of a dielectric mirror, monitors the near infrared absorption of crude oils and hydrocarbons through the recording of a transflectance spectrum. The capacity of these transducers for crude oil identification is proved by the analysis of a series of oils and distilled fractions that have been properly identified and classified as a function of their density and partition of long hydrocarbon chains. The three photonic transducers are operated with optical fibers and can be used in static and dynamic modes, this latter under conditions that are especially well-suited for “insitu” analysis of oil streams in real facilities. The proved resistance of the chips to high pressure and temperature conditions supports their suitability to withstand harsh working environments as those existing in extraction wells.Peer reviewe

    One-reactor vacuum and plasma synthesis of transparent conducting oxide nanotubes and nanotrees: from single wire conductivity to ultra-broadband perfect absorbers in the NIR

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    The eventual exploitation of one-dimensional nanomaterials needs the development of scalable, high yield, homogeneous and environmentally friendly methods capable of meeting the requirements for fabrication of functional nanomaterials with properties on demand. In this article, we demonstrate a vacuum and plasma one-reactor approach for the synthesis of fundamental common elements in solar energy and optoelectronics, i.e. the transparent conducting electrode but in the form of nanotube and nanotree architectures. Although the process is generic and can be used for a variety of TCOs and wide-bandgap semiconductors, we focus herein on indium doped tin oxide (ITO) as the most previously researched in previous applications. This protocol combines widely applied deposition techniques such as thermal evaporation for the formation of organic nanowires serving as 1D and 3D soft templates, deposition of polycrystalline layers by magnetron sputtering, and removal of the templates by simply annealing under mild vacuum conditions. The process variables are tuned to control the stoichiometry, morphology, and alignment of the ITO nanotubes and nanotrees. Four-probe characterization reveals the improved lateral connectivity of the ITO nanotrees and applied on individual nanotubes shows resistivities as low as 3.5 ± 0.9 × 10–4 Ω cm, a value comparable to that of single-crystalline counterparts. The assessment of diffuse reflectance and transmittance in the UV-Vis range confirms the viability of the supported ITO nanotubes as random optical media working as strong scattering layers. Their further ability to form ITO nanotrees opens a path for practical applications as ultra-broadband absorbers in the NIR. The demonstrated low resistivity and optical properties of these ITO nanostructures open a way for their use in LEDs, IR shields, energy harvesting, nanosensors, and photoelectrochemical applications.Peer reviewe

    Aplicación móvil Android para la localización de servicios de interés utilizando sistemas de geolocalización

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    El presente documento tiene como objetivo recoger toda la información relacionada con la realización de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera que hemos titulado Aplicación móvil Android para la localización de servicios de interés utilizando sistemas de geolocalización. Este proyecto está orientado a ofrecer al público un amplio abanico de servicios, ofertas y emplazamientos de aquellos que quieran promocionar sus necesidades de negocio. De una forma rápida y sencilla el usuario puede disponer en su dispositivo móvil de información de una gran diversidad de lugares, creando así un nexo entre cliente y empresa a partir de esta aplicación. Las tareas necesarias para la obtención de esta aplicación móvil han sido las utilizadas tradicionalmente en un proyecto software: el estudio de las aplicaciones similares del mercado, la comprensión y descripción de las tecnologías empleadas, la definición de requisitos, la elección del entorno de desarrollo apropiado, la creación del diseño del sistema, la implementación de las soluciones diseñadas y la implantación y batería de pruebas realizadas.Ruiz Molina, V.; Ponce Yubero, FB. (2014). Aplicación móvil Android para la localización de servicios de interés utilizando sistemas de geolocalización. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/43246Archivo delegad

    Insuficiencia respiratoria aguda en el Síndrome de Guillain Barré

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    ResumenIntroducción: el síndrome de Guillain Barré (SGB) frecuentemente afecta a los músculos respiratorios por lo que el ingreso de pacientes afectos de esta patología debe ser a una sala de Terapia Intensiva para monitoreo y asistencia respiratoria mecánica.Objetivo: determinar las características clínicas y complicaciones de los pacientes con SGB ingresados a terapia intensiva.Material y métodos: diseño observacional descriptivo retrospectivo que incluyó a varones y mujeres, mayores de edad, portadores de SGB, ingresados al Departamento de Medicina Interna del Hospital Nacional entre abril 2000 y agosto 2013. Se describen la necesidad de asistencia respiratoria mecánica (ARM), las complicaciones asociadas y el desenlace.Resultados: se incluyeron 35 pacientes, con predominio del sexo masculino (65%). Los eventos desencadentes del SGB más frecuentes fueron las infecciones respiratorias (31%) y las vacunaciones (25%). La insuficiencia respiratoria aguda se presentó en 42%. La neumonía asociada a respirador fue la complicación prevalente y la mortalidad global fue 8,5%.

    Liquid switchable radial polarization converters made of sculptured thin films

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    7 pags., 6 figs., 1 app.A radial polarization converter is a super-structured optical retarder that converts a conventional linearly polarized light beam into a structured beam with radial or azimuthal polarization. We present a new type of these sophisticated optical elements, which is made of porous nanostructured sculptured single thin films or multilayers prepared by physical vapor deposition at an oblique angle. They are bestowed with an axisymmetric retardation activity (with the fast axis in a radial configuration). In particular, a Bragg microcavity multilayer that exhibits a tunable transmission peak in the visible range with a retardance of up to 0.35 rad has been fabricated using this methodology. Owing to the highly porous structure of this type of thin films and multilayers, their retardance could be switched off by liquid infiltration. These results prove the possibility of developing wavelength dependent (through multilayer optical design) and switchable (through vapor condensation or liquid infiltration within the pore structure) radial polarization converters by means of oblique angle physical vapor deposition.We acknowledge the support of the European Regional Development Funds program (EU-FEDER), the Spanish MinistryEconomy, Industry, and Competitiveness (projects 201560E055,MAT2016-79866-R, RECUPERA 2020 and Red CONSOLIDER MAT2015-69035-REDC)