19 research outputs found

    A Framework for a Large-Scale Machine Tool With Long Coarse Linear Axes Under Closed-Loop Volumetric Error Compensation

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    A large-scale machine tool is typically very inefficient in size, cost, and energy consumption. Some large parts only have a set of machining features, each of which is within a small local region, and their location should meet position and orientation tolerances. In such a machining application, as a more cost- and energy-effective alternative, this paper presents the concept of a “portable” machine tool, where a small machining platform, with the capability to machine each local machining feature in the required accuracy, is moved by long coarse linear axes. The coarse axes only perform the point-to-point positioning to each machining feature and fixed by servo control during the machining. They do not have sufficient positioning repeatability. To ensure the position/orientation accuracy of each machining feature without having highly repeatable coarse axes, this paper proposes the application of a tracking interferometer to measure all the error motions of coarse axes, and then to perform their compensation. This can be seen as a closed-loop feedback control for coarse axes using the tracking interferometer in the loop. The proposed concept is demonstrated by the experiments with its prototype using a six-degrees of freedom robot moved by two coarse linear axes

    PCTK3/CDK18 regulates cell migration and adhesion by negatively modulating FAK activity

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    PCTAIRE kinase 3 (PCTK3) is a member of the cyclin dependent kinase family, but its physiological function remains unknown. We previously reported that PCTK3-knockdown HEK293T cells showed actin accumulation at the leading edge, suggesting that PCTK3 is involved in the regulation of actin reorganization. In this study, we investigated the physiological function and downstream signal transduction molecules of PCTK3. PCTK3 knockdown in HEK293T cells increased cell motility and RhoA/Rho-associated kinase activity as compared with control cells. We also found that phosphorylation at residue Tyr-397 in focal adhesion kinase (FAK) was increased in PCTK3-knockdown cells. FAK phosphorylation at Tyr-397 was increased in response to fibronectin stimulation, whereas its phosphorylation was suppressed by PCTK3. In addition, excessive expression of PCTK3 led to the formation of filopodia during the early stages of cell adhesion in HeLa cells. These results indicate that PCTK3 controls actin cytoskeleton dynamics by negatively regulating the FAK/Rho signaling pathway

    Development of a Learning Model Effective for the Neck Spring Vault Exercise for Elementary School Children

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    本研究は,「首はね跳び」につなげるための学習モデルの開発を目的としている。本年度は,台上で行う「首はね跳び」の前段階として,頭越しの回転を含む腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するための下位教材として,「前転ブリッジ」に焦点を当てて研究を行った。 本研究により,「首はね跳び」に必要な腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するためには,アンテナブリッジで腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得した後に,前転ブリッジにおいて頭越しの回転を含む腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得する学習モデルが有効であることが分かった。また,前転ブリッジにおいて腰の沈み込みのあるはね動作を獲得するためには,前転のスピードコントロールを意識させる学習が必要になることが明らかとなった。This research aimed to develop a learning model effective for the neck spring. In the current academic year, we researched the preliminary step in the neck spring on the vault and focused on the forward roll bridge as the lower-level teaching material to allow children to acquire the ability to perform a spring motion with hip subduction, including a forward roll. In this research, we found a learning model that is effective for children to acquire the spring motion with hip subduction. This spring motion is necessary for neck spring vault exercise. Our model allows children to acquire this spring motion, which includes a forward roll bridge, after acquiring a similar spring motion with hip subduction and an antenna bridge. We also clarified that this learning model allows children to be conscious of controlling the speed of their forward roll. This is necessary for performing the spring motion with hip subduction in the forward roll bridge

    100m疾走の後半における走スピード, ピッチおよびストライドの変化

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    本研究では, 成人男子7名を被験者にして, 100m疾走中の後半における走スピード, ピッチ数およびストライド長の変化を明らかにした。本研究で得られた結果は, 次のように要約できる。1) 100m疾走後半の50mから100mまで, 走スピードは減少し続けた。2) 100m疾走後半の50mから100mまで, ピッチ数は減少し続けた。3) 100m疾走後半の50mから90mまでストライド長はほぼ一定を保ったが, 90mから100mまでの区間ではストライド長は急激に増加した。The purpose of this study was to measure running speed, stride length and step frequecny in the latter half of 100m sprint running. The subjects used in this study were four collegiate jumpers, 2 graduate students and an assistant of Chukyo University. All were healthy males. Each run was filmed at 50 frames/sec with Photosonics and Bolex 16mm cameras. Stride length and step frequency was measured from film analysis. Resultes obtanied from this study were summarized as follows. 1. Running speed and step frquency were gradually decreased in the latter half 50m of 100m sprint running. 2. Stride length was almost constant from 50m to 90m. After that, however, it was significantly decreased

    Changes in NMR Relaxation of Rice Grains, Kernel Quality and Physicochemical Properties in Response to a High Temperature after Flowering in Heat-Tolerant and Heat-Sensitive Rice Cultivars

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    Rice productivity is related to the ability of plants to adapt to heat stress. The heat-tolerant cultivars ‘Nikomaru’ and ‘Chikushi 64’ and heat-sensitive cultivar ‘Hinohikari’ were grown at 30ºC and 25ºC for 49 days after flowering. At 30ºC, only a few white immature kernels were produced in ‘Nikomaru’ and ‘Chikushi 64’, but about 22% of grains had immature kernels in ‘Hinohikari’. The high temperature(30ºC) caused no significant changes in grain dry weight, water content, and the NMR T1 value during the early ripening stage in ‘Nikomaru’ and ‘Chikushi 64’. It also did not affect grain development, especially with respect to the nucellar epidermis, in ‘Nikomaru’ and ‘Chikushi 64’, but caused clear cessation of development of the nucellar epidermis at 14 days after flowering in ‘Hinohikari’. In addition, high temperature decreased the amylose content and increased hardnessvs. adhesion ratio of cooked rice in both ‘Nikomaru’ and ‘Chikushi 64’ resulting a softer, less sticky texture, but not in ‘Hinohikari’. The maximum viscosity and breakdown values were increased, and final viscosity decreased at 30ºC in all three cultivars. These results suggested that starch in the endosperm of grains changed from a fluid state to a doughy state more slowly in ‘Nikomaru’ and ‘Chikushi 64’ than in ‘Hinohikari’, in which the water content and NMR relaxation time decreased, and transported assimilates accumulated slowly during grain development


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    本研究では,大阪湾湾奥に位置する尼崎運河における植物プランクトン,動物プランクトンおよびコウロエンカワヒバリガイの現存量・生産速度を定量化することで,一次生産者から二次生産者へ至る年間の炭素フローを算出し,転送効率について評価した.植物プランクトンによる一次生産速度は他の水域に比べて高く,動物プランクトンの個体数,二次生産速度は低かった.年間を通して,植物プランクトンから動物プランクトン,コウロエンカワヒバリガイの転送効率はそれぞれ0.76%,7.8%であり,合わせて8.6%の有機炭素が二次生産者へ移行していた.運河ではコウロエンカワヒバリガイは効率よく成長して炭素を固定しているが,動物プランクトンは食物連鎖において魚類の現存量・生産速度に影響していることが示唆された.The purpose of this study was to reveal the carbon flow from primary producer (phytoplankton) to secondary producers (zooplankton and Xenostrobus securis), transfer efficiency at hyper-nutrient area in the Amagasaki Canal of inner part of Osaka Bay. The primary production rate was higher than that of other water area, while zooplankton biomass and secondary production rate were lower. The production rate of X. securis was about 1/12 of that of phytoplankton, but biomass was about 29 times higher. Transfer efficiency from phytoplankton to zooplankton and X. securis was 0.76% and 7.8%, respectively. These results suggested that X. securis grew efficiently and fixed organic carbon, zooplankton were not functioning properly as intermediaries in the food chain between phytoplankton and fishes

    Changes in skill acquisition and recognition in gymnastics class : Focusing on the “forward roll on the buck” in vaulting box exercise

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    本研究は,体育科授業の跳び箱運動において,技ができない児童ができるようになる過程で,どのようなことに気づき,どのように技能獲得をしていくのかを明らかにし,今後の跳び箱運動の学習指導における学習内容や手立てを見出すことを目的としている。本年度は,跳び箱運動の中でも「台上前転」に焦点を当てて研究を行った。広島大学附属小学校では3学年と5学年,広島大学附属東雲小学校では2学年と4学年と5学年,広島大学附属三原小学校で3学年の授業を分担して行った。   そして,それぞれの授業において,大きく技能の変容が見られた児童について学習前後の児童のパフォーマンスの比較を行い,教師がその児童の技能をどのように把握し,それに基づいて児童の実態に応じてどのように指導していったのかを』分析した。また,児童が獲得した台上前転における気付きや知識についても分析を行った。本研究により,「台上前転」の指導で,これまでの指導技術に加えて,どの学年においても重視すべき異指導技術が明らかになった。また,事例的ではあるが,個に応じた手立ての仕方の有効性が明らかになった。This research aims to clarify what students who are initially unable to perform vault moves recognize, how they acquire the necessary skills to perform them, and how the learning content and methods suitable for teaching the vaulting box exercises can be established. We focused on students who had demonstrated changes in ability during the class, comparing their performance before and after the class, analyzing how the teacher understood their skills, and examining how the teacher taught them new skills. We also analyzed what students understood by themselves and what knowledge they acquired in learning to perform the “forward roll on the buck.” These analyses clarified which teaching skills should be considered important for teaching gymnastics to all grades as well as indicated the teaching skills necessary for giving lessons on the “forward roll on the buck,” specifically. We found that the most effective technique is to differentiate between the abilities of the students, using particular methods on a case-by-case basis


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    It is very important to predict the airborne chloride ions to be transported from the sea in order to perform endurance design and maintenance. Furthermore, if it is possible to spatially visualize the distribution of the predicted airborne chloride ions, it is beneficial in helping to assess the chloride attack environment. In the above situation, we have proposed the airborne chloride ions estimation formula that taken into account the distance and altitude from the coast. In addition, the proposed formula takes into account the influence of the attenuation of airborne chloride ions. In the previous study (references 25) and 26)), the proposed formula has been approximated using a square law the relationship between the average wind speed and the generated airborne chloride ions. However, airborne chloride ions of Hashima Island in Nagasaki with special coastal terrain, there was a problem that it is difficult to capture the trend of the measured values in the proposed equation using the square-law. In this study, we have proposed the generation airborne chloride ions estimation equation using the exponential law. Also we estimated airborne chloride ions to be transported inland by using proposed equation, compared the estimated results with measured results and it was compared to previous studies. Furthermore, we attempt to construct a simple system that can visualize the spatial distribution of airborne chloride ions. First of all, in the study of the relationship between average wind speed and the generated airborne chloride ions, the approximation both the square-law and the exponential law were almost the same in Okinawa. On the other hand, in Hashima Island, the approximation compared exponential law with square law, it is possible to better the exponential law capture the trend of more measured results. Secondly, we have examined the attenuation coefficient used in equation (1). As the result, it was confirmed that attenuation coefficient considered the effect of shielding of building, the influence of the wind generated by the special terrain, effect of sedimentation rate of splash particles. In the study of airborne chloride ions to be transported to the inland, in Okinawa, the estimated value by the proposed formula and the BMS formula of the present study was to obtain a result in good agreement with the measured values. On the one hand, some of the observation points in Hashima Island, it was confirmed that the measured value and the estimated value does not match. However, the proposed equation in the study (Equation (1)) was able to capture the overall trend of the measured values. Finally, we visualized the airborne salt transport situation by using the estimated results of the proposed formula. In the created map of transportation airborne chloride ions, it is possible to take into account the distance from the coast, altitude, the building height. Also, it can be spatially visualized