100m疾走の後半における走スピード, ピッチおよびストライドの変化


本研究では, 成人男子7名を被験者にして, 100m疾走中の後半における走スピード, ピッチ数およびストライド長の変化を明らかにした。本研究で得られた結果は, 次のように要約できる。1) 100m疾走後半の50mから100mまで, 走スピードは減少し続けた。2) 100m疾走後半の50mから100mまで, ピッチ数は減少し続けた。3) 100m疾走後半の50mから90mまでストライド長はほぼ一定を保ったが, 90mから100mまでの区間ではストライド長は急激に増加した。The purpose of this study was to measure running speed, stride length and step frequecny in the latter half of 100m sprint running. The subjects used in this study were four collegiate jumpers, 2 graduate students and an assistant of Chukyo University. All were healthy males. Each run was filmed at 50 frames/sec with Photosonics and Bolex 16mm cameras. Stride length and step frequency was measured from film analysis. Resultes obtanied from this study were summarized as follows. 1. Running speed and step frquency were gradually decreased in the latter half 50m of 100m sprint running. 2. Stride length was almost constant from 50m to 90m. After that, however, it was significantly decreased

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