32,990 research outputs found

    Comment on 'Note on the dog-and-rabbit chase problem in introductory kinematics'

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    We comment on the recent paper by Yuan Qing-Xin and Du Yin-Xiao (Eur. J. Phys. 29 (2008) N43-N45).Comment: 2 pages, no figure

    A Note on k-generalized projections

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    In this note, we investigate characterizations for k-generalized projections (i.e., A^k =A*) on Hilbert spaces. The obtained results generalize those for generalized projections on Hilbert spaces in [Hong-Ke Du, Yuan Li, The spectral characterization of generalized projections, Linear Algebra Appl. 400 (2005) 313-318] and those for matrices in [J. BenĂ­tez, N. Thome, Characterizations and linear combinations of k-generalized projectors, Linear Algebra Appl. 410 (2005) 150-159]

    Does China Still Have a Labor Cost Advantage?

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    In recent years wages in China have been rising and the yuan has appreciated, potentially eroding China’s cost advantage in manufactures. This paper explores the evolution of China’s relative unit labor costs in manufacturing over 1998-2009. Between 1998 and 2003 China’s unit labor costs fell, but since 2003 they have increased both absolutely and relative to US unit labor costs. Much of the rise in China’s relative unit labor costs can be traced to a real appreciation of the yuan against the dollar. Despite the recent rise, China’s unit labor costs remain low relative to those in most other countries.China, labor costs, productivity, international competitiveness, real exchange rate

    DJpsiFDC: an event generator for the process gg→J/ψJ/ψgg\to J/\psi J/\psi at LHC

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    DJpsiFDC is an event generator package for the process gg→J/ψJ/ψgg\to J/\psi J/\psi. It generates events for primary leading-order 2→22\to 2 processes. The package could generate a LHE document and this document could easily be embedded into detector simulation software frameworks. The package is produced in Fortran codes.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    China and its Dollar Exchange Rate: A Worldwide Stabilizing Influence?

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    We argue that criticism concerning the Chinese dollar peg is misplaced as no predictable link exists between the exchange rate and the trade balance of an international creditor economy. The stable nominal yuan/dollar rate is argued to have stabilized Chinese, East Asian and global growth. However, linked to US low interest rates, Chinese sterilization policies and potentially subsidized capital allocation in China the real yuan/dollar rate is undervalued. This has caused—both in China and the United States— structural distortions and threatens to undermine global growth and stability. We propose Sino-American policy coordination to escape from the policy dilemma, which continues to drive global imbalances.China, exchange rate, financial stability, economic stability, international policy coordination, currency war

    Estimation of the J-Curve in China

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    This paper investigates whether a J-curve can be detected in the time series data on China's bilateral trade with the G-7 countries. It utilizes cointegration and causality tests to ascertain the long-run relatedness, and the short-run dynamics, between the real exchange rate, national income, and the trade balance. There is some evidence that a real depreciation eventually improves the trade balance with some countries. But there is no indication of a negative short-run response which characteristics the J-Curve.

    Analisis Perdagangan Indonesia-China Periode 2005q1-2018q4: Dampak Pergerakan Yuan dan USD.

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    China saat ini adalah mitra dagang utama Indonesia, dikarenakan nilai rata-rata ekspor dan impor Indonesia-China tahun 2013-2018 menempati urutan pertama. Selaku negara small open economy, kebijakkan fiskal dan moneter AS tentu akan berpengaruh langsung ke kestabilan perdagangan internasional Indonesia, tidak terkecuali dengan perdagangan Indonesia-China. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pemenuhan kondisi Marshall-Lerner dan fenomena J-Curve atas dasar pergerakan Rupiah/USD dan Rupiah/Yuan pada perdagangan bilateral Indonesia-China sejak 2005Q1-2018Q4, guna membantu Indonesia dalam membentuk strategi yang tepat, untuk menciptakan dan menjaga kestabilan neraca perdagangan Indonesia-China. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis Vector Error Correction Model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pergerakan Rupiah/USD dan Rupiah/Yuan secara riil pada perdagangan IndonesiaChina riil, terdapat pemenuhan kondisi Marshall-Lerner dan fenomena J-Curve. Fakta lain yang didapat adalah 1) kebijakan fiskal dan moneter AS akan sangat mempengaruhi kesetabilian neraca perdagangan Indonesia-China melalui USD, 2) neraca perdagangan Indonesia-China tidak cepat stabil ketika menerima goncangan dari Rupiah/USD dibandingkan Rupiah/Yuan, 3) perkembangan Rupiah/Yuan lebih dapat menjelaskan keadaan perdagangan Indonesia – China, dan 4) impor Indonesia dari China adalah komoditas penunjang produksi domestik. Sehingga penelitian ini meyarankan pemerintah Indonesia untuk 1) menetapkan Yuan sebagai mata uang perdagangan Indonesia-China, 2) memonitoring kebijakan fiskal dan moneter China, 3) kebijakan subtitusi impor dengan produksi domestik, dan 4) peningkatan kualitas produk serta nilai tambah produk domestik
