110,886 research outputs found

    Economic Evaluation of Treating Herpes Zoster with Various Methods of Acupuncture and Moxibustion

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    AbstractObjectiveTo analyze the cost effect of surrounding acupuncture plus electric acupuncture, cotton-sheet moxibustion, puncturing with red-hot needles, tapping plus cupping on herpes zoster.MethodsFive hundred patients with herpes zoster were randomly divided into group A (surrounding acupuncture plus electric acupuncture), group B (cotton-sheet moxibustion), group C (puncturing with red-hot needles), group D (tapping plus cupping), and group E (Western medicine). The treatment was carried out twice a day in group E and once a day in the other four groups. The curative effect was observed on the 10th day of treatment; the cost was calculated for the five therapies, and the cost-effect ratio (C/E) and increment ratio (ΔC/ΔE) were analyzed.ResultsAfter the 10-day treatment, there was no statistical difference (P>0.05) in the curative effect among the five groups. Pain being alleviated one day faster than in group E amounted to a saving of RMB 21.90 yuan in group A, a saving of RMB 21.87 yuan in group B, a saving of RMB 26.00 yuan in group C, and a saving of RMB 20.23 yuan in group D. Compared with group C, the values of ΔC/ΔE were RMB 1.55, 2.81, and 0.21 yuan in groups A, B, and D, respectively.ConclusionsThe curative effect in groups A, B, C, and D was similar to that in group E, but the C/E was better than in group E

    Estimated Macroeconomic Effects of a Chinese Yuan Appreciation

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    This paper uses a multicountry macroeconometric model to estimate the macroeconomic effects of a Chinese yuan appreciation. The estimated effects on U.S. output and employment are modest. Positive effects on U.S. output from a decrease in imports from China are offset by negative effects on U.S. output from increased inflation and from a decrease in U.S. exports to China because of a Chinese contraction.Yuan appreciation

    Does China Still Have A Labor Cost Advantage?

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    In recent years wages in China have been rising and the yuan has appreciated, potentially eroding China’s cost advantage in manufactures. This paper explores the evolution of China’s relative unit labor costs in manufacturing over 1998-2009. Between 1998 and 2003 China’s unit labor costs fell, but since 2003 they have increased both absolutely and relative to US unit labor costs. Much of the rise in China’s relative unit labor costs can be traced to a real appreciation of the yuan against the dollar. Despite the recent rise, China’s unit labor costs remain low relative to those in most other countries

    Yuan-SDR exchange rate after the entry of Yuan into SDR basket

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    International Monetary System has appeared in a new form since Yuan was included in the currency basket of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) with a weight after the US Dollar and the Euro. In this new scenario, it is examined the inter-relationships among the exchange rates of Yuan-SDR, Yuan-US Dollar, nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) and real effective exchange rate (REER) of Yuan and seeks to find out any influence on Yuan per SDR due to changes in Yuan-US Dollar exchange rates along with the changes of NEER and REER respectively because in SDR basket Yuan exchange rate with currency baskets have been calculated daily under freely floating exchange rate for which China has to reform exchange rate mechanism and capital market structure. It is applied Hamilton decomposition regression filter of Yuan per SDR from 2017m1 to 2021m7 and found that the cyclical trend of Yuan SDR exchange rate is inverse U shaped and its cyclical pattern constitutes seasonal variations. Johansen cointegration test and vector error correction model was used and found that Yuan per SDR has long run causalities from the Yuan per dollar and NEER of Yuan respectively. Moreover, the Yuan per dollar, REER and NEER of Yuan have short run causalities from the Yuan per SDR exchange rate

    Science Press, Beijing, China: Fauna Sinica Arachnida: Araneae [Rezension]

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    a) Song Daxiang & Zhu Mingsheng: Thomisidae, Philodromidae. 1997, 259 S., ISBN 7-03-005707-4/Q.684, Preis 44,- Yuan (ca. 9,68 DM) b) Zhu Mingsheng: Theridiidae. 1998, 436 S., ISBN 7-03-006243-4/Q.748, Preis 69,- Yuan (ca. 15,18 DM) c) Yin Changmin et al.: Araneidae. 1997, 460 S., ISBN 7-03-005705-8/Q.682, Preis 76,- Yuan (ca. 16,72 DM) Alle drei Bücher wurden Überwiegend in chinesisch verfaßt. Es findet sich jedoch ein englischer Bestimmungsschlüssel am Ende jedes Werkes. Ihm angeschlossen ist ein Artregister in lateinischer Schrift. Die Zeichnungen der Genitalien und des Habitus sind sehr deutlich und lassen sich in ihrer Genauigkeit sicherlich mit den Zeichnungen M.J. Roberts vergleichen. Die Beschreibungen zur Biogeographie werden zwar im Einführungsteil (Karten) dargestellt, die zugehörigen Textpassagen sind aber in chinesisch geschrieben worden

    Homage to Professor Shinko Ogiwara

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    <p><b><i>Primula undulifolia</i> sp. nov.</b> (A) Habit in Flowering; (B) Type Locality; (C) Calyx; (D) Pin and Thrum Flowers; (E) Leaf. Photographed by Yuan XU.</p

    The effectiveness of direct trade between China and near-border subjects of the Russian Federation

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    The subject matter of this article is the mutual international settlements between Russia (i.e. its border regions) and China in yuans. An advantage of such settlements is determined by the amount of money which can be spared by the Russian importers of Chinese products in case of direct trade. The topic of the article encompasses the analysis of export-import operations and national currencies’ use, in particular, the yuan, in the cross-border settlements between Russia and China. The objective of this article is to reveal the role of China in the international activities of the Russian near-border regions on the basis of the analysis of export and import statistics database. The hypothesis of this article is that the dynamics of Chinese imports to the Russian near-border regions correlates with the amount of the yuans traded on the Moscow Stock Exchange. The article produces forecasts of Chinese imports to the Russian near-border regions and the amount of money, which can be spared by the Russian importers in the case of a transition in bilateral settlements to the yuan. The outcomes of the article include the calculated indicators of the efficiency of the direct trade between China and Russia and of the coverage of Chinese imports in the Russian near-border regions by the yuan. The findings of the article are recommended to the Russian international companies as and reference point to increase the profitability of export-import operations with China, and to federal and local governments to create the Russian external economic strategy. The authors come to the conclusion that if the Chinese imports to the Russian border region were in the yuan, then the yuans volume of trade on the Russian foreign exchange market would allow the direct settlements with China