97 research outputs found

    High Frequency Multicell Cascaded Quasi-Square-Wave Boost Converter

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    DOA Estimation of Cylindrical Conformal Array Based on Geometric Algebra

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    Due to the variable curvature of the conformal carrier, the pattern of each element has a different direction. The traditional method of analyzing the conformal array is to use the Euler rotation angle and its matrix representation. However, it is computationally demanding especially for irregular array structures. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm by combining the geometric algebra with Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC), termed as GA-MUSIC, to solve the direction of arrival (DOA) for cylindrical conformal array. And on this basis, we derive the pattern and array manifold. Compared with the existing algorithms, our proposed one avoids the cumbersome matrix transformations and largely decreases the computational complexity. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Discovery of Core-Nodes in Event-Based Social Networks

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    Most previous actor-node ranking algorithms for event-based social networks only consider how many events an actor participates in. However in event-based social networks, we should also consider the influence of events when we rank actor-nodes. In this paper we formally define event-based social networks and related concepts, then we propose rules to construct an event-based social network. Algorithms are presented to discover the activity and importance of each actor-node. We test the algorithms by analysing the DBLP data set. In the experiment actors in DBLP data set are ranked based on their activity, importance, and combination of activity and importance, respectively

    Study on stress simulation of concrete floor on transversely isotropic equivalent pile foundation during construction period

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    In the concrete pouring process of large pumping stations, the pile foundation plays an important role in supporting the upper structures, and also has a certain constraint on the concrete floor. In the numerical simulation calculation of construction period, to simplify the pre-processing, the volume ratio method is sometimes applied to regard the pile and surrounding soil foundation as the equivalent pile foundation, while the anisotropy of pile foundation is ignored, which will result in large calculation error of the horizontal stress of the concrete floor. Aiming at this problem, the anisotropy theory of materials is adopted in this paper to simulate the temperature field and stress field of the concrete floor both on non-equivalent pile foundation and equivalent pile foundation during construction period after compiling corresponding calculation program. The results show that when the ratio α of the horizontal elastic modulus to the vertical elastic modulus of equivalent pile foundation is about 1/20, the calculation result of the transversely isotropic equivalent pile foundation is approximately equal to the calculation result of the non-equivalent pile foundation (exact solution). It may provide some reference to similar engineering numerical simulation

    Regresijske jednadžbe za procjenu kvalitete izvedbe maksimalnog osnovnog nogometnog udarca u muškaraca i žena

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    Biomechanics research of soccer skills has greatly lagged behind the sport’s popularity compared to many other sports. Even for basic skills, such as the maximal instep kick, relatively few quantitative studies exist. Further, most of these fail to provide practical means to judge kick quality. The current study proposes to address this deficiency by establishing user-friendly regression equations that apply to both novice and advanced players. These allow an easy way for coaches/teachers to evaluate kick quality. The method consisted of 3D data collection (VICON system with nine high-speed cameras, 120 Hz), full-body biomechanical modeling and correlation and regression analyses of ball release speed with flexion/extension of shoulder, trunk, hip, knee and rotation of trunk as well as last stride length and body height. Twenty-four male and twenty-six female college students, equally divided into novice and advanced cohorts, participated. Results showed many of the correlations to be reliable predictors of a kick’s effectiveness. However, they are not practical since extensive use of technology and time-consuming data processing is needed. Further analyses showed multi-regressions using last stride length and body height as independent parameters to have equally reliable evaluation potential. The study concludes that, since the last two independent parameters are easy to measure, these regression equations provide an eminently practical means to evaluate the maximal instep soccer kick.U usporedbi s drugim sportovima, biomehanička istraživanja vještina u nogometu uvelike zaostaju za razinom popularnosti toga sporta u svijetu. Čak i za osnovna nogometna znanja, kao što je osnovni nogometni udarac izveden punom snagom, postoji relativno malo kvantitativnih istraživanja. Nadalje, većina tih istraživanja nije ponudila praktična rješenja za ocjenjivanje kvalitete udarca. Ovo istraživanje usmjereno je na rješavanje tih nedostataka postavljanjem praktičnih regresijskih jednadžba koje se mogu primijeniti za procjenu kvalitete izvođenja udarca početnika i naprednih nogometaša. Korištenje regresijskih jednadžba omogućit će nogometnim trenerima i profesorima tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture jednostavnu procjenu kvalitete udarca. Metoda se sastoji od prikupljanja 3D podataka (VICON sustav sa 9 visoko-frekventnih kamera, 120 Hz), biomehaničkog modeliranja cijelog tijela te korelacijskih i regresijskih analiza povezanosti početne brzine lopte nakon udarca s pregibanjem/ opružanjem ramena, trupa, kuka, koljena i s rotacijom trupa te duljinom posljednjega koraka i visinom tijela. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 24 studenta i 26 studentica koji su raspoređeni u jednake početničke i napredne grupe. Rezultati su pokazali da je velik broj korelacija bio pouzdan prediktor učinkovitosti udarca. Ipak, tolike korelacije nisu praktične budući da zahtijevaju uporabu mnogih uređaja i dugotrajnu obradu podataka. Daljnje analize pokazale su da višestruke regresije, koje se temelje na duljini posljednjega koraka i visini tijela kao nezavisnim varijablama, imaju jednak potencijal pouzdanosti za ocjenjivanja kvalitete izvođenja udarca. Budući da je duljinu posljednjega koraka i visinu tijela lako mjeriti, zaključak je ovog istraživanja da su predložene regresijske jednadžbe vrijedno praktično sredstvo za vrednovanje kvalitete maksimalnog osnovnog nogometnog udarca