54 research outputs found

    Prospects for cooling of marine organisms with the ice using chitosan and its polyelectrolyte complexes

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    A new cooling medium for storage of fish and seafood is proposed - frozen water solution of polysaccharides of natural origin, as the natural biopolymer chitosan. Rational concentration of its solution for producing the chitosan ice is determined experimentally. Organoleptic, physical, and microbiological parameters of the ice prepared from solution of polyelectrolyte complexes of chitosan and its co-polymers are examined. Better results for cooling of marine raw materials are shown for the solution of polyelectrolyte complexes based on chitosan with sodium alginate and carboxymethyl cellulose. The chitosan-alginate ice is distinguished by higher density and homogeneous consistency within the temperature range from -5 to +5оC. Antiseptic microbiological activity of the chitosan-alginate ice is in 2.3 times higher as compared with the water ice and in 1.8 times higher than for the chitosan ice. High technological properties of the ice of polyelectrolyte complexes of chitosan with sodium alginate provide good prospects for its using in technology of cooling in fishery industry

    Effect of Hydrogen Fluoride Addition and Synthesis Temperature on the Structure of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Fluorinated by Molecular Fluorine

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    Double‐walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) have been fluorinated by pure molecular fluorine (F2) at room temperature or 200 °C and a mixture of F2 with hydrogen fluoride (HF) at 200 °C that resulted in products with compositions of CF0.12, CF0.39, and CF0.53 as determined by X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The differences in the structures of three kinds of fluorinated DWCNTs were revealed using transmission electron microscopy, Raman scattering, and near‐edge X‐ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy. Quantum‐chemical modeling of the NEXAFS F K‐edge spectra detected a change in the fluorine pattern with the increase of the F2 treatment temperature. The presence of HF in fluorine gas was found to accelerate the fluorination process and cause a partial destruction of outer shells of the DWCNT

    Контроль бронхиальной астмы в амбулаторных условиях

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    Outpatient care for bronchial asthma patients, is one of the primary problems of the Russian healthcare.The article shows an analysis of 4-year work for outpatient management of asthma patients based on a pharmacoeconomic modelling method. A gradual implication of GINA principles allowed to improve the asthma detection in 4 times, to reduce a number of admitting to a hospital and of emergency care calls in 5.8 and 4.8 times accordingly. Treatment expenses for one asthma patient in the polyclinic №15 considering hospitalizations and privilege medication cost was 43% less than totally at Samara city.An analysis of quality of life using the SF-36 questionnaire demonstrated the asthma patients observed in the polyclinic №15 to have a higher quality of life compared with other asthma patients at Samara especially on the criteria of their social activity and mental status.Организация амбулаторной помощи больным бронхиальной астмой — одна из приоритетных задач Российского здравоохранения.В работе представлен анализ четырехлетней работы по амбулаторному ведению бронхиальной астмы в условиях пульмонологического кабинета, основанному на методе фармакоэкономического моделирования. Последовательное внедрение принципов формулярной системы по бронхиальной астме позволило улучшить выявляемость заболевания в 4 раза, уменьшить число случаев госпитализации и вызовов неотложной помощи в 5,8 и 4,8 раза соответственно. Расходы на одного больного с бронхиальной астмой в поликлинике №15 с учетом госпитализации и затрат на приобретение льготных медикаментов были на 43% меньше, чем по Самаре.Проведенный анализ качества жизни (КЖ) по опроснику ББ-Зб показал, что больные бронхиальной астмой, находящиеся под наблюдением в поликлинике №15, обладают в целом более высоким уровнем КЖ, чем пациенты других ЛПУ Самары, особенно по критериям, связанным с их социальной активностью и ментальной сферой

    Controlling pyridinic, pyrrolic, graphitic, and molecular nitrogen in multi-wall carbon nanotubes using precursors with different N/C ratios in aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition

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    Nitrogen-containing multi-wall carbon nanotubes (N-MWCNTs) were synthesized using aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques in conjunction with benzylamine:ferrocene or acetonitrile: ferrocene mixtures. Different amounts of toluene were added to these mixtures in order to change the N/C ratio of the feedstock. X-ray photoelectron and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy detected pyridinic, pyrrolic, graphitic, and molecular nitrogen forms in the N-MWCNT samples. Analysis of the spectral data indicated that whilst the nature of the nitrogen-containing precursor has little effect on the concentrations of the different forms of nitrogen in N-MWCNTs, the N/C ratio in the feedstock appeared to be the determining factor. When the N/C ratio was lower than ca. 0.01, all four forms existed in equal concentrations, for N/C ratios above 0.01, graphitic and molecular nitrogen were dominant. Furthermore, higher concentrations of pyridinic nitrogen in the outer shells and N2 molecules in the core of the as-produced N-MWCNTs suggest that the precursors were decomposed into individual atoms, which interacted with the catalyst surface to form CN and NH species or in fact diffused through the bulk of the catalyst particles. These findings are important for a better understanding of possible growth mechanisms for heteroatom-containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and therefore paving the way for controlling the spatial distribution of foreign elements in the CNTs using CVD processes


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    Objective: to study the features of the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of whooping cough in children in the Samara region.Materials and methods: 389 cases of pertussis in the Samara region for 2015–2016 were analyzed.Results: it is shown that in spite of 95–98% vaccination coverage, in recent years there has been an increase in the incidence of whooping cough. Seasonality of morbidity remains. Among the children observed, the youngest children were not vaccinated against pertussis. The clinical picture of the disease remains typical with the classic course of catarrhal and spasmodic periods. Moderately severe forms of the disease predominate. Complications were noted mainly in unvaccinated children of the first year of life. The most frequent complications were pneumonia and apnea. There is a hypodiagnosis of pertussis in outpatient conditions. Infection often occurs under the mask of ARVI, while the sensitivity of the bacteriological method of diagnosis is zero. Of the methods for confirming the diagnosis, the most reliable is ELISA and PCR.Conclusion: these epidemiological and clinical features of pertussis current testify to the need to further improve methods of early diagnosis, especially express methods, etiopathagenetic treatment, specific prevention, antiepidemic measures in the foci of infection.Цель: изучить особенности клинико-эпидемической характеристики коклюша у детей в Самарской области.Материалы и методы: проанализированы 389 случаев коклюша в Самарской области за 2015–2016 гг.Результаты: показано, что, несмотря на 95–98% охват прививками, в течение последних лет наблюдается подъем заболеваемости коклюшем. Сохраняется сезонность. Среди наблюдавшихся детей преобладали дети младшего возраста, не привитые от коклюша. Клиническая картина заболевания остается типичной с классическим течением катарального и спазматического периодов. Преобладают среднетяжелые формы заболевания. Осложнения отмечались в основном у непривитых детей первого года жизни. Наиболее частыми осложнениями являлись пневмонии и апноэ. Имеет место гиподиагностика коклюша в амбулаторных условиях. Инфекция нередко протекает под маской ОРВИ, при этом чувствительность бактериологического метода диагностики равна нулю. Из методов подтверждения диагноза наиболее достоверным является ИФА и ПЦР.Заключение: указанные эпидемиологические и клинические особенности течения коклюша свидетельствуют о необходимости дальнейшего совершенствования методов ранней диагностики, особенно экспресс-методов, этиопатагенетического лечения, специфической профилактики, противоэпидемических мероприятий в очагах инфекции.

    Bromination of double-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) synthesized by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD) have been functionalized by bromine vapor at room temperature. At least two different bromine species were detected in the product using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and thermal gravimetric analysis. The primary form is negatively charged Br2 molecules exhibiting an intense resonance at ∼238 cm−1 in the Raman spectrum. The electron transfer from the nanotubes to the adsorbed molecules is detected from C 1s XPS and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectra. The optical absorption spectra reveal that although the metallic nanotubes are more reactive to Br2, the outer semiconducting nanotubes also readily interact with Br2 adsorbates. The secondary bromine form is attributed to covalent C-Br bonding, and its possible sources are discussed in the light of quantum-chemical calculations. Analysis of the XPS, Raman, and optical absorption spectra of the Br-DWCNTs annealed at 100-170 ° C indicates preservation of a part of bromine molecules in samples that affects the electronic and vibration properties of nanotubes