353 research outputs found


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    The study is dedicated to identification of problematic aspects of financial risk assessment methodology on the example of stevedoring companies. In research established the list of issues for improvement the methodology of financial risk assessment both in theoretical and practical aspects. Formulated industry features of the stevedoring companies’ activity, relevant factors from the perspective of financial risk impact on results of activity, among which are distinguished: loss of net sales, exchange rate instability and decrease of financial stability. It was found that the loss of net income from the sale of state stevedoring companies of Ukraine occurred: due to the failure to fulfill the plan of cargo processing by reducing the number of the number of ship-measures and change of the nomenclature of cargo towards the less profitable and instability of the US dollar. Particular attention is paid to assessing the level of financial stability of state-owned stevedoring companies in Ukraine and identifies a downward trend in recent years. It is argued that the definition of factors that affect financial risks should be conducted using factor analysis, mathematical models that require comprehensive consideration of uncertainty factors and related to the peculiarities of stevedoring companies operation. The feasibility of drawing up a financial risk map and the options of management's response to their presence have been proved.The study is dedicated to identification of problematic aspects of financial risk assessment methodology on the example of stevedoring companies. In research established the list of issues for improvement the methodology of financial risk assessment both in theoretical and practical aspects. Formulated industry features of the stevedoring companies’ activity, relevant factors from the perspective of financial risk impact on results of activity, among which are distinguished: loss of net sales, exchange rate instability and decrease of financial stability. It was found that the loss of net income from the sale of state stevedoring companies of Ukraine occurred: due to the failure to fulfill the plan of cargo processing by reducing the number of the number of ship-measures and change of the nomenclature of cargo towards the less profitable and instability of the US dollar. Particular attention is paid to assessing the level of financial stability of state-owned stevedoring companies in Ukraine and identifies a downward trend in recent years. It is argued that the definition of factors that affect financial risks should be conducted using factor analysis, mathematical models that require comprehensive consideration of uncertainty factors and related to the peculiarities of stevedoring companies operation. The feasibility of drawing up a financial risk map and the options of management's response to their presence have been proved

    Соціально-психологічна готовність засуджених до звільнення

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    The social institutions of punishment and release have been studied. The essence of the release as the process of completing the influence on the convicted person with the purpose of his return to social and normative life in society has been revealed. The spectrum of problems of preparing convicts for the release has been outlined. The authors have specified the weaknesses of the current state program for preparing convicts for the release. In order to reveal the peculiarities of the indicators of socio-psychological readiness of convicts for the release (cognition, emotion, reflection) and to identify the specifics of their tendencies towards further self-directed obedient behavior after being released, the authors have presented generalized results of the empirical study carried out with the help of the authors’ questionnaire “Socio-psychological readiness of convicts for the release”. The research was implemented on the basis of state institutions of the penal system, namely, in the correctional colonies of the Central-West Interregional Department for the execution of criminal penalties and probation of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. 118 male respondents aged 20 to 55 years sentenced under the Articles 121, 122, 115, 185, 186, 187, 307 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, who had less than 6 months left before the release, participated in the study. The authors have emphasized on the expediency of developing a program for preparing convicts for the release, taking into account indicators of socio-psychological readiness, and on the objective need for professional training of personnel of penitentiary agencies and institutions that will carry out socio-psychological support of convicts who have less than 6 months left until their release.Представлены обобщённые результаты теоретико-эмпирического исследования показателей социально-психологической готовности осуждённых, которым до освобождения из мест лишения свободы осталось меньше 6 месяцев. Обоснована необходимость улучшения существующей государственной программы подготовки осуждённых к освобождению.Презентовано узагальнені результати теоретико-емпіричного дослідження показників соціально-психологічної готовності засуджених, яким до звільнення з установ виконання покарань залишилося менше 6 місяців. Обґрунтовано необхідність удосконалення чинної державної програми підготовки засуджених до звільнення


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    In this article considers the effectiveness of the impact of sports on the functionality of the cardiovascular system of girls 17-21 years old living within the Podolsk region. The function of the cardiovascular system of girls was evaluated by the ability to recover after termination of work (by the parameters of heart rate). Classes cycling and playing sports (performance of muscle work of which is connected with the mixed mode of power supply) and martial arts (performance of muscular work is associated with anaerobic (lactate) mode of power supply) contribute to improvement the functional possibilities of the cardiovascular system. This is manifested by the acceleration of recovery of heart rate after metered physical loads of 1 watts and 2 watts per 1 kg of body weight. The smallest percentage of person with a slow recovery of heart rate were detected among athletes, volleyball players and representatives of complex coordination sports. These individuals are involved in the performing of physical exercise with anaerobic (alactate) processes of metabolism.In this article considers the effectiveness of the impact of sports on the functionality of the cardiovascular system of girls 17-21 years old living within the Podolsk region. The function of the cardiovascular system of girls was evaluated by the ability to recover after termination of work (by the parameters of heart rate). Classes cycling and playing sports (performance of muscle work of which is connected with the mixed mode of power supply) and martial arts (performance of muscular work is associated with anaerobic (lactate) mode of power supply) contribute to improvement the functional possibilities of the cardiovascular system. This is manifested by the acceleration of recovery of heart rate after metered physical loads of 1 watts and 2 watts per 1 kg of body weight. The smallest percentage of person with a slow recovery of heart rate were detected among athletes, volleyball players and representatives of complex coordination sports. These individuals are involved in the performing of physical exercise with anaerobic (alactate) processes of metabolism

    Surface alignment and anchoring transitions in nematic lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal

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    The surface alignment of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals (LCLCs) can be not only planar (tangential) but also homeotropic, with self-assembled aggregates perpendicular to the substrate, as demonstrated by mapping optical retardation and by three-dimensional imaging of the director field. With time, the homeotropic nematic undergoes a transition into a tangential state. The anchoring transition is discontinuous and can be described by a double-well anchoring potential with two minima corresponding to tangential and homeotropic orientation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. (Accepted Wednesday Jun 02, 2010

    Can Hall drag be observed in Coulomb coupled quantum wells in a magnetic field?

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    We study the transresistivity \tensor\rho_{21} (or equivalently, the drag rate) of two Coulomb-coupled quantum wells in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field, using semi-classical transport theory. Elementary arguments seem to preclude any possibility of observation of ``Hall drag'' (i.e., a non-zero off-diagonal component in \tensor\rho_{21}). We show that these arguments are specious, and in fact Hall drag can be observed at sufficiently high temperatures when the {\sl intra}layer transport time τ\tau has significant energy-dependence around the Fermi energy εF\varepsilon_F. The ratio of the Hall to longitudinal transresistivities goes as T2BsT^2 B s, where TT is the temperature, BB is the magnetic field, and s=[τ/ε](εF)s = [\partial\tau/ \partial\varepsilon] (\varepsilon_F).Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, 2 figures (to be published in Physica Scripta, Proc. of the 17th Nordic Semiconductor Conference

    Hydrodynamic Compaction and Sintering of Titanium Filters

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    This paper describes the development of an equipment for hydrodynamic compaction for production of porous permeable materials and compares the process with the more widely known hydrostatic process. Technical design data, mathematical expressions involved, effect of operating parameters on quality of the sintered product have been discussed

    Joule Heating and Current-Induced Instabilities in Magnetic Nanocontacts

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    We consider the electrical current through a magnetic point contact in the limit of a strong inelastic scattering of electrons. In this limit local Joule heating of the contact region plays a decisive role in determining the transport properties of the point contact. We show that if an applied constant bias voltage exceeds a critical value, the stationary state of the system is unstable, and that periodic, non-harmonic oscillations in time of both the electrical current through the contact and the local temperature in the contact region develop spontaneously. Our estimations show that the necessary experimental conditions for observing such oscillations with characteristic frequencies in the range 108÷10910^8 \div 10^9 Hz can easily be met. We also show a possibility to manipulate upon the magnetization direction of a magnetic grain coupled through a point contact to a bulk ferromagnetic by exciting the above-mentioned thermal-electric oscillations.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Вплив наночастинок рідкісноземельних елементів на репродуктивну функцію самців щурів на низхідній стадії онтогенезу

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    The anti-aging effects of the rare-earth metals nanoparticles have been studied on the 18-21-month-old rat males. It was shown that the nanoparticles of Gadolinium Ortovanadate activated by Europium (GdVO4 : Eu3+ ) in a dose of 0,33 mg/kg during chronic using (70 days) have demonstrated the anti-aging effects on the old male’s reproductive function manifested by the increasing the sex hormone level and activating the spermatogenesis.На самцах крысах возрастом 18-21 мес. исследованы антивозрастные эффекты наночастиц редкоземельных металлов. Показано, что наночастицы гадолиний ортованадата активированного европием в дозе 0,33 мг/кг массы тела при хроническом применении (70 суток) замедляли возрастной рост массы тела и развитие гипергликемии (до 50-х суток) в сравнении с исходным уровнем. Установленно антивозрастное действие GdVO4 : Еu3+ относительно репродуктивной функции старых животных, у которых выросла концентрация мужского полового гормона, активировался сперматогенез.На самцях щурів віком 18-21 міс. досліджені антивікові ефекти наночастинок рідкоземельних металів. Показано, що наночастинки ґадоліній ортованадату активованого Європієм (GdVO4 : Еu3+ ) у дозі 0,33 мг/кг маси тіла при хронічному застосуванні (70 діб) проявляють антивікову дію щодо репродуктивної функ­ції старих тварин, у яких зросла концентрація чоловічого статевого гормону та активувався сперматогенез.