107 research outputs found

    Investigation of radiation effects in water solutions during exposure with laser or LEDs light

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    Abstract only.The installation for gamma-, X-ray and neutron registration in water solutions (600 ml LiOH, or NaOH, or Na2CO3) during exposure with red light (λ=645+/-20 nm) of laser or light-emission devises (LEDs) was created. The laser light power was 5 mW and the LEDs - from 600 mW up to 10 W. Neutrons were measured with help of tow 3He counters, placed in paraphine barrel. Small neutron emission (up to 100 neutrons) has been registered in the form of series of short (ms) bursts during some minutes. Tritium production has also been detected in water solution probes. The gamma-ray and X-ray radiation measured by NaI scintillation detector & Geiger counters was not detected. Received results are discussed

    Statistical properties of a free-electron laser revealed by the Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry

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    We present a comprehensive experimental analysis of statistical properties of the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH at DESY in Hamburg by means of Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) interferometry. The experiments were performed at the FEL wavelengths of 5.5 nm, 13.4 nm, and 20.8 nm. We determined the 2-nd order intensity correlation function for all wavelengths and different operation conditions of FLASH. In all experiments a high degree of spatial coherence (above 50%) was obtained. Our analysis performed in spatial and spectral domains provided us with the independent measurements of an average pulse duration of the FEL that were below 60 fs. To explain complicated behaviour of the 2-nd order intensity correlation function we developed advanced theoretical model that includes the presence of multiple beams and external positional jitter of the FEL pulses. By this analysis we determined that in most experiments several beams were present in radiating field and in one of the experiments external positional jitter was about 25% of the beam size. We envision that methods developed in our study will be used widely for analysis and diagnostics of the FEL radiation.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    БРИКС в контексте современных международных информационных процессов

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    Current Global Agenda is inextricably linked with political campaigns, lobbyists, and official and opposition media that are constantly improving the ways to influence social processes. In the context of the intensifying competition, actors have to pay more and more attention to their own image in the international arena. The article considers the BRICS organization as a platform for interaction within the framework of the idea of moderate conservatism.BRICS is an important grouping bringing together the major emerging economies from the world. BRICS opens a space for dialogue, the identification of convergences and consultation regarding various topics, and expands contacts and cooperation in specific sectors. Events seeking the approximation between academics, activities for interested groups are increasingly organized as a pre-census practice. Such an media platform project would logically bring significant enhancements to confidence-building in the international sphere and serve the purpose of safeguarding the common information environment.Текущая мировая повестка неразрывно связана с политическими кампаниями, лоббистами, официальными и оппозиционными СМИ, которые постоянно совершенствуют инструменты для оказания влияния на общественные процессы. В условиях обостряющейся конкуренции акторам приходится уделять все большее внимание собственному имиджу на международной арене. В статье рассмотрена организация БРИКС в качестве площадки для взаимодействия в рамках идеи умеренного консерватизма.В данное сообщество входят крупнейшие развивающиеся экономики мира. БРИКС представляет собой пространство для диалога, выявления точек соприкосновения, консультаций по различным темам, расширения контактов и сотрудничества в конкретных секторах. В комплекс практического взаимодействия все чаще вводятся научные обмены, организуются мероприятия для заинтересованных групп. Проект медийной платформы БРИКС имеет потенциал к повышению уровня доверия в международной сфере и способствует целям защиты общей информационной среды

    Towards a personal at-home lab for motion video tracking in patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Many digital healthcare services now employ the opportunities of mobile and smart Internet technologies. The Internet is used to deliver such services as medical consultations, diagnosis, and prescriptions. The services are constructed and delivered in the ubiquitous style - anywhere, anytime, and using surrounding devices of our everyday life. In this paper, we discuss the opportunities of motion video tracking in at-home settings for a patient. Parkinson's disease (PD) serves as a case study. First, we define the problem of motion video tracking in PD patients. Then, we consider Internet-enabled methods for motion video tracking, which are essentially restricted with professional settings of a medical environment. Finally, we propose to create a personal at-home lab based on such cheap home-based cameras as any smartphone has. Our early experiment shows that such cameras provide reliable capture quality for the practical use in PD patient motion video tracking

    About alkiline fly ash utilization

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    The problem of technogeniс waste formation is described. The alkaline fly ash formation sources, fly ash quantity and utilization ways are presented.В работе описывается проблема образования техногенного отхода – золы. Рассмотрены источники образования основной золы-унос, количество образующейся золы и способы ее утилизации


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    Possibilities of application of various methods of anesthesia of patients with surgical infections are reviewed in the article. The problems of anesthesia related with peculiarities of the process of surgical infection, localization, and characteristics of surgical treatment, as well as with the initial physical status of the patient determined with the age and severity of accompanying diseases were discussed. В статье рассмотрены возможности проведения различных методов анестезии у больных с хирургической инфекцией. Обсуждены проблемы анестезии, связанные с особенностями течения хирургической инфекции, локализацией и особенностями оперативного лечения, а также с исходным физическим статусом пациента, определяемым возрастом и тяжестью сопутствующих заболеваний.

    Assessment of oral mucosa in persons with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

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    The article analyzes the features of the oral mucosa in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in persons aged 25 to 45 years. The study of their prevalence showed that in this category of persons, recurrent oral afts are most often prevalent in 36% of cases of examinations. Timely diagnosis of pathology of the oral mucosa as a whole contributes to the development of effective pathogenetically justified complex diagnostic and therapeutic and preventive measures that reduce the risk of their development and progression and improve the quality of lifeВ статье проведен анализ особенностей состояния слизистой оболочки рта у пациентов с заболеваниями желудочно-кишечного тракта у лиц в возрасте от 25 до 45 лет. Изучение их распространенности показало, что у данной категории лиц чаще всего превалируют рецидивирующие афты полости рта в 36% случаев обследований. Своевременная диагностика патологии слизистой оболочки рта в целом способствует разработке эффективных патогенетически обоснованных комплексных диагностических и лечебно-профилактических мероприятий, которые снижают риск их развития и прогрессирования и улучшают качество жизни

    Динамика Т- и В-лимфоцитов у больных ревматоидным артритом, получающих терапию генно-инженерными биологическими препаратами

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    Objective: assessment of the dynamics of T- and B-lymphocytes subpopulations in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) during therapy with synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (sDMARDs) and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs): inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor α (iTNFα) and an inhibitor of interleukin 6 receptors (iIL6R ).Patients and methods. The study included 77 patients with RA who met the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria (mean age 56 [44; 62] years). Group 1 included 30 (27 women and 3 men) patients with early RA who had not previously received therapy. Group 2 included 20 (14 women and 6 men) patients on sDMARD therapy who were prescribed iTNFα for the first time. The 3rd group is represented by retrospective data of 27 (23 women and 4 men) patients who previously used sDMARDs (MT – 85%, leflunomide – LEF – 15%), in whom iIL6R therapy was initiated for the first time. All study participants initially and 6 months later underwent immunophenotyping of T- and B-lymphocytes by flow cytofluorometry according to the standard method.Results and discussion. In all groups, there were no significant changes in the studied T-lymphocyte profile during 6 months of follow-up. When comparing the immunogram data of patients treated with sDMARDs and iTNFα, no significant differences in subpopulations of B-lymphocytes were found. At baseline, the iIL6R group had higher levels of naive B-lymphocytes and plasmablasts and low concentrations of «switched» B-cells. For all methods of treatment, the number of «switched» B-cells decreased, while plasmablasts and plasma cells increased.Conclusion. From the data obtained, it follows that the simultaneous decrease in the levels of memory B-cells and their «switched» forms, plasmablasts and plasma cells can be used as a marker for the early administration of drugs that disrupt the differentiation of B-lymphocytes, in particular, iIL6R.Цель исследования – оценка динамики субпопуляций Т- и В-лимфоцитов при ревматоидном артрите (РА) на фоне терапии синтетическими базисными противовоспалительными препаратами (сБПВП) и генно-инженерными биологическими препаратами (ГИБП): ингибиторами фактора некроза опухоли α (иФНОα) и ингибитором рецепторов интерлейкина 6 (иИЛ6Р).Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 77 пациентов с РА, удовлетворявших критериям ACR/EULAR 2010 г. (средний возраст 56 [44; 62] лет). В 1-ю группу вошли 30 больных (27 женщин и 3 мужчин) с ранним РА, ранее не получавших терапию. 2-ю группу составили 20 пациентов (14 женщин и 6 мужчин), находящихся на терапии сБПВП, которым впервые назначены иФНОα. 3-я группа представлена ретроспективными данными 27 больных (23 женщины и 4 мужчин), ранее применявших сБПВП (МТ – 85%, лефлуномид – ЛЕФ – 15%), которым впервые инициирована терапия иИЛ6Р. У всех участников исследования исходно и через 6 мес проведено иммунофенотипирование Т- и В-лимфоцитов методом проточной цитофлюорометрии по стандартной методике.Результаты и обсуждение. Во всех группах значимых изменений исследуемого профиля Т-лимфоцитов в течение 6 мес наблюдения не выявлено. При сравнении данных иммунограмм пациентов, получавших сБПВП и иФНОα, значимых различий в субпопуляциях В-лимфоцитов не установлено. Исходно больные группы иИЛ6Р имели более высокие уровни наивных В-лимфоцитов и плазмобластов и низкие концентрации «переключенных» В-клеток. При всех методах лечения количество «переключенных» В-клеток сокращалось, а плазмобластов и плазмоцитов нарастало.Заключение. Из полученных данных следует, что одновременное снижение уровней В-клеток памяти и их «переключенных» форм, плазмобластов и плазмоцитов можно использовать как маркер для раннего назначения препаратов, нарушающих дифференцировку В-лимфоцитов, в частности иИЛ6Р

    The population history of northeastern Siberia since the Pleistocene.

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    Northeastern Siberia has been inhabited by humans for more than 40,000 years but its deep population history remains poorly understood. Here we investigate the late Pleistocene population history of northeastern Siberia through analyses of 34 newly recovered ancient genomes that date to between 31,000 and 600 years ago. We document complex population dynamics during this period, including at least three major migration events: an initial peopling by a previously unknown Palaeolithic population of 'Ancient North Siberians' who are distantly related to early West Eurasian hunter-gatherers; the arrival of East Asian-related peoples, which gave rise to 'Ancient Palaeo-Siberians' who are closely related to contemporary communities from far-northeastern Siberia (such as the Koryaks), as well as Native Americans; and a Holocene migration of other East Asian-related peoples, who we name 'Neo-Siberians', and from whom many contemporary Siberians are descended. Each of these population expansions largely replaced the earlier inhabitants, and ultimately generated the mosaic genetic make-up of contemporary peoples who inhabit a vast area across northern Eurasia and the Americas