4,661 research outputs found

    Ionic and molecular diffusion in cementitious materials

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    The work described in this thesis is an attempt to provide improved understanding of the effects of several factors affecting diffusion in hydrated cement pastes and to aid the prediction of ionic diffusion processes in cement-based materials. Effect of pore structure on diffusion was examined by means of comparative diffusion studies of quaternary ammonium ions with different ionic radii. Diffusivities of these ions in hydrated pastes of ordinary portland cement with or without addition of fly ash were determined by a quasi-steady state technique. The restriction of the pore geometry on diffusion was evaluated from the change of diffusivity in response to the change of ionic radius. The pastes were prepared at three water-cement ratios, 0.35, 0.50 and 0.65. Attempts were made to study the effect of surface charge or the electrochemical double layer at the pore/solution interface on ionic diffusion. An approach was to evaluate the zeta potentials of hydrated cement pastes through streaming potential measurements. Another approach was the comparative studies of the diffusion kinetics of chloride and dissolved oxygen in hydrated pastes of ordinary portland cement with addition of 0 and 20% fly ash. An electrochemical technique for the determination of oxygen diffusivity was also developed. Non-steady state diffusion of sodium potassium, chloride and hydroxyl ions in hydrated ordinary portland cement paste of water-cement ratio 0.5 was studied with the aid of computer-modelling. The kinetics of both diffusion and ionic binding were considered for the characterization of the concentration profiles by Fick's first and second laws. The effect of the electrostatic interactions between ions on the overall diffusion rates was also considered. A general model concerning the prediction of ionic diffusion processes in cement-based materials has been proposed

    Dynamical properties of the S=12S=\frac{1}{2} random Heisenberg chain

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    We use numerical techniques to study dynamical properties at finite temperature (TT) of the Heisenberg spin chain with random exchange couplings, which realizes the random singlet (RS) fixed point in the low-energy limit. Specifically, we study the dynamic spin structure factor S(q,ω)S(q,\omega), which can be probed directly by inelastic neutron scattering experiments and, in the limit of small ω\omega, in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments through the spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1. Our work combines three complementary methods: exact diagonalization, matrix-product-state algorithms, and stochastic analytic continuation of quantum Monte Carlo results in imaginary time. Unlike the uniform system, whose low-energy excitations at low TT are restricted to qq close to 00 and π\pi, our study reveals a continuous narrow band of low-energy excitations in S(q,ω)S(q,\omega), extending throughout the Brillouin zone. Close to q=πq=\pi, the scaling properties of these excitations are well captured by the RS theory, but we also see disagreements with some aspects of the predicted qq-dependence further away from q=πq=\pi. Furthermore we find spin diffusion effects close to q=0q=0 that are not contained within the RS theory but give non-negligible contributions to the mean 1/T11/T_1. To compare with NMR experiments, we consider the distribution of the local 1/T11/T_1 values, which is broad, approximately described by a stretched exponential. The mean value first decreases with TT, but starts to increase and diverge below a crossover temperature. Although a similar divergent behavior has been found for the static uniform susceptibility, this divergent behavior of 1/T11/T_1 has never been seen in experiments. Our results show that the divergence of the mean 1/T11/T_1 is due to rare events in the disordered chains and is concealed in experiments, where the typical 1/T11/T_1 value is accessed.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figure

    Rehabilitation and Exercise Machine

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    An improved rehabilitation and exercise machine is provided which allows a person with physical limitations, disabilities or chronic conditions to use the machine in order to rehabilitate their muscles, improve joint flexibility, and enhance cardiovascular fitness

    Long-Term Aging Effect on the Crack Growth in the of Main Circulating Pump Casing Material

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    Fatigue crack growth (FCG) tests on the main circulating pump casing material were conducted at room temperature to investigate the effect of long-term aging at 400°C. It was found that the FCG rate increased with aging time. However, there were similar ∆Kth values for both the virgin material and aged material at the same stress ratios R. At room temperature, ∆Kth was observed to decrease with an increase in R. An equation incorporating the Kmax and ∆K effects was proposed to describe FCG rates over the linear portion of the curve (Paris equation) for all stress ratios. Additionally, fatigue fracture patterns near crack initiation sites reveals quasi-cleavage fracture in thermally aged specimens.Испытания на сопротивление росту усталостных трещин в материале корпуса главного циркуляционного насоса при комнатной температуре были проведены с целью изучения влияния долговременного старения при 400°С. Установлено, что скорость роста трещин возрастает по мере увеличения времени старения. Однако при одинаковых коэффициентах асимметрии R получены близкие значения ∆Kth для исходного и состаренного материала. Установлено, что при комнатной температуре ∆Kth снижается с увеличением R. Для описания скорости роста усталостных трещин на линейном участке кривой (уравнение Париса) для всех значений коэффициента асимметрии предложено уравнение, учитывающее влияние величин Kmax и ∆K. Характер усталостного разрушения вблизи области зарождения трещин соответствует квазихрупкому излому образцов, подвергшихся термическому старению

    Rehabilitation and Exercise Machine

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    An improved rehabilitation and exercise machine is provided which allows a person with physical limitations, disabilities or chronic conditions to use the machine in order to rehabilitate their muscles, improve joint flexibility, and enhance cardiovascular fitness


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    An improved rehabilitation and exercise machine is provided which allows a person with physical limitations, disabilities or chronic conditions to use the machine in order to rehabilitate their muscles, improve joint flexibility, and enhance cardiovascular fitness. An embodiment of the device includes a framework, a first and second crank arm, a first and second handle bar, a first and second foot pedal, a motor and pulley assembly, a first and second coupler link, and a motor controller with speed knob

    Rehabilitation and Exercise Machine

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    An improved rehabilitation and exercise machine is provided which allows a person with physical limitations, disabilities or chronic conditions to use the machine in order to rehabilitate their muscles, improve joint flexibility, and enhance cardiovascular fitness