55 research outputs found

    A physical model for the origin of the diffuse cosmic infrared background and the opacity of the Universe to very high energy γ-rays

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    We present a physical model for origin of the cosmic diffuse infrared background (CDIRB). By utilizing the observed stellar mass function and its evolution as input to a semi-empirical model of galaxy formation, we isolate the physics driving diffuse IR emission. The model includes contributions from three primary sources of IR emission: steady-state star formation owing to isolated disc galaxies, interaction-driven bursts of star formation owing to close encounters and mergers, and obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We find that most of the CDIRB is produced by equal contributions from objects at z∼ 0.5–1 and z≳ 1, as suggested by recent observations. Of those sources, the vast majority of the emission originates in systems with low to moderate IR luminosities (L_(IR) ≲ 10¹² L_⊙); the most luminous objects contribute significant flux only at high redshifts (z ≳ 2). All star formation in ongoing mergers accounts for ≲10 per cent of the total at all wavelengths and redshifts, while emission directly attributable to the interaction-driven burst itself accounts for ≲5 per cent. We furthermore find that obscured AGNs contribute ≲1–2 per cent of the CDIRB at all wavelengths and redshifts, with a strong upper limit of less than 4 per cent of the total emission. Finally, since electron–positron pair production interactions with the CDIRB represent the primary source of opacity to very high energy (VHE: E_γ ≳ 1 TeV) γ-rays, the model provides predictions for the optical depth of the Universe to the most energetic photons. We find that these predictions agree with observations of high-energy cut-offs at ∼ TeV energies in nearby blazars, and suggest that while the Universe is extremely optically thick at ≳10 TeV, the next generation of VHE γ-ray telescopes can reasonably expect detections from out to ∼50–150 Mpc

    The Merger-Driven Evolution of Warm Infrared Luminous Galaxies

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    We present a merger-driven evolutionary model for the production of luminous (LIRGs) and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with warm infrared (IR) colours. Our results show that simulations of gas-rich major mergers including star formation, black hole growth and feedback can produce warm (U)LIRGs. We also find that while the warm evolutionary phase is associated with increased active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity, star formation alone may be sufficient to produce warm IR colours. However, the transition can be suppressed entirely – even when there is a significant AGN contribution – when we assume a single-phase interstellar medium, which maximizes the attenuation. Finally, our evolutionary models are consistent with the 25-to-60 µm flux density ratio versusLHX/LIR relation for local LIRGs and ULIRGs, and predict the observed scatter in IR colour at fixed LHX/LIR. Therefore, our models suggest a cautionary note in the interpretation of warm IR colours: while associated with periods of active black hole growth, they are probably produced by a complex mix of star formation and AGN activity intermediate between the cold star formation dominated phase and the birth of a bright, unobscured quasar

    Breaking Cosmological Degeneracies in Galaxy Cluster Surveys with a Physical Model of Cluster Structure

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    Forthcoming large galaxy cluster surveys will yield tight constraints on cosmological models. It has been shown that in an idealized survey, containing > 10,000 clusters, statistical errors on dark energy and other cosmological parameters will be at the percent level. It has also been shown that through "self-calibration", parameters describing the mass-observable relation and cosmology can be simultaneously determined, though at a loss in accuracy by about an order of magnitude. Here we examine the utility of an alternative approach of self-calibration, in which a parametrized ab-initio physical model is used to compute cluster structure and the resulting mass-observable relations. As an example, we use a modified-entropy ("pre-heating") model of the intracluster medium, with the history and magnitude of entropy injection as unknown input parameters. Using a Fisher matrix approach, we evaluate the expected simultaneous statistical errors on cosmological and cluster model parameters. We study two types of surveys, in which a comparable number of clusters are identified either through their X-ray emission or through their integrated Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. We find that compared to a phenomenological parametrization of the mass-observable relation, using our physical model yields significantly tighter constraints in both surveys, and offers substantially improved synergy when the two surveys are combined. These results suggest that parametrized physical models of cluster structure will be useful when extracting cosmological constraints from SZ and X-ray cluster surveys. (abridged)Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap

    Growing Season Air mass Equivalent Temperature (T\u3csub\u3eE\u3c/sub\u3e) in the East Central USA

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    Equivalent temperature (TE), which incorporates both dry (surface air temperature, T) and moist heat content associated with atmospheric moisture, is a better indicator of overall atmospheric heat content compared to T alone. This paper investigates the impacts of different types of air masses on TE during the growing season (April–September). The study used data from the Kentucky Mesonet for this purpose. The growing season was divided into early (April–May), mid (June–July), and late (August–September). Analysis suggests that TE for moist tropical (MT) air mass was as high as 61 and 81 °C for the early and mid-growing season, respectively. Further analysis suggests that TE for different parts of the growing seasons were statistically significantly different from each other. In addition, TE for different air masses was also statistically significantly different from each other. The difference between TE and T (i.e. TE-T) is smaller under dry atmospheric conditions but larger under moist conditions. For example, in Barren County, the lowest difference (20–10 °C) was 10 °C. It was reported on 18 April 2010, a dry weather day. On the other hand, the highest difference for this site was 48 °C and was reported on 11 August 2010, a humid day

    Growing Season Air mass Equivalent Temperature (TE) in the East Central USA

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    Equivalent temperature (TE), which incorporates both dry (surface air temperature, T) and moist heat content associated with atmospheric moisture, is a better indicator of overall atmospheric heat content compared to T alone. This paper investigates the impacts of different types of air masses on TE during the growing season (April–September). The study used data from the Kentucky Mesonet for this purpose. The growing season was divided into early (April–May), mid (June–July), and late (August–September). Analysis suggests that TE for moist tropical (MT) air mass was as high as 61 and 81 C for the early and mid-growing season, respectively. Further analysis suggests that TE for different parts of the growing seasons were statistically significantly different from each other. In addition, TE for different air masses was also statistically significantly different from each other. The v between TE and T (i.e. TE-T) is smaller under dry atmospheric conditions but larger under moist conditions. For example, in Barren County, the lowest difference (20–10 C) was 10 C. It was reported on 18 April 2010, a dry weather day. On the other hand, the highest difference for this site was 48 C and was reported on 11 August 2010, a humid day

    Predicting the dynamics and heterogeneity of genomic DNA content within bacterial populations across variable growth regimes

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    For many applications in microbial synthetic biology, optimizing a desired function requires careful tuning of the degree to which various genes are expressed. One challenge for predicting such effects or interpreting typical characterization experiments is that in bacteria such as E. coli, genome copy number varies widely across different phases and rates of growth, which also impacts how and when genes are expressed from different loci. While such phenomena are relatively well-understood at a mechanistic level, our quantitative understanding of such processes is essentially limited to ideal exponential growth. In contrast, common experimental phenomena such as growth on heterogeneous media, metabolic adaptation, and oxygen restriction all cause substantial deviations from ideal exponential growth, particularly as cultures approach the higher densities at which industrial biomanufacturing and even routine screening experiments are conducted. To meet the need for predicting and explaining how gene dosage impacts cellular functions outside of exponential growth, we here report a novel modeling strategy that leverages agent-based simulation and high performance computing to robustly predict the dynamics and heterogeneity of genomic DNA content within bacterial populations across variable growth regimes. We show that by feeding routine experimental data, such as optical density time series, into our heterogeneous multiphasic growth simulator, we can predict genomic DNA distributions over a range of nonexponential growth conditions. This modeling strategy provides an important advance in the ability of synthetic biologists to evaluate the role of genomic DNA content and heterogeneity in affecting the performance of existing or engineered microbial functions

    Cosmological Simulations of the Preheating Scenario for Galaxy Cluster Formation: Comparison to Analytic Models and Observations

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    We perform a set of non--radiative cosmological simulations of a preheated intracluster medium in which the entropy of the gas was uniformly boosted at high redshift. The results of these simulations are used first to test the current analytic techniques of preheating via entropy input in the smooth accretion limit. When the unmodified profile is taken directly from simulations, we find that this model is in excellent agreement with the results of our simulations. This suggests that preheated efficiently smoothes the accreted gas, and therefore a shift in the unmodified profile is a good approximation even with a realistic accretion history. When we examine the simulation results in detail, we do not find strong evidence for entropy amplification, at least for the high-redshift preheating model adopted here. In the second section of the paper, we compare the results of the preheating simulations to recent observations. We show -- in agreement with previous work -- that for a reasonable amount of preheating, a satisfactory match can be found to the mass-temperature and luminosity-temperature relations. However -- as noted by previous authors -- we find that the entropy profiles of the simulated groups are much too flat compared to observations. In particular, while rich clusters converge on the adiabatic self--similar scaling at large radius, no single value of the entropy input during preheating can simultaneously reproduce both the core and outer entropy levels. As a result, we confirm that the simple preheating scenario for galaxy cluster formation, in which entropy is injected universally at high redshift, is inconsistent with observations.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Formation of High Redshift Submillimeter Galaxies

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    We describe a model for the formation of \zsim 2 Submillimeter Galaxies (SMGs) which simultaneously accounts for both average and bright SMGs while providing a reasonable match to their mean observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs). By coupling hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy mergers with the high resolution 3D polychromatic radiative transfer code Sunrise, we find that a mass sequence of merger models which use observational constraints as physical input naturally yield objects which exhibit black hole, bulge, and H2 gas masses similar to those observed in SMGs. The dominant drivers behind the 850 micron flux are the masses of the merging galaxies and the stellar birthcloud covering fraction. The most luminous (S850 ~ 15 mJy) sources are recovered by ~10^13 Msun 1:1 major mergers with a birthcloud covering fraction close to unity, whereas more average SMGs ~5-7 mJy) may be formed in lower mass halos ~5x10^12 Msun. These models demonstrate the need for high spatial resolution hydrodynamic and radiative transfer simulations in matching both the most luminous sources as well as the full SEDs of SMGs. While these models suggest a natural formation mechanism for SMGs, they do not attempt to match cosmological statistics of galaxy populations; future efforts along this line will help ascertain the robustness of these models.Comment: MNRAS Accepted; Revised version includes expanded discussion of simulated radio properties of SMG

    Rest-Frame Ultraviolet to Near Infrared Observations of an Interacting Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 4.42

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    We present the rest-frame ultraviolet through near infrared spectral energy distribution for an interacting Lyman break galaxy at a redshift z=4.42, the highest redshift merging system known with clearly resolved tidal features. The two objects in this system - HDF-G4 and its previously unidentified companion - are both B_{435} band dropouts, have similar V_{606}-i_{775} and i_{775}-z_{850} colors, and are separated by 1", which at z=4.42 corresponds to 7 kpc projected nuclear separation; all indicative of an interacting system. Fits to stellar population models indicate a stellar mass of M_\star = 2.6\times 10^{10} M_\odot, age of \tau_\star = 720 My, and exponential star formation history with an e-folding time \tau_0 = 440 My. Using these derived stellar populations as constraints, we model the HDF-G4 system using hydrodynamical simulations, and find that it will likely evolve into a quasar by z\sim3.5, and a quiescent, compact spheroid by z\sim 2.5 similar to those observed at z > 2. And, the existence of such an object supports galaxy formation models in which major mergers drive the high redshift buildup of spheroids and black holes.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap