3,199 research outputs found

    Nature and naturalism in the thought of Frederick JE Woodbridge and John Dewey

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    Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Boston University, 1946. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Birmingham Urban Climate Laboratory - A high density, urban meteorological dataset, from 2012 -2014

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    There is a paucity of urban meteorological observations worldwide, hindering progress in understanding and mitigating urban meteorological hazards and extremes. High quality urban datasets are required to monitor the impacts of climatological events, whilst providing data for evaluation of numerical models. The Birmingham Urban Climate Laboratory was established as an exemplar network to meet this demand for urban canopy layer observations. It comprises of an array of 84 wireless air temperature sensors nested within a coarser array of 24 automatic weather stations, with observations available between June 2012 and December 2014. data routinely underwent quality control, follows the ISO 8601 naming format and benefits from extensive site metadata. The data have been used to investigate the structure of the urban heat island in Birmingham and its associated societal and infrastructural impacts. The network is now being repurposed into a testbed for the assessment of crowd-sourced and satellite data, but the original dataset is now available for further analysis, and an open invitation is extended for its academic use

    Recycling Argon through Metamorphic Reactions: the Record in Symplectites

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    The 40Ar/39Ar ages of metamorphic micas that crystallized at high temperatures are commonly interpreted as cooling ages, with grains considered to have lost 40Ar via thermally-driven diffusion into the grain boundary network. Recently reported laser-ablation data suggest that the spatial distribution of Ar in metamorphic micas does not always conform to the patterns predicted by diffusion theory and that despite high metamorphic temperatures, argon was not removed efficiently from the local system during metamorphic evolution. In the Western Gneiss Region (WGR), Norway, felsic gneisses preserve microtextural evidence for the breakdown of phengite to biotite and plagioclase symplectites during near isothermal decompression from c. 20–25 to c. 8–12 kbar at ~700°C. These samples provide an ideal natural laboratory to assess whether the complete replacement of one K-bearing mineral by another at high temperatures completely ‘resets’ the Ar clock, or whether there is some inheritance of 40Ar in the neo-crystallized phase. The timing of the high-temperature portion of the WGR metamorphic cycle has been well constrained in previous studies. However, the timing of cooling following the overprint is still much debated. In-situ laser ablation spot dating in phengite, biotite-plagioclase symplectites and coarser, texturally later biotite yielded 40Ar/39Ar ages that span much of the metamorphic cycle. Together these data show that despite residence at temperatures of ~700°C, Ar is not completely removed by diffusive loss or during metamorphic recrystallization. Instead, Ar released during phengite breakdown appears to be partially reincorporated into the newly crystallizing biotite and plagioclase (or is trapped in fluid inclusions in those phases) within a close system. Our data show that the microtextural and petrographic evolution of the sample being dated provides a critical framework in which local 40Ar recycling can be tracked, thus potentially allowing 40Ar/39Ar dates to be linked more accurately to metamorphic history

    Awareness of consequences in agenesis of the corpus callosum: Semantic analysis of responses

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    Objective: Agenesis of the corpus callosum (AgCC) in individuals with general intelligence within the normal range results in a syndrome of mild to moderate deficiencies in cognitive, emotional, and social functioning that are still being explored. Anecdotal accounts from families suggest that these cognitive and psychosocial deficiencies affect the ability of these individuals to anticipate the consequences of their decisions and behaviors. This research was designed to clarify the nature of social and emotional cognition in AgCC with respect to imagination of the consequences of decisions by assessing responses from the Awareness of Consequences Scale (AOCS). Method: Verbal AOCS responses from persons with AgCC and age and IQ-matched neurotypical controls were scored in the normal manner, and also subjected to semantic analyses using both latent semantic analysis and Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count. Results: It was found that, relative to neurotypical controls, individuals with AgCC scored significantly lower on the typical scoring of the AOCS, had nontypical semantic content in their responses, and used fewer emotion and cognitive content (insight) words. These results were apparent in responses to the three most complex of the AOCS scenarios. Conclusions: Results were consistent with the hypothesis that persons with AgCC are deficient in the capacity to imagine the emotional and cognitive consequences of potential actions on others. particularly in the face of greater situational and social complexity

    Cloning of the Lipooligosaccharide α-2,3-Sialyltransferase from the Bacterial Pathogens Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae

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    The genes encoding the alpha-2,3-sialyltransferases involved in lipooligosaccharide biosynthesis from Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae have been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. A high sensitivity enzyme assay using a synthetic fluorescent glycosyltransferase acceptor and capillary electrophoresis was used to screen a genomic library of N. meningitidis MC58 L3 in a "divide and conquer" strategy. The gene, denoted lst, was found on a 2. 0-kilobase fragment of DNA, and its sequence was determined and then used to design probes to amplify and subsequently clone the corresponding lst genes from N. meningitidis 406Y L3, N. meningitidis M982B L7, and N. gonorrhoeae F62. Functional sialyltransferase was produced from the genes derived from both L3 N. meningitidis strains and the N. gonorrhoeae F62. However, the N. meningitidis M982B L7 gene contained a frameshift mutation that renders it inactive. The expression of the lst gene was easily detected using the enzyme assay, and the protein expression could be detected when an immunodetection tag was added to the COOH-terminal end of the protein. Using the synthetic acceptor N-acetyllactosamine-aminophenyl-(6-(5-(fluorescein-carboxamido)-hexan oic acid amide), the alpha-2,3 specificity of the enzyme was confirmed by NMR examination of the reaction product. The enzyme could also use synthetic acceptors with lactose or galactose as the saccharide portion. This study is the first example of the cloning, expression, and examination of alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase activity from a bacterial source

    The Relationship between Change of Direction Speed in the Frontal Plane, Power, Reactive Strength, and Strength

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 7(4) : 260-270, 2014. Change-of-direction speed (CODS) is an important quality to performance in multi-direction sports. The relationship between CODS in the frontal plane and power, strength, and reactive strength is largely unstudied. Twenty-three male college students participated in this study. The study used a Pearson’s product-moment correlation to measure the relationship between CODS, power, strength, and reactive strength. A lateral shuffle test was used as the measure of CODS. A lateral hop for distance was used as the measure of power in the frontal plane. A countermovement vertical jump test was used as the measure of power in the sagittal plane. A depth jump was used as the measure of reactive strength in the sagittal plane. A 3RM squat test was used as the measure of strength. There was a moderate relationship between the lateral shuffle test and the lateral hop (r =.541, p = .008 and r =.567, p = .005), but no significant relationships with the countermovement vertical jump, depth jump, or squat test. These results suggest that power should be trained in all planes to improve CODS performance in multi-direction sports, and that CODS should be trained in its sport-specific context

    Characterization of multiterminal tandem photovoltaic devices and their subcell coupling

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    Three-terminal (3T) and four-terminal (4T) tandem photovoltaic (PV) devices using various materials have been increasingly reported in the literature, but measurement standards are lacking. Here, multiterminal devices measured as functions of two load variables are characterized unambiguously as functions of three device voltages or currents on hexagonal plots. We demonstrate these measurement techniques using two GaInP/GaAs tandem solar cells, with a middle contact between the two subcells, as example 3T devices with both series-connected and reverse-connected subcells. Coupling mechanisms between the subcells are quantified within the context of a simple equivalent optoelectronic circuit. Electrical and optical coupling mechanisms are most clearly revealed using coupled dark measurements. These measurements are sensitive enough to observe very small luminescent coupling from the bottom subcell to the top subcell in the prototype 3T device. Quick simplified measurement techniques are also discussed within the context of the complete characterization

    Argon redistribution during a metamorphic cycle: Consequences for determining cooling rates

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    40Ar/39Ar thermochronology is commonly used to constrain the rates and times of cooling in exhumed metamorphic terranes, with ages usually linked to temperature via Dodson's closure temperature (TC) formulation. Whilst many metamorphic 40Ar/39Ar data are consistent with the timing of crystallisation or cooling within a chronological framework defined by other, higher temperature, chronometers, other 40Ar/39Ar data are more difficult to interpret. We report white mica and biotite single grain fusion and laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages from felsic gneisses from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway. The rocks record isothermal decompression from peak eclogite-facies conditions (white mica stable) to amphibolite-facies conditions (biotite stable) at c. 700 °C. White mica and biotite yield dispersed single grain fusion dates from 416 to 373 Ma and 437 to 360 Ma respectively. In-situ laser ablation analyses provide a similar range, with white mica spot ages ranging from 424 to 370 Ma and biotite spot ages ranging from 437 to 370 Ma. The dates span the duration of the metamorphic cycle suggested by previous studies, and cannot be reconciled with the results of simple models of Ar loss by diffusion during cooling. Samples that show evidence for different physical processes, such as the chemical breakdown of white mica, partial melting, and fluid ingress, generated different age populations to samples that did not experience or record obvious petrological evidence for these processes. Samples that record significant recrystallization and deformation yielded younger white mica (but older biotite) single grain fusion ages than more pristine samples. Amphibolite-facies gneisses that preserve evidence for significant partial melting generated younger biotite ages than samples that recorded evidence for significant hydration. Our data support other reported observations that high-temperature metamorphic mica 40Ar/39Ar dates cannot be assumed to record the timing of cooling through a specific temperature window. Careful assessment of the petrographic context of the dated minerals and consideration of their post-crystallisation history may provide a more robust insight into whether ‘age’ links to ‘stage’ in a temporally meaningful way
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