4,841 research outputs found

    Atomic data for plasma spectroscopy: The CHIANTI database, improvements and challenges

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    CHIANTI is an atomic database and software package for modeling emission lines and continua from hot astrophysical plasmas. It is freely available to all researchers and has been widely used in the Heliophysics and Astrophysics communities for almost 25 years. In this review, we summarize the properties of the current version of the database and give an overview of the relevant atomic processes. We also discuss progress towards a complete implementation of collisional-radiative modeling, simultaneously solving for atomic level and ion populations for individual elements.</jats:p

    On the Cretaceous origin of the Order Syracosphaerales and the genus Syracosphaera

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    New scanning electron microscope observations of unadulterated calcareous nannofossil assemblages on lamina surfaces of Cretaceous Tanzania Drilling Project sediments reveal high diversity in the < 3 μm size-range and high abundances of small and frangible morphologies. These assemblages prompt comparison to modern assemblages, which show similar high diversity and abundance of very small and fragile taxa, although these assemblages are generally not preserved in the fossil record due to taphonomic filtering. Not only are there broad similarities between the general composition of modern assemblages and those of the Tanzanian lagerstätte, but also our discovery of several new Cretaceous taxa provides evidence for greatly extended fossil lineages of extant orders, with implications for both deep-time biodiversity divergence and survival through the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Our findings include: new species that are the first-recorded Mesozoic representatives of the extant Syracosphaeraceae and Papposphaeraceae; potentially previously unrecorded diversity in the Mesozoic Calciosoleniaceae, another extant order, represented by extant species that have been described already; and new species and unusually high abundances of the Mesozoic Stephanolithiaceae. We also highlight the extended range of an incertae sedis Cenozoic genus, Ellipsolithus, into at least the Turonian. Here, we describe seven new miniscule to very small Cretaceous species: Syracosphaera antiqua, S. repagula, Pocillithus macleodii, P. crucifer, Stradnerlithus wendleri, S.? haynesiae and Tortolithus foramen

    Correlated responses in tissue weights measured in vivo by computer tomography in Dorset Down sheep selected for lean tissue growth

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    The aim of this study was to estimate correlated responses in lean, fat and bone weights in vivo in Dorset Down sheep selected for lean tissue growth. Over the period 1986-1992 inclusive, the lean tissue growth line had been selected using two economic indices for an increased aggregate breeding value incorporating predicted lean and fat weights with positive and negative economic weightings, respectively. The control line was selected for no change in lean tissue growth each year. Animals were born and run on pasture all year round. X-ray computer tomography was used to estimate the weights of lean, fat and bone in vivo in the 1994-born sheep, aged 265-274 days and selected randomly into 12 rams and 12 ewes from the selected line and 10 rams and 9 ewes from the control line. The lean tissue growth line had significantly greater responses in lean weight (+0.65 + 0.10 kg) and lean percentage (+1.19 + 0.17%) and significantly lesser fat weight (-0.36 + 0.08 kg) and fat percentage (-1.88 + 0.20%) compared to the control line. There was a significant increase in bone weight (+0.27 + 0.03 kg) and bone percentage (+0.69 + 0.09%) in the lean tissue growth line compared to the control line. Responses differed significantly between sexes of the lean tissue growth line, rams having a greater response in weight of lean (+1.22 + 0.20 vs. +0.08 + 0.22 kg) and bone (+0.45 + 0.06 vs. +0.09 + 0.07 kg), and a lesser response in weight of fat (-0.03 + 0.15 vs. -0.70 + 0.16 kg) than the ewes. Selection led to significant changes in lean (increase) and fat weights (decrease), and bone weight increased. Although responses in the lean tissue growth line differed significantly between sexes, there were confounding factors due to differences in management and lack of comparison at equal stage of development. Therefore, to assess real genetic differences further studies should be conducted taking these factors into consideration. Keywords: Lean tissue growth, Computer tomography, Selection index, Responses, Sheep South African Journal of Animal Science Vol.33(3) 2003: 176-18

    Ocean warming, not acidification, controlled coccolithophore response during past greenhouse climate change

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    Current carbon dioxide emissions are an assumed threat to oceanic calcifying plankton (coccolithophores) not just due to rising sea-surface temperatures, but also because of ocean acidification (OA). This assessment is based on single species culture experiments that are now revealing complex, synergistic, and adaptive responses to such environmental change. Despite this complexity, there is still a widespread perception that coccolithophore calcification will be inhibited by OA. These plankton have an excellent fossil record, and so we can test for the impact of OA during geological carbon cycle events, providing the added advantages of exploring entire communities across real-world major climate perturbation and recovery. Here we target fossil coccolithophore groups (holococcoliths and braarudosphaerids) expected to exhibit greatest sensitivity to acidification because of their reliance on extracellular calcification. Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (56 Ma) rapid warming event, the biogeography and abundance of these extracellular calcifiers shifted dramatically, disappearing entirely from low latitudes to become limited to cooler, lower saturation-state areas. By comparing these range shift data with the environmental parameters from an Earth system model, we show that the principal control on these range retractions was temperature, with survival maintained in high-latitude refugia, despite more adverse ocean chemistry conditions. Deleterious effects of OA were only evidenced when twinned with elevated temperatures

    Predictions of DKIST/DL-NIRSP observations for an off-limb kink-unstable coronal loop

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Astronomical Society via the DOI in this record.Synthetic intensity maps are generated from a 3D kink-unstable ux rope simulation using several DKIST/DL-NIRSP spectral lines to make a prediction of the observational signatures of energy transport and release. The reconstructed large eld-of-view intensity mosaics and single tile sit-and-stare high-cadence image sequences show detailed, ne-scale structure and exhibit signatures of wave propagation, redistribution of heat, ows and ne-scale bursts. These ne-scale bursts are present in the synthetic Doppler velocity maps and can be interpreted as evidence for small-scale magnetic reconnection at the loop boundary. The spectral lines reveal the di erent thermodynamic structures of the loop, with the hotter lines showing the loop interior and braiding, and the cooler lines showing the radial edges of the loop. The synthetic observations of DL-NIRSP are found to preserve the radial expansion and hence the loop radius can be measured accurately. The electron number density can be estimated using the intensity ratio of the Fe xiii lines at 10747 and 10798 A. The estimated density from this ratio is correct to within 10% during the later phases of the evolution, however it is less accurate initially when line-of-sight density inhomogeneities contribute to the Fe xiii intensity, resulting in an overprediction of the density by 30%. The identi ed signatures are all above a conservative estimate for instrument noise and therefore will be detectable. In summary, we have used forward modelling to demonstrate that the coronal o -limb mode of DKIST/DL-NIRSP will be able to detect multiple independent signatures of a kink-unstable loop and observe small-scale transient features including loop braiding/twisting and small-scale reconnection events occurring at the radial edge of the loop.BS was supported by the STFC grant ST/M000826/1. PRY acknowledges funding from NASA grant NNX15AF25G. GJJB, ES and JAM acknowledge STFC for IDL support as well as support via ST/L006243/1

    Pforams@microtax: Anew online taxonomic database for planktonic foraminifera

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    A new relational taxonomic database for planktonic foraminifera (“pforams@mikrotax�) has been constructed and is now freely available online at http://www.mikrotax.org. It represents amajor advance from its predecessor, the CHRONOS online taxonomic database, which has served the research community since 2005. The benefits of the new database to the research and industrial biostratigraphic communities are many, as it will serve as an immediately accessible taxonomic guide and reference for specialists and non-specialists alike by providing access to a wealth of information and images from original authors and from expertswho have inserted recent authoritative updates to planktonic foraminiferal taxonomy, phylogeny and biostratigraphy. The database will be continually updated and used as a guide for training current and future generations of students and professionals who will be able to self-educate on planktonic foraminiferal taxonomy and biostratigraphy. Further investigation of species traditionally included in the Cretaceous genera Heterohelix, Globigerinelloides, Marginotruncana, and Globotruncana is required to exclude the use of polyphyletic morphotaxa. The taxonomy for Paleogene planktonic foraminifera is quite stable following publication of the Paleocene, Eocene, and Oligocene taxonomic atlases, but revisions to the taxonomy and phylogeny of Neogene taxa are needed to incorporate results from genetic sequencing studies and recent biostratigraphic observations

    Coccolithophore calcification response to past ocean acidification and climate change

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    Anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions are forcing rapid ocean chemistry changes and causing ocean acidification (OA), which is of particular significance for calcifying organisms, including planktonic coccolithophores. Detailed analysis of coccolithophore skeletons enables comparison of calcite production in modern and fossil cells in order to investigate biomineralization response of ancient coccolithophores to climate change. Here we show that the two dominant coccolithophore taxa across the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) OA global warming event (~56 million years ago) exhibited morphological response to environmental change and both showed reduced calcification rates. However, only Coccolithus pelagicus exhibits a transient thinning of coccoliths, immediately before the PETM, that may have been OA-induced. Changing coccolith thickness may affect calcite production more significantly in the dominant modern species Emiliania huxleyi, but, overall, these PETM records indicate that the environmental factors that govern taxonomic composition and growth rate will most strongly influence coccolithophore calcification response to anthropogenic change

    Compact High-Velocity Clouds at High Resolution

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    Six examples of the compact, isolated high-velocity clouds catalogued by Braun & Burton (1999) and identified with a dynamically cold ensemble of primitive objects falling towards the barycenter of the Local Group have been imaged with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope; an additional ten have been imaged with the Arecibo telescope. The imaging reveals a characteristic core/halo morphology: one or several cores of cool, relatively high-column-density material, are embedded in an extended halo of warmer, lower-density material. Several of the cores show kinematic gradients consistent with rotation; these CHVCs are evidently rotationally supported and dark-matter dominated. The imaging data allows several independent estimates of the distances to these objects, which lie in the range 0.3 to 1.0 Mpc. The CHVC properties resemble what might be expected from very dark dwarf irregular galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, to appear in "The Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way: Stars versus Clusters", eds. F. Matteuchi and F. Giovannelli, Kluwer Academic Publisher

    Violent video games and morality: a meta-ethical approach

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    This paper considers what it is about violent video games that leads one reasonably minded person to declare "That is immoral" while another denies it. Three interpretations of video game content a re discussed: reductionist, narrow, and broad. It is argued that a broad interpretation is required for a moral objection to be justified. It is further argued that understanding the meaning of moral utterances – like "x is immoral" – is important to an understanding of why there is a lack of moral consensus when it comes to the content of violent video games. Constructive ecumenical expressivism is presented as a means of explaining what it is that we are doing when we make moral pronouncements and why, when it comes to video game content, differing moral attitudes abound. Constructive ecumenical expressivism is also presented as a means of illuminating what would be required for moral consensus to be achieved

    Interleukin-1Ăź mRNA expression in ischemic rat cortex

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    Background and Pur pose: Interleukin-1ß is a proinftammatory cytokine produced by blood-borne and resident brain inftammatory cells. The present study was conducted to determine if interleukin-1ß mRNA was produced in the brain of rats subjected to permanent focal ischemia. Methods: Rat interleukin-1ß cDNA, synthesized from stimulated rat peritoneal macrophage RNA by reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction and c10ned in plasmid Bluescript KS+, was used to evaluate the expression of interleukin-1ß mRNA in cerebral cortex from spontaneously hypertensive rats and normotensive rats subjected to permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion. Interleukin-1ß mRNA was quantified by Northern blot analysis and compared with rat macrophage RNA standard. To correct for gel loading, blots were also analyzed with cyclophilin cDNA, which encodes an abundant, conserved protein that was unchanged by the experimental conditions. Results: Interleukin-1ß mRNA produced in the ischemic zone was significantly increased from 6 hours to 120 hours, with a maximum of211±24% ofinterleukin-1ß reference standard, ie, 0.2 ng stimulated rat macrophage RNA, mRNA compared with the level in nonischemic cortices (4±2%) at 12 hours after ischemia (P<.OI; n=6). Interleukin-1ß mRNA at 12 hours after ischemia was markedly elevated in hypertensive rats over levels found in two normotensive rat strains. Neurological deficits were also apparent only in the hypertensive rats. Conclusions: Brain interleukin-1ß mRNA is elevated acutely after permanent focal ischemia and especially in hypertensive rats. These data suggest that this potent proinflammatory and procoagulant cytokine might have a role in brain damage following ischemia
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