818 research outputs found

    Strange quarks and lattice QCD

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    The last few years have seen a dramatic improvement in our knowledge of the strange form factors of the nucleon. With regard to the vector from factors the level of agreement between theory and experiment gives us considerable confidence in our ability to calculate with non-perturbative QCD. The calculation of the strange scalar form factor has moved significantly in the last two years, with the application of new techniques which yield values considerably smaller than believed for the past 20 years. These new values turn out to have important consequences for the detection of neutralinos, a favourite dark matter candidate. Finally, very recent lattice studies have resurrected interest in the famed H-dibaryon, with modern chiral extrapolation of lattice data suggesting that it may be only slightly unbound. We review some of the major sources of uncertainty in that chiral extrapolation.Comment: Invited talk at the Asia-Pacific few Body Conference, Seoul Kore

    Systematic uncertainties in the precise determination of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon

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    Systematic uncertainties in the recent precise determination of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon are identified and quantified. In summary, G_M^s = -0.046 \pm 0.019 \mu_N.Comment: Invited presentation at PAVI '04, International Workshop on Parity Violation and Hadronic Structure, Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Grenoble, France, June 8-11, 2004. 7 pages, 16 figure

    Chiral Analysis of Quenched Baryon Masses

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    We extend to quenched QCD an earlier investigation of the chiral structure of the masses of the nucleon and the delta in lattice simulations of full QCD. Even after including the meson-loop self-energies which give rise to the leading and next-to-leading non-analytic behaviour (and hence the most rapid variation in the region of light quark mass), we find surprisingly little curvature in the quenched case. Replacing these meson-loop self-energies by the corresponding terms in full QCD yields a remarkable level of agreement with the results of the full QCD simulations. This comparison leads to a very good understanding of the origins of the mass splitting between these baryons.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Limitations of the heavy-baryon expansion as revealed by a pion-mass dispersion relation

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    The chiral expansion of nucleon properties such as mass, magnetic moment, and magnetic polarizability are investigated in the framework of chiral perturbation theory, with and without the heavy-baryon expansion. The analysis makes use of a pion-mass dispersion relation, which is shown to hold in both frameworks. The dispersion relation allows an ultraviolet cutoff to be implemented without compromising the symmetries. After renormalization, the leading-order heavy-baryon loops demonstrate a stronger dependence on the cutoff scale, which results in weakened convergence of the expansion. This conclusion is tested against the recent results of lattice quantum chromodynamics simulations for nucleon mass and isovector magnetic moment. In the case of the polarizability, the situation is even more dramatic as the heavy-baryon expansion is unable to reproduce large soft contributions to this quantity. Clearly, the heavy-baryon expansion is not suitable for every quantity.Comment: Accepted for publication in EPJ C. Made changes based on referee comments: clarifying sentences to conclusion 1. of Section IV, beginning of Section V, and new footnote in Section VI, page 8. Added more detailed explanation in paragraph 4 of Section III. Added citations of Phys.Rev. D60, 034014, and Phys.Lett. B716, 33

    Chiral Extrapolation of Lattice Data for Heavy Baryons

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    The masses of heavy baryons containing a b quark have been calculated numerically in lattice QCD with pion masses which are much larger than its physical value. In the present work we extrapolate these lattice data to the physical mass of the pion by applying the effective chiral Lagrangian for heavy baryons, which is invariant under chiral symmetry when the light quark masses go to zero and heavy quark symmetry when the heavy quark masses go to infinity. A phenomenological functional form with three parameters, which has the correct behavior in the chiral limit and appropriate behavior when the pion mass is large, is proposed to extrapolate the lattice data. It is found that the extrapolation deviates noticably from the naive linear extrapolation when the pion mass is smaller than about 500MeV. The mass differences between Sigma_b and Sigma_b^* and between Sigma_b^{(*)} and Lambda_b are also presented. Uncertainties arising from both lattice data and our model parameters are discussed in detail. We also give a comparision of the results in our model with those obtained in the naive linear extrapolations.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Expression analysis of low temperature-induced genes in wheat

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    Non-Peer ReviewedWheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a widely adapted, economically important crop exhibiting winter, spring and intermediate growth habits. Winter wheat is seeded in the fall, over-winters, resumes growth in spring and is harvested in early summer. It also requires a period of low temperature (LT) exposure, experienced during the fall, to switch from the vegetative to reproductive phase in spring, a process known as vernalization. Low temperature also allows the wheat plant to cold-acclimate to withstand freezing winter temperatures. There has always been an interest to grow winter wheat because of its yield advantage over spring wheat. However, LT tolerance needs to be improved to prevent winter kill and maximize its yield potential. To achieve this more detailed understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying LT tolerance is required. Thus, objectives of this study were to determine the expression of a LT-induced gene and cDNA-AFLP profile in leaf and crown tissues of LT-exposed wheat plants. Survival of crown tissues after exposure to sub-zero temperatures is an indication of the level of LT tolerance of a cultivar. Thus, pattern and levels of expression of LT-induced genes and identification of LT-induced transcripts in this tissue will add to understanding of LT tolerance. Genotypes used in this study included a winter hardy cultivar, Norstar, a tender spring cultivar, Manitou and two-near-isogenic lines with the Vrn-A1 (spring Norstar) and vrn-A1 (winter Manitou) alleles of Manitou and Norstar, respectively. The dominant Vrn-A1 locus confers spring habit and therefore no requirement for vernalization. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) for the cold-regulated gene, Wcor410, indicated that in leaf tissue the Vrn-A1 locus determined level of expression, being higher in the lines having the recessive vrn-A1 allele compared to the dominant Vrn-A1 allele lines. In the crown tissue, the Norstar genetic background led to the higher level of expression than in the Manitou background. cDNA-AFLP analysis also exhibited variable profiles between the two tissues

    Spin-3/2 Nucleon and Delta Baryons in Lattice QCD

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    We present first results for masses of spin-3/2 N and Delta baryons in lattice QCD using Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermions. Spin-3/2 interpolating fields providing overlap with both spin-3/2 and spin-1/2 states are considered. In the isospin-1/2 sector, we observe, after appropriate spin and parity projection, a strong signal for the J^P=3/2^- state together with a weak but discernible signal for the 3/2^+ state with a mass splitting near that observed experimentally. We also find good agreement between the 1/2^+/- masses and earlier nucleon mass simulations with the standard spin-1/2 interpolating field. For the isospin-3/2 Delta states, clear mass splittings are observed between the various 1/2^+/- and 3/2^+/- channels, with the calculated level orderings in good agreement with those observed empirically.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Quark contributions to baryon magnetic moments in full, quenched, and partially quenched QCD

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    The chiral nonanalytic behavior of quark-flavor contributions to the magnetic moments of octet baryons is determined in full, quenched and partially quenched QCD, using an intuitive and efficient diagrammatic formulation of quenched and partially quenched chiral perturbation theory. The technique provides a separation of quark-sector magnetic-moment contributions into direct sea-quark loop, valence-quark, indirect sea-quark loop and quenched valence contributions, the latter being the conventional view of the quenched approximation. Both meson and baryon mass violations of SU(3)-flavor symmetry are accounted for. Following a comprehensive examination of the individual quark-sector contributions to octet baryon magnetic moments, numerous opportunities to observe and test the underlying structure of baryons and the nature of chiral nonanalytic behavior in QCD and its quenched variants are discussed. In particular, the valence u-quark contribution to the proton magnetic moment provides the optimal opportunity to directly view nonanalytic behavior associated with the meson cloud of full QCD and the quenched meson cloud of quenched QCD. The u quark in ÎŁ+ provides the best opportunity to display the artifacts of the quenched approximation.Derek B. Leinwebe

    Convergence of chiral effective field theory

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    We formulate the expansion for the mass of the nucleon as a function of pion mass within chiral perturbation theory using a number of different ultra-violet regularisation schemes; including dimensional regularisation and various finite-ranged regulators. Leading and next-to-leading order non-analytic contributions are included through the standard one-loop Feynman graphs. In addition to the physical nucleon mass, the expansion is constrained by recent, extremely accurate, lattice QCD data obtained with two flavors of dynamical quarks. The extent to which different regulators can describe the chiral expansion is examined, while varying the range of quark mass over which the expansions are matched. Renormalised chiral expansion parameters are recovered from each regularisation prescription and compared. We find that the finite-range regulators produce consistent, model-independent results over a wide range of quark mass sufficient to solve the chiral extrapolation problem in lattice QCD.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures; To appear in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics; presented at Erice School on Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei, September 200

    Electromagnetic Form Factors with FLIC fermions

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    The Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action provides a new form of nonperturbative O(a) improvement and allows efficient access to the light quark-mass regime. FLIC fermions enable the construction of the nonperturbatively O(a)-improved conserved vector current without the difficulties associated with the fine tuning of the improvement coefficients. The simulations are performed with an O(a^2) mean-field improved plaquette-plus-rectangle gluon action on a 20^3 x 40 lattice with a lattice spacing of 0.128 fm, enabling the first simulation of baryon form factors at light quark masses on a large volume lattice. Magnetic moments, electric charge radii and magnetic radii are extracted from these form factors, and show interesting chiral nonanalytic behavior in the light quark mass regime.Comment: Presented by J.Zanotti at the Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics, Cairns, Australia, 2003. 7pp, 8 figure
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