63 research outputs found

    Multivariate analysis of dermatoglyphics of severe mental retardates: an application of the constellation graphical method for discriminant analysis.

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    We studied the dermatoglyphics of 353 severe mental retardates (excluding those with chromosomal abnormalities and major limb malformations), using multivariate analysis, to determine how early intrauterine factors are related to the etiology of mental retardation. First, dermatoglyphics were compared between 140 individuals with undefined prenatal factors and 700 normal controls. After 6 and 9 dermatoglyphic traits were chosen as discriminative variables for males and females, respectively, the data were subjected separately for each sex to the constellation graphical method for discriminant analysis. The same formula as obtained in the idiopathic group was subsequently applied to data from cases in other etiological categories. When the misclassification rate was 0.03, the rates of correct classification of the male patients into the etiological categories of undefined prenatal, defined prenatal, perinatal, postnatal and unknown (no anamnestic data available) categories were 19.7% (13/66), 20.0% (3/15), 8.8% (5/57), 5.0% (1/20) and 7.7% (2/26), while the correct classification rates of females were 24.3% (18/74), 42.1% (8/19), 18.9% (7/37), 5.1% (1/16) and 13.0% (3/23), respectively. The results suggest that early intrauterine factors such as those producing dermatoglyphic deviations may contribute to the pathogenesis of severe mental retardation not only in patients with undefined prenatal etiological factors but also in those with perinatal factors, especially those of the female sex.</p

    Trans-complemented hepatitis C virus particles as a versatile tool for study of virus assembly and infection

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    AbstractIn this study, we compared the entry processes of trans-complemented hepatitis C virus particles (HCVtcp), cell culture-produced HCV (HCVcc) and HCV pseudoparticles (HCVpp). Anti-CD81 antibody reduced the entry of HCVtcp and HCVcc to almost background levels, and that of HCVpp by approximately 50%. Apolipoprotein E-dependent infection was observed with HCVtcp and HCVcc, but not with HCVpp, suggesting that the HCVtcp system is more relevant as a model of HCV infection than HCVpp. We improved the productivity of HCVtcp by introducing adapted mutations and by deleting sequences not required for replication from the subgenomic replicon construct. Furthermore, blind passage of the HCVtcp in packaging cells resulted in a novel mutation in the NS3 region, N1586D, which contributed to assembly of infectious virus. These results demonstrate that our plasmid-based system for efficient production of HCVtcp is beneficial for studying HCV life cycles, particularly in viral assembly and infection

    A variant Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1) positive chronic myelocytic leukemia.

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    A rare case of variant Philadelphia (Ph1) chromosome positive [46, XX, t (9; 22) (q34; q11), inv (9) (9q22; 22q13)] chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) was described. The patient, 73 years old female, was hospitalized to our hospital because of leukocytosis. Hematological findings corresponded to those of CMLs. However, this case lacked hepatosplenomegaly. Southern blot analysis using a 3 breakpoint cluster region (bcr) probe revealed a bcr rearrangement. The patient has been in the chronic phase for sixteen months without treatment. Clinical and chromosomal changes are under observation in order to get accumulate data for a pathophysiological analysis of variant Ph1 positive CMLs.</p

    Elimination of Hepatitis C Virus from Hepatocytes by a Selective Activation of Therapeutic Molecules

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    To eliminate hepatitis C virus (HCV) from infected hepatocytes, we generated two therapeutic molecules specifically activated in cells infected with HCV. A dominant active mutant of interferon (IFN) regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) and a negative regulator of HCV replication, VAP-C (Vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein subtype C), were fused with the C-terminal region of IPS-1 (IFNβ promoter stimulator-1), which includes an HCV protease cleavage site that was modified to be localized on the ER membrane, and designated cIRF7 and cVAP-C, respectively. In cells expressing the HCV protease, cIRF7 was cleaved and the processed fragment was migrated into the nucleus, where it activated various IFN promoters, including promoters of IFNα6, IFNβ, and IFN stimulated response element. Activation of the IFN promoters and suppression of viral RNA replication were observed in the HCV replicon cells and in cells infected with the JFH1 strain of HCV (HCVcc) by expression of cIRF7. Suppression of viral RNA replication was observed even in the IFN-resistant replicon cells by the expression of cIRF7. Expression of the cVAP-C also resulted in suppression of HCV replication in both the replicon and HCVcc infected cells. These results suggest that delivery of the therapeutic molecules into the liver of hepatitis C patients, followed by selective activation of the molecules in HCV-infected hepatocytes, is a feasible method for eliminating HCV

    Mingu of Chubu District-Tokuyama

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    09 中部・徳山の民具

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    Signal Peptidase Complex Subunit 1 Participates in the Assembly of Hepatitis C Virus through an Interaction with E2 and NS2

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    <div><p>Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 2 (NS2) is a hydrophobic, transmembrane protein that is required not only for NS2-NS3 cleavage, but also for infectious virus production. To identify cellular factors that interact with NS2 and are important for HCV propagation, we screened a human liver cDNA library by split-ubiquitin membrane yeast two-hybrid assay using full-length NS2 as a bait, and identified signal peptidase complex subunit 1 (SPCS1), which is a component of the microsomal signal peptidase complex. Silencing of endogenous SPCS1 resulted in markedly reduced production of infectious HCV, whereas neither processing of structural proteins, cell entry, RNA replication, nor release of virus from the cells was impaired. Propagation of Japanese encephalitis virus was not affected by knockdown of SPCS1, suggesting that SPCS1 does not widely modulate the viral lifecycles of the <i>Flaviviridae</i> family. SPCS1 was found to interact with both NS2 and E2. A complex of NS2, E2, and SPCS1 was formed in cells as demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation assays. Knockdown of SPCS1 impaired interaction of NS2 with E2. Our findings suggest that SPCS1 plays a key role in the formation of the membrane-associated NS2-E2 complex via its interaction with NS2 and E2, which leads to a coordinating interaction between the structural and non-structural proteins and facilitates the early step of assembly of infectious particles.</p></div