33 research outputs found

    Polar surface engineering in ultra-thin MgO(111)/Ag(111) -- possibility of metal-insulator transition and magnetism

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    A recent report [Kiguchi {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 68}, 115402 (2003)] that the (111) surface of 5 MgO layers grown epitaxially on Ag(111) becomes metallic to reduce the electric dipole moment raises a question of what will happen when we have fewer MgO layers. Here we have revealed, first experimentally with electron energy-loss spectroscopy, that MgO(111) remains metallic even when one-layer thick, and theoretically with the density functional theory that the metallization should depend on the nature of the substrate. We further show, with a spin-density functional calculation, that a ferromagnetic instability may be expected for thicker films.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Metal-Induced Gap States at Well Defined Alkali-Halide/Metal Interfaces

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    In order to search for states specific to insulator/metal interfaces, we have studied epitaxially grown interfaces with element-selective near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS). An extra peak is observed below the bulk edge onset for LiCl films on Cu and Ag substrates. The nature of chemical bonds as probed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy remains unchanged, so we regard this as evidence for metal-induced gap states(MIGS) formed by the proximity to a metal, rather than local bonds at the interface. The dependence on the film thickness shows that the MIGS are as thin as one monolayer. An ab initio electronic structure calculation supports the existence of the MIGS that are strongly localized at the interface.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Calculation of absolute free energy of binding for theophylline and its analogs to RNA aptamer using nonequilibrium work values

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    The massively parallel computation of absolute binding free energy with a well-equilibrated system (MP-CAFEE) has been developed [H. Fujitani, Y. Tanida, M. Ito, G. Jayachandran, C. D. Snow, M. R. Shirts, E. J. Sorin, and V. S. Pande, J. Chem. Phys. 123{\bf 123}, 084108 (2005)]. As an application, we perform the binding affinity calculations of six theophylline-related ligands with RNA aptamer. Basically, our method is applicable when using many compute nodes to accelerate simulations, thus a parallel computing system is also developed. To further reduce the computational cost, the adequate non-uniform intervals of coupling constant λ\lambda, connecting two equilibrium states, namely bound and unbound, are determined. The absolute binding energies ΔG\Delta G thus obtained have effective linear relation between the computed and experimental values. If the results of two other different methods are compared, thermodynamic integration (TI) and molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) by the paper of Gouda etalet al [H. Gouda, I. D. Kuntz, D. A. Case, and P. A. Kollman, Biopolymers 68{\bf 68}, 16 (2003)], the predictive accuracy of the relative values ΔΔG\Delta\Delta G is almost comparable to that of TI: the correlation coefficients (R) obtained are 0.99 (this work), 0.97 (TI), and 0.78 (MM-PBSA). On absolute binding energies meanwhile, a constant energy shift of \sim -7 kcal/mol against the experimental values is evident. To solve this problem, several presumable reasons are investigated.Comment: 23 pages including 6 figure

    Image-potential band-gap narrowing at a metal/semiconductor interface

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    GW approximation is used to systematically revisit the image-potential band-gap narrowing at metal/semiconductor interfaces proposed by Inkson in the 1970's. Here we have questioned how the narrowing as calculated from quasi-particle energy spectra for the jellium/Si interface depends on rsr_s of the jellium. The gap narrowing is found to only weakly depend on rsr_s (i.e., narrowing 0.3\simeq 0.3 eV even for a large rs=6)r_s = 6). Hence we can turn to smaller polarizability in the semiconductor side as an important factor in looking for larger narrowing.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Electronic properties of metal induced gap states at insulator/metal interfaces -- dependence on the alkali halide and the possibility of excitonic mechanism of superconductivity

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    Motivated from the experimental observation of metal induced gap states (MIGS) at insulator/metal interfaces by Kiguchi {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 90}, 196803 (2003)], we have theoretically investigated the electronic properties of MIGS at interfaces between various alkali halides and a metal represented by a jellium with the first-principles density functional method. We have found that, on top of the usual evanescent state, MIGS generally have a long tail on halogen sites with a pzp_z-like character, whose penetration depth (λ\lambda) is as large as half the lattice constant of bulk alkali halides. This implies that λ\lambda, while little dependent on the carrier density in the jellium, is dominated by the lattice constant (hence by energy gap) of the alkali halide, where λLiF<λLiCl<λLiI\lambda_{\rm LiF} < \lambda_{\rm LiCl} < \lambda_{\rm LiI}. We also propose a possibility of the MIGS working favorably for the exciton-mediated superconductivity.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Binding Free Energy Calculation of Small Molecules to Rna with Multiple Binding Poses

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    Metal-induced gap states in epitaxial organic-insulator/metal interfaces

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    We have shown, both experimentally and theoretically, that the metal-induced gap states (MIGS) can exist in epitaxially grown organic insulator/metal interfaces. The experiment is done for alkane/Cu(001) with an element-selective near edge x-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), which exhibits a prepeak indicative of MIGS. An ab initio electronic structure calculation supports the existence of the MIGS. When the Cu substrate is replaced with Ni, an interface magnetism may be possible with a carrier doping