134 research outputs found

    Open Semiclassical Strings and Long Defect Operators in AdS/dCFT Correspondence

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    We consider defect composite operators in a defect superconformal field theory obtained by inserting an AdS_4 x S^2-brane in the AdS_5 x S^5 background. The one-loop dilatation operator for the scalar sector is represented by an integrable open spin chain. We give a description to construct coherent states for the open spin chain. Then, by evaluating the expectation value of the Hamiltonian with the coherent states in a long operator limit, a Landau-Lifshitz type of sigma model action is obtained. This action is also derived from the string action and hence we find a complete agreement in both SYM and string sides. We see that an SO(3)_H pulsating string solution is included in the action and its energy completely agrees with the result calculated in a different method. In addition, we argue that our procedure would be applicable to other AdS-brane cases.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, minor corrections and references added. v3) some new results added. shortened and accepted version in PR

    Towards the String representation of the dual Abelian Higgs model beyond the London limit

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    We perform a path-integral analysis of the string representation of the dual Abelian Higgs (DAH) model beyond the London limit, where the string describing the vortex of a flux tube has a finite thickness. We show that besides an additional vortex core contribution to the string tension, a modified Yukawa interaction appears as a boundary contribution in the type-II dual superconducting vacuum. In the London limit, the modified Yukawa interaction is reduced to the Yukawa one.Comment: 13 pages, JHEP3.cls is used, no figures. The version accepted for publication in JHE

    Differing deregulation of HER2 in primary gastric cancer and synchronous related metastatic lymph nodes

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     Sorbtional properties of carbonic sorbents on the base of pine sawdust in the processes of purification of water mediums and complicated technological solution from petroleum products and phosphorus compounds are investigated. The possibility of carbonic sorbents modification by halogen organic compounds to increase the degree of purification of water ecosystems is analyzed. Исследованы сорбционные свойства углеродных сорбентов на основе опилок сосны в процессе очистки водных сред и сложных технологических растворов от нефтепродуктов и соединений фосфора. Рассмотрена возможность модифицирования углеродных сорбентов галогенсодержащих органическими соединениями с целью повыше-ния степени очистки водных экосистем. Досліджено сорбційні властивості вуглецевих сорбентів на основі обпилювань сосни у процесі очищення водних середовищ і складних технологічних розчинів від нафтопродуктів і з’єднань фосфору. Розглянуто можливість модифікування вуглецевих сорбентів галогеновмісними органічними з’єднаннями з метою підвищення ступеня очищення водних екосистем


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    Recently, there have been some reports of electromagnetic interference during capsule endoscopy(CE)in regards to other medical devices and facility environment. These accidental events have not been analyzed sufficiently although academic societies and related ministries are proposing guidelines with cautious attention. Based on this, detailed analyses and development of solution are required. In this study, we review our experience with cases of accidental events during CE and assessed the causes and preventive solutions. A total of149CE cases(male :89, female :60, mean age :56±18.8)from January 2017 until December 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. Four cases(2%)with defective images were noted. Detailed events were as follows ;1 disorder of the sensor array, 2 recorder freezes, and 1 electromagnetic interference. These mechanical and electromagnetic troubles should be assessed and shared among medical staffs and manufacturers to propose possible solutions and perform CE safely

    Endothelial ROBO4 suppresses PTGS2/COX-2 expression and inflammatory diseases

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    Tanaka M., Shirakura K., Takayama Y., et al. Endothelial ROBO4 suppresses PTGS2/COX-2 expression and inflammatory diseases. Communications Biology 7, 599 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-024-06317-z .Accumulating evidence suggests that endothelial cells can be useful therapeutic targets. One of the potential targets is an endothelial cell-specific protein, Roundabout4 (ROBO4). ROBO4 has been shown to ameliorate multiple diseases in mice, including infectious diseases and sepsis. However, its mechanisms are not fully understood. In this study, using RNA-seq analysis, we found that ROBO4 downregulates prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), which encodes cyclooxygenase-2. Mechanistic analysis reveals that ROBO4 interacts with IQ motif-containing GTPase-activating protein 1 (IQGAP1) and TNF receptor-associated factor 7 (TRAF7), a ubiquitin E3 ligase. In this complex, ROBO4 enhances IQGAP1 ubiquitination through TRAF7, inhibits prolonged RAC1 activation, and decreases PTGS2 expression in inflammatory endothelial cells. In addition, Robo4-deficiency in mice exacerbates PTGS2-associated inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, edema, and pain. Thus, we reveal the molecular mechanism by which ROBO4 suppresses the inflammatory response and vascular hyperpermeability, highlighting its potential as a promising therapeutic target for inflammatory diseases

    Integrability and Higher Loops in AdS/dCFT Correspondence

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    We further study the correspondence between open semiclassical strings and long defect operators which is discussed in our previous work [hep-th/0410139]. We give an interpretation of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of SO(6)-> SO(3)_H x SO(3)_V from the viewpoint of the Riemann surface by following the argument of Minahan. Then we use the concrete form of the resolvent for a single cut solution and compute the anomalous dimension of operators dual to an open pulsating string at three-loop level. In the string side we obtain the energy of the open pulsating string solution by semiclassical analysis. Both results agree at two-loop level but we find a three-loop discrepancy.Comment: v1: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor corrections, references added, published versio

    Genetic Structure and Population Demographic History of a Widespread Mangrove Plant Xylocarpus granatum J. Koenig across the Indo-West Pacific Region

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    Xylocarpus granatum J. Koenig is one of the most widespread core component species of mangrove forests in the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) region, and as such is suitable for examining how genetic structure is generated across spatiotemporal scales. We evaluated the genetic structure of this species using maternally inherited chloroplast (cp) and bi-parentally inherited nuclear DNA markers, with samples collected across the species range. Both cp and nuclear DNA showed generally similar patterns, revealing three genetic groups in the Indian Ocean, South China Sea (with Palau), and Oceania, respectively. The genetic diversity of the Oceania group was significantly lower, and the level of population differentiation within the Oceania group was significantly higher, than in the South China Sea group. These results revealed that in addition to the Malay Peninsula—a common land barrier for mangroves—there is a genetic barrier in an oceanic region of the West Pacific that prevents gene flow among populations. Moreover, demographic inference suggested that these patterns were generated in relation to sea level changes during the last glacial period and the emergence of Sahul Shelf which lied northwest of Australia. We propose that the three genetic groups should be considered independent conservation units, and that the Oceania group has a higher conservation priority