259 research outputs found

    Nosocomial infections - registration, nosological and etiological structure

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    Nosocomial infections (NI) gain importance in medical practice due to the increase of the invasive remedial and diagnostic handling, raise in the rate of survival of patients, increase in the average age of the population in the coun try (2,4). In our practice, we have experienced how costly a treatment of a patient with added NI could be (3). The situation has further complicated by the adaptation of new nosocomial pathogens and their increase resistance of antibiotics. The absence of preferred policy from Health ministry and Health-ensure cash in regards to NI and the lack of clinical paths lead to decline in the interest of the medical personnel and their anticipation in the anti-epidemi cal battle.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2009; 41(2): 183-185


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    During evolution in Triticum the diversity of genes in T. aestivum L. was greatly reduced compared to its ancestors. This tendency restricted further improvement of productivity and quality in common wheat and narrowed the plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Wide hybridization resulted in synthetic genotypes that offered opportunities for introduction of new genes for useful traits in breeding. The objects of this study were two amphidiploids with G-genome inherited from tetraploid wheat relative T. timopheevii (2n=28, GGAuAu). Glutenin and gliadin allelic composition of the synthetic wheats H-68/44 and H-69/36 were analysed by SDS-PAGE and A-PAGE electrophoretic methods. New allelic variants in Glu-G1 loci, which are not characteristics for the spectrum of T. aestivum, were identified. In contrast to the high polymorphism of amphidiploids for high-molecular weight proteins, variation in the low-molecular glutenins was much less. More gliadin alleles in synthetic lines were found than in hexaploid wheat, due to the parent polymorphism. The results of this survey showed that synthetics with T. timopheevii genome might serve as an important sources of increased genetic variation for endosperm proteins in common wheat

    Effect of foliar products on the inflorescence yield of lavender and essential oil

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    Received: January 25th, 2022 ; Accepted: May 1st, 2022 ; Published: May 23rd, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] topic of the effect of foliar fertilization on the productivity and oil content of lavender is relevant, but not sufficiently studied. The present study aims to establish the effect of foliar products on the growth, development and productivity of lavender. The field experiment was carried out at the Agricultural University - Plovdiv with lavender of ‘Jubileina’ variety during 2019–2020. The following variants were included in the study: 1. Untreated control; 2. Treatment with Fertileader Gold (FG) - 3 L ha-1; 3. Treatment with Fertiactyl Trium + Fertileader Vital (FT + FVital) - 1.5 + 1.5 L ha-1; 4. Treatment with Fertileader Viti (FViti) - 3 L ha-1; 5. Treatment with Fertileader Vital (FV) - 3 L ha-1; 6. Treatment with Fertileader Alpha (FA) - 3 L ha-1. Those preparations are bio stimulants for foliar application. The treatments were made in two consecutive lavender vegetation seasons. The first application was carried out in the second growing season (2019) and the second in the next, third growing season (2020). The foliar application of all tested products increased the photosynthetic activity, but it was better expressed when using the plant nutrition products FV, FViti and FT + FVital. A positive effect was also observed in the height and diameter of the bush, but during the third vegetation period. The number of flowering stems increased by 62.9%; 59.4%; 53.3% and 8.4%, respectively, when applying the fertilizers FG, FT + FVital, FViti and FV. The application of FG and FT + FVital increased the yield of fresh inflorescences by 6.1% and 3.7%. The application of the different products affected the oil yield in different ways; the application of FG, FT + FVital and FViti increased it, while FV and FA decreased it by 27 kg ha-1 and 16 kg ha-1, respectively, for the first vegetation and by 43.4 kg ha-1and 33.1 kg ha-1 for the second vegetation. The boron containing products FG, FT + FVital and FViti led to a significant increase in the essential oil yield, while the application of the foliar fertilizers FV and FA reduced it. Based on those results, the first three products are recommended

    Constraining the European Commission to please the public: responsiveness through delegation choices

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    When and how does public opinion affect the delegation choices of legislatorsin the EU? We argue the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers limitthe discretion of the Commission in response to EU-wide scepticism andpoliticisation of EU policies. Public opposition to EU policies, theircontestation, and potential scrutiny motivate the EU legislators to minimisethe discrepancies between the adopted and implemented policies. They doso to avoid bearing the costs of disregarding public preferences over thelevel of EU integration. Our analysis of legislation adopted between 2009–2019 relying on a novel dataset on public policy preferences and agencydiscretion supports this expectation. The results offer evidence of previouslyunexplored responsiveness of the EU institutions emerging in the policyimplementation that might entail efficiency losses.Horizon 2020(H2020)822166Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviou

    Voting procedures and parliamentary representation in the European Parliament

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    Parliamentary representation is a fluid concept. Yet, while the behaviour of elected representatives during roll call votes has been widely analysed, we know little about how parliamentarians act when their individual voting choices are not made public. This paper explores the relationship between voting procedures and the likelihood that Members of the European Parliament prioritise the interests of their EP party group versus the interests of their national party. Using an original survey, I find that MEPs are more likely to prioritise the interests of their national party over those of their EP party group when voting by show of hands or electronically, as opposed to by roll call. Moreover, this voting procedure effect is particularly salient among MEPs elected from 2004/07 accession countries

    Effect of the Predecessor and the Nitrogen Rate on Productivity and Essential Oil Content of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Southeast Bulgaria

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    Received: May 31st, 2022 ; Accepted: August 13th, 2022 ; Published: September 19th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] (Coriandrum sativum L.) is one of the most important essential oil crops on a global scale. Coriander productivity is determined by the genotype, the environmental factors, as well the agronomic practices. A field experiment was conducted in Southeast Bulgaria during three vegetation seasons (2015, 2016, and 2017). The present study aimed at analysing the influence of two crop predecessors (winter wheat and sunflower) and four nitrogen (N) levels (0, 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1 ). Productivity elements, seed yield, and seed essential oil content of coriander (cv. Mesten drebnoploden) were under evaluation. The results obtained showed that winter wheat was a more suitable predecessor of coriander in comparison to sunflower. The highest results regarding the number of umbels per plant, the umbel’s diameter, the number of umbellets per umbel, the number of seeds per umbel, the seed weight per plant, the 1,000 seed mass, as well as the seed yield for the rate of 80 kg ha-1 of N were recorded. The highest essential oil content after applying 120 kg ha-1 of N was established. Increasing the N level from 0 to 120 kg ha-1 led to a positive and significant effect on essential oil yield. No significant differences between the N rates of 80 and 120 kg ha-1 were recorded. The received results contributed for the evaluatation of the optimum nitrogen level, as well as for the determination of a more suitable predecessor of coriander in order to obtain the highest yield of better quality in the region of Southeast Bulgaria


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    The twenty years period past after the contamination with radionuclides in 1986, as a result of the accident in the Chernobyl’s NPP, allowed the accumulation of rich data base for the radiation status of the soils in Bulgaria. Objective of many years studies were virgin soils from high mountain areas, hilly and flat (the region of Kozlodouy NPP and the Danube river valley). Ceasium-137 and strontium-90 were the main men-made radionuclides detected in the examined Bulgarian soils, few years after the accident. The content of ceasium-137 and strontium-90 in the soils from high mountain areas (Rodopa and Rila mountains) is several times higher then that in the soils from Northern Bulgaria and Sofia field. High non-homogeneity in the pollution within small areas (scores of square meters even) was determined. No significant horizontal redistribution was observed for the period after 1986. The tendency of changes in the radioactive status of the soils in Bulgaria after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is not due to trans-border transfer of radioactive materials or to any breakdown at the Kosloduy Nuclear Power Plant.Изминалият двадесетгодишен период след масираното отлагане на радионуклиди през 1986 година, като резултат от аварията в Чернобилската АЕЦ, даде възможност да бъде натрупана богата база данни за радиационния статус на почвите в България. Обект на дългогодишни изследвания бяха целинни почви от високопланински райони, полупланински и равнинни (района на АЕЦ “Козлодуй” и поречието на р. Дунав. Няколко години след инцидента цезий- 137 и стронций-90 са основните техногенни радионуклиди се детектират в изследваните български почви. Съдържанието на цезий-137 и стронций-90 в почвите от високопланинските райони (Родопите и Рила планина) е неколкократно по-високо от това в Северна България и Софийското поле. Установенеа бе силна нехомогенност на замърсяването, дори в рамките на малки площи (десетки квадратни метра). За периода след 1986 година не се наблюдав значимо хоризонтално преразпределение. Тенденциите в изменението на радиационния статус на почвите в България след авариятав Чернобилската АЕЦ не се дължат на трансграничен пренос на радиоактивни материали или някакво нарушение в дейността на АЕЦ Козлодуй

    When the rule of law is at stake, many people support sanctions even against their own state

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    The EU has imposed financial sanctions on Poland for problems with judicial independence. The sanctions amount to more than €300 mill., and the sum continues to grow. How are the sanctions perceived by the Polish population? Are they considered justified and acceptable, and by whom?The politics and administration of institutional changeThe progression of EU law: Accommodating change and upholding value

    Estimation of errors in text and data processing

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    The company Adiss Lab Lts. obtained 1 000 000 medical reports that are either in free form text, or in XML format. One of the main goals of their development is to integrate an algorithm for information extraction (IE) in their platform. The verification of the algorithm’s output for a report is done by a medical doctor (MD) for a certain fee. Validating the correctness of all data would be overwhelming and very expensive. Hence, the problem, as presented by the company, is to provide a method (algorithm) which determines the minimum amount of reports that will validate the correctness of the IE algorithm and a procedure for selecting these reports. In order to solve the problem we have considered an algorithm-centric approach uses active learning and semi-supervised learning

    Agenda control and timing of bill initiation: A temporal perspective on coalition governance in parliamentary democracies

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    Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviou