58 research outputs found

    Light Modulation with Vanadium Dioxide-Based Optical Devices

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    This thesis focuses on active material-based tunable optical devices. In particular, I have been working on tunable optical devices based on vanadium dioxide (VO2), which can produce tunable optical responses, such as amplitude, phase, thermal emission, and quantum emission. The modulations of light are achieved by coupling the phase-transition material with the precisely designed resonant structures or by placing it close to quantum emitters. This thesis presents three research streams, which aim at experimentally demonstrating the dynamically tunable optical responses using VO2. First, we propose and experimentally demonstrate an electrically tunable VO2-based reflectarray metasurface that exhibits largely tunable optical responses in the near-infrared region. We incorporate VO2 directly into the plasmonic resonator, which undergoes a phase transition triggered by Joule heating. The induced plasmonic resonance modulation is accompanied by a large and continuous modulation in optical responses, such as amplitude, resonance wavelength, and phase. Second, we propose and demonstrate an active tuning of thermal emission from VO2-based metasurfaces. We introduce a thin VO2 film as an absorbing layer on top of a metal reflector. This layer is coupled with a dielectric resonator, with a dielectric spacer placed between them. Upon undergoing a phase transition triggered by heating, the induced absorption tuning of the VO2 layer is accompanied by modulation in the absorption spectra of the coupled structure. We experimentally show narrowband absorption spectra, which can be tuned by controlling the VO2 temperature. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate the axial position of quantum emitters in a multilayered hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) flake with nanoscale accuracy, which is enabled through the modification of a photonic density of states by introducing VO2. Furthermore, we observe a sharp distance-dependent photoluminescence response by modulating the optical environment of an emitter placed close to the hBN/VO2 interface.</p

    Nanoscale axial position and orientation measurement of hexagonal boron nitride quantum emitters using a tunable nanophotonic environment

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    Color centers in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) have emerged as promising candidates for single-photon emitters (SPEs) due to their bright emission characteristics and potential for high temperature operation, but precisely resolving emitter location is an important outstanding issue for many applications. While single-molecule super-resolution microscopy schemes can resolve emitter lateral position at the nanometer scale, complete determination of both axial position and three-dimensional dipole orientation (θ, φ) of these quantum emitters is a fundamental challenge. We report a method for determining both the axial position and three-dimensional orientation of SPEs in \textit{h}BN by tuning the photonic local density of states, using a vanadium dioxide (VO₂) phase change material. Using this method, we were able to locate several specific quantum emitters at an axial distance of ~ 20 nm from the hBN/VO₂ interface while also determining their full dipolar orientation (θ, φ). Our approach may serve as a practical method to deterministically couple quantum emitters in hBN and other materials to photonic nanostructures, for applications in integrated quantum photonics

    Self-Stabilizing Silicon Nitride Lightsails

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    We report a design for a microscopic lightsail prototype that allows for passive stabilization in the radiation-pressure dominated regime. Stable dynamics of our silicon nitride structure are predicted for initial tilts of up to ±10°

    On the Effects of Local Environment on Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) in the Horizon Run 5 Simulation

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    We use the Horizon Run 5 cosmological simulation to study the effect of galaxy intrinsic properties and the local environment on active galactic nuclei (AGNs) characterized by their threshold of the accretion rate. We select galaxies in the stellar mass range 10 9.5 ≤ M * / M ⊙ ≤ 10 10.5 in the snapshot at redshift z = 0.625. Among various intrinsic properties, we find that the star formation rate of the host galaxy is most correlated to the AGN activity. To quantify the environment, we use background galaxy number density (large-scale environment) and distance and morphological type of the nearest neighbors (small-scale environment), and study their relative effects on the AGN properties. We find that, compared to the background density, the nearest neighbor environment is the dominant quantity determining the bolometric luminosity, star formation rate, and kinematic properties of AGNs and better dictates the gas mass of the host galaxy. We show that the cold gas content in the host galaxies is crucial in triggering AGN activity. However, when the nearest neighbor environment effects start to act at the neighbor distance of less than about half the virial radius of the neighbor, the neighbor environmental effects are the most dominant factor for quasar activity

    Gaseous Structures in Barred Galaxies: Effects of the Bar Strength

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    Using hydrodynamic simulations, we investigate the physical properties of gaseous substructures in barred galaxies and their relationships with the bar strength. The gaseous medium is assumed to be isothermal and unmagnetized. The bar potential is modeled as a Ferrers prolate with index n. To explore situations with differing bar strength, we vary the bar mass fbar relative to the spheroidal component as well as its aspect ratio. We derive expressions as functions of fbar and the aspect ratio for the bar strength Qb and the radius r(Qb) where the maximum bar torque occurs. When applied to observations, these expressions suggest that bars in real galaxies are most likely to have fbar=0.25-0.5 and n<1. Dust lanes approximately follow one of x1-orbits and tend to be more straight under a stronger and more elongated bar, but are insensitive to the presence of self-gravity. A nuclear ring of a conventional x2 type forms only when the bar is not so massive or elongated. The radius of an x2-type ring is generally smaller than the inner Lindblad resonance, decreases systematically with increasing Qb, and slightly larger when self-gravity is included. This evidences that the ring position is not determined by the resonance but by the amount of angular momentum loss at dust-lane shocks. Nuclear spirals exist only when the ring is of the x2-type and sufficiently large in size. Unlike the other features, nuclear spirals are transient in that they start out as being tightly-wound and weak, and then due to the nonlinear effect unwind and become stronger until turning into shocks, with an unwinding rate higher for larger Qb. The mass inflow rate to the galaxy center is found to be less than 0.01 Msun/yr for models with Qb<0.2, while becoming larger than 0.1 Msun/yr when Qb>0.2 and self-gravity is included.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables; Accepted for publication in the ApJ; Version with full-resolution figures available at http://mirzam.snu.ac.kr/~wkim/Bar/barHDn.pd

    Identification of Galaxy Protoclusters Based on the Spherical Top-hat Collapse Theory

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    We propose a new method for finding galaxy protoclusters that is motivated by structure formation theory and also directly applicable to observations. We adopt the conventional definition that a protocluster is a galaxy group whose virial mass Mvir<MclM_{\rm vir} < M_{\rm cl} at its epoch, where Mcl=1014MM_{\rm cl}=10^{14}\,M_{\odot}, but would exceed that limit when it evolves to z=0z=0. We use the critical overdensity for complete collapse at z=0z = 0 predicted by the spherical top-hat collapse model to find the radius and total mass of the regions that would collapse at z=0z=0. If the mass of a region centered at a massive galaxy exceeds MclM_{\rm cl}, the galaxy is at the center of a protocluster. We define the outer boundary of protocluster as the zero-velocity surface at the turnaround radius so that the member galaxies are those sharing the same protocluster environment and showing some conformity in physical properties. We use the cosmological hydrodynamical simulation Horizon Run 5 (HR5) to calibrate this prescription and demonstrate its performance. We find that the protocluster identification method suggested in this study is quite successful. Its application to the high-redshift HR5 galaxies shows a tight correlation between the mass within the protocluster regions identified according to the spherical collapse model and the final mass to be found within the clusters at z=0z=0, meaning that the regions can be regarded as the bona fide protoclusters with high reliability. We also confirm that the redshift-space distortion does not significantly affect the performance of the protocluster identification scheme.Comment: 23 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Low-Surface-Brightness Galaxies are missing in the observed Stellar Mass Function

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    We investigate the impact of the surface brightness (SB) limit on the galaxy stellar mass functions (GSMFs) using mock surveys generated from the Horizon Run 5 (HR5) simulation. We compare the stellar-to-halo-mass relation, GSMF, and size-stellar mass relation of the HR5 galaxies with empirical data and other cosmological simulations. The mean SB of simulated galaxies are computed using their effective radii, luminosities, and colors. To examine the cosmic SB dimming effect, we compute kk-corrections from the spectral energy distributions of individual simulated galaxy at each redshift, apply the kk-corrections to the galaxies, and conduct mock surveys based on the various SB limits. We find that the GSMFs are significantly affected by the SB limits at a low-mass end. This approach can ease the discrepancy between the GSMFs obtained from simulations and observations at 0.625z20.625\le z\le 2. We also find that a redshift survey with a SB selection limit of \left^e = 28 mag arcsec2{}^{-2} will miss 20% of galaxies with Mg=109 MM_\star^g=10^{9}~{\rm M_\odot} at z=0.625z=0.625. The missing fraction of low-surface-brightness galaxies increases to 50%, 70%, and 98% at z=0.9z=0.9, 1.1, and 1.9, respectively, at the SB limit.Comment: 27 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in Ap