343 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Sports Industry Between China and Developed Countries

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    China is a populous country, accounting for about one-fifth of the world’s population. China has great potential in economic development of sports industry in the future. But there is a large gap between China and other developed countries in the sports industry. How to bridge the gap becomes an important issue to solve. This article makes a comparative analysis of the current situation between China and other developed countries. At the same time, some impact factors are summed and development strategy is provided, which is reference for the healthy development of China’s sports industry

    Structure of endemic fish assemblages in the upper Yangtze River basin and population differentiation of an endangered endemic fish (Gobiocypris rarus)

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    Le fleuve Yangtze (Changjiang en chinois) supporte une très riche biodiversité de poissons, avec environ 400 espèces au total. Assimilée à une barrière eco-fonctionnelle, la partie amont du Yangtze présente des conditions environnementales naturelles exceptionnelles, avec une hétérogeneité bien prononcée des habitats, un système de drainage bien développé, une abondance en ressources en eau and une biodiversité importante. Ainsi, on dénombre 286 espèces de poissons dans la partie amont du Yangtze, dont 124 endémiques à cette région. Cependant, cette biodiversité est fortement menacée, notamment du fait de la surexploitation, de la pollution des eaux, des barrages hydroélectriques, des invasions biologiques et des modifications environnementales. Il est de ce fait impératif de mesurer les influences de ces changements environnementaux sur la ressource piscicole, de telle sorte à accélérer la mise en place de mesures de conservation. En conséquent, cette thèse avait pour objectif d'apporter des éléments visant à favoriser la conservation des espèces endémiques de poisons dans la partie amont du fleuve Yangtze. Dans la première partie de la thèse, l'objectif est d'illustrer les mécanismes de structuration des assemblages de poissons pour améliorer les connaissances des processus écologiques de la partie amont du fleuve Yangtze, i.e. déterminer les patrons spatiaux de distribution des poissons endémiques et les relations avec les variables environnementales (publications P1 & P2). Nous avons pu définir cinq assemblages de poissons endémiques dans le haut Yangtze caractérisés par des différences significatives au niveau de la richesse spécifique. Ces assemblages reflètent le gradient longitudinal de la distribution des espèces et de richesse avec une forte corrélation avec la topographie et la géomorphologie du fleuve Yangtze. Chaque assemblage est caractérisé par des espèces endémiques " indicatrices ". Le patron de distribution des poissons endémiques est significativement corrélé avec les facteurs environnementaux de l'utilisation du sol du bassin versant et des caractéristiques du fleuve. Des modèles mixtes utilisant simultanément des paramètres d'utilisation du sol et des caractéristiques du fleuve permettent d'assurer une meilleure prédiction de l'assemblage des poissons endémiques du Yangtze, comparés à des modèles utilisant séparément les 2 groupes de paramètres environnementaux. Enfin, nous suggérons trois points importants pour la conservation des espèces endémiques de poissons du haut Yangtze: sélection de plusieurs sites protégés de diverses espèces; maintient d'une partie courante naturelle pour chaque cours d'eau parmi les affluents; développement de mise en réserve des affluents. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, afin d'obtenir une bonne connaissance d'une espèce de poisson endémique en danger (Gobiocypris rarus) et fournir des instructions pour la conservation des autres espèces du haut Yangtze, nous avons utilisé cette espèce comme exemple d'étude de conservation à l'aide de marqueurs microsatellites et morphologiques (publications P3, P4 et P5). L'habitat typique de G. rarus était caractérisé par une seule population stable qui présentait une taille effective relativement large et aucune évidence de structure cryptique au cours des dix dernières années. Les forces maintenant cette diversité génetique était principalement les fluctuations environnementales et les traits d'histoire de vie propres à G. rarus. A une échelle spatiale plus étendue, nous avons trouvé des patrons significatifs de différentiation entre plusieurs populations de G. rarus, d'un point de vue génétique mais aussi morphologique. Particulièrement, deux clusters génétiques reflétant la structure du réseau hydrographique ont été identifiés. L'étude comparée des patrons d'isolation par la distance nous a permis de conclure que G. rarus était capable de migrer de réseau en réseau davantage via les canaux d'irrigations que via l'embouchure des rivières. Nous avons également mis en évidence un dimorphisme sexuel cryptique (i.e. visible uniquement que quelque trait morphologique continu). Finalement, au vue de cette distribution discontinu (tant d'un point de vue génétique que morphologique) et étant donné les menaces écologiques attendu, nous conseillons que la plupart des populations étudiées soit préservées. Plus particulièrement, les populations T1, T2, Q2, M3 et D2 devraient être prioritaire d'un point de vue de la conservation, avec une gestion de l'habitat et de l'espèce particulièrement forte dans ces localités.The Yangtze River, also called Changjiang, supports rich biodiversity, especially diverse fish fauna, i.e., about 400 fish species and subspecies. As an eco-functional barrier of the Yangtze River, the upper Yangtze River exhibits complicated natural environment, pronounced habitat heterogeneity, well-developed drainage system, abundant water resources and rich biodiversity. There were 286 fish species and subspecies distributing in the upper Yangtze River, among which 124 species were endemic. However, these fish resources are experiencing large threats: overexploitation, water pollution, hydropower projects, invasion by exotic species, and global environmental changes. It is imperative to evaluate the influences of the changes in environmental features on the fish resources and to accelerate the progress of conservation projects. Therefore, two parts of content have been studied in this thesis for the conservation of endemic fishes in the upper Yangtze River. Firstly, for the purpose of providing insight into mechanisms structuring fish assemblages and enhancing knowledge on ecological processes in the upper Yangtze River, spatial pattern of endemic fishes in the upper Yangtze River basin and their relationship with environmental features have been studied in P1 and P2 of this thesis. We identified five endemic fish assemblages in the upper Yangtze River basin. Not only species composition but also endemic species richness varied significantly among these five assemblages. They not only reflect the longitudinal gradient pattern but also are closely correlated with the topography and geomorphology of the Yangtze River. Each endemic fish assemblage has its specific indicator species. The endemic fish distribution patterns are significantly correlated with environmental factors such as land-cover features and river characteristics. The mixed models containing both land-cover features and river characteristics are more effective than any individual one in explaining complex endemic fish distribution patterns in the upper Yangtze River basin. Finally, we suggested that three key points for the conservation of endemic fishes in the upper Yangtze River basin should be paid more attention: selection of several protected sites aiming at various species; maintenance of at least one flowing reach in each river; developing the conservation of tributaries. Secondly, in order to obtain enough background of an endangered endemic fish (Gobiocypris rarus) and provide guidelines for other species conservation in the upper Yangtze River basin, the author used this Chinese rare minnow (G. rarus) as an example to do the studies of conservation biology using microsatellite markers and morphological traits in P3, P4 and P5 of this thesis. The type locality of G. rarus held a single stable and healthy population with a relatively large Ne and no cryptic structure during nearly ten years. The forces maintaining their genetic diversity were mainly from environmental fluctuations and life history traits. In addition, there were significant differentiations among wild populations of G. rarus not only in genetic markers but also in morphometric traits. Two obvious genetic clusters were revealed among wild populations of G. rarus, reflecting out water system structure to some extent. An isolation-by-riparian-distance pattern was identified, indicating that G. rarus might migrate through some man-made channels of hydropower projects but not through the mouth of the Minjiang and Tuojiang Rivers to exchange genes. Sexual dimorphism existed in morphometric traits of G. rarus wild populations. Finally, in the view of discontinuous distribution, significant genetic and quantitative differentiation of wild populations, and large threats from human activities, all the studied populations should be protected. Especially, populations T1, T2, Q2, M3 and D2 should be in prior conservation, and a habitat and species management area should be established in its type locality (viz. population D2)

    Attentive Aspect Modeling for Review-aware Recommendation

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    In recent years, many studies extract aspects from user reviews and integrate them with ratings for improving the recommendation performance. The common aspects mentioned in a user's reviews and a product's reviews indicate indirect connections between the user and product. However, these aspect-based methods suffer from two problems. First, the common aspects are usually very sparse, which is caused by the sparsity of user-product interactions and the diversity of individual users' vocabularies. Second, a user's interests on aspects could be different with respect to different products, which are usually assumed to be static in existing methods. In this paper, we propose an Attentive Aspect-based Recommendation Model (AARM) to tackle these challenges. For the first problem, to enrich the aspect connections between user and product, besides common aspects, AARM also models the interactions between synonymous and similar aspects. For the second problem, a neural attention network which simultaneously considers user, product and aspect information is constructed to capture a user's attention towards aspects when examining different products. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments show that AARM can effectively alleviate the two aforementioned problems and significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art recommendation methods on top-N recommendation task.Comment: Camera-ready manuscript for TOI

    Explaining Latent Factor Models for Recommendation with Influence Functions

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    Latent factor models (LFMs) such as matrix factorization achieve the state-of-the-art performance among various Collaborative Filtering (CF) approaches for recommendation. Despite the high recommendation accuracy of LFMs, a critical issue to be resolved is the lack of explainability. Extensive efforts have been made in the literature to incorporate explainability into LFMs. However, they either rely on auxiliary information which may not be available in practice, or fail to provide easy-to-understand explanations. In this paper, we propose a fast influence analysis method named FIA, which successfully enforces explicit neighbor-style explanations to LFMs with the technique of influence functions stemmed from robust statistics. We first describe how to employ influence functions to LFMs to deliver neighbor-style explanations. Then we develop a novel influence computation algorithm for matrix factorization with high efficiency. We further extend it to the more general neural collaborative filtering and introduce an approximation algorithm to accelerate influence analysis over neural network models. Experimental results on real datasets demonstrate the correctness, efficiency and usefulness of our proposed method

    The Excitation of Guided-waves by Underground Point Source: an Investigation with Theoretical Seismograms

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    AbstractNear-Source scattering of Rg into S appears to be the primary contributor to the low-frequency Lg. The authors further suggest that the prominent low-frequency spectral null in Lg is due to Rg from a compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD) source, and the low-frequency null in Rg excitation is due to a zero-crossing of the horizontal displacement eigenfunctions. In this study, the mechanism of the excitation of Lg from explosions in layered earth structures are analyzed with theoretical seismograms. Our result shows that the CLVD source generates prominent Lg waves,and the null in the Lg spectra showing remarkably good agreement with those expected from Rg due to a CLVD source. We conclude that the derivative of displacement eigenfunction also takes a key role in the excitation of the null, only zero-crossing of the horizantall displacement eigenfunction can not fully explain it

    Experimental study of chemotherapy related leukocytopenia treated by various peroal leucocyte increasing drugs

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    Background: Clinically, the patients with significant WBC decrease are mostly administered G-CSF, this kind of drugs is expensive and adverse reactions are often seen. In contrast, oral leucocyte increasing drug has small adverse reactions, can be used for longer time and can improve the continuity and stability of treatment. The experimental study based on study of mouse was to evaluate the effects of treatment and chemotherapy of related leukocytopenia by five kinds of commonly used peroal leucocyte increasing drugs.Materials and Methods: We prepared mice chemotherapy related leukocytopenia model by cyclophosphamide intraperitoneal injection, the positive control drug is G-CSF, respectively fill five kinds of peroal Leucocyte increasing drugs (Qijiao Shengbai Capsule, Weixuening Granule, Compound Zaofan Pill, Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets) in the stomach, the experimental group was divided into normal control group (group A), model group (group B), positive control group (Group rhG-CSF, group C) and treatment groups (group D-H), and treatment groups were divided into Qijiao Shengbai Capsule group (group D), Weixuening Granule group (group E), Compound Zaofan Pill group (group F), Berbamine Tablet group (group G) and Leucogen Tablet group (group H). Calculate the death rate, blood routine and important visceral organ index in each group..Results: The death rate of mice in each group has no significant difference (P>0.05). WBC of B, D, E and F groups was significantly lower than that of group A (P<0.05 or P<0.01). WBC of C, G and H groups was significantly higher than those of group B (P<0.01). WBC of D, E and F groups was significantly lower than that of group C (P<0.01). WBC of G and H groups was significantly higher than that of D and F groups (P<0.01), WBC of group H is significantly higher than that of group E (P<0.05). RBC of group F, G and H groups was significantly higher than that of group D (P<0.05 or P<0.01). HB of group H is significantly higher than that of group A (P<0.01). HB of C, G and H groups was significantly higher than that of group B (P average <0.01). HB of D, E and F groups was significantly lower than that of group C (P<0.05 or P<0.01). HB of G and H groups was significantly higher than that of D, E and F groups (P average <0.01). PLT of group H was significantly higher than that of group B (P average <0.05). PLT of F, G and H groups was significantly higher than that of group D (P<0.01). Lung index of group G was significantly higher than that of D, E, F and H groups (P<0.01). Liver index of group H is significantly higher than that of group D (P<0.05). Thymus index of G and H groups is significantly higher than that of group F (P<0.05 or P<0.01).Conclusions: Among all drugs of rising WBC, G-CSF owns strongest effect. In oral drug groups, WBC rising effect of Leucogen Tablets is best, RBC, HB and PLT improvement effect of Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets is best. In addition, Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets respectively caused significant increase of lung and liver index, what indicates that, the two drugs may be accompanied by relevant viscera damage. At the same time, the two drugs also  increased thymus index, which indirectly indicates that, the immunity and regulation abilities of Berbamine and Leucogen Tablets are stronger. The spleen index of Qijiao Shengbai Capsule group was significantly higher than that of Berbamine Tablet and Leucogen Tablet groups, what indicates that, the immunity and regulation abilities of Qijiao Shengbai Capsule may be stronger in oral drug group.Keywords: leucocyte increasing drugs; chemotherapy; leukocytopenia; mous

    Experimental Study on Kaiser Effect of Reinforced Concrete Simply-Supported Beams

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    With the progress of transportation, an increasing number of bridges are put into operation, and the assessment of bridge bearing capacity is considered a significant measure to ensure bridge safety. As a critical approach for structural monitoring, acoustic emission is widely used in engineering projects. Since the Kaiser effect is an important phenomenon in acoustic emission, it is necessary to explore the Kaiser effect of reinforced concrete structures and the determination method of the Kaiser point. In this thesis, four reinforced concrete simply supported beams were utilized for the graded loading experiment under bending loads. After accumulating acoustic emission parameters, Kaiser point was selected for preliminary evaluation. Taking Kaiser point as the midpoint, the appropriate interval was determined. According to the continuity criterion of acoustic emission signals and the quadratic fitting curve based on experimental data, the Kaiser point was corrected by following the average growth rate of acoustic emission parameters. These simply supported beams were classified into two groups. One group was used to explore the acoustic emission characteristics when the load was less than the historical maximum, while the other group was used to analyze changes in the Kaiser effect with increasing load. Finally, based on the results of the specimen inspection, the influence of initial damage on the Kaiser effect was analyzed. The research results alleviated the influence of human factors on the determination of the Kaiser point and can serve as the theoretical basis for damage monitoring based on the Kaiser effect and bearing capacity evaluation of reinforced concrete structures