355 research outputs found

    Assessment of health hazards and associated factors among the returned migrants living at Bati Woreda, Oromia Zone, Amhara National Regional State

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    Background: Migration is a demographic event which serves as a coping mechanism of poverty alleviation in developing countries, including Ethiopia. The living condition of migrants in economically attractive countries, however, is having a devastating effect. The health risk of Ethiopian migrants to neighboring countries is not well documented.Objective: This study aimed to assess hazards and associated factors among returned migrants living at Bati Woreda, Amhara National Regional State.Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional survey with a sample size of 390 returnees was made in five kebeles of the woreda using a structured questionnaire in April 2011. Health hazard was defined as a health outcome that occurred during the process of migration involving travelling, staying in the destination, or getting back home. The quantitative data was entered and cleaned using Epi Info Version 3.5.1. Descriptive statistics was performed to present socio-demographic data. Multivariate logistics regression analysis using AOR with 95% CI was used to assess the relative importance of associated factors. The qualitative data was collected using focus group discussions and in-depth interviews using semi-structured question guide. Open Code Version 3.4 was used to select codes, categories and themes for the qualitative data using the thematic analysis.Results: The overall magnitude of health hazards was 41%: diarrhea 31.6% and malaria 10.5% were the leading acute illnesses. After controlling the possible confounders in binary multivariate logistic regression, push factors related to age ā‰„35 years [AOR (95%CI) =3.48 (1.73,7.02)], the ability to read and write in educational status [AOR (95%CI) = 2.49 (1.17,5.30)], being jobless and a housewife [AOR (95%CI) = 2.17(1.29,3.64)] and AOR (95%CI) =5.28 (2.17,12.83)], respectively, and presence of better employment opportunities and living conditions as a pull factors [AOR (95%CI) = 8.61(3.16,23.47) and [AOR (95%CI) = 6.35 (1.89,21.36)], respectively, were determinants of health hazards.Conclusion: Migrants were highly exposed to health hazards because of the illegal routes of the movement. Socio-economic variables with respect to age, education and unemployment were predictors of the migration phenomenon. Providing safety protection from potential health hazards before leaving the country, proper social and psychological rehabilitation of returnees is recommended

    Temporal neural networks for downscaling climate variability and extremes

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    This paper presents an application of temporal neural networks for downscaling global climate models (GCMs) output. Because of computational constraints, GCMs are usually run at coarse grid resolution (in the order of 100s of kilometres) and as a result they are inherently unable to present local sub-grid scale features and dynamics. Consequently, outputs from these models cannot be used directly in many climate change impact studies. This research explored the issues of 'downscaling' the outputs of GCMs using a temporal neural network (TNN) approach. The method is proposed for downscaling daily precipitation and temperature series for a region in northern Quebec, Canada. The downscaling models are developed and validated using large-scale predictor variables derived from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data set. The performance of the temporal neural network downscaling model is also compared to a regression-based statistical downscaling model with emphasis on their ability in reproducing the observed climate variability and extremes. The downscaling results for the base period suggest that the TNN is an efficient method for downscaling both daily precipitation as well as daily maximum and minimum temperature series. Furthermore, the different model test results indicate that the TNN model mostly outperforms the statistical models for the downscaling of daily precipitation extremes and variability

    Robust, reproducible, industrialized, standard membrane feeding assay for assessing the transmission blocking activity of vaccines and drugs against Plasmodium falciparum.

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    BackgroundA vaccine that interrupts malaria transmission (VIMT) would be a valuable tool for malaria control and elimination. One VIMT approach is to identify sexual erythrocytic and mosquito stage antigens of the malaria parasite that induce immune responses targeted at disrupting parasite development in the mosquito. The standard Plasmodium falciparum membrane-feeding assay (SMFA) is used to assess transmission-blocking activity (TBA) of antibodies against candidate immunogens and of drugs targeting the mosquito stages. To develop its P. falciparum sporozoite (SPZ) products, Sanaria has industrialized the production of P. falciparum-infected Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes, incorporating quantitative analyses of oocyst and P. falciparum SPZ infections as part of the manufacturing process.MethodsThese capabilities were exploited to develop a robust, reliable, consistent SMFA that was used to assess 188 serum samples from animals immunized with the candidate vaccine immunogen, Pfs25, targeting P. falciparum mosquito stages. Seventy-four independent SMFAs were performed. Infection intensity (number of oocysts/mosquito) and infection prevalence (percentage of mosquitoes infected with oocysts) were compared between mosquitoes fed cultured gametocytes plus normal human O(+) serum (negative control), anti-Pfs25 polyclonal antisera (MRA39 or MRA38, at a final dilution in the blood meal of 1:54 as positive control), and test sera from animals immunized with Pfs25 (at a final dilution in the blood meal of 1:9).ResultsSMFA negative controls consistently yielded high infection intensity (meanā€‰=ā€‰46.1 oocysts/midgut, range of positives 3.7-135.6) and infection prevalence (meanā€‰=ā€‰94.2%, range 71.4-100.0) and in positive controls, infection intensity was reduced by 81.6% (anti-Pfs25 MRA39) and 97.0% (anti-Pfs25 MRA38), and infection prevalence was reduced by 12.9 and 63.5%, respectively. A range of TBAs was detected among the 188 test samples assayed in duplicate. Consistent administration of infectious gametocytes to mosquitoes within and between assays was achieved, and the TBA of anti-Pfs25 control antibodies was highly reproducible.ConclusionsThese results demonstrate a robust capacity to perform the SMFA in a medium-to-high throughput format, suitable for assessing large numbers of experimental samples of candidate antibodies or drugs

    Learning from Intercultural Philosophy: Towards Aesthetics of Liberation in Critical African Filmmaking

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    Cinema is neither neutral nor a universal medium. Particularly in African contexts, cinema contributes to European exceptionalism, imposes European values as the norm, and acts as an instrument of cultural and psychological control. It seems that African cinema is ontologically, politically, and aesthetically Eurocentric. By introducing an intercultural philosophical approach to the realm of cinema, we aim to move away from Eurocentrism in African cinema towards a more intercultural and dialogical orientation as an input for the liberation of humanity. Based on findings from a dramaturgical analysis of five films, we argue that African cinema shows a deficiency in communicating liberation and it often fails to portray African peopleā€™s values, will, and interests as it has been alienated from its nature and purpose. Overall, African cinema seems to be either in a state of assimilation or confusion. By exploring aesthetics of liberation in African cinema and art (as described in African and intercultural philosophy,) we search for alternative film aesthetics and a mode of filmmaking that seeks to liberate the image and the minds of the filmmakers and spectators of African cinema. Inspired by Kimmerleā€™s aesthetic-ethic alternative ā€˜Living (with) artā€™, we propose an alternative for critical filmmaking based on aesthetics of liberation with an intercultural orientation: Living cinema. Living cinema is a dialogical and liberational cinema with aesthetics of liberation at its core. Based on aesthetic-ethic principles of African philosophy and interculturality, the liberating function of living cinema can be found in reconnecting the aesthetics and filmmaking with African values. Simultaneously, it might be contributing to the liberation of world cinema as it has an impact on both the hegemonic and the suppressed cinema

    Exercise training in heart failure: role, prescription and program

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    Heart failure is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases and is a final pathway of various cardiac pathologies. Exercise intolerance and dyspnea accompanied by deteĀ­riorating quality of life are common issues in those suffering from heart failure and may persist despite optimal medical therapy. Exercise training in heart failure theoretically helps to slow down the deterioration of the heart by antagonizing excess neurohormonal activity in heart failure, which translated into better functional capacity and quality of life. Exercise prescription is a mean of assessing and interpreting clinical information and applying the principles of training to develop an appropriate regimen and should be tailored to patientā€™s clinical condition. Resistance training improves peak VO2, exercise capacity and quality of life in heart failure patients. Both continuous and interval exercise training are linked to better quality of life despite ambiguous results in mortality. The aim of this article is to discuss the benefits of exercise in patients with congestive heart failure, exercise prescription, and exercise program including high-intensity interval training, continuous training and resistance exercise. Ā  Abstrak Gagal jantung adalah salah satu penyakit kardiovaskular yang paling sering ditemui dan merupakan akhir daripada banyak jenis patologi jantung. Intoleransi olahraga dan sesak nafas disertai dengan memburuknya kualitas hidup merupakan beberapa masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh pasien gagal jantung, meskipun telah diberikan pengobatan yang optimal. Latihan olahraga pada gagal jantung secara teoritis dapat memperlambat menurunnya fungsi jantung dengan melawan aktivitas neurohormonal yang meningkat pada kondisi gagal jantung yang dicerminkan dengan kapasitas fungsional dan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik. Preskripsi olahraga meliputi pemeriksaan dan interpretasi dari informasi klinis dan aplikasi dari prinsip latihan untuk membentuk regimen yang sesuai dan harus di sesuaikan dengan keadaan klinis pasien. Latihan beban memperbaiki fungsi VO2 puncak, kapasitas olahraga dan kualitas hidup pada pasien dengan gagal jantung. Kedua metode olahraga baik secara kontinu ataupun interval dihubungkan dengan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik meskipun masih ambigu dalam hal mortalitas. Tujuan artikel ini adalah membahas manfaat latihan fisik pada pasien dengan gagal jantung kongestif, cara peresepan serta membahas program high intensity interval training, continuous training serta latihan beban

    Admixture mapping of tuberculosis and pigmentation-related traits in an Africanā€“European hybrid cattle population

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    Admixture mapping affords a powerful approach to genetic mapping of complex traits and may be particularly suited to investigation in cattle where many breeds and populations are hybrids of the two divergent ancestral genomes, derived from Bos taurus and Bos indicus. Here we design a minimal genome wide SNP panel for tracking ancestry in recent hybrids of Holstein Friesian and local Arsi zebu in a field sample from a region of high bovine tuberculosis endemicity in the central Ethiopian highlands. We first demonstrate the utility of this approach by mapping the red coat color phenotype, uncovering a highly significant peak over the MC1R gene and a second peak with no previously known candidate gene. Secondly, we exploit the described differential susceptibility to bovine tuberculosis between the ancestral strains to identify a region in which Bos taurus ancestry associates, at suggestive significance, with skin test positivity. Interestingly, this association peak contains the toll-like receptor gene cluster on chromosome 6. With this work we have shown the potential of admixture mapping in hybrid domestic animals with divergent ancestral genomes, a recurring condition in domesticated species

    Peptides Derived from Mycobacterium leprae ML1601c Discriminate between Leprosy Patients and Healthy Endemic Controls

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    The stable incidence of new leprosy cases suggests that transmission of infection continues despite worldwide implementation of MDT. Thus, specific tools are needed to diagnose early stage Mycobacterium leprae infection, the likely sources of transmission. M. leprae antigens that induce T-cell responses in M. leprae exposed and/or infected individuals thus are major targets for new diagnostic tools. Previously, we showed that ML1601c was immunogenic in patients and healthy household contacts (HHC). However, some endemic controls (EC) also recognized this protein. To improve the diagnostic potential, IFN-Ī³ responses to ML1601c peptides were assessed using PBMC from Brazilian leprosy patients and EC. Five ML1601c peptides only induced IFN-Ī³ in patients and HHC. Moreover, 24-hour whole-blood assay (WBA), two ML1601c peptides could assess the level of M. leprae exposure in Ethiopian EC. Beside IFN-Ī³, also IP-10, IL-6, IL-1Ī², TNF-Ī±, and MCP-1 were increased in EC from areas with high leprosy prevalence in response to these ML1601c peptides. Thus, ML1601c peptides may be useful for differentiating M. leprae exposed or infected individuals and can also be used to indicate the magnitude of M. leprae transmission even in the context of various HLA alleles as present in these different genetic backgrounds

    Protocol optimization for elimination of sugarcane bacilliform virus and rapid propagation of virus-free sugarcane using meristem tip culture

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author up on request.Tissue culture protocol was optimized for the propagation of virus-free sugarcane from infected plants using meristem tips as an explant source for the elimination of sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV).Virus identification on the mother (source) plant and virus indexing to monitor elimination in the tissue culture-derived plants were done by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using degenerate SCBV primers. Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with 0.5 mg/l BAPā€‰+ā€‰0.25 mg/l kinetin and 0.1 mg/l GA3ā€‰+ā€‰0.5 mg/l NAA were the best hormone combination for shoot multiplication and root induction, respectively. Two explant size categories (<ā€‰1 mm and 1ā€“2 mm) were used to assess the effect of explant size on shoot regeneration and virus elimination. The results showed that explant size affects shoot regeneration. Smaller sized (<ā€‰1 mm) explants showed higher virus elimination efficiency; however, the survival frequency of explants during initiation of shoot cultures was higher in larger (1ā€“2 mm) meristems (64.3%) in comparison to the smaller ones (35.7%). In conclusion, in vitro meristem tip culture alone is not a satisfactory approach for the generation of SCBV-free plant from infected mother plant. The virus elimination efficiency could be enhanced by using the combination of meristem tip culture with other therapies.The Addis Ababa Science and Technology University.https://link.springer.com/journal/40858hj2023Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)Plant Production and Soil ScienceSDG-15:Life on lan

    Association between CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer\u27s disease and neuropsychiatric symptoms: Mayo Clinic Study of Aging

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    INTRODUCTION: We examined the association between cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-derived biomarkers of Alzheimer\u27s disease and neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in older non-demented adults. METHODS: We included 784 persons (699 cognitively unimpaired, 85 with mild cognitive impairment) aged ā‰„ 50 years who underwent CSF amyloid beta (AĪ²42), hyperphosphorylated tau 181 (p-tau), and total tau (t-tau) as well as NPS assessment using Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories (BDI-II, BAI), and Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q). RESULTS: Lower CSF AĪ²42, and higher t-tau/AĪ²42 and p-tau/AĪ²42 ratios were associated with BDI-II and BAI total scores, clinical depression (BDI-II ā‰„ 13), and clinical anxiety (BAI ā‰„ 10), as well as NPI-Q-assessed anxiety, apathy, and nighttime behavior. DISCUSSION: CSF AĪ²42, t-tau/AĪ²42, and p-tau/AĪ²42 ratios were associated with NPS in community-dwelling individuals free of dementia. If confirmed by a longitudinal cohort study, the findings have clinical relevance of taking into account the NPS status of individuals with abnormal CSF biomarkers
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