33 research outputs found


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    Program PPL, merupakan kegiatan terpadu sehingga pelaksanaannya saling terintegrasi dan saling mendukung satu dengan yang lainnya. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai kedua program terpadu tersebut adalah mengembangkan kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik atau tenaga kependidikan dan merupakan penerapan ilmu yang didapat dari bangku perkuliahan maupun diluar perkuliahan, sehingga mampu mengembangkan potensi masyarakat lingkungan sekolah. Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 3 Purworejo yang beralamat di Jalan Yogyakarta Km. 8 Purworejo, Jawa Tengah dengan jumlah mahasiswa 12 orang. Kegiatan PPL di SMA Negeri 3 Purworejo dilaksanakan selama dua setengah bulan yaitu mulai tanggal 2 Juli 2014 sampai 17 September 2014. Adapun program-program yang dilaksanakan berorientasi pada bidang akademik, baik yang sudah direncanakan maupun program yang tidak direncanakan sejak awal atau program insidental. Untuk program PPL individu yaitu meliputi kegiatan persiapan, kegiatan mengajar teori dan praktik Dasar Kompetensi Kejuruan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PPL adalah pengetahuan terpadu dengan mengaplikasikan teori dan praktik disekolah. Selain harus mampu melaksanakan praktik mengajar dan mengelola administrasi kelengkapan guru, mahasiswa juga dituntut untuk memiliki kompetensi personal maupun sosial. Pengalaman yang diperoleh tersebut sangat berguna bagi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan PPL, penyusun berusaha sebaik mungkin dalam menjalankan tugas dan berusaha menjalin kerjasama dengan semua pihak yang terkait demi kelancaran proses PPL tersebut


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    Cette recherche a pour but (1) de décrire les lexemes français qui ont le sens “siège” et (2) de décrire les composants sémantiques des lexemes qui ont le sens “siège”. Les données sont acquises de magazine Marie-Claire Maison (l’édition du décembre 2014-janvier 2015 et l’édition du décembre 2015-janvier 2016), les sites sur les meuble français (http://www.meublemagazine.com, http://meublessièges.com,http://www.larouse.com,http://dictionnairedelazone.fr), et des dictionnaires français (Le Grand Robert de la Langue Française (tome 1-6) d’Alain Rey en 2001, Le Petit Larousse Illustré par Larousse en 1999 et le dictionnaire Français-Indonésien de Winarsih Arifin et Farida Soemargono en 1999). Le sujet de cette recherche est tous les phrases, les mots dans la source de données. L’objet de cette recherche est tous les noms qui ont le sens “siège”. Les données de cette recherche sont tous les mots qui ont le sens “siège”dans la source de données.Pour collecter les données, on utilise la méthode de la lecture attentive en appliquant la technique de citation qui est poursuive par la technique de lecture attentivement sans participation de chercheur et la technique de notation. Les données sont analysées par la méthode d’identification référentielle et la technique d’analyse componentielle. La validité de cette recherche est basée sur la validité sémantique. La fiabilité de données est acquise par lexpert judgement et intrarater. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent qu’il existe 122 lexèmes français qui se divisent en douze types tels que (1) le siège pour une personne ou plus (75 données), (2) le siège avec pied ou sans pied(29 données ),(3) le siège avec bras ou sans bras(17 données), (4) le siège avec dossier ou sans dossier(49 données) (5) le siège comme place à dormir (10 données), (6) le siège grand ou petit(21 données), (7) le siège pliant(9 données), (8) le siège multiple(9 données), (9) le siège qui se balance (7 données), (10) la chaise à porteur(3 données), (11) le siège pour l’usage spécifique(30), (12) le siège en bois (15). Selon le nombre et la catégorie de siège français, on peut conclure que tous les lexèmes de la recherche ont le même sens tels que les sièges comme les places assies

    Is conventional sugar-free chewing gum effective in the management of orthodontic pain associated with fixed appliances? A randomised clinical trial comparing the pain-reducing effects of sugar-free chewing gum versus a placebo medicament

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    Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent)Background and aim: Managing orthodontic pain traditionally involves the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs combined with other analgesic medication. Sugar-free chewing gum has been advocated in the control of orthodontic pain due to its mechanical and physiological effects on periodontal tissue; however, the literature is scant. The ‘placebo effect’ that conventional sugar-free chewing gum may have in the relief of orthodontic pain has not been documented. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of conventional sugar-free chewing gum in reducing orthodontic pain associated with fixed appliances with a placebo (sugar-free sweets) medicament. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine if there were differences in pain reporting between the sugar-free chewing gum and the placebo, to ascertain whether gender influenced pain scores and to observe any differences in pain reporting between different orthodontic techniques


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan soft skills siswa melalui penerapan pendekatan Culturally Responsive Teaching pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non elektrolit. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas X.C SMAIT Nurul Fikri dan di kelas X MIPA 3 SMAN 51 Jakarta dengan jumlah siswa masing-masing 34 orang pada semester 2 tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, reflektif jurnal, wawancara siswa dan guru, serta kuesioner CCVLES (Constructivist Chemistry Values Learning Enviroment Survey). Penelitian dilakukan dengan berbagai metode pembelajaran, seperti Think Pair Share, praktikum, diskusi, direct instruction dan debat. Penelitian CRT mengaitkan konsep kimia dengan latar belakang budaya serta karakteristik siswa. Pembelajaran CRT salah satunya dilakukan dengan menggunakan artikel kimia yang dikaitkan dengan kebudayaan atau kehidupan siswa sehari-hari. Artikel kimia yang digunakan yaitu : “Air Kelapa Hijau sebagai Obat Tradisional” dan “Baterai Primer vs Baterai Sekunder”. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik yang dikemukakan oleh Miles dan Huberman, yaitu : reduksi data, penyajian data serta verifikasi dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabsahan data yang digunakan yaitu trustworthiness melalui prolonged engagement, persistent observation, progressive subjectivity, dan member checking. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan CRT dapat diterapkan pada pembelajaran kimia dengan menggunakan aspek yang dikemukakan oleh Hernandez, yaitu content integration, facilitating knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, social justice dan academic development. Pembelajaran kimia dengan pendekatan CRT dapat mengembangkan soft skills siswa. Soft skills yang muncul yaitu bekerja sama, peduli lingkungan, berpikir kritis, kesadaran sosial dan budaya (empati komunikasi, bertanggung jawab, disiplin dan peduli sosial), rasa ingin tahu, kepemimpinan, dan cinta tanah air. Sehingga kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan Culturally Responsive Teaching dapat mengembangkan soft skills siswa yang sejalan dengan pemngembangan kompetensi pada kurikulum 2013. This study aim to develop student’s soft skills by implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching approach in Electrolyte Solution and ReductionOxidation Reaction subject. This study was conducted year 10 students in SMAIT Nurul Fikri and SMAN 51 Jakarta with 34 students in second semester of 2016/2017. The qualitative approach was conducted with multiple methods of observation, reflective journals, interviews, and CCVLES (Chemistry Constructivist Values Learning Enviroment Survey) questionnaire. This study employed different teaching approaches of Think Pair Share, practical learning, debate, and direct instruction method. This study was integrating culture and students daily livein relation to chemistry concept. This study using article of “ Air Kelapa Hijau sebagai Obat Tradisional” and “Baterai Primer vs Baterai Sekunder”. The analysis technique Miles and Huberman was implemented by, data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. Quality standards of the trustworthiness (trust) with credibility through a prolonged engagement, progressive subjectivity, and member checking was employed in the study. The study result showed that CRT approach can be applied in chemistry learning with 5 aspects of, content integration, facilitating knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, social justice and academic development. Integration of CRT approach can developed student’s soft skills, such as, collaboration skills, social and cultural awareness, enviromental awareness, leadership and critical thinking skill. Thus, the conclusion of this study is CRT approach can develop student’s soft skills in chemistry learning


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    This research is library research, it is intended that the principle in conducting research utilizes data sources that have been available in various forms of writing. The purpose of this study is to illustrate that ICT can be used as a very relevant learning resource in the digital age today. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a type of literature study. The data used is secondary data. The results obtained from the research conducted that ICT has many impacts in the development of the learning process. The impact generated by ICT is not only positive, but also has a negative impact. However, in this study, one of the positive impacts of ICT was to be a source of learning in the digital era. The use of ICT in learning can optimize the statement that lifelong learning through distance education, asynchronous mode learning in which participants learn or communicate independently at different times anytime they are online (anytime-anywhere learning), and close professional isolation space during this is often felt in learning. The products resulting from ICT that can be used as learning resources are e-learning, e-books, e-libraries, e-modules, online tutorials, educational television, educational radio, interactive multimedia and virtual laboratories. So it was concluded that ICT can be used as a source of learning in the digital era

    Topical antifungal keratitis therapeutic potential of Clitoria ternatea Linn. flower extract: phytochemical profiling, in silico modelling, and in vitro biological activity assessment

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    IntroductionFungal keratitis (FK) poses a severe threat to vision, potentially leading to blindness if not promptly addressed. Clitoria ternatea flower extracts have a history of use in Ayurvedic and Indian traditional medicines, particularly for treating eye ailments. This study investigates the antifungal and antibiofilm effects of Clitoria ternatea flower extracts on the FK clinical isolate Coniochaeta hoffmannii. Structural details and key compound identification were analysed through FTIR and GC-MS.MethodsThe minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) of Clitoria ternatea flower extracts were determined using broth dilution and well plate techniques. Biofilm inhibitory activity was assessed through microscopic evaluation, while anti-irritant and cytotoxic properties were evaluated using CAE-EI and MTT assays. Through GC-MS and FT-IR analysis the compounds dissolved in the extract and their functional group were studied, and their toxicity screening and pharmacokinetic prediction were conducted in silico. Subsequently, compounds with high corneal permeability were further identified, and molecular docking and simulation studies at 150 ns were used to investigate their interactions with fungal virulence factors and human inflammatory proteins.Results and DiscussionAt a concentration of 250 µg/mL, the Clitoria ternatea flower extract displayed effective biofilm inhibition. MIC and MFC values were determined as 500 and 1000 µg/mL, respectively. CAE-EI and MTT assays indicated no significant irritant and cytotoxic effects up to a concentration of 3 mg/mL. Compounds like 9,9-dimethoxybicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-2,4-dione showed high corneal permeability with strong and stable interactions with fungal virulence cellobiose dehydrogenase, endo β 1,4 xylanase, and glucanase, as well as corneal inflammation-associated human TNF-α and Interleukin IL-1b protein targets. The findings indicate that extracts from C. ternatea flowers could be formulated for an effective and safe alternative for developing new topical FK therapeutics

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Formula Bumbu Penyedap Berbasis Jamur Tiram pada Sistem Penyelenggaraan Makanan

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    Formula development and sensory evaluation of seasoning agents using oyster mushroom has been carried out in the previous studies. Sensory quality is a food quality parameter that affectednutritional fulfillment and satisfaction. The use of seasoning agents was needed to be evaluated on foodservice system as a sensory evaluation in large quantities of processing. The objectives of this study wereto determine differences in food satisfaction and nutritional fulfillment on food service using seasoningagent of oyster mushroom. This was quasi-experimental study, conducted in July 2019 at Sekolah AlamNurul Islam, Yogyakarta. Respondents were the teachers. Data on nutritional needs were calculated usingweight and height, whereas food intake was obtained using food recall. Data of food recalls wereanalyzed using Nutrisurvey to obtain energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake. Furthermore,nutritional fulfillment was obtained by comparing the food intake with the nutritional needs. Foodsatisfaction was obtained by interview using a food satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed usingWilcoxon Test and Chi Square Test. The results showed that there were no differences in nutritionalfulfillment and satisfaction on the first and second days (p>0.05), except for the fulfillment of fat (p<0.05).The differences were found on the third day (p<0.05). Seasoning agents using oyster mushrooms haven’tfully increased food satisfaction and nutritional fulfillment in the food service. The effect still depends onthe type of dish that is processed. Seasoning agent using oyster mushroom still requires formuladevelopment so that it can be applied to dishes processing in food service.Keywords: food intake, seasoning agent, oyster mushroom, food satisfaction, food servic

    - Meninjau Keuntungan dan Tantangan Indonesia selaku Ketua ASEAN Summit 2023 atas Kerja Sama IMT-GT dalam Kaitan BRI (Belt and Road Initiative): Relasi Program IMT-GT dan BRI, Mengemban Peran Pivotal: Indonesia selaku Ketua ASEAN 2023

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    IMT and BRI is international collaboration that aim to improve the economic growth and connectivity. The background of this study to review opportunity and challenge Indonesia as a corporation country with IMT-GT and BRI, also its position as ASEAN Summit Leader 2023. Globalization crate corporation and dependency between countries increasingly unavoidable, so this openness give the opportunity and challenge to country and organization. Establish the BRI Program make a challenge to ASEAN direct or according IMT-GT corporation as a collaboration three country of ASEAN. China as one economic hegemony of the world now according BRI program give the impact to capacity and connectivity area. The purpose of this study to review impact BRI police to IMT-GT corporation which have chance to improve accessibility area to economic growth according goal of IMT-GT. But BRI position also can make the challenge to IMT-GT like dependency to China as also possible make big impact to quality IMT-GT corporation. This study using qualitative analysis method with secondary data. The study shows BRI possible give impact to ASEAN country relation, dependency to China, and capacity connectivity ASEAN area.   Keywords: IMT-GT; BRI; Efektivitas Kawasan; ConnectivityIMT-GT dan BRI merupakan kerja sama internasional yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan konektivitas. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi untuk meninjau keuntungan dan tantangan Indonesia selaku pihak yang bekerja sama dengan IMT-GT dan BRI serta kedudukannya sebagai Ketua ASEAN Summit 2023. Globalisasi membuat kerja sama dan ketergantungan antar negara semakin tidak bisa dihindarkan sehingga keterbukaan tersebut memberikan peluang sekaligus tantangan bagi negara dan organisasi. Didirikannya program BRI menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi ASEAN baik secara langsung maupun melalui kerja sama IMT-GT yang merupakan program kerja sama dari tiga anggota ASEAN. Tiongkok sebagai salah satu hegemoni ekonomi dunia saat ini melalui program BRI dapat mempengaruhi IMT-GT dan ASEAN secara keseluruhan dalam hal kapasitas dan efektivitas kawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau pengaruh kebijakan BRI terhadap kerja sama IMT-GT yang berpeluang meningkatkan aksesibilitas kawasan dan berdampak baik pada pertumbuhan ekonomi negara-negara sejalan dengan tujuan IMT-GT. Namun, keberadaan BRI juga memberikan tantangan terhadap IMT-GT berupa ketergantungan terhadap Tiongkok serta berkemungkinan berimbas pada kualitas kerja sama IMT-GT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif analitis dengan data bersifat sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa BRI berkemungkinan memberikan dampak bagi relasi antar negara ASEAN, ketergantungan terhadap Tiongkok, dan berpengaruh terhadap kapasitas dan efektivitas kawasan ASEAN