197 research outputs found

    Updated absolute gravity rate of change associated with glacial isostatic adjustment in Southeast Alaska and its utilization for rheological parameter estimation

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    In Southeast Alaska (SE-AK), rapid ground uplift of up to 3 cm/yr has been observed associated with post-Little Ice Age glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). Geodetic techniques such as global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and absolute gravimetry have been applied to monitor GIA since the last 1990s. Rheological parameters for SE-AK were determined from dense GNSS array data in earlier studies. However, the absolute gravity rate of change observed in SE-AK was inconsistent with the ground uplift rate, mainly because few gravity measurements from 2006 to 2008 resulted in imprecise gravity variation rates. Therefore, we collected absolute gravity data at six gravity points in SE-AK every June in 2012, 2013, and 2015, and updated the gravity variation rate by reprocessing the absolute gravity data collected from 2006 to 2015. We found that the updated gravity variation rate at the six gravity points ranged from −2.05 to −4.40 μGal/yr, and its standard deviation was smaller than that reported in the earlier study by up to 88 %. We also estimated the rheological parameters under the assumption of the incompressible Earth to explain the updated gravity variation rate, and their optimal values were determined to be 55 km and 1.2×10¹⁹ Pa s for lithospheric thickness and upper mantle viscosity, respectively. These optimal values are consistent with those independently obtained from GNSS observations, and this fact indicates that absolute gravimetry can be one of the most effective methods in determining sub-surface structural parameters associated with GIA accurately. Moreover, we utilized the gravity variation rates for estimating the ratio of gravity variation to vertical ground deformation at the six gravity points in SE-AK. The viscous ratio values were obtained as −0.168 and −0.171 μGal/mm from the observed data and the calculated result, respectively. These ratios are greater (in absolute) than those for other GIA regions (−0.15 to −0.16 μGal/mm in Antarctica and Fennoscandia), because glaciers in SE-AK have melted more recently than in other regions

    Molecular Gas Properties in the Host Galaxy of GRB 080207

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    We present the results of CO(1–0) and CO(4–3) observations of the host galaxy of a long-duration gamma-ray burst GRB 080207 at z = 2.0858 by using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. The host is detected in CO(1–0) and CO(4–3), becoming the first case for a gamma-ray burst (GRB) host with more than two CO transitions detected combined with CO(2–1) and CO(3–2) in the literature. Adopting a metallicity-dependent CO-to-H2 conversion factor, we derive a molecular gas mass of M gas = 8.7 × 1010 M ⊙, which places the host in a sequence of normal star-forming galaxies in an M gas–star formation rate (SFR) plane. A modified blackbody fit to the far-infrared–millimeter photometry results in a dust temperature of 37 K and a dust mass of M dust = 1.5 × 108 M ⊙. The spatially resolved CO(4–3) observations allow us to examine the kinematics of the host. The CO velocity field shows a clear rotation and is reproduced by a rotation-dominated disk model with a rotation velocity of 350 km s‑1 and a half-light radius of 2.4 kpc. The CO spectral line energy distribution derived from the four CO transitions is similar to that of starburst galaxies, suggesting a high excitation condition. Comparison of molecular gas properties between the host and normal (main-sequence) galaxies at similar redshifts shows that they share common properties such as gas mass fraction, gas depletion timescale, gas-to-dust ratio, location in the M gas–SFR (or surface density) relation, and kinematics, suggesting that long-duration GRBs can occur in normal star-forming environments at z ∼ 2

    Metabolism of the α,β-Unsaturated Ketones, Chalcone and trans-4-Phenyl-3-buten-2-one, by Rat Liver Microsomes and Estrogenic Activity of the Metabolites

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    PBO was oxidized by cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, 2C6 and 2E1. Chalcone and PBO were negative in an estrogen reporter assay using estrogen-responsive human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. However, 4-hydroxychalcone, 2-hydroxychalcone, 4'-hydroxychalcone and 4-OH-PBO exhibited estrogenic activity. DMD #2634

    Very compact millimeter sizes for composite star-forming/AGN submillimeter galaxies

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    We report the study of far-IR sizes of submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) in relation to their dust-obscured star formation rate (SFR) and active galactic nuclei (AGN) presence, determined using mid-IR photometry. We determined the millimeter-wave (λobs=1100μ\lambda_{\rm obs}=1100 \mum) sizes of 69 ALMA-identified SMGs, selected with 10\geq10σ\sigma confidence on ALMA images (F1100μm=1.7F_{\rm 1100 \mu m}=1.7--7.4 mJy). We found that all the SMGs are located above an avoidance region in the millimeter size-flux plane, as expected by the Eddington limit for star formation. In order to understand what drives the different millimeter-wave sizes in SMGs, we investigated the relation between millimeter-wave size and AGN fraction for 25 of our SMGs at z=1z=1--3. We found that the SMGs for which the mid-IR emission is dominated by star formation or AGN have extended millimeter-sizes, with respective median Rc,e=1.60.21+0.34R_{\rm c,e} = 1.6^{+0.34}_{-0.21} and 1.50.24+0.93^{+0.93}_{-0.24} kpc. Instead, the SMGs for which the mid-IR emission corresponds to star-forming/AGN composites have more compact millimeter-wave sizes, with median Rc,e=1.00.20+0.20R_{\rm c,e}=1.0^{+0.20}_{-0.20} kpc. The relation between millimeter-wave size and AGN fraction suggests that this size may be related to the evolutionary stage of the SMG. The very compact sizes for composite star-forming/AGN systems could be explained by supermassive black holes growing rapidly during the SMG coalescing, star-formation phase.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ Lette

    SXDF-ALMA 2 Arcmin^2 Deep Survey: Resolving and Characterizing the Infrared Extragalactic Background Light Down to 0.5 mJy

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    We present a multi-wavelength analysis of five submillimeter sources (S_1.1mm = 0.54-2.02 mJy) that were detected during our 1.1-mm-deep continuum survey in the SXDF-UDS-CANDELS field (2 arcmin^2, 1sigma = 0.055 mJy beam^-1) using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The two brightest sources correspond to a known single-dish (AzTEC) selected bright submillimeter galaxy (SMG), whereas the remaining three are faint SMGs newly uncovered by ALMA. If we exclude the two brightest sources, the contribution of the ALMA-detected faint SMGs to the infrared extragalactic background light is estimated to be ~ 4.1^{+5.4}_{-3.0} Jy deg^{-2}, which corresponds to ~ 16^{+22}_{-12}% of the infrared extragalactic background light. This suggests that their contribution to the infrared extragalactic background light is as large as that of bright SMGs. We identified multi-wavelength counterparts of the five ALMA sources. One of the sources (SXDF-ALMA3) is extremely faint in the optical to near-infrared region despite its infrared luminosity (L_IR ~ 1e12 L_sun or SFR ~ 100 M_sun yr^{-1}). By fitting the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) at the optical-to-near-infrared wavelengths of the remaining four ALMA sources, we obtained the photometric redshifts (z_photo) and stellar masses (M_*): z_photo ~ 1.3-2.5, M_* ~ (3.5-9.5)e10 M_sun. We also derived their star formation rates (SFRs) and specific SFRs (sSFRs) as ~ 30-200 M_sun yr^{-1} and ~ 0.8-2 Gyr^{-1}, respectively. These values imply that they are main-sequence star-forming galaxies.Comment: PASJ accepted, 15 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Polarization characteristics of phase retardation defect mode lasing in polymeric cholesteric liquid crystals

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    We have studied the lasing characteristics of a dye-doped nematic layer sandwiched by two polymeric cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC) films as photonic band gap (PBG) materials. The nematic layer acts as a defect layer, the anisotropy of which brings about the following remarkable optical characteristics: (1) reflectance in the PBG region exceeds 50% due to the retardation effect, being unpredictable from a single CLC film; (2) efficient lasing occurs either at the defect mode wavelength or at the photonic band edge; and (3) the lasing emission due to both the defect mode and the photonic band edge mode contains both right- and left-circular polarizations, while the lasing emission from a dye-doped single CLC layer with a left-handed helix is left-circularly polarized.open2

    Voltage-assisted Magnetization Switching in Ultrathin Fe80Co20 Alloy Layers

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    Growing demands for the voltage-driven spintronic applications with ultralow-power consumption have led to new interest in exploring the voltage-induced magnetization switching in ferromagnetic metals. In this study, we observed a large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy change in Au(001) / ultrathin Fe80Co20(001) / MgO(001) / Polyimide / ITO junctions, and succeeded in realizing a clear switching of magnetic easy axis between in-plane and perpendicular directions. Furthermore, employing a perpendicularly magnetized film, voltage-induced magnetization switching in the perpendicular direction under the assistance of magnetic fields was demonstrated. These pioneering results may open a new window of electric-field controlled spintronics devices