326 research outputs found

    Der Konflikt als gesellschaftspolitischer Begriff

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    The conflict of 2001 in the Republic of Macedonia between Albanian uprisers of the NLA (National Liberation Army) and the Macedonian police and army contains all proportions of theoretical and scientific interpretation with respect to political juridical terminology, verified scientific terms for similar usage in objective circumstances. Confusion in the interpretation of the 2001 conflict also derives from disrespect for political juridical terminology and objective reality of subjective events. This confusion ocurs in scientific surroundings in Macedonia and as such continues to "function" within mass communication as well. This paper aims to provide a more real and objective image in the interpretation of the conflict in 2001, by emphasizing disrespect for political termoinoligy by the actors of the 2001 events.Čak i nakon teorijskog uvida i empirijskog tumačenja terminologije koja se odnosi na sukob 2001, sve ostaje nejasno, a pitanje «Što se dogodilo s oružanim sukobom u Makedoniji 2001?» još se uvijek postavlja. Premda je prošlo pet godina, definicija oružanog sukoba u Makedoniji 2001 još uvijek nije konačna. Politička pravna terminologija koju koriste akteri ovih događaja je potpuno neprimjerena i protivna trima sudionicima u sukobu; vojno-policijskim snagama Makedonije, NOA i međunarodnom čimbeniku. Svi ti termini i koncepti uzrokovali su zbrku u njihovu tumačenju i komunikaciji u masovnim medijima. Činjenica je da je nepoštivanje političkih pravnih termina u empirijskoj sferi komunikacije dovelo do subjektivnog tumačenja objektivnih događaja i okolnosti u oružanom sukobu 2001. U Makedoniji se 2001. dogodio oružani sukob između naoružanih skupina i državne policije. Pitanje koje se postavlja u ovoj fazi je - jesmo li imali etnički sukob ili etnički rat? Je li postojao geo-strateški sraz u tom sukobu? Pokazuje li nam taj sukob da smo imali građanski rat? Je li terminologija «rata za ljudska prava» korištena u tom sukobu? Sva ova pitanja i mnoga druga još uvijek traže znanstvene i empirijske odgovore.Auch nach dem theoretischen Aspekt und der empirischen Auslegung der Terminologie, die sich auf den Konflikt von 2001 bezieht, bleibt alles unklar, und die Frage, was mit dem bewaffneten Konflikt 2001 in Makedonien passierte, wird immer noch gestellt. Obwohl fünf Jahre vergangen sind, steht die Definition des bewaffneten Konflikts im Jahre 2001 in Makedonien immer noch nicht endgültig fest. Die politische Rechtsterminologie, die von den Akteuren der Ereignisse verwendet wird, ist völlig unangemessen und entspricht nicht den drei beteiligten Seiten im Konflikt, den Militär- und Polizeikräften Makedoniens, der NOA und dem internationalen Faktor. All die Termine und Konzepte haben Verwirrung in ihrer Auslegung und der Kommunikation in den Massenmedien verursacht. Es ist eine Tatsache, dass die Missachtung politischer Rechtstermine in der empirischen Kommunikationssphäre zur subjektiven Auslegung objektiver Ereignisse und Umstände des bewaffneten Konflikts von 2001 führte. In Makedonien kam es im Jahre 2001 zu einem bewaffneten Konflikt zwischen bewaffneten Gruppen und der Staatspolizei. Die Frage, die sich in dieser Phase stellt, ist – hatten wir einen ethnischen Konflikt oder einen ethnischen Krieg? Ist es in diesem Konflikt zu einem geostrategischen Zusammenstoß gekommen? Zeigt uns dieser Konflikt, dass wir einen Bürgerkrieg hatten? Wurde die Terminologie „Krieg für Menschenrechte“ in diesem Konflikt benutzt? All diese und viele andere Fragen verlangen noch immer nach wissenschaftlichen und empirischen Antworten

    Press Releases of International Institutions, Language Register and their Impact on Albanians based on their Translation and Interpretation by Political parties

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    This paper concentrates on the functions and uses of English in the political discourse of Albania after the political changes in the 1990s. Its focus is on the English translations and interpretations of the political declarations and press releases of US Embassy in Tirana. Political discourse is characterized by rich figurative language which is distinguished for its stylistic power and informal register. Focusing on the use of similes, metaphors, and informal language, this paper shows how certain aspects of communication are affected by translation and their interpretation to the public by the political parties based on their political interests

    The Role of Pharmacological Agents in Nerve Regeneration after Peripheral Nerve Repair

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    Peripheral nerve injuries are frequent and represent a significant pathology of the peripheral nervous system because, despite operative techniques and successful microsurgical repair, in most cases, the nerve repair is followed by scar formation. Numerous investigations have been carried out with the aim of finding pharmacological substances that can prevent scar formation and speed up the regeneration of repaired nerves. This chapter is dedicated to the efforts of many researchers to find different pharmacological agents with local effects on the improvement of nerve regeneration. Numerous experiments have been carried out in mice and rabbits using hyaluronic acid, tacrolimus, cyclosporin A, melatonin, vitamin B12, methylprednisolone, riluzole and potassium and calcium channel blockers. In the experimental animal studies, topical pharmacological agents were used at the site of peripheral nerve repair. The effect of these substances is most commonly studied in sciatic nerve injury in experimental animals. Their effects were evaluated using a variety of methods, such as morphological, biomechanical, electrophysiological and functional evaluation, and the above‐mentioned substances, have been shown to have neuroprotective and neuroregenerative properties though different mechanisms

    Gender: Kosova’s Other Challenge

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    The extent of differences in roles between the genders in Kosova is examined. Kosovar men, on average, devote 57 percent of their non-rest time to earned income activities (i.e., agriculture, other self-employed, and hired), and only 4 percent to housekeeping. In very sharp contrast, Kosovar women, on average, devote 14 percent of their time to earned income activities and a staggering 65 percent to housekeeping. There are considerable differences across Kosova’s ethnic groups, with much less rigid gender roles among ethnic Serbians than is true for ethnic Albanians. It is argued that rigidly defined gender roles result in significant inefficiencies in the economy. Consistent with this view, ethnic Serbian Kosovars have significantly higher incomes and lower incidences of poverty than their ethnic Albanian counterparts

    Founders' Education and SME Performance in Kosovo

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    This research deals with the professional preparation of the founders of the SME sector in Kosovo, and also aims to present the state of abilities and skills of the founders of SMEs. Also of interest in this research is the analysis of the skills of managers, founders of SMEs, what is their perception regarding the reflection of education in the SME business, namely what is their performance which should be reflected in the success and development of SMEs. The paper therefore aims to analyze the education and reflection of this education on the success of SMEs. Economic and social development in Kosovo, and elsewhere, depends on the success of SME owners and managers. This management structure will be able to move SMEs forward if they have an important factor such as education and experience in the sector where the SME operates. This paper explores the professional background of the founders, the size of the business structure, the experience of the founders in the field where the SME was founded, the age at the time of its establishment, the impact of technology

    Prevalence of and Factors Linked to Occupational Stress in Public and Private Organizations in Kosovo

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    Stress is emerging as an increasing prob lem in organizations and companies over the recent decades. Despite the awareness on the risks associated with occupational stress, the growing number of literature on stress, so far no empirical research was done to study the prevalance of stress and associated work stressors of employees in Kosovo. Through quantitative research, this study sought to provide scientific contribution by examining the prevalance of stress and by identifying factors that cause stress among public and private sector employees. Findings revealed a relatively high prevalance of occupational stress among emplouyees, where responents with 1-20 years of work experience reporting being significantly more stressed than those with more than 20 years fo work experience. Moreover, reselts showed that stress adversely affects job performance of employees with 1-20 years of work experience as well as of female employees. stressors pertaining to demand, control, support, relationships, role and change were identified to be causing occupational stress among employees, all showing positive significant correlation with stress. Furthermore, both public and pirvate sector employees considered similar factors as stressful, even though public sector employees reported experiencing slightly higher levels of stress

    Deindustrialization of Kosovo and establishment of the private sector in Kosovo - Obstacles

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    This paper aims at analysing activities, and some of the causes of deindustrialization of Kosovo’s economy, and the stage of initial establishment of the private sector in Kosovo. The purpose of the paper is to present the current situation and development orientations, namely to review some of the obstacles from the perspective of entrepreneurs, with a view of eliminating such obstacles and fostering development. The paper shall provide a comparison of exports and imports, with a special focus on obstacles to Kosovo’s SMEs. This paper shall prove an overview on the situation of SME development and its sectors, and it is an effort to mirror the main obstacles preventing competitiveness and development of the sector. The analysis in this paper represent an effort to inform stakeholders with the sector, and help interested parties to take necessary action in improving the situation in the sector, and to assist sectors in benefitting from business opportunities, by creating a business development conducive environment, so that the changes occurring in the sector feed economic development, foster employment and help in attracting foreign investmentsThe main goal of the paper is to provide a basis for informing various actors involved in industrial development policy making in Kosovo.On the other hand, it is also an effort to contribute in consolidating information and statistical records, with a view of providing an accurate overview on Kosovo’s industry


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    Sensorless speed rotor flux oriented control of induction motor drives it is known to produce high performance because of decoupling rotor flux and torque producing current components of stator currents. This paper describes a simple and robust sensorles speed rotor flux oriented control system for three phase induction motor drives that it is adequate for high dynamic applications. To control the rotor speed of the induction motor drives, a PI controller is included in the speed control system. A hysteresis current controllers are applied for changing the magnitude and the frequency of the output voltage of the PWM voltage source inverter which fed the induction motor. In order to verify the proposed sensorlees speed control system, the model of the system is implemented in MATLAB Simulink software, which is suitable for testing the dynamic simulation. Simulation results shows that the reference and rotor speed of induction motor are very closed to each-other under step load torque changes

    Learning Organization Survey: a study in Kosovan enterprises

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    The main purpose of this research is assessing the fundamental learning elements, considered as prerequisites for an enterprise to become a learning organization. More specifically, the research on the supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes and practices, and leadership that reinforces learning in Kosovan enterprises. This paper discusses how important and crucial is for enterprises to become learning organizations. A quantitative survey was conducted among 150 selected Kosovan enterprises. Learning Organization Survey - LOS is utilized as an assessment tool. This tool was chosen to assess the degree to which the Kosovan enterprises function as Learning Organization. The research results have highlighted that Kosovan enterprises have fallen short in implementing the Learning Organization since the scores were below the benchmark set up by Garvin et al. (2008). This study is likely to contribute to Kosovan decision makers and leaders keen to improve the learning environment, learning processes and practices and to reinforce learning within their enterprises. Also, it pinpoints the areas needing improvement in the Kosovan enterprises in this context