15 research outputs found

    Early attraction in temporally controlled sight reading of music

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    A music reader has to “look ahead” from the notes currently being played—this has usually been called the Eye-Hand Span. Given the restrictions on processing time due to tempo and meter, the Early Attraction Hypothesis suggests that sight readers are likely to locally increase the span of looking ahead in the face of complex upcoming symbols (or symbol relationships). We argue that such stimulus-driven effects on looking ahead are best studied using a measure of Eye-Time Span (ETS) which redefines looking ahead as the metrical distance between the position of a fixation in the score and another position that corresponds to the point of metrical time at fixation onset. In two experiments of temporally controlled sight reading, musicians read simple stepwise melodies that were interspersed with larger intervallic skips, supposed to create points of higher melodic complexity (and visual salience) at the notes following the skips. The results support both Early Attraction (lengthening of looking ahead) and Distant Attraction (lengthening of incoming saccades) in the face of relative melodic complexity. Notably, such effects also occurred on the notes preceding the nominally complex ones. The results suggest that saccadic control in music reading depends on temporal restrictions as well as on local variations in stimulus complexity

    Early attraction in temporally controlled sight reading of music

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    A music reader has to “look ahead” from the notes currently being played—this has usually been called the Eye-Hand Span. Given the restrictions on processing time due to tempo and meter, the Early Attraction Hypothesis suggests that sight readers are likely to locally increase the span of looking ahead in the face of complex upcoming symbols (or symbol relationships). We argue that such stimulus-driven effects on looking ahead are best studied using a measure of Eye-Time Span (ETS) which redefines looking ahead as the metrical distance between the position of a fixation in the score and another position that corresponds to the point of metrical time at fixation onset. In two experiments of temporally controlled sight reading, musicians read simple stepwise melodies that were interspersed with larger intervallic skips, supposed to create points of higher melodic complexity (and visual salience) at the notes following the skips. The results support both Early Attraction (lengthening of looking ahead) and Distant Attraction (lengthening of incoming saccades) in the face of relative melodic complexity. Notably, such effects also occurred on the notes preceding the nominally complex ones. The results suggest that saccadic control in music reading depends on temporal restrictions as well as on local variations in stimulus complexity.</p

    Metsiin perustuva biotalous - Suomen talouden keskeinen moottori

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    Forest-based bioeconomy - A driving force for the Finnish economy

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    Workshop on Raising Data using the RDBES and TAF (WKRDBESRaiseTAF; outputs from 2022 meeting)

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    41 páginasThe Workshop on Raising Data using the RDBES and TAF (WKRDBES-Raise&TAF) met online (26–30 of September 2022) to evaluate the use of the Regional Database and Estimation System (RDBES) format to reproduce the 2022 InterCatch input and output, identifying a Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) structure to organize the intermediate steps and to propose standardized output formats. The main outcomes of WKRDBES-Raise&TAF were: · RDBES provides sufficient support for current national estimation protocols. However, some minor issues were reported that hampered an exact reproduction of the estimates. Therefore, adaptations of the data model should not be excluded completely. · All the input to stock assessment that InterCatch currently provides, could be reproduced. The participants started from the current stock extracts that can be downloaded from InterCatch. · A workflow was proposed with a national TAF repository for each country, a stock estimation repository and a stock assessment repository. The intermediate output of those repositories will be stored in an ‘intermediate output database’ and depending on the user role, you will get access to the relevant stages in this workflow. · The following requirements for the standard output formats were defined: they cannot be more restrictive than the InterCatch input and output format; they should present measures of uncertainty and sample sizes (for national estimates) and should have a configurable domain definition (for national estimates). Despite those successful outcomes, the current plan for transition to an operational system was concluded to be too optimistic. WKRDBES-Raise&TAF therefore recommends to the Working Group on Governance of the Regional Database and Estimation System (WGRDBESGOV) to revise the roadmap and allow RDBES to be in a test phase also for 2023. WKRDBES-Raise&TAF felt the need to test the proposed workflow on a small scale and therefore recommends to the WGRDBESGOV to arrange a workshop where two stocks (pok.27.3a46 (Saithe (Pollachius virens) in Subareas 4, 6 and Division 3.a (North Sea, Rockall and West of Scotland, Skagerrak and Kattegat) and wit.27.3a47d (Witch (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) in Subarea 4 and Divisions 3.a and 7.d (North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat, eastern English Channel)) will be set up to go through the whole flow.Peer reviewe

    Statistical inference for eye movement sequences using spatial and spatio-temporal point processes

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    Eye tracking is a widely used method for recording eye movements, which are important indicators of ongoing cognitive processes during the viewing of a target stimulus. Despite the variety of applications, the analyses of eye movement data have been lacking of methods that could take both the spatial and temporal information into account. So far, most of the analyses are based on strongly aggregated measures, because eye movement data are considered to be complex due to their richness and large variation between and within the individuals. Therefore, the eye movement methodology needs new statistical tools in order to take full advantage of the data. This dissertation is among the first studies to employ point process statistics for eye movement data in order to understand its spatial nature together with the temporal dynamics. Here, we consider eye movements as a realisation of a spatio-temporal point process. The emphasis is in statistical inference on eye movements using existing point process statistics along with the new methods and models introduced in this work. Our aim is to get understanding of eye movements as a temporally evolving process in space. This objective is achieved in four steps: First, we apply the second-order characteristics of point processes to describe features of the process. Second, we develop new functional summary statistics in order to evaluate the temporal nature of the eye movements. Third, we use likelihood-based modelling to assess the uncertainty related to these data summaries. Fourth, the developed models are used both for group comparisons and for distinguishing components in an eye movement sequence. The empirical results of this dissertation give new information on visual processing of paintings. We find evidence that the viewing process of one subject changes during the inspection of the painting being an indication of learning. The behaviour of this learning effect, however, varies between the individuals. We also study differences between novices and non-novices in art viewing by comparing where they look at and for how long the gaze typically stops. The latter distinguishes the two groups, whereas the former reveals minor differences that are not statistically significant. Altogether, we hope that our results encourage researchers to pay more attention to temporal dynamics in eye movement data, as well as to the inevitable variation in the individual level. The spatio-temporal analysis of eye movements presented here is novel and covers a wide range of methods from functional summary statistics to the likelihood-based modelling. The methods and tools presented are applicable to other eye movement data collected in a freeviewing condition, but we believe that the developed models, being rather simple but flexible, could also be useful for the analysis of spatio-temporal sequences outside the field

    Seurantaloasioiden sähköinen arkistonhallinta Suomen Kotiseutuliitossa : Korjausavustushakemusprosessi

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    Julkishallinnossa asiakirjahallinta ja arkistointi ovat siirtyneet kokonaan sähköiseen muotoon. Ne ovat olennaisia toimintoja sekä organisaatiolle että sen palveluita käyttävälle toimijalle. Asiakirjahallintaan ja arkistointiin vaikuttavat sekä lainsäädäntö että Julkisen hallinnon tietohallinnon neuvottelukunnan (JUHTA) tekemät suositukset. Opinnäytetyöni toimeksiantaja on Suomen Kotiseutuliitto, joka jakaa harkinnanvaraisesti korjausavustuksia seurantalojen korjaamiseen. Varat korjausavustuksiin tulevat opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöstä (OKM). Korjausavustushakemukset ovat tulleet aikanaan Suomen Kotiseutuliittoon paperisena, mutta viime vuosina Suomen Kotiseutuliitto on siirtynyt sähköiseen korjausavustushakemukseen. Ohjelmiston sähköiseen korjaushakemukseen toimittaa Vetokonsultit oy. Tämän opinnäytetyön päätavoitteena on sähköisen asiakirja- ja arkistohallinnan kehittäminen. Tämä tarkoittaa seurantalojen korjausavustusten hakemus- ja selvitysaineistoon liittyvää sähköisen arkistonhallinnan vaatimusmäärittelyä sekä tiedonohjaussuunnitelman pääpiirteiden ja niiden reunaehtojen kartoittaminen. Tuotokset ovat toteutusehdotuksia, jotka ovat sellaisenaan Suomen Kotiseutuliiton käytettävissä. Aluksi tutustuin arkistoinnin, tiedonohjauksen ja sähköisen asiakirjahallinnan tietoperusteisiin. Tämä tarkoittaa perehtymistä erilaisiin ohjeisiin ja lakeihin, jotka liittyvät Sähköisten asiakirjallisten tietojen käsittelyyn, hallintaan ja säilyttämiseen. Arkistolaki, arkistonmuodostussuunnitelma (AMS), sähköinen arkistonmuodostussuunnitelma (eAMS) ja tiedonohjaussuunnitelma tulivat tutuiksi. Suomen Kotiseutuliitto tulee saamaan opinnäytetyössäni: tiedonohjaussuunnitelman, tarve- eli vaatimusmäärittelyn ja käyttötapauksia. Edelliset kolme (3) tuotosta ovat myös erillisinä liiteinä, jotka Suomen Kotiseutuliitto saa käyttöönsä

    Deducing self-interaction in eye movement data using sequential spatial point processes

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    Eye movement data are outputs of an analyser tracking the gaze when a person is inspecting a scene. These kind of data are of increasing importance in scientific research as well as in applications, e.g. in marketing and human-computer interface design. Thus the new areas of application call for advanced analysis tools. Our research objective is to suggest statistical modelling of eye movement sequences using sequential spatial point processes, which decomposes the variation in data into structural components having interpretation. We consider three elements of an eye movement sequence: heterogeneity of the target space, contextuality between subsequent movements, and time-dependent behaviour describing self-interaction. We propose two model constructions. One is based on the history-dependent rejection of transitions in a random walk and the other makes use of a history-adapted kernel function penalized by user-defined geometric model characteristics. Both models are inhomogeneous self-interacting random walks. Statistical inference based on the likelihood is suggested, some experiments are carried out, and the models are used for determining the uncertainty of important data summaries for eye movement data.peerReviewe