1,451 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of the superconducting state in Calcium at 200 GPa

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    The thermodynamic parameters of the superconducting state in Calcium under the pressure at 200 GPa were calculated. The Coulomb pseudopotential values (μ\mu^{\star}) from 0.1 to 0.3 were taken into consideration. It has been shown, that the specific heat's jump at the critical temperature and the thermodynamic critical field near zero Kelvin strongly decrease with μ\mu^{\star}. The dimensionless ratios r1ΔC(TC)/CN(TC)r_{1}\equiv \Delta C(T_{C})/C^{N}(T_{C}) and r2TCCN(TC)/HC2(0)r_{2}\equiv T_{C}C^{N}(T_{C})/H^{2}_{C}(0) significantly differ from the predictions based on the BCS model. In particular, r1r_{1} decreases from 2.64 to 1.97 with the Coulomb pseudopotential; whereas r2r_{2} increases from 0.140 to 0.157. The numerical results have been supplemented by the analytical approach.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    5D Black Rings and 4D Black Holes

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    It has recently been shown that the M theory lift of a IIA 4D BPS Calabi-Yau black hole is a 5D BPS black hole spinning at the center of a Taub-NUT-flux geometries, and a certain linear relation between 4D and 5D BPS partition functions was accordingly proposed. In the present work we fortify and enrich this proposal by showing that the M-theory lift of the general 4D multi-black hole geometry are 5D black rings in a Taub-NUT-flux geometry.Comment: 8 pages; version 2, with additional references and explanation

    Structure and dynamics of Rh surfaces

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    Lattice relaxations, surface phonon spectra, surface energies, and work functions are calculated for Rh(100) and Rh(110) surfaces using density-functional theory and the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. Both, the local-density approximation and the generalized gradient approximation to the exchange-correlation functional are considered. The force constants are obtained from the directly calculated atomic forces, and the temperature dependence of the surface relaxation is evaluated by minimizing the free energy of the system. The anharmonicity of the atomic vibrations is taken into account within the quasiharmonic approximation. The importance of contributions from different phonons to the surface relaxation is analyzed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, scheduled to appear in Phys. Rev. B, Feb. 15 (1998). Other related publications can be found at http://www.rz-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    Improved Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Modified PTFE Jet Penetrating Charge with Shell

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    A modified polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was produced by the addition of copper powder to improve the mechanical properties and penetration performance of conventional PTFE. Static compression and split Hopkinson pressure bar test analyses verified the improved mechanical properties of the modified PTFE. Shaped charge structure was designed with by applying modified PTFE to liner material, the formation of modified PTFE jet and the process of jet penetrating shell charge were researched by numerical simulation. As compared to Teflon, results demonstrated that the mechanical properties of the modified PTFE have been significantly improved to achieve greater consistency of jet formation, stronger penetration, broadened pore size, and increased damage performance in the absence of a charge shell explosion

    Uniaxial Phase Transition in Si : Ab initio Calculations

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    Based on a previously proposed thermodynamic analysis, we study the relative stabilities of five Si phases under uniaxial compression using ab initio methods. The five phases are diamond, beta-tin, sh, sc, and hcp structures. The possible phase-transition patterns were investigated by considering the phase transitions between any two chosen phases of the five phases. By analyzing the different conributions to the relative pahse stability, we identified the most important factors in reducing the phase-transition pressures at uniaxial compression. We also show that it is possible to have phase transitions occur only when the phases are under uniaxial compression, in spite of no phase transition when under hydrostatic commpression. Taking all five phases into consideration, the phase diagram at uniaxial compression was constructed for pressures under 20 GPa. The stable phases were found to be diamond, beta-tin and sh structures, i.e. the same as those when under hydrostatic condition. According to the phase diagram, direct phase transition from the diamond to the sh phase is possible if the applied uniaxial pressures, on increasing, satisfy the condition of Px>Pz. Simiilarly, the sh-to-beta-tin transition on increeasing pressures is also possible if the applied uniaxial pressures are varied from the condition of Px>Pz, on which the phase of sh is stable, to that of Px<Pz, on which the beta-tin is stable

    Effect of a Liner Material on the Formation of the Wrapping ExplosivelyFormed Penetrator

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    The wrapping explosively-formed penetrator is a new approach to shape change based on a pre-folded double liner: outer liner of higher density forming the shell and the inner liner of lower density forming the core. The penetrator can not only penetrate the armor but can form lots of fragments behind the target when it attacks light armored objects. The fragments generated by the lateral enhanced effect are able to destroy crew and equipment improving the integrated damage outcome. The shape and materials of the core and shell are the main factors controlling the penetrability and formation of fragments. The effect of liner materials on penetration was studied. with AUTODYN analysis. The results show that the difference in the through-thickness velocities and the interface of the two liners are the main factors leading to the separation of the core and shell. Penetrator with an evident lateral enhanced effect could be helpful to choose appropriate liner materials. The feasibility of forming the penetrator with double liners is substantiated providing a reference for the selection of liner material.Витой взрывной пенетратор – новая конструкция, основаная на использовании предварительно свернутого двойного слоя материала: наружный слой высокой плотности, формирующий облицовку, и внутренний слой низкой плотности, образующий сердцевину. Пенетратор не только проникает сквозь броню, но и обладает высоким бризантным дробящим действием за мишенью при атаке объектов с легкой броней. Осколки, образовавшиеся вследствие значительного латерального эффекта, способны уничтожать живую силу и боевую технику, увеличивая тем самым нанесенный ущерб. Конструкция и материалы сердцевины и облицовки являются основными факторами, определяющими проницаемость заряда и формирование осколков. Влияние материала слоев на структуру пенетратора изучено с помощью анализа AUTODYN. Различие в скорости по толщине и на поверхности контакта двух слоев обеспечивает отделение сердцевины от облицовки. Пенетратор, обладающий значительным латеральным эффектом, может быть использован в процедуре выбора материалов слоев. Подтверждена эффективность конструкции пенетратора с использованием двойных слоев

    Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics-Based Characteristics of a Shaped Jet from Different Materials

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    The liner material is one of the key factors in the design of armor-piercing ammunition that effect the penetration efficiency. The performance of a shaped jet formed by the charge liner is determined by different properties of the material under the blasting action, in particular for the target with explosive reactive armor, which diminishes the penetration power by dispersing the shaped jet. The performance of shaped jet elements from different materials is studied, AUTODYN finite element software and smooth particle hydrodynamics method are employed to simulate the formation of shaped jet elements from the three materials: Cu, PTFE, and PTFE/Cu and their penetration into target plates, which was verified in the experiment. A shaped jet for a Cu liner is shown to be formed under the action of a detonation wave, while PTFE and PTFE/Cu materials generate a dispersive particle jet. The head velocity of a Cu jet is found to be the lowest, the penetration depth is the deepest, and the penetration hole size is the smallest; the velocity of a PTFE particle jet is the highest and the penetration depth is the shallowest, the penetration hole size takes the mid-position; the head velocity and penetration depth of a PTFE/Cu jet take the mid-position, while the penetration hole is the largest. The PTFE/Cu jet possesses higher penetration performance as compared to the PTFE jet, and its hole-opening capability is improved as compared to the Cu jet.Облицовочный материал один из ключевых факторов при создании бронебойных боеприпасов, оказывающий влияние на эффективность внедрения. Работоспособность кумулятивного заряда, формируемого его облицовкой, определяется различными свойствами материала в условиях взрывной нагрузки, в частности для мишени с элементами динамической защиты, которые уменьшают проникающую способность, рассеивая кумулятивный заряд. Изучены рабочие характеристики элементов кумулятивного заряда из различных материалов. Конечноэлементное программное обеспечение AUTODYN и метод гидродинамики гладких частиц используются при моделировании формирования этих элементов и их внедрении в пластинымишени из трех материалов: Cu, ПТФЭ и ПТФЭ/Сu, что было проверено экспериментально. Показано, что кумулятивный заряд для медной облицовки формируется под действием детонационной волны, тогда как ПТФЭ и ПТФЭ/Cu материалы генерируют струю распыленных частиц. Установлено, что в головной части скорость струи частиц Сu наименьшая, глубина внедрения наибольшая, а размер отверстий наименьший, скорость струи частиц ПТФЭ наибольшая, глубина внедрения наименьшая, размер отверстий занимает среднее положение, скорость и глубина внедрения струи частиц ПТФЭ/Сu занимают среднее положение, тогда как отверстия имеют наибольший размер. Струя частиц ПТФЭ/Сu обладает более высокой эффективностью внедрения по сравнению со струей ПТФЭ, а ее проникающая способность выше, чем струи Cu.Облицювальний матеріал - один з ключових чинників при створенні бронебійних боєприпасів, який впливає на ефективність заглиблення. Працездатність кумулятивного заряду, який формується його облицюванням, визначається різними властивостями матеріалу в умовах вибухового навантаження, зокрема для мішені з елементами динамічного захисту, які зменшують проникаючу здатність, розсіюючи кумулятивний заряд. Вивчено робочі характеристики елементів кумулятивного заряду з різних матеріалів. Скінчнноелементне програмне забезпечення AUTODYN і метод гідродинаміки гладких частинок використовуються при моделюванні формування цих елементів і їх впровадженні в пластини-мішені з трьох матеріалів: Cu, ПТФЕ і ПТФЕ / Cu, що було перевірено експериментально. Показано, що кумулятивний заряд для мідного облицювання формується під дією детонаційної хвилі, тоді як ПТФЕ і ПТФЕ / Cu матеріали генерують струмінь розпорошених частинок. Встановлено, що в головній частині швидкість струменя частинок Cu найменша, глибина заглиблення найбільша, а розмір отворів менший, швидкість струменя частинок ПТФЕ найбільша, глибина заглиблення найменша, розмір отворів займає середнє положення, швидкість і глибина заглиблення струменя частинок ПТФЕ / Cu займають середнє положення, тоді як отвори мають найбільший розмір. Струмінь частинок ПТФЕ / Cu володіє більш високою ефективністю заглиблення в порівнянні зі струменем ПТФЕ, а її проникаюча здатність вище, ніж струменя Cu

    Inelastic x-ray scattering investigations of lattice dynamics in SmFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fy_y superconductors

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    We report measurements of the phonon density of states as measured with inelastic x-ray scattering in SmFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fy_y powders. An unexpected strong renormalization of phonon branches around 23 meV is observed as fluorine is substituted for oxygen. Phonon dispersion measurements on SmFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fy_y single crystals allow us to identify the 21 meV A1g_{1g} in-phase (Sm,As) and the 26 meV B1g_{1g} (Fe,O) modes to be responsible for this renormalization, and may reveal unusual electron-phonon coupling through the spin channel in iron-based superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted for SNS2010 conference proceeding

    Low-light-level nonlinear optics with slow light

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    Electromagnetically induced transparency in an optically thick, cold medium creates a unique system where pulse-propagation velocities may be orders of magnitude less than cc and optical nonlinearities become exceedingly large. As a result, nonlinear processes may be efficient at low-light levels. Using an atomic system with three, independent channels, we demonstrate a quantum interference switch where a laser pulse with an energy density of 23\sim23 photons per λ2/(2π)\lambda^2/(2\pi) causes a 1/e absorption of a second pulse.Comment: to be published in PR

    Random Time-Dependent Quantum Walks

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    We consider the discrete time unitary dynamics given by a quantum walk on the lattice Zd\Z^d performed by a quantum particle with internal degree of freedom, called coin state, according to the following iterated rule: a unitary update of the coin state takes place, followed by a shift on the lattice, conditioned on the coin state of the particle. We study the large time behavior of the quantum mechanical probability distribution of the position observable in Zd\Z^d when the sequence of unitary updates is given by an i.i.d. sequence of random matrices. When averaged over the randomness, this distribution is shown to display a drift proportional to the time and its centered counterpart is shown to display a diffusive behavior with a diffusion matrix we compute. A moderate deviation principle is also proven to hold for the averaged distribution and the limit of the suitably rescaled corresponding characteristic function is shown to satisfy a diffusion equation. A generalization to unitary updates distributed according to a Markov process is also provided. An example of i.i.d. random updates for which the analysis of the distribution can be performed without averaging is worked out. The distribution also displays a deterministic drift proportional to time and its centered counterpart gives rise to a random diffusion matrix whose law we compute. A large deviation principle is shown to hold for this example. We finally show that, in general, the expectation of the random diffusion matrix equals the diffusion matrix of the averaged distribution.Comment: Typos and minor errors corrected. To appear In Communications in Mathematical Physic