81 research outputs found

    Contextual Mobile Learning for professionals working in the “Smart City”

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    In this study, we propose an innovative approach using the “Contextual Mobile Learning System” based on the “Electronic Performance Support System” (EPSS) to support efficient just-in-time learning for professionals working in the “Smart city”. In this paper, we present the principle and the structure of our contextual mobile learning system, which uses a search engine to find appropriate learning units in relation with working activities and conditions and the user’s / worker’s profile. We further discuss the proposed system structure, supportive process and context-driven engine. Finally, we describe a scenario using our contextual mobile learning system

    Micro-analysis of lateral ballast resistance of seismic characteristics

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    The ballast bed becomes loose in the event of earthquake, as to track lateral resistance ability, even if no visible defects are found in on-site inspections. The behavior of ballast materials subjected to earthquake vibrations is dependent on a variety of factors, including amplitude, frequency, as well as the particle properties, for example, ballast degradation. Motivation for the investigation reported here is based on lateral ballast resistance after vibration. In this research, the discrete element method (DEM) was applied to simulate the seismic characteristics of ballast bed, where the irregular ballast particle was constructed; the interlock of ballast can be well modeled. The nonlinear contact force model with Mohr-Coulomb is adopted to model the clumped particles. A full-size track on a shaking table DEM model was developed, the sleeper lateral ballast resistance force index, and slope ballast particle displacements were analyzed under different vibration accelerations, vibration duration and vibration frequencies, compared with existed same size tests. The purpose of such modeling is micro-analysis of ballasted tracks under seismic effects. DEM test results clarified that sleeper lateral resistance was governed by seismic response. The lateral ballast resistance decrease with vibration accelerations, vibration duration and vibration frequencies, agreed with the tests results

    Task-technology Fit Aware Expectation-confirmation Model towards Understanding of MOOCs Continued Usage Intention

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been playing a pivotal role among the latest e-learning initiative and obtain widespread popularity in many universities. But the low course completion rate and the high midway dropout rate of students have puzzled some researchers and designers of MOOCs. Therefore, it is important to explore the factors affecting students’ continuance intention to use MOOCs. This study integrates task-technology fit which can explain how the characteristics of task and technology affect the outcome of technology utilization into expectation-confirmation model to analyze the factors influencing students’ keeping using MOOCs and the relationships of constructs in the model, then it will also extend our understandings of continuance intention about MOOCs. We analyze and study 234 respondents, and results reveal that perceived usefulness, satisfaction and task-technology fit are important precedents of the intention to continue using MOOCs. Researchers and designers of MOOCs may obtain further insight in continuance intention about MOOCs

    Micro-analysis of lateral ballast resistance of seismic characteristics

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    The ballast bed becomes loose in the event of earthquake, as to track lateral resistance ability, even if no visible defects are found in on-site inspections. The behavior of ballast materials subjected to earthquake vibrations is dependent on a variety of factors, including amplitude, frequency, as well as the particle properties, for example, ballast degradation. Motivation for the investigation reported here is based on lateral ballast resistance after vibration. In this research, the discrete element method (DEM) was applied to simulate the seismic characteristics of ballast bed, where the irregular ballast particle was constructed; the interlock of ballast can be well modeled. The nonlinear contact force model with Mohr-Coulomb is adopted to model the clumped particles. A full-size track on a shaking table DEM model was developed, the sleeper lateral ballast resistance force index, and slope ballast particle displacements were analyzed under different vibration accelerations, vibration duration and vibration frequencies, compared with existed same size tests. The purpose of such modeling is micro-analysis of ballasted tracks under seismic effects. DEM test results clarified that sleeper lateral resistance was governed by seismic response. The lateral ballast resistance decrease with vibration accelerations, vibration duration and vibration frequencies, agreed with the tests results

    Samcco : un Système d'Apprentissage Mobile Contextuel et Collaboratif dans des Situations Professionnelles

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    With the rapid development of mobile computing technologies, mobile learning has become a new important learning style in our life. Situated, contextual, personal, collaborative, informal and lifelong are the main characteristics of mobile learning. We are interested in applying mobile learning in contextual professional situations, particularly in the learning of mastering domestic, public and professional appliances. In our work, a learning system named SAMCCO (French acronym of Collaborative Contextual Mobile Learning System) which concerned MOCOCO (Mobility, Contextualization, Collaboration) concepts was proposed for the above aimed situations. The research involved the domains of mobile technologies, mobile learning, learning context, contextualization, learning methods, CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work), HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and AR (Augmented Reality). The problem of learning units was firstly studied. We considered learning units and their models as the learning resources for appliance mastering in our approach. We defined AMLOM (Appliance Mastering LOM) metadata to describe learning units. AMLOM metadata were extended from IEEE LOM (Learning Object Metadata) by redefining the existent elements and adding some new elements, which would support the contextualization of learning units in our proposed learning contexts. We also proposed a process for the production of learning units, which allows us to transform the original documentations, such as paper manuals or other electronic documents, into learning units in XML format, store and index them in database. The conception of SAMCCO is based on the IMERA (Computer Augmented Environment for Mobile Interaction) platform designed by our research team which concerns the following augmentations: augmented learners, augmented environment and augmented appliances. Learner's requirements and learning context in professional situations were identified and modeled in the conception of system. Learning methods such as just in time learning, learning by doing and collaborative learning were properly adapted into professional learning activities. The system architecture is based on models (generic services, databases, interaction patterns, etc) and explains how the learning system works. The objective of SAMCCO is to augment the learning efficiency and working performance associated in the activities of mastering domestic, public and professional appliances with MOCOCO characteristics. Based on the principles of our approach, we made several applications to validate the interest of SAMCCO in different concrete situations. MAPED test bench scenario allowed us to validate the process of the production of learning units in a precise industrial case. The scenario of computer maintenance is an application of contextual mobile learning in the activity of appliance maintenance. HSHB (Healthy Spirit in Healthy Body) project illustrates another type of contextual mobile learning for establishing a balanced meal in self-service restaurant, in which our system design was also used.Sous l'influence des technologies de l'informatique mobile, l'apprentissage devient de plus en plus mobile. En effet, utiliser des dispositifs mobiles pour apprendre, n'importe où et n'importe quand, c'est l'objectif de l'apprentissage mobile (Mobile Learning). Nous nous plaçons principalement dans des situations professionnelles, portant sur l'apprentissage contextuel de la maîtrise d'équipements domestiques, publics ou professionnels en mobilité. Nos travaux de recherche visent à mettre en oeuvre l'apprentissage mobile que nous voulons situé, contextuel, personnel, collaboratif, et tout au long de la vie. Nous proposons un système d'apprentissage mobile contextuel appelé SAMCCO (Système d'Apprentissage Mobile Contextuel et Collaboratif) qui prend en compte les exigences MOCOCO (Mobilité, Contextualisation, Collaboration). Dans nos travaux, nous explorons les domaines des technologies mobiles, de l'apprentissage mobile, de la contextualisation, des méthodes d'apprentissage en contexte, du Travail Collaboratif Assisté par Ordinateur (TCAO) de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM) et de la Réalité Augmentée (RA). Nos travaux ont commencé par l'étude de la modélisation d'unités d'apprentissage. Nous avons défini des modèles de ces unités d'apprentissage en tant que ressources d'apprentissage pour la maîtrise d'équipements. Nous définissons les métadonnées AMLOM (Appliance Mastering LOM) pour décrire ces unités d'apprentissage. Les métadonnées AMLOM sont issues d'IEEE LOM (Learning Object Metadata) avec la redéfinition de certains éléments et l'ajout de nouveaux éléments pour permettre la contextualisation des unités d'apprentissage dans nos contextes d'apprentissage. Nous avons également élaboré un processus de production d'unités d'apprentissage. Ce processus permet de transformer les documentations initiales, comme des manuels papier ou d'autres formats numériques, en unités d'apprentissage XML et de les stocker et indexer dans une base de données, pour être prêtes à être interrogées par le système d'apprentissage SAMCCO. La conception de SAMCCO s'appuie sur l'approche basée sur les scénarios et sur les modèles. SAMCCO se base sur la plateforme IMERA (Interaction Mobile dans l'Environnement Réel Augmenté) développée par notre équipe, qui a pour but de prendre en compte les augmentations suivantes : apprenant augmenté, environnement augmenté, équipement augmenté. La modélisation, la prise en compte des exigences d'apprenant et du contexte d'apprentissage dans son activité professionnelle sont au coeur de nos travaux. Nous avons également adapté des méthodes d'apprentissage, comme l'apprentissage juste à temps, l'apprentissage par l'action et l'apprentissage collaboratif, à nos activités d'apprentissage mobiles. L'architecture du système se base sur des modèles (bases de données, services génériques, patterns d'interaction, etc.). L'objectif de SAMCCO est d'augmenter avec les caractéristiques MOCOCO l'efficacité de l'apprentissage et la performance du travail associé dans les activités de la maîtrise d'équipements domestiques, publics, ou professionnels. En s'appuyant sur les principes de notre approche, nous avons réalisé plusieurs applications pour valider l'intérêt de SAMCCO dans différentes situations. Le scénario du banc de tests MAPED nous a permis de valider le processus de production d'unités d'apprentissage dans un cas concret. Le scénario de maintenance de l'ordinateur est un cas d'application de l'apprentissage mobile contextuel dans une activité de maintenance d'équipement. Le projet HSHB (Healthy Spirit in Healthy Body) permet un autre type d'apprentissage, l'apprentissage mobile contextuel dans le processus de constitution d'un repas équilibré dans un restaurant libre service, dans lequel notre système peut également être utilisé

    Assistive systems for special mobility needs in the Coastal Smart City

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    International audienceThe Smart City is an important evolution for cities of different sizes and contexts. Multifaceted proposals are made all around the world. Mobility support and its evolution is an important part of this issue. In this paper we propose to study a particular context, which is devoted to showing how a Coastal city can become a Coastal Smart City. We present our study and proposals based mainly on special mobility configurations, the role and functionalities of corresponding assistive systems, and the HCIs implemented in practice. Finally, we integrate all these aspects in the architecture of the assistive system managing them

    Collaborative Systems & Shared Economy (Uberization): Principles & Case Study

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    International audienceIn this paper we analyze the characteristics of collaborative systems and the characteristics of shared economy supporting systems. Uberization as present in many applications: Airbnb, Uber, BlablaCar, AMAP, circular economy, etc. needs a cooperative system support. We examine this approach from the point of view of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and, more specifically, HMI (Human Machine Interaction) and CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) and indicate what must be added to collaborative systems to support uberization. This paper also shows how to identify appropriate collaborative models and how to add new uberization services to obtain an uberization supporting platform. A case of design of a collaborative application for Carbon Free Parcel Distribution is also presented, and corresponding intermediation algorithms are discussed

    Smart Coastal City Mobility Management in the Context of High Tourist Activity and Methodological Approaches

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    International audienceThe Smart City is a possible evolution of each City. With the rapid development of information technologies applied everywhere in city life, cities are becoming smarter and smarter. However, this context has multiple orientations, supported by an architecture of the assistive system and the associated implementation process. In this chapter, we present several cases of evolution of a city to become smart by integration of appropriate applications and associated assistive services. The integration of initially autonomous applications to a system is natural evolution, conducting to create an assistive system. We begin by the presentation of different smart city applications, then we try to conceptualize this issue and point out the main aspects. We propose also a design methodology with different approaches illustrated by several case studies that attempt to transform a coastal city into a Smart Coastal City. Proposed design methodology approaches and technologies can be used in order to manage the progress of a city to become smarter. We present several cases, supported by appropriate approaches, mainly mobility oriented and indicate their relations with proposed methodology, the role and functionalities of corresponding assistive systems, and the HCIs implemented in practice. Finally, we integrate all these aspects in the architecture of an assistive system managing them

    Design methodology for "Smartification" of Cities: Principles and case study

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    International audienceThe Smart City is a possible evolution of each City. With the rapid development of information technologies applied everywhere in city life, cities are becoming smarter and smarter. However, this context has multiple orientations, supported by an architecture of the assistive system and the associated implementation process. In this paper, we propose a design methodology with different approaches and illustrate them by a case study that attempts to transform a coastal city into a Smart Coastal City. All the design methodologies and technologies can be referred in other smart city applications