691 research outputs found

    The experience with macro-prudential policies of the central bank of the republic of Turkey in response to the global financial crisis

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    This brief country case study on Turkey aims to summarize the fundamental developments in the banking sector, which represents almost 90 percent of the financial sector in the country. The brief has two parts. The first covers the 2001 financial crisis and the developments until end of 2007, the year before the global financial crisis of 2008 started. The second part focuses on the macro-prudential policies applied by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey in response to the global financial crisis in three phases: (i) full liquidity support after Lehman Brothers'collapse (September 2008), (ii) the exit strategy (April 2010), and (iii) the new policy mix (final quarter of 2010).Debt Markets,Banks&Banking Reform,Currencies and Exchange Rates,Emerging Markets,Bankruptcy and Resolution of Financial Distress

    Assessment of Oxidative Status in Foot Diseases of Sheep

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    Background: Oxidative stress plays an important role in the etiology and/or progression of various diseases in the livestock. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between foot diseases and oxidant and antioxidant levels, determining catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO) and glutathione (GSH) concentrations in sheep with foot disease such as interdigital dermatitis, footrot and interdigital pouch infection (biflex canal inflammation).Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 70 sheep aged between 1 and 3, 20 sheep with interdigital dermatitis, 20 with foot-rot, 10 with interdigital pouch inflammation and 20 clinically healthy Akkaraman sheep, were used. The blood samples collected from the V. Jugularis of the sheep were centrifuged and their serums were obtained. MDA and NO levels of the sheep with interdigital dermatitis, footrot and interdigital pouch infection were found to be significantly higher than those of animals in the control group (P 0.05). We found that serum MDA and NO levels were found to significantly increase in sheep with foot disease and serum CAT levels were found to be significantly lower. The results of this research indicate that MDA, NO and CAT activities may be more reliable parameters than GSH-Px and GSH activities in order to determine oxidative stress in sheep with foot diseases. In conclusion, this study reveals that there is a relationship between foot diseases and oxidant/antioxidant balance in sheep and it shows that the oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation develop due to the increase of free radicals

    The Effect of Science Teaching Enriched With Technological Applications on the Science Achievements of 7th Grade Students

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    This study aims to research the impacts of science teaching enriched with technological applications on the science course achievement levels of 7th grade students. 13 weeks long research was carried out with 7th grade students studying at a state secondary school in Turkey in 2016. In the study, quasi-experimental method, experimental design with the pretest-posttest control group was used. There were 83 students (control=42, experiment=41) in the study group. “Science Achievement Test” developed by the researchers was used as data collection tool. There are 28 multiple-choice, four-choice items in the achievement test covering subjects taught, and the KR 20 reliability coefficient is 0.78. “Science Achievement Test” was used as the pretest, posttest, and follow-up test. Teaching was carried out by the same science teacher in the science class in both the control and experiment groups. In the control group, student-centered learning approach suitable to the 2013 Science Course Curriculum was given to the students, and no experimental procedure was applied. In the experiment group, 2013 Science Course Curriculum was followed, and teaching was carried out with technology enriched science teaching applications. At the end of the research, it was found that the achievement levels of the experiment group with the technology enriched science teaching applications increased significantly and was higher at a meaningful level than the achievement of the control group students. According to this findings, it can be suggested that technology enriched teaching should also be used in science teaching to address individual differences by enriching teaching

    Impact of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Based Education Applications on Prospective Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Belief Levels Toward Science Education

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of technological pedagogical content knowledge-based education applications on prospective teachers’ self-efficacy belief levels toward science education. The study was conducted on the 3rd year prospective science teachers of a public university and continued for 14 weeks. In the study, quasi -experimental method, pretest-posttest experimental design with a control group. The research was performed in the Instructional Technologies and Material Design courses during the education year of 2015-2016. In the research, one of the classes of the 3rd years was determined as a control and another one as an experimental group. There were 65 students (control=33, experiment=32) in the study group. As the instrument of data collection, the self-efficacy belief levels toward science education scale was used and the scale was applied as pretest, posttest and follow-up test. Cronbach Alpha (a) consistency coefficient of the scale is 0.82. To the students in the experimental group, the education applications based on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge were introduced by the researcher; the courses were made with these applications and they were requested to use these applications that they learned in the materials that they were making. As for the control group, the courses were made with the current curriculum. The research results show that the self-efficacy belief levels of prospective science teachers toward science education design is higher in the experimental group than the students in the control group

    Practical Implementation of RIS-Aided Spectrum Sensing: A Deep Learning-Based Solution

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    This paper presents reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided deep learning (DL)-based spectrum sensing for next-generation cognitive radios. To that end, the secondary user (SU) monitors the primary transmitter (PT) signal, where the RIS plays a pivotal role in increasing the strength of the PT signal at the SU. The spectrograms of the synthesized dataset, including the 4G LTE and 5G NR signals, are mapped to images utilized for training the state-of-art object detection approaches, namely Detectron2 and YOLOv7. By conducting extensive experiments using a real RIS prototype, we demonstrate that the RIS can consistently and significantly improve the performance of the DL detectors to identify the PT signal type along with its time and frequency utilization. This study also paves the way for optimizing spectrum utilization through RIS-assisted CR application in next-generation wireless communication systems.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Systems Journal, Copyright IEE


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    Her devletin uygulamaya koyduğu kendine has törenleri vardır. Törenler o devletingeçmişten getirdiği ve kendisiyle özleştirdiği özel uygulamalardır. Geçmişten günümüzeçeşitli Türk devletleri de bu çerçevede özellikle devlete ve devletlerarası ilişkilerin törenselboyutlarına dair birtakım özgün uygulamalar geliştirmişlerdir. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda daoldukça katı, çok disiplinli ve devletin o günkü gücüyle doğru orantılı bir takım protokolkuralları geliştirilmiş ve titizlikle bu kurallar uygulanmıştır.Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda, devletlerarası diplomatik protokol kuralları açısından,konumuzu oluşturan elçi kabulleriyle ilgili olarak, oldukça sıkı hiyerarşik uygulamalaryapılmıştır. Osmanlı'nın beylikten devlete ve oradan da imparatorluğa uzanan tarihselsürecinde, yabancı devletlerle olan diplomatik ilişkilerinde bu protokol kurallarına hassas birşekilde riayet edilmiştir.II. Murad döneminde Edirne Sarayı'ndaki ilk elçi kabulünden, devletin başkentininİstanbul'a nakledilmesinden sonra Topkapı Sarayı'ndaki elçi kabul törenlerine kadar, gelenelçilere hep devletin büyüklüğü gösterilmek amaçlanmış ve elçi kabul törenleri de buçerçeveye oturtulmuştur.İlgili dönemlere ait minyatürlerdeki elçi kabul sahnelerinin betimlemelerindekullanılan renkler, sahne tasarımları, kompozisyonlardaki öne çıkartılan vurgulamalar(padişahın ve hükümdarlık simgesi olan tahtın güçlü bir şekilde merkeze oturtulması), hepdevletin gücünün protokol uygulamalarındaki birer yansımalarından ibarettir. Buminyatürlerde aynı zamanda Osmanlı'nın devletten imparatorluğa uzanan çizgidekidiplomatik duruşunu da gözlemleyebilmekteyiz. Döneme ait çeşitli seyyahların yazdıkları seyahatnamelerde ve görsel olarak da ayrıca gravürlerde ve resimlerde bunlara dair birçokörnek görmekteyiz. Every state performs its own special ceremonies. Ceremonies are specialimplementations which that state carries from the past and identifies itself with. From past topresent, different Turkish states have developed some implementations within this contextabout the state and the ceremonial extents of interstate relations. In the time of the OttomanEmpire some strict and very well-disciplined rules which are in direct proportion to thepower of the state were developed and these rules were meticulously applied.In the Ottoman Empire very strict hierarchal implementations were made in regar tothe herald's receptions in terms of interstate diplomatic protocol rules which constitute oursubject. During the historical period of the Ottoman Empire which extends from the beylic tothe state and then to the empire, these protocol rules were complied with accurately in thediplomatic relations with foreign states.From the first herald's reception at the the Edirne Palace in the time of Murad II to thereceptions at the Topkapı Palace after the capital's removal to Istanbul, an indication of thegrandness of the state was always viewed as a goal and the herald's receptions were presentedin that context.The colours which are used in representations of the reception scenes in the miniaturesof the related periods, the scene designs, the emphasis which is put forward in thecompositions (the emperor's and throne's –which is a symbol of royalty- being centralized)are just all reflections of the power of the state in theimplementation of protocols. In theseminiatures we can observe the political standing of the Ottoman Empire on the line thatextends from the state to the empire. We can see many examples of them in the travel bookswritten by different travelers of that period and also visually in engravings and paintings

    Recurrent ventricular arrhythmias and myocardial infarctions associated with cocaine induced reversible coronary vasospasm

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    Cocaine has become the most frequently used illicit drug among patients presenting to emergency departments worldwide. Although acute myocardial infarction is the most common reported cardiovascular manifestation in this setting, there are many other potential cardiotoxic effects of cocaine use including coronary artery spasm, arrhythmia, and sudden death. We report the case of a 54 year-old male with angiographically documented reversible coronary arterial spasm leading to severe life-threatening recurrent ventricular arrhythmias and electrocardiographic changes suggesting acute myocardial infarction secondary to cocaine use. Recurrent ventricular arrhythmias of this patient required implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator which successfully treated following arrhythmia episodes. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 5: 512-517

    Utjecaj različitih supstrata i hormona na zakorjenjivanje reznica obične tise (Taxus baccata L.)

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    European yew (Taxus baccata L.), native in North and Central Europe, Mediterranean countries, Azores, Turkey and Caucasus, has a wide range of uses as a non-wood forest product. Because the species is reduced in nature as a result of widespread utilization, it is necessary to protect and reproduce yew. The effects of different greenhouse media, rooting media and hormones were investigated on propagation by cutting of European yew. For the experiment, three greenhouse media (Greenhouse-1 media with air temperature at 20±2°C, rooting table temperature at 20±2°C, Greenhouse-2 media with air temperature at 20±2°C, rooting table temperature at 25±2°C and Greenhouse-3 media without temperature adjustment), two rooting media (perlite and peat) and four hormones (IBA 1000 ppm, IBA 5000 ppm, NAA 1000 ppm and NAA 5000 ppm) were determined in the present study. The rooting percentage, callus percentage, root length and the number of roots were determined. The results showed that the highest rooting percentage was 80% in IBA 5000 ppm treatment in perlite rooting media of Greenhouse-2 media. It can be suggested that the rooting table temperature should be 5°C higher than the air temperature, perlite rooting media and 5000 ppm dosage of IBA hormone should be used for high rooting success.Obična tisa (Taxus baccata L.), prirodno rasprostranjena u sjevernoj i srednjoj Europi, mediteranskim zemljama, Azorima, Turskoj i Kavkazu, ima vrlo široku primjenu kao nedrvni šumski proizvod. S obzirom da je tisa u prirodi reducirana zbog učestalog korištenja, potrebno ju je zaštititi i razmnažati. Istraživali smo utjecaj različitih stakleničkih supstrata (SS), supstrata za ukorjenjivanje (SU) i hormona (H) na razmnožavanje obične tise reznicama. Za svrhu eksperimenta u ovoj su studiji odabrana tri staklenička supstrata (supstrati Staklenika-1 s temperaturom zraka od 20±2°C, temperaturom stola za ukorjenjivanje od 20±2°C, supstrati Staklenika-2 s temperaturom zraka od 20±2°C, temperaturom stola za ukorjenjivanje od 25±2°C te supstrati Staklenika-3 bez temperaturnih prilagodbi). Dva supstrata za ukorjenjivanje (perlit i treset) i četiri hormona (IBA 1000 ppm, IBA 5000 ppm, NAA 1000 ppm and NAA 5000 ppm). Određeni su postotak zakorjenjivanja (PZ), postotak kalusa (PK), duljina korijena (DK) i broj korijena (BK). Rezultati pokazuju da je najviši postotak ukorjenjivanja bio 80% u tretmanu IBA 5000 ppm te perlitu kao supstratu za ukorjenjivanje u supstratu Staklenika-2. Poželjno je da temperatura stola za ukorjenjivanje bude 5°C viša od temperature zraka, a za visok uspjeh zakorijenjivanja treba koristiti perlit i primjenjivati doze IBA hormona od 5000 ppm

    The Impact of Out-of-School Learning Environments on 6th Grade Secondary School Students Attitude Towards Science Course

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    This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the impacts of out-of-school learning environments on 6th-grade students’ attitudes towards science course. In the study, the quasi-experimental model and pretest-posttest control grouped experimental design was employed. The experimental process step of the study was carried out on 6th-grade students who receive education in a secondary school in Turkey in 2017 and maintained for 18 weeks. 60 students are included in the study group of the research (control group=30, experimental group=30). For the purpose of measuring the attitude scores towards science course, “The Scale of Attitude towards Science Lesson” was used. The experimental phase was performed by science lesson teacher both in the control and experimental groups. No experimental process was applied in the control group. The instruction was provided in accordance with the Science Course Curriculum. While the instruction was provided in line with the control group in the experimental group, out-of-school learning environments were also included in the teaching process. Out-of-school learning environments were specified by considering the learning outcomes in the 6th-grade science curricula. Experimental group students visited out-of-school learning environments with the guidance of the science teacher. Science museum, anatomy museum, planetarium, nature trip, science festivals, energy park and aqua park are among the out-of-school learning environments. As a result of the study, it was seen that the attitudes of the students in the experimental group were increased at a significant level, and no significant improvement was realized in control group students’ attitudes