89 research outputs found

    Research on the Impact of Business Strategy on Knowledge-transfer Merger and Acquisition with Innovation Level as the Mediator Variable

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    Based on the knowledge-transfer M&A data of listed companies from 2011 to 2016 in China, this paper use logistic regression and multiple linear regression to construct a mediating effect model to determine whether business strategy is associated with knowledge-transfer M&A by taking innovation level as a mediator variable. After processing data of prospectors and defenders through strategic scoring, this paper applies logistic regression to examine the impact of Business Strategy on knowledge-transfer M&Aand applies multiple linear regression to examine the impact of Business Strategy on innovation level and the impact of knowledge-transfer M&A on innovation level. From data analysis, this paper concludes that Prospectors are more likely to conduct knowledge-transfer M&A and these companies are more likely to get a higher innovation level. Besides, the Business Strategy exerts influence on knowledge-transfer M&A by innovation level

    The Expression and Biological Significance of PD-L1 on Lung Cancer Cell Lines

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    Background and objective Tumor-associated PD-L1 expression was recently shown to promote T-cell apoptosis and proposed as a potential mechanism of immune evasion by tumors. On the basis of the ability of tumor-associated PD-L1 to mediate activated T-cell death, it is likely that manipulation of the PD-L1 pathway at defined time points during the development of the T-cell antitumor immune response can enhance the efficacy of T-cell-based immunotherapy. Here, the levels of expression of PD-L1 on lung cancer cell lines and its role in interaction of CTL and target cells was investigated. Methods Human PBMC derived DCs were loaded with apoptotic tumor cells and stimulated by CD40 mAb (5C11). Tumor specific CTL was generated in vitro by autologous T cells co-cultured with mature DCs. Expression of PD-L1 on lung cancer cell lines H1299 and A549 were analyzed by FCM. JAM assay was used to detect the cytolytic activity of CTL with or without blocking PD-L1 by PD-L1 mAb respectively. The concentrations of IFN-Îł in supernatants from distinct groups were analyzed by ELISA. Results Tumor cells-loaded mature DCs could induce the generation of the tumor specific CTL. Expression of PD-L1 was low on A549 cell, but high on H1299 cell. Blockade of PD-L1 on A549 could not improve cytolytic effect of CTL on target cells and IFN-Îł production, but fragmentation of H1299 cells and IFN-Îł production were significantly enhanced by the combination of PD-L1 mAb and CTL. Conclusion Expression of PD-L1 on lung cancer cell line can decrease the cytolytic effect of CTL on target cells

    Elucidation of the 1-phenethylisoquinoline pathway from an endemic conifer Cephalotaxus hainanensis

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    Cephalotaxines harbor great medical potential, but their natural source, the endemic conifer Cephalotaxus is highly endangered, creating a conflict between biotechnological valorization and preservation of biodiversity. Here, we construct the whole biosynthetic pathway to the 1-phenethylisoquinoline scaffold, as first committed compound for phenylethylisoquinoline alkaloids (PIAs), combining metabolic modeling, and transcriptome mining of Cephalotaxus hainanensis to infer the biosynthesis for PIA precursor. We identify a novel protein, ChPSS, driving the Pictet–Spengler condensation and show that this enzyme represents the branching point where PIA biosynthesis diverges from the concurrent benzylisoquinoline-alkaloids pathway. We also pinpoint ChDBR as crucial step to form 4-hydroxydihydrocinnamaldehyde diverging from lignin biosynthesis. The elucidation of the early PIA pathway represents an important step toward microbe-based production of these pharmaceutically important alkaloids resolving the conflict between biotechnology and preservation of biodiversity

    Bone morphogenetic protein 7 sensitizes O6-methylguanine methyltransferase expressing-glioblastoma stem cells to clinically relevant dose of temozolomide.

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    BackgroundTemozolomide (TMZ) is an oral DNA-alkylating agent used for treating patients with glioblastoma. However, therapeutic benefits of TMZ can be compromised by the expression of O6-methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) in tumor tissue. Here we used MGMT-expressing glioblastoma stem cells (GSC) lines as a model for investigating the molecular mechanism underlying TMZ resistance, while aiming to explore a new treatment strategy designed to possibly overcome resistance to the clinically relevant dose of TMZ (35 ÎŒM).MethodsMGMT-expressing GSC cultures are resistant to TMZ, and IC50 (half maximal inhibitory concentration) is estimated at around 500 ÎŒM. Clonogenic GSC surviving 500 ÎŒM TMZ (GSC-500 ÎŒM TMZ), were isolated. Molecular signatures were identified via comparative analysis of expression microarray against parental GSC (GSC-parental). The recombinant protein of top downregulated signature was used as a single agent or in combination with TMZ, for evaluating therapeutic effects of treatment of GSC.ResultsThe molecular signatures characterized an activation of protective stress responses in GSC-500 ÎŒM TMZ, mainly including biotransformation/detoxification of xenobiotics, blocked endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), and inhibited growth/differentiation. Bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7) was identified as the top down-regulated gene in GSC-500 ÎŒM TMZ. Although augmenting BMP7 signaling in GSC by exogenous BMP7 treatment did not effectively stop GSC growth, it markedly sensitized both GSC-500 ÎŒM TMZ and GSC-parental to 35 ÎŒM TMZ treatment, leading to loss of self-renewal and migration capacity. BMP7 treatment induced senescence of GSC cultures and suppressed mRNA expression of CD133, MGMT, and ATP-binding cassette drug efflux transporters (ABCB1, ABCG2), as well as reconfigured transcriptional profiles in GSC by downregulating genes associated with EMT/migration/invasion, stemness, inflammation/immune response, and cell proliferation/tumorigenesis. BMP7 treatment significantly prolonged survival time of animals intracranially inoculated with GSC when compared to those untreated or treated with TMZ alone (p = 0.0017), whereas combination of two agents further extended animal survival compared to BMP7 alone (p = 0.0489).ConclusionsThese data support the view that reduced endogenous BMP7 expression/signaling in GSC may contribute to maintained stemness, EMT, and chemoresistant phenotype, suggesting that BMP7 treatment may provide a novel strategy in combination with TMZ for an effective treatment of glioblastoma exhibiting unmethylated MGMT

    T-Bet and Eomes Regulate the Balance between the Effector/Central Memory T Cells versus Memory Stem Like T Cells

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    Memory T cells are composed of effector, central, and memory stem cells. Previous studies have implicated that both T-bet and Eomes are involved in the generation of effector and central memory CD8 T cells. The exact role of these transcription factors in shaping the memory T cell pool is not well understood, particularly with memory stem T cells. Here, we demonstrate that both T-bet or Eomes are required for elimination of established tumors by adoptively transferred CD8 T cells. We also examined the role of T-bet and Eomes in the generation of tumor-specific memory T cell subsets upon adoptive transfer. We showed that combined T-bet and Eomes deficiency resulted in a severe reduction in the number of effector/central memory T cells but an increase in the percentage of CD62LhighCD44low Sca-1+ T cells which were similar to the phenotype of memory stem T cells. Despite preserving large numbers of phenotypic memory stem T cells, the lack of both of T-bet and Eomes resulted in a profound defect in antitumor memory responses, suggesting T-bet and Eomes are crucial for the antitumor function of these memory T cells. Our study establishes that T-bet and Eomes cooperate to promote the phenotype of effector/central memory CD8 T cell versus that of memory stem like T cells. © 2013 Li et al

    Adipokinetic Hormone Receptor Mediates Trehalose Homeostasis to Promote Vitellogenin Uptake by Oocytes in Nilaparvata lugens

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    Adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) are well known to mobilize lipids and carbohydrates for energy-consuming activities in insects. These neuropeptides exert their functions by interacting with AKH receptors (AKHRs) located on the plasma membrane of fat body cells, which regulates energy mobilization by stimulating lipolysis of triacylglycerols (TAG) to diacylglycerols (DAG) and conversion of glycogen into trehalose. Here, we investigated the roles of AKH/AKHR signaling system in trehalose metabolism and vitellogenesis during female reproduction in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens. Knockdown of AKHR expression by RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in a decrease of the circulating trehalose in hemolymph and significantly increased levels of two trehalases in fat bodies, indicating that the modulation of hemolymph trehalose levels by AKHR may be mediated by regulating trehalose degradation. In addition, adult females that had been injected with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) for AKHR exhibited delayed oocyte maturation, prolonged pre-oviposition period, as well as decline in egg number and reduction in fecundity. Considering that these phenotypes resulting from AKHR silencing are similar to those of vitellogenin receptor (VgR) RNAi, we further analyzed a possible connection between AKHR and vitellogenesis. Knockdown of AKHR showed no effects on the Vg synthesis in fat bodies, whereas it significantly reduced the levels of VgR in ovaries. With RNAi-females, we observed an increase of Vg accumulation in hemolymph and a decrease of Vg deposition in ovaries. Moreover, the decrease in VgR expression and Vg incorporation by developing oocytes could be partially rescued by injection of trehalose into AKHR RNAi females. The present study has implicated trehalose in the AKH/AKHR signaling-mediated control of reproduction and provided new insight into mechanisms of AKH/AKHR regulation of trehalose metabolism in insect vitellogenesis, oocyte maturation and fecundity

    TIM-3 Expression Characterizes Regulatory T Cells in Tumor Tissues and Is Associated with Lung Cancer Progression

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    Background: T cell immunoglobulin-3 (TIM-3) has been established as a negative regulatory molecule and plays a critical role in immune tolerance. TIM-3 is upregulated in exhausted CD8 + T cells in both chronic infection and tumor. However, the nature of TIM-3 +CD4 + T cells in the tumor microenvironment is unclear. This study is to characterize TIM-3 expressing lymphocytes within human lung cancer tissues and establish clinical significance of TIM-3 expression in lung cancer progression. Methodology: A total of 51 human lung cancer tissue specimens were obtained from pathologically confirmed and newly diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Leukocytes from tumor tissues, distal normal lung tissues, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were analyzed for TIM-3 surface expression by flow cytometry. TIM-3 expression on tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) was correlated with clinicopathological parameters. Conclusions: TIM-3 is highly upregulated on both CD4 + and CD8 + TILs from human lung cancer tissues but negligibly expressed on T cells from patients' peripheral blood. Frequencies of IFN-γ + cells were reduced in TIM-3 +CD8 + TILs compared to TIM-3 -CD8 + TILs. However, the level of TIM-3 expression on CD8 + TILs failed to associate with any clinical pathological parameter. Interestingly, we found that approximately 70% of TIM-3 +CD4 + TILs expressed FOXP3 and about 60% of FOXP3 + TILs were TIM-3 +. Importantly, TIM-3 expression on CD4 + T cells correlated with poor clinicopathological parameters of NSCLC such as nodal metastasis and advanced cancer stages. Our study reveals a new role of TIM-3 as an important immune regulator in the tumor microenvironment via its predominant expression in regulatory T cells. © 2012 Gao et al

    DPHL: A DIA Pan-human Protein Mass Spectrometry Library for Robust Biomarker Discovery

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    To address the increasing need for detecting and validating protein biomarkers in clinical specimens, mass spectrometry (MS)-based targeted proteomic techniques, including the selected reaction monitoring (SRM), parallel reaction monitoring (PRM), and massively parallel data-independent acquisition (DIA), have been developed. For optimal performance, they require the fragment ion spectra of targeted peptides as prior knowledge. In this report, we describe a MS pipeline and spectral resource to support targeted proteomics studies for human tissue samples. To build the spectral resource, we integrated common open-source MS computational tools to assemble a freely accessible computational workflow based on Docker. We then applied the workflow to generate DPHL, a comprehensive DIA pan-human library, from 1096 data-dependent acquisition (DDA) MS raw files for 16 types of cancer samples. This extensive spectral resource was then applied to a proteomic study of 17 prostate cancer (PCa) patients. Thereafter, PRM validation was applied to a larger study of 57 PCa patients and the differential expression of three proteins in prostate tumor was validated. As a second application, the DPHL spectral resource was applied to a study consisting of plasma samples from 19 diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients and 18 healthy control subjects. Differentially expressed proteins between DLBCL patients and healthy control subjects were detected by DIA-MS and confirmed by PRM. These data demonstrate that the DPHL supports DIA and PRM MS pipelines for robust protein biomarker discovery. DPHL is freely accessible at https://www.iprox.org/page/project.html?id=IPX0001400000
