183 research outputs found

    Complementation of Subquandles

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    Saki and Kiani proved that the subrack lattice of a rack RR is necessarily complemented if RR is finite but not necessarily complemented if RR is infinite. In this paper, we investigate further avenues related to the complementation of subquandles. Saki and Kiani's example of an infinite rack without complements is a quandle, which is neither ind-finite nor profinite. We provide an example of an ind-finite quandle whose subobject lattice is not complemented, and conjecture that profinite quandles have complemented subobject lattices. Additionally, we provide a complete classification of subquandles whose set-theoretic complement is also a subquandle, which we call \textit{strongly complemented}, and provide a partial transitivity criterion for the complementation in chains of strongly complemented subquandles. One technical lemma used in establishing this is of independent interest: the inner automorphism group of a subquandle is always a subquotient of the inner automorphism group of the ambient quandle

    so(4) Plebanski Action and Relativistic Spin Foam Model

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    In this note we study the correspondence between the ``relativistic spin foam'' model introduced by Barrett, Crane and Baez and the so(4) Plebanski action. We argue that the so(4)so(4) Plebanski model is the continuum analog of the relativistic spin foam model. We prove that the Plebanski action possess four phases, one of which is gravity and outline the discrepancy between this model and the model of Euclidean gravity. We also show that the Plebanski model possess another natural dicretisation and can be associate with another, new, spin foam model that appear to be the so(4)so(4) counterpart of the spin foam model describing the self dual formulation of gravity.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX using AMS fonts. Some minor corrections and improvement

    Degenerate Plebanski Sector and Spin Foam Quantization

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    We show that the degenerate sector of Spin(4) Plebanski formulation of four-dimensional gravity is exactly solvable and describes covariantly embedded SU(2) BF theory. This fact ensures that its spin foam quantization is given by the SU(2) Crane-Yetter model and allows to test various approaches of imposing the simplicity constraints. Our analysis strongly suggests that restricting representations and intertwiners in the state sum for Spin(4) BF theory is not sufficient to get the correct vertex amplitude. Instead, for a general theory of Plebanski type, we propose a quantization procedure which is by construction equivalent to the canonical path integral quantization and, being applied to our model, reproduces the SU(2) Crane-Yetter state sum. A characteristic feature of this procedure is the use of secondary second class constraints on an equal footing with the primary simplicity constraints, which leads to a new formula for the vertex amplitude.Comment: 34 pages; changes in the abstract and introduction, a few references adde

    Cross-protection against European swine influenza viruses in the context of infection immunity against the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus : studies in the pig model of influenza

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    Pigs are natural hosts for the same influenza virus subtypes as humans and are a valuable model for cross-protection studies with influenza. In this study, we have used the pig model to examine the extent of virological protection between a) the 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) virus and three different European H1 swine influenza virus (SIV) lineages, and b) these H1 viruses and a European H3N2 SIV. Pigs were inoculated intranasally with representative strains of each virus lineage with 6- and 17-week intervals between H1 inoculations and between H1 and H3 inoculations, respectively. Virus titers in nasal swabs and/or tissues of the respiratory tract were determined after each inoculation. There was substantial though differing cross-protection between pH1N1 and other H1 viruses, which was directly correlated with the relatedness in the viral hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) proteins. Cross-protection against H3N2 was almost complete in pigs with immunity against H1N2, but was weak in H1N1/pH1N1-immune pigs. In conclusion, infection with a live, wild type influenza virus may offer substantial cross-lineage protection against viruses of the same HA and/or NA subtype. True heterosubtypic protection, in contrast, appears to be minimal in natural influenza virus hosts. We discuss our findings in the light of the zoonotic and pandemic risks of SIVs

    The century of the incomplete revolution: searching for general relativistic quantum field theory

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    In fundamental physics, this has been the century of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It has also been the century of the long search for a conceptual framework capable of embracing the astonishing features of the world that have been revealed by these two ``first pieces of a conceptual revolution''. I discuss the general requirements on the mathematics and some specific developments towards the construction of such a framework. Examples of covariant constructions of (simple) generally relativistic quantum field theories have been obtained as topological quantum field theories, in nonperturbative zero-dimensional string theory and its higher dimensional generalizations, and as spin foam models. A canonical construction of a general relativistic quantum field theory is provided by loop quantum gravity. Remarkably, all these diverse approaches have turn out to be related, suggesting an intriguing general picture of general relativistic quantum physics.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physics 2000 Special Issu

    Braided Matrix Structure of the Sklyanin Algebra and of the Quantum Lorentz Group

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    Braided groups and braided matrices are novel algebraic structures living in braided or quasitensor categories. As such they are a generalization of super-groups and super-matrices to the case of braid statistics. Here we construct braided group versions of the standard quantum groups Uq(g)U_q(g). They have the same FRT generators l±l^\pm but a matrix braided-coproduct \und\Delta L=L\und\tens L where L=l+SlL=l^+Sl^-, and are self-dual. As an application, the degenerate Sklyanin algebra is shown to be isomorphic to the braided matrices BMq(2)BM_q(2); it is a braided-commutative bialgebra in a braided category. As a second application, we show that the quantum double D(\usl) (also known as the `quantum Lorentz group') is the semidirect product as an algebra of two copies of \usl, and also a semidirect product as a coalgebra if we use braid statistics. We find various results of this type for the doubles of general quantum groups and their semi-classical limits as doubles of the Lie algebras of Poisson Lie groups.Comment: 45 pages. Revised (= much expanded introduction

    Cosmological Deformation of Lorentzian Spin Foam Models

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    We study the quantum deformation of the Barrett-Crane Lorentzian spin foam model which is conjectured to be the discretization of Lorentzian Plebanski model with positive cosmological constant and includes therefore as a particular sector quantum gravity in de-Sitter space. This spin foam model is constructed using harmonic analysis on the quantum Lorentz group. The evaluation of simple spin networks are shown to be non commutative integrals over the quantum hyperboloid defined as a pile of fuzzy spheres. We show that the introduction of the cosmological constant removes all the infrared divergences: for any fixed triangulation, the integration over the area variables is finite for a large class of normalization of the amplitude of the edges and of the faces.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures include

    Quantum symmetry, the cosmological constant and Planck scale phenomenology

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    We present a simple algebraic argument for the conclusion that the low energy limit of a quantum theory of gravity must be a theory invariant, not under the Poincare group, but under a deformation of it parameterized by a dimensional parameter proportional to the Planck mass. Such deformations, called kappa-Poincare algebras, imply modified energy-momentum relations of a type that may be observable in near future experiments. Our argument applies in both 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions and assumes only 1) that the low energy limit of a quantum theory of gravity must involve also a limit in which the cosmological constant is taken very small with respect to the Planck scale and 2) that in 3+1 dimensions the physical energy and momenta of physical elementary particles is related to symmetries of the full quantum gravity theory by appropriate renormalization depending on Lambda l^2_{Planck}. The argument makes use of the fact that the cosmological constant results in the symmetry algebra of quantum gravity being quantum deformed, as a consequence when the limit \Lambda l^2_{Planck} -> 0 is taken one finds a deformed Poincare invariance. We are also able to isolate what information must be provided by the quantum theory in order to determine which presentation of the kappa-Poincare algebra is relevant for the physical symmetry generators and, hence, the exact form of the modified energy-momentum relations. These arguments imply that Lorentz invariance is modified as in proposals for doubly special relativity, rather than broken, in theories of quantum gravity, so long as those theories behave smoothly in the limit the cosmological constant is taken to be small.Comment: LaTex, 19 page

    Feynman diagrammatic approach to spin foams

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    "The Spin Foams for People Without the 3d/4d Imagination" could be an alternative title of our work. We derive spin foams from operator spin network diagrams} we introduce. Our diagrams are the spin network analogy of the Feynman diagrams. Their framework is compatible with the framework of Loop Quantum Gravity. For every operator spin network diagram we construct a corresponding operator spin foam. Admitting all the spin networks of LQG and all possible diagrams leads to a clearly defined large class of operator spin foams. In this way our framework provides a proposal for a class of 2-cell complexes that should be used in the spin foam theories of LQG. Within this class, our diagrams are just equivalent to the spin foams. The advantage, however, in the diagram framework is, that it is self contained, all the amplitudes can be calculated directly from the diagrams without explicit visualization of the corresponding spin foams. The spin network diagram operators and amplitudes are consistently defined on their own. Each diagram encodes all the combinatorial information. We illustrate applications of our diagrams: we introduce a diagram definition of Rovelli's surface amplitudes as well as of the canonical transition amplitudes. Importantly, our operator spin network diagrams are defined in a sufficiently general way to accommodate all the versions of the EPRL or the FK model, as well as other possible models. The diagrams are also compatible with the structure of the LQG Hamiltonian operators, what is an additional advantage. Finally, a scheme for a complete definition of a spin foam theory by declaring a set of interaction vertices emerges from the examples presented at the end of the paper.Comment: 36 pages, 23 figure

    Dichromatic state sum models for four-manifolds from pivotal functors

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    A family of invariants of smooth, oriented four-dimensional manifolds is defined via handle decompositions and the Kirby calculus of framed link diagrams. The invariants are parametrised by a pivotal functor from a spherical fusion category into a ribbon fusion category. A state sum formula for the invariant is constructed via the chain-mail procedure, so a large class of topological state sum models can be expressed as link invariants. Most prominently, the Crane-Yetter state sum over an arbitrary ribbon fusion category is recovered, including the nonmodular case. It is shown that the Crane-Yetter invariant for nonmodular categories is stronger than signature and Euler invariant. A special case is the four-dimensional untwisted Dijkgraaf-Witten model. Derivations of state space dimensions of TQFTs arising from the state sum model agree with recent calculations of ground state degeneracies in Walker-Wang models. Relations to different approaches to quantum gravity such as Cartan geometry and teleparallel gravity are also discussed