4 research outputs found

    The influence of physical training modalities on basal metabolic rate and leptin on obese adolescent boys

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    Ozbar, Nurper/0000-0003-0931-5263; Gedikbasi, Asuman/0000-0001-7121-6077; OZBAR, NURPER/0000-0003-0931-5263WOS: 000432457500020PubMed: 30325913The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of physical training modalities on basal metabolic rate, cardiovascular fitness and serum leptin level in obese adolescent boys. Sixteen obese adolescent boys (age: 16.81 +/- 0.91 years) were randomly assigned to either resistance (RTG) (n=8) or endurance (ETG) (n=8) training and followed the respective training programmes for six months (3 days/wk, 60 min/day). Leptin, basal metabolism rate (BMR), and maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) were evaluated at the beginning and end of the intervention. After the training period, Leptin was decreased and VO2max was increased in both groups (p<0.05), whereas BMR was statistically increased only in ETG (p<0.05). These results indicated that both types of exercises had positive effects on cardiovascular fitness and hormonal control of fat metabolism in obese male adolescents. Resistance exercises should be considered as an alternative or supplementation to endurance exercises in youth obesity management.Marmara University Scientific Research Projects CommitteeMarmara University [SAG-C-DRP-04609-0145]This study was financially supported by the Marmara University Scientific Research Projects Committee (project no: SAG-C-DRP-04609-0145)

    The influence of physical training modalities on basal metabolic rate and leptin on obese adolescent boys

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of physical training modalities on basal metabolic rate, cardiovascular fitness and serum leptin level in obese adolescent boys. Sixteen obese adolescent boys (age: 16.81 +/- 0.91 years) were randomly assigned to either resistance (RTG) (n=8) or endurance (ETG) (n=8) training and followed the respective training programmes for six months (3 days/wk, 60 min/day). Leptin, basal metabolism rate (BMR), and maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) were evaluated at the beginning and end of the intervention. After the training period, Leptin was decreased and VO2max was increased in both groups (p<0.05), whereas BMR was statistically increased only in ETG (p<0.05). These results indicated that both types of exercises had positive effects on cardiovascular fitness and hormonal control of fat metabolism in obese male adolescents. Resistance exercises should be considered as an alternative or supplementation to endurance exercises in youth obesity management

    The Effects of Resistance and Aerobic Exercises on Adiponectin, Insulin Resistance, Lipid Profile and Body Composition in Adolescent Boys with Obesity

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    Introduction: This present study aimed to examine the effectsof long-term resistance exercise (REG) and aerobic exercise(AEG) on the adiponectin, insulin resistance, lipid profile andbody composition in adolescent boys with obesity.Methods: Sixteen obese adolescent boys (age: 16.81±0.91 years)who studied at high school in İstanbul voluntarily participatedin the study. The participants were randomly divided into twogroups of (REG; n=8) and (AEG; n=8). The participants followedtheir exercise schedule for six months (3 days/wk, 60 min/day).The serum lipid profile, adiponectin, glucose, insulin resistance(HOMA-IR) levels and body composition of the participantswere evaluated at the beginning and end of the study. AWilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test and Mann-WhitneyU test were used for analyses, and the criterion for statisticalsignificance was set at p<0.05.Results: HOMA-IR, insulin, glucose and serum lipid levelsdecreased in both groups (p<0.05). Adiponectin and highdensity lipoprotein increased only in the AEG (p<0.05). Lowdensity lipoprotein level was statistically decreased only in theREG (p<0.05).Conclusion: These results indicated that both types of exerciseshad positive effects on insulin resistance, per cent body fat,weight and fat-free body mass. Long-term (6 months) aerobicand REG had different positive effects on adiponectin and thelipid profile. Although the effects of long-term aerobic exerciseon biochemical parameters are higher than REG, it wasremarkable that REG proved to be an alternative model to AEG.Amaç: Bu çalışma obezitesi olan erkek adolesanlarda, uzun süreli direnç egzersizin (DEG) ve aerobik egzersizin (AEG), adiponektin, insülin direnci, lipid profili ve vücut kompozisyonu üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya, İstanbul ilindeki liselerde öğrenim gören 16 obez erkek adolesan (yaş: 16,81±0,91 yıl) gönüllü katılmıştır. Katılımcılar, (DEG; n=8) ve (AEG; n=8) egzersiz grupları olmak üzere ikiye ayrılarak, altı ay boyunca (3 gün/hafta, 60 dakika/gün) egzersiz programlarını takip etmiştir. Çalışmanın başlangıcında ve sonunda gönüllülerin vücut kompozisyonları ölçülmüş; ayrıca alınan kan örneklerinden, serum lipid profili, adiponektin, glikoz, insülin direnci (HOMA-IR) düzeyleri ve vücut kompozisyonu değerlendirilmiştir. Analizler için Wilcoxon eşlenik-çift testi ve Mann-Whitney U testi kullanıldı ve istatistiksel anlamlılık kriteri p<0,05 olarak belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: Her iki grupta da HOMA-IR, insülin, glikoz ve vücut yağ düzeyleri azaldı (p<0,05). Adiponektin ve yüksek yoğunluklu lipoprotein artışının sadece AEG’de olduğu gözlenmiştir (p <0,05). Düşük yoğunluklu lipoprotein düzeyi sadece DEG’de istatistiksel olarak azaldığı belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar, her iki egzersiz türünün de insülin direnci, vücut ağırlığı ağırlık ve yağsız vücut kütlesi ve vücut yağ yüzdesi üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğunu göstermiştir. Uzun süreli (6 ay) aerobik ve DEG’nin adiponektin ve lipid profili üzerinde farklı pozitif etkileri vardır. Uzun süreli AEG’nin biyokimyasal parametreler üzerindeki etkileri, DEG’den daha fazla olmasına rağmen, DEG’nin AEG’ye alternatif bir model olduğu dikkat çekmektedir.WOS:00053566650000